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TWG LXII: This Game Is Encouraging When It Comes To Activity

Started by Waddle Bro, November 11, 2013, 07:21:39 AM

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The more I really read into all of this I will make a list I guess:

BDS. The more I looked into it last night i felt that I may have been lynching a human with my only reason keeping my vote on him was gut and I guess that isn't a real reason
Greg: I'm on and off with him sometimes in lean human but I don't fully trust him
Thiannon: you were my first suspect however I'm starting to believe you may be a human
Liggy: no activity till pointed out however I played with you as a wolf and as a human and well as I recall you don't post much regardless
Verm: other than initial inactivity especially with an item I have no other things to suspect you but then again no wolfing n1 which I still don't buy into that being a legit but that's my opinion
Blue flower: I really don't know but he is sleeping with the fishes now
Fire arrow: as Fank said could be flying utr
Maestro: don't know how I feel yet
Bird: more I read the more I grow suspicious but idk if a wolf would take such a commanding lead unless all of you are indeed correct on the n1 wolfing being strategy... could make it seem look I'm active but he hasn't really gone after in actives so idk don't fully trust but then again in this game dta
 Fank: even though he thinks I'm wolfish and did vote for me I believe he is most likely a human taking charge sticking by his guns ... again not writing him off as deffinte human but not a top suspicion
Nakah: honestly the only one this far I believe is a true human... played with him many times know him as a person and if he were a wolf he would deff be more active and would try to manipulate us all

With all that being said my top suspicions atm are bird Greg and liggy nothing is set in stone but those are my thoughts

Waddle Bro

TWG LXII: This Game Is Encouraging When It Comes To Activity

Gimmick: Every Day Phase, there'll be a new, different mechanic to the game! The Wolves will be told the mechanic the previous Night Phase.

1. Wolf
2. Wolf

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

[17.11.2013 18.28.37] Waddlin'Brozinsky: omfg
[17.11.2013 18.29.14] Waddlin'Brozinsky: Instead of quoting Night 2's phase update to change it, I clicked edit.
shit happened and I accidentally deleted Nakah's death description.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Greg
3. Thiannon
4. askalice23
5. Liggy
6. vermilionvermin
[/s]7. blueflower999
8. FireArrow
9. MaestroUGC
10. Bird
11. fank009
12. Nakah

It's Day 3. It'll end 6 PM EET, 48 hours from now.

This Day Phase, there is a ballot box voting. In addition, two poison darts are given to two randomly chosen players. The players can shoot them at whoever they like this Day Phase. The player who's bomb didn't blow up last night has an antidote. Antidote can cure/prevent one doze of poison, but if two poison darts are shot at the same person, it will be considered as kill. To shoot the dart just post 'n' bold 'n' limegreen the player's name. If you don't shoot the poison dart you're holding, I'll take it and shoot you with it. Needless to say, if you've been poisoned, you die at the end of the phase.



Assuming one of those two is a wolf, the antidote is helpful, but then again, if they were, I doubt they'd throw their darts at somebody who we didn't want them to, at risk of being lynched.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Alright so a few nights ago I received a pm from verm claiming that the bombs came with a super secret stipulation that the bomb holders chose a player and if one of the 4 was a wold wed receive a danger pm.

Nakah and I were the chosen 2 to receive said pm if one of us were a wolf. Tagged in this message were nakah myself verm and Greg. Last night I receive a pm from verm claiming nakah received the danger pm however no such pm was sent to me. Also I got this pm after Greg had passed the bomb. Now najah is dead making me believe the danger pm was a ploy and those two are working together.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on November 13, 2013, 12:26:09 AMSo, as it turns out, my inactivity throughout this early stage of the phase really hurt the team, and I'm sorry for that. 

There was a hidden power related to the bombs that Waddle Bro didn't mention in the thread.  I can tell you about this because you're involved but I strongly, strongly, cannot emphasize this enough STRONGLY recommend you do not discuss this with any other players.  Greg and I were supposed to each pick one player within the first twelve hours of the phase.  Greg picked his (askalice23, you're the red secretary).  I forgot to pick mine, so it got randomly put on Nakah.  This makes Nakah the blue secretary.

If one or two of the four of us is a wolf, the two of you will receive a PM with the word DANGER on it at the start of Night 2.  If not, Greg and I will receive a PM with the word SAFETY on it at the start of Day 2.

There's a risk one or more of us is dead by the start of Day 2.  So tell whichever of us is alive Night 2 if you receive the DANGER PM at the end of this day phase.



Now nakah on the thread was essentially confirmed human we all were in agreeance that he was most likely human. Pair him up with anyone and if he disappears there will be an uproar against the other. Now add the fact that I got the pm from verm saying nakah received a danger pm. I received no such pm so I will obviously say no to him. Nakah gets wolfed looks like I lied to verm and looks very wolfish on me.

You can easily pin a lynch mob on to me and again this was after Greg passed his bomb so why wouldn't liggy be in on this???

The only way this all makes sense is if both verm and Greg are wolves.


That seems like either:
1: A reaction test, but Verm didn't anticipate that Nakah would be wolfed.
2: Verm as a wolf attempting a reaction test, but wolfing Nakah so it would make him seem human because of number 1.

It's entirely possible that Verm is a wolf but Greg isn't, unless you received a PM from Greg involving the plan, in which case, it's most likely number 1 (or it could be number 2 still... :S).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Verm told me about the plan, probably because he thought I was human so I could confirm stuff about it later, but I didn't really pay much attention to it so I'll let him explain it in more detail. It was some kind of reaction test, though!


Actually, I did the same thing with blueflower999 and FireArrow.  It was a lie intended to catch wolves because I was certain there would be some way to make the wolves tell me they got a PM they didn't.  I sent the PM's out pretty late at night because I wanted to get the whole thing going ASAP.

Here are all the PM's I sent involving this:

QuoteI'm about to tell the same lie to askalice23 & Nakah and FireArrow & Blueflower999.  Please go along with it.  It should help us catch a wolf if it's one of those players.  If you're curious about my reasoning for picking those four, it's for a few reasons.  First off, none of those people have played on LLF.  In recent LLF games I've done a lot of shenanigans involving deception like this, so BDS, Bird, Liggy, and Thiannon would probably catch on.  They would be unaware of the fact that I'm lying.  Additionally, four is a good number.  They could see it's a lie if the wolf pair is Nakah/blueflower, Nakah/FireArrow, askalice23/blueflower, or askalice23/FireArrow, or anything involving you.

It took me a while to craft, so hopefully they think there's too many details to be faked.  If it works, a wolf should tell you they've received the DANGER PM.

Whoops, I accidentally sent the first one off before I sent this to you.

For some reason I forgot fank009 and MaestroUGC were in the game for the above!

QuoteSo, as it turns out, my inactivity throughout this early stage of the phase really hurt the team, and I'm sorry for that. 

There was a hidden power related to the bombs that Waddle Bro didn't mention in the thread.  I can tell you about this because you're involved but I strongly, strongly, cannot emphasize this enough STRONGLY recommend you do not discuss this with any other players.  Greg and I were supposed to each pick one player within the first twelve hours of the phase.  Greg picked his (blueflower99, you're the red secretary).  I forgot to pick mine, so it got randomly put on FireArrow.  This makes FireArrow the blue secretary.

If one or two of the four of us is a wolf, the two of you will receive a PM with the word DANGER on it at the start of Night 2.  If not, Greg and I will receive a PM with the word SAFETY on it at the start of Day 2.

There's a risk one or more of us is dead by the start of Day 2.  So tell whichever of us is alive Night 2 if you receive the DANGER PM at the end of this day phase.

Askalice and Nakah's PM is identical but with their names inserted where blueflower's and FireArrow's were.

QuoteSo it turns out that this shouldn't actually work.

What I didn't realize was that the wolves will know something's up when they don't get a DANGER PM.  For some reason I thought the wolves would lie about having gotten it.

No point in turning back now though!

Then I sent PM's to Askalice and Nakah, telling each the other one had already told me that they got the DANGER PM.  Nakah said he hadn't received it, Askalice told me that he hadn't gotten it either.  I was still waiting for a response from FireArrow.

Askalice sent me the following PM's:

QuoteAlright I'll take your word for it for now... but am I allowed to talk to nakah me and him are good friends outside the game so if he is involved I'm sure we would have a great convo about all of this lol

QuoteI agree if you are indeed true on this which I believe that is extremely elaborate to make up... the thread would kill all 4 of us before you could blink if this got out. You have my word that I will not post any of this to the thread at the moment however I will speak with nakah on this because you gave the ok.

QuoteI did not get a pm from anyone besides you


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 15, 2013, 10:08:25 AMThat seems like either:
1: A reaction test, but Verm didn't anticipate that Nakah would be wolfed.
2: Verm as a wolf attempting a reaction test, but wolfing Nakah so it would make him seem human because of number 1.

It's entirely possible that Verm is a wolf but Greg isn't, unless you received a PM from Greg involving the plan, in which case, it's most likely number 1 (or it could be number 2 still... :S).
Can I add a 3????
3? Verm setting alice up to take the fall.

Need a bit more imformation to go on,

But I find it as NO COINCIDENCE that both me AND maestro were left "out of the picture".

Trying to think in verms mind, we (maestro and I) are easily lynchable, so why tie us in to the plan, and maybe prove our humanity?

Atm my stance with verm, there IS a case against him, the only human trait he has is having no partner
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Well, it's not a coincidence that you two were left out.  I intentionally left out the people who'd played a lot on LLF and seen that I had a thing for doing this type of stuff recently.  I only wanted to do the experiment twice in order to minimize the risk that both wolves were involved and knew that I was lying while also maximizing the chance that one wolf was involved.

I don't see how I'm setting alice up for anything as a wolf.


The thing about verm is that the only reason why he would do this as a wolf is to try and look human.  This is about par for the course for him.