TWG LXII: This Game Is Encouraging When It Comes To Activity

Started by Waddle Bro, November 11, 2013, 07:21:39 AM

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Quote from: Liggy on November 15, 2013, 02:28:37 PMThe thing about verm is that the only reason why he would do this as a wolf is to try and look human.  This is about par for the course for him.
I agree that Verm isn't trying to set Askalice up to be a wolf, but that still doesn't mean that he himself isn't a wolf.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


The way I see it as a setup is like I said before I think on the forum we all were pretty set on nakah being a human and he gets wolfed, where I was his counterpart in that pm.

I would also like to point out my opinion that if indeed verm is a wolf idt he's working with Greg. This situation is perfect for someone to futr as the spotlight is now on verm and myself. We have to think from every perspective here.

For people that have played with verm as a human is this a typical move from him or is this him being a wolf? I don't know much about his play style so I lean towards this is ridiculously wolf, but if this is normal then yeah idk.

Also we haven't heard from fire arrow yet on this and he was included on the other side.


Also my message was sent to me on the 13th. Fire arrow voted for blue flower on the 14th. If you received a message like that potentially saying you'll find out if one of us 4 is a wolf at the start of night phase why would you vote him off before this could occur?


Quote from: askalice23 on November 15, 2013, 03:30:12 PMAlso my message was sent to me on the 13th. Fire arrow voted for blue flower on the 14th. If you received a message like that potentially saying you'll find out if one of us 4 is a wolf at the start of night phase why would you vote him off before this could occur?

I half disregarded the message at first, because we already had a mechanic that day. When greg threw his bomb at blueflower, I knew the PM was fake (for the same reason in your post), which is why I never replied.

Let's decide who to poison, considering we practically have 3 lynches today (unless liggy decides to trololo antidote.)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I'm pretty sure verm pulls this kind of stuff all the time, whether he's a human or a wolf. This doesn't really tell us much about which he is.

Nakah was probably going to get wolfed no matter what. He was by far the most obvious human.

I think we need to look at fank. He was one of the people who voted for blueflower close to the end of the last phase, who was exactly the wrong person to vote for. I mean, I did that as well, but that was because I screwed up, so... >_>

Ninja'd. Verm, not me, threw his bomb at blueflower, but your point still stands I guess.


Quote from: Greg on November 15, 2013, 04:59:27 PMNinja'd. Verm, not me, threw his bomb at blueflower, but your point still stands I guess.

Ah, I see. You simply voted him (same difference!)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


greg, at the time it was me and bds tied, blueflower had one vote, and I wasnt going to lynch bds anytime soon,
me, not voting for someone I deem scummy,  and voting someone else to save my skin, is wolfish?
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: FireArrow on November 15, 2013, 04:55:50 PM3 lynches

I propose that we kill Bird, Maestro, and Verm.

We need to use them wisely (that's a given... hopefully... :P), or else we're just a giant leap closer to the end (and probably not a very good end).

After skimming over the game again, Greg, askalice (unless he and verm are the wolves and planned the PM shenanigans together, which I highly doubt at this point), and fank seem the most human to me so far, and maybe Thiannon (speaking of him, I'd like to see what he has to say about current events). The people I'm most suspicious of at this point are Bird, Maestro, and Verm (hence my earlier striked comment), and everbody else is sort-of "in-between."

Something I noticed about Verm was that he had said that he didn't want to bomb the player we were lynching, but he didn't change his bombing choice when people started to vote for Blueflower (unless I just missed something, and Verm was offline the entire time from that post to the end of the phase, which is entirely possible given the time of that post in question).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



I wish we could poison Liggy, but I guess that's not an option. I guess Maestro and Thiannon then, just because I don't know who else! We can always cure one of them if we get cold feet.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Everyone... Is forgetting ONE major detail...

And that is,
There was no wolfing N1

Wolves, knew then, that they could make the game evens...
This game IS in evens now, but, Humans have one more lynch than they should in "optimal" play (I know, if anything, no one plays optimally here...)
WHY, Would Wolves, Possibly give humans another mislynch???
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Bird on November 15, 2013, 11:09:15 PMBDS.

I wish we could poison Liggy, but I guess that's not an option. I guess Maestro and Thiannon then, just because I don't know who else! We can always cure one of them if we get cold feet.

... Stupid Question, If you want liggy dead, why not vote liggy??? Also, Verms point of BDS being mad and screaming at everyone when he's a human has no salt???

In regards to Maestro and thia, Both are strong Human leans of mine, and they shouldnt be shot either...
(Um, whos idea was it to give the bombs to the two most wolfiest people???) (hey look, another clearing mechanic???)

IMBO, people who I would like to die this phase...
Liggy (inactivity)
FireArrow, (paranoia)
Bird, (because, I'll explain later when my list is up, but for now, PoE) (and your at the front of that pecking order :P)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on November 15, 2013, 11:22:32 PMWHY, Would Wolves, Possibly give humans another mislynch???

They think we're stupid? I can't really think of much of a reason for them missing a wolfing (or possibly just to confuse us.)

Right now, the only person I feel semi-confident in my suspicion of is Liggy. Also, I'm pretty certain we've already got one wolf in blueflower. I'd like to think BDS and fank are wolfy, but that just seems to be the way they play rather than anything else.

My only human lean is bird, everyone else I'm completely stumped on. I'll read over the thread again and see if I come up with anything.

@fank lol, I'm flattered that your treating me as if I were an experienced TWGer.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Waddle Bro


Quote from: fank009 on November 15, 2013, 06:11:54 PMgreg, at the time it was me and bds tied, blueflower had one vote, and I wasnt going to lynch bds anytime soon,
me, not voting for someone I deem scummy,  and voting someone else to save my skin, is wolfish?
The thing is it would have made more sense for you to lynch BDS, even if you thought he was a human! See verm's post at the beginning of the last night phase which should explain this more clearly. (wow I am arguing against myself here)

If we do two kills today, though, it should balance things out. Killing three people is probably inadvisable because most of the players seem pretty human at this point, so the third kill would probably just be a shot in the dark.


My girlfriend's here for the weekend and I have a crapload of work to do for Monday, so I likely won't be able to contribute much this phase. I was going to say that I thought we should look into the people suspicious of BDS, since I really don't think he looked wolfy D1, but he was doing a bit of editorializing on this page, which strikes me as something he would do as a wolf (although probably also as a human, now that I think about it). 

I'm going to put my vote in for Maestro again now (has he even posted since D1?), but I'll try to get back online tonight or tomorrow morning and actually read the topic properly. Bird has been saying some weird things (his failure to recognize that we could lynch Liggy was probably just an oversight, but if so, it was uncharacteristic).

Also, FireArrow, why are you so sure Blueflower was a wolf?

And fank, what is "dumbtelling"?
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar