TWG LXII: This Game Is Encouraging When It Comes To Activity

Started by Waddle Bro, November 11, 2013, 07:21:39 AM

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I hate it when I make a huge post, and one tiny formatting thing ruins it.

(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Fank, I know you were mentioning in the chat how few people you were compatible with. Could you explain to the thread why you can't be partners with Thiannon or BDS?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:12:46 AMFank, I know you were mentioning in the chat how few people you were compatible with. Could you explain to the thread why you can't be partners with Thiannon or BDS?
(Could you give the quote? To my remembrance I think I rarely used that as a case for my humanity...

BDS is compatible, thia is not (do I have to give evidence as to why?)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Oh whoops, looks like you were referring to verm not having many compatible partners. My bad.

I quickly scanned the thread again though. I'm only interested in three possible pairings, and I took notes on the interactions of each:

Fank/BDS - Fank had a few chats with BDS. Fank publicly told BDS to stop repeating himself as it "hurts humans" which makes me think partnership is less likely. BDS put fank at the absolute bottom of his list which seems too bold for a wolf partnership.

Thiannon/Fank - Thiannon put Fank at the number one spot on his most recent list, but this is less significant since he immediately wanted to lynch FA and I afterwards. Thiannon asked fank what dumbtelling was, and had a small exchange/argument about it.

BDS/Thiannon - Mentioned most of it in my big long post at the bottom of page 18.

And for everyone who thinks Thiannon "seems human" keep in mind that lots of players seem human this game, and also keep in mind that Thiannon has been playing TWG for longer than both me and verm, and is probably better than both of us! or me at least
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


STOP. Bird, you are not brute-forcing another lynch on me. Sorry I wasn't as willing as you'd hoped to hop your fank/BDS bandwagon, but you're going to have to pick an easier target if you want to win this game.

Bird is clearly the wolfiest player here, and is a much better lynch pick than FireArrow because he's also compatible with Maestro and Blueflower. More tonight. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME YET. (This means you, BDS.)
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar


Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:00:02 AM(5:43:47 PM) bird: What was that "wolf-tell" you mentioned in an earlier post that you wanted to test out this game?
(5:44:03 PM) Thiannon: Actually, you kind of fell into it a couple posts ago!
(5:44:12 PM) bird: sounds like shitty wolf tell then
(5:44:43 PM) Thiannon: I noticed Sage did this on the last LLF game, and I think both you and Nighthawk have done it in the past.
(5:44:55 PM) Thiannon: It's the "I'd have to be a pretty stupid wolf to do that" logic.
(5:46:04 PM) bird: Is self-arguing part of this tell?
(5:46:08 PM) Thiannon: Yes.
(5:46:14 PM) Thiannon: The self-arguing is the tell.


Why is it that Thiannon noticed me doing this, but now BDS? This caused me to examine the pairint in detail, and I found that it's an extremely plausible team of wolves.

BDS literally did exactly what Thiannon described here, yet it was never brought up! And Thiannon clearly read it as well, since in his next post he suggested that BDS would be arguing outside of his best interests. BDS has also been backing up Fiver quite a bit this game, and Fiver defended (or at least questioned the validity of the lynch) BDS on Day 1. Thiannon is also acutely aware of the benefits of playing number games, especially since he knows wolves can win on a night phase. I'm sure he could sell this idea to BDS.

Early on, Thiannon also argued that he thought that BDS was a person who would start looking really human really fast. Well, he didn't. Yet Thiannon still isn't suspicious of him. He recognizes that BDS has done nothing that makes him seem human, yet doesn't find him suspicious at all.

Pretty odd. Here's another BDS quote:

This is such a statement that a wolf would make about his partner. Just a throwaway to show that they're not totally in the clear, but still not putting them at risk of being wolfed.

Thiannon grudgingly moved BDS up to number 2 on his most recent list. Which seems like a point against this theory, but then you realize the person above him is a guy whose posts Thiannon guiltily admitted to "skimming."

BDS also just laughed way too hard at Thiannon's joke about shippers. It's not that funny. He also quoted Thiannon in the thread and made a joke himself. This is the weakest part of the theory, but it makes me wonder if they're being jokey in PMs and that's carrying over to the thread.

Thiannon's final post kind of seals the deal on this theory. He says that we should focus on wolf pairs now (FA/Me) and then go for single players. It's a nice idea, but if we followed him and he and BDS were wolves, we would lose. He admitted that I seemed human. And he recognizes the validity of my "analyze early posts" strategy, so I can't see why he still thinks FireArrow is a wolf.

All in all, there's a ton of meat on this theory. Everything fits.

I'll set my current vote on Thiannon. In green so I don't fire any of my better-colored bullets.
Bird, I agree with thia being a wolf, and the possibilities of having a partner in bds, yet,
Bds has been posting too cleanly in comparison to thia's current erratic thoughts, maybe Im thinking too much about thia/greg...
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Thiannon on November 19, 2013, 10:40:52 AMSTOP. Bird, you are not brute-forcing another lynch on me. Sorry I wasn't as willing as you'd hoped to hop your fank/BDS bandwagon, but you're going to have to pick an easier target if you want to win this game.

Bird is clearly the wolfiest player here, and is a much better lynch pick than FireArrow because he's also compatible with Maestro and Blueflower. More tonight. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME YET. (This means you, BDS.)
Breakdown phase 1.

What about me, and the lovely case im giving/going to give

-So... that statement means fank is clear? (Yet again :/)
-bird's compatibility with maestro AND blueflower? We all know my biased  opinion on maestro, I can see the connection with blueflower, (mainly  the disappointment from blueflower being lynched)

 Why is everyone, trying to partmer up with the dead??? The dead dont make good dancing partners xD
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Thiannon on November 19, 2013, 10:40:52 AMSTOP. Bird, you are not brute-forcing another lynch on me. Sorry I wasn't as willing as you'd hoped to hop your fank/BDS bandwagon, but you're going to have to pick an easier target if you want to win this game.

Bird is clearly the wolfiest player here, and is a much better lynch pick than FireArrow because he's also compatible with Maestro and Blueflower. More tonight. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME YET. (This means you, BDS.)
I don't know what you're referring to with "another" brute-force lynch.

What do you mean you weren't willing to hop on the fank/BDS bandwagon? After speaking with me for thirty minutes, you put them as the top two on your suspicion list. Then you basically flipped your list upside down and said we should go after FA and I.

Arguing that I'm compatible with Maestro and Blueflower999 has two big problems. First is that it goes completely against your thought that we should be looking at pairs of alive wolves today. Next is that I'm not compatible with either of them. If blueflower999 were my partner, I obviously would have told him to throw the bomb at the end of the phase. That would give us another kill. And Maestro couldn't be my partner since I was pushing for him to be lynched when we were all in the chatroom towards the end of Day 2. The only reason I didn't vote for him is because fank (and I think BDS maybe) were certain he was human.

And there's no need to get frustrated, it's not like any of us are going to vote you yet. I'll have to convince Greg, Fank and FireArrow that you're a wolf if the humans are going to win, and that's not very likely. You'll probably win by default.

But I take it that you made that post in a rush, and I look forward to tonight.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Oh apparently BlueFlower wouldn't have been online in time to throw the bomb.

Whatever, he's still probably human.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:00:02 AMBDS also just laughed way too hard at Thiannon's joke about shippers. It's not that funny. He also quoted Thiannon in the thread and made a joke himself. This is the weakest part of the theory, but it makes me wonder if they're being jokey in PMs and that's carrying over to the thread.
(starting with this quote because it caught my attention first)
I was mostly laughing about how Thiannon made a post agreeing with a Bird/FA lynch right after fank said that Thiannon would make a good lynch (which is why I included fank's quote), but I found the second part funny as well, which is why I included it. :P

Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:00:02 AMPretty odd. Here's another BDS quote:

QuoteAfter skimming over the game again, Greg, askalice (unless he and verm are the wolves and planned the PM shenanigans together, which I highly doubt at this point), and fank seem the most human to me so far, and maybe Thiannon (speaking of him, I'd like to see what he has to say about current events).

This is such a statement that a wolf would make about his partner. Just a throwaway to show that they're not totally in the clear, but still not putting them at risk of being wolfed.
(I assume you mean lynched, not wolfed?)
As I seem to recall, I don't always (or at least, try not to) put my partners as "cleared" unless I have a significant reason for it (as in, one that wouldn't immediately garner suspicion).

Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:00:02 AMThiannon grudgingly moved BDS up to number 2 on his most recent list. Which seems like a point against this theory, but then you realize the person above him is a guy whose posts Thiannon guiltily admitted to "skimming."
You seem a bit biased in calling it "grudgingly," à la "buddying up" to Olimar in 2fool4skool

Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 10:00:02 AMThiannon's final post kind of seals the deal on this theory. He says that we should focus on wolf pairs now (FA/Me) and then go for single players. It's a nice idea, but if we followed him and he and BDS were wolves, we would lose. He admitted that I seemed human. And he recognizes the validity of my "analyze early posts" strategy, so I can't see why he still thinks FireArrow is a wolf.
Same applies to you.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


QuoteIt's a nice idea, but if we followed him and he and BDS were wolves, we would lose.
This part, specifically.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


The way you respond to these things drives me crazy, BDS. You pick at a single word in my suspicions rather than the actual ideas.

This whole game, I was wondering why you weren't conceding anything to me. You didn't give up any ground, and didn't admit to any part of any of my posts being at least partially correct. I try and clarify myself and all I get are repetitive, petty arguments. It's ridiculous. Even as a wolf, my posts always follow some logic. I hope for your sake you're a wolf, otherwise you're just being ignorant for no reason!!!

And you're defending Thiannon even now. What makes you so confident of his humanity? He's a great player, how do you know he's not fooling you? Where is your trademark paranoia?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on November 19, 2013, 01:05:51 PMThe way you respond to these things drives me crazy, BDS. You pick at a single word in my suspicions rather than the actual ideas.
Because that word summarizes your idea(s).

QuoteThis whole game, I was wondering why you weren't conceding anything to me. You didn't give up any ground, and didn't admit to any part of any of my posts being at least partially correct. I try and clarify myself and all I get are repetitive, petty arguments. It's ridiculous. Even as a wolf, my posts always follow some logic. I hope for your sake you're a wolf, otherwise you're just being ignorant for no reason!!!
The reason for that being that your arguments aren't making any logical sense to me (also, I don't actually think my arguments are as repetitive as usual, nor are they petty, or at least more so that many of your arguments).

QuoteAnd you're defending Thiannon even now. What makes you so confident of his humanity? He's a great player, how do you know he's not fooling you? Where is your trademark paranoia?
Because I'm pretty sure that at least you are a wolf, if not you AND FireArrow. That's where the paranoia is. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Fortunately, I don't have to convince you of anything.

Let's work from a different direction. Can you, without referencing any other posts, outline the reasons you think I'm a wolf? If you wanna do the same for FireArrow (and I know you do), that would be swell.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Oh, and try to reference specific events! Cite your sources!!!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die