TWG LXII: This Topic Is Encouraging When It Comes To Player Sign-Ups

Started by Waddle Bro, November 09, 2013, 11:23:42 PM

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Quote from: Nakah on November 10, 2013, 04:34:29 PMMy only question is: What's to stop the wolves from having an unfair advantage over the humans? A new game mechanic that's introduced every night that only the wolves know about it going to mess around with everyone's plans and make it difficult for the humans to really make any progress.

Also what kind of 'mechanics' do you mean? A different item every night? A new role? You should elaborate on what different mechanisms will actually be in the game, even if it means keeping the order of the phases at which they appear a secret.

But yeah askalice is here so I'm kinda coerced to playing once again.
My main fear of this game also.... but regardless

i would think of a pun, but it just waddles away on me
(No pun INtended) (oh wait...)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...

Waddle Bro

Quote from: Nakah on November 10, 2013, 04:34:29 PMMy only question is: What's to stop the wolves from having an unfair advantage over the humans? A new game mechanic that's introduced every night that only the wolves know about it going to mess around with everyone's plans and make it difficult for the humans to really make any progress.

Also what kind of 'mechanics' do you mean? A different item every night? A new role? You should elaborate on what different mechanisms will actually be in the game, even if it means keeping the order of the phases at which they appear a secret.

But yeah askalice is here so I'm kinda coerced to playing once again.
The wolves will be told the same information I'll reveal to the humans, just one phase earlier.

By "mechanics", I mean stuff that effects the general gameplay, mostly focused on the way of lynching. There won't be stuff that'd make someone a seer f.e.
Here's an example, I tell everyone to pick a card out of 12 cards the Night Phase before the Day one. Each card has a number on it, 1-12. The number will say how much your vote will count as. The wolves don't get any more information than that.

Also, in case you don't trust my word on that this game is balanced, I can tell the gimmicks I've planned to Mashi, but that'd prevent him from participating! :( Trust me, the gimmicks won't be unbalanced.


A TWC member should definitely be told the mechanics ahead of time for balance purposes. This is standard mystery game procedure.

Maybe someone can exhume the body of master_gamer38? (Whoever he is.)
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar

Waddle Bro



Waddle Bro

The ever-so-coll Mashi granted me the permission to start the game!

Game up asap


Way to go waddle you missed the IN from my post and skipped me in signups!

Waddle Bro

Oh whoops very sorry about that!!!

If anyone is seeming inactive, I'll kick them right out of the game and replace him with you!!!!



(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die
