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TWG 61: We have always been at war with Eurasia

Started by Liggy, October 28, 2013, 07:29:48 AM

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I do that in every situation I am in!

That only happened once! and I had headphones in, that why I smiled and nodded.

And besides three quarters of the time I fake the knowledge of what's going on. so it's better to read for yourself anyway.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Quote from: Yugi on November 05, 2013, 09:35:52 PMTST

I just can't shake the feeling that you are not a human this game, for two reasons.

  • You keep coming up with possible wolf strategies, even though you're supposed to be a human, brainstorming what the wolves might do next, but you're just out and out telling me what the wolves are or may be doing right now. This is completly weird, and not something a human would do.
  • On one occasion, I have asked you to report imformation to the thread, because I had no way of going on NSM (I asked him to ask about the timestamp of K-Nights PM), but yet he didn't, even though I saw him in front of a computer lab, which has access to the internet.

I'm not saying this is a bad vote, but I do find it odd that in the midst of (probably) the biggest and most active lynch this game, you aren't weighing in on what other players have said. There's a pretty major conflict boiling between Mashi and Nakah yet you didn't weigh in on it at all, nor did you vote for either of them.

It makes me wonder why. Are you not paying attention? Or are you a wolf worried of being accused of bandwagoning? Maybe one of them is your partner, and you don't want to bring them down or defend them?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


I'm not really sure about the Nakah lynch, mostly because I don't really know how Greg types, and if Mashi is right, this could be the minipax plan that I mentioned earlier.


Talking about the seering...
Quote from: Mashi's Log<Greg> I figure it's probably more than likely the wolves blocked this one, actually. That might be why no one's coming forward.
[2013-11-03 20:36:34] <Mashi> Except the chances of the Wolf infiltrating it become greater every recruitment.
[2013-11-03 20:36:44] <Mashi> Hmm, maybe.
[2013-11-03 20:39:21] <Greg> Anyway if there's any useful seer results I'm sure they would have come forward
[2013-11-03 20:39:40] <Greg> If they got a green they probably want to keep it quiet so they can recruit that person[/b]

Why is Greg able to come up with that answer, while Mashi keeps questioning why the seering results have not been posted, or why the brotherhood member hasn't claimed to the thread? It sounds like Mashi was either completely out of the loop on realizing those two possibilities that Greg states, or feigning ignorance in order to gather information. The more I read what Greg says, the more believable it becomes that he was in the brotherhood.

So why would I wolf Greg if he told me he were in the brotherhood less than 30 minutes before the phase ended? If anything I would have kept him alive to build a trust and try to work from there towards the brotherhood leader. It's still makes it a long stretch that I would wolf Greg, forge around our chat logs, and using it to post an attack all in the name of bringing down Mashi.

The log shows Mashi stating more than once that he thinks the brotherhood members should post their seering results to the thread. This is basically a terrible idea in all but one instance: In the case of seering a red. This is because whenever the brotherhood member(s) reveal themselves, they narrow down the wolves' choices for the brotherhood leader. So even if the seering results were green, revealing that to the thread is more detrimental to the humans.



Who's it gonna be?

Also why does Mashi respond to my vote against with an unexplained vote against me? He has yet to provide anything from the thread or elsewhere that shows any sign of me being a wolf. Instead, his vote is backed up by saying greg doesn't type that way and so the log must therefore be forged. He won't even acknowledge the possibility that it's real, which I think a human would at least consider.

Even if that is the only discussion between you, greg, and bubbles, it's still shown that greg might have some sort of knowledge of the brotherhood with the confidence he shows about the seering results. Even if neither of you are wolves, greg still felt that he had reason not to trust Mashi, and said so in that same chat.


I'm guilty of editting that for bbc fixing purposes. sorry I couldnt let the chance to make some analogy go to waste.


what a terrible post to start a new page with.




mashi if you're a wolf i will never give you anything nice again.


...of course, i always say my stuff is shit anyway, so nothing will really change!


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Points to make:
If the log between Nakah and Greg is real, there isn't really much reason to suspect me for it (at least, suspect me for better reasons if you suspect me!).  If Greg were to have hinted being a part of the Brotherhood to Bubbles and me, why single me out?  Why wouldn't Bubbles not wolf him as a Wolf?  Who says I would even wolf a Brotherhood member as a Wolf?
If the log between Nakah and Greg is fake, it's fair to conclude Nakah being a Wolf, since there's no incentive for any other Role to lie about something like that.

So even though I think it's saliently conspicuous that the log is faked, I will actually argue why it is fake.

Firstly, Greg's punctuation.  If you look at the logs that Bubbles and I posted, a majority of gzgregory's sentence lack punctuation, periods in particular.  Only maybe 3 lines in the entirety of Bubbles's and my logs had Greg use a period.

Secondly, Greg's prose is off.  As someone who's spoken to Greg on a few occasions, his writing style in Nakah's log doesn't fit him; when have any of you ever seen Greg say "dude" when referring to someone other than Doodle?  Bird decided to investigate and brought me fulfilling evidence... from two years ago.

Thirdly, Greg states that he implied being a part of the Brotherhood to me and Bubbles, but Bubbles, Greg, and me were together in the chat for only one night; that night being the timing of the logs Bubbles and I posted.  Greg had the log that Bubbles posted (he was the one who sent it to her), so there's no reason for him not to have it later.

Fourthly, Nakah has yet to post the full log between him and Greg.

What I'm worried of is the use of Minipax; I suspect that Nakah might possibly have used it on himself and another Player, which is why he's being obvious in having faked the log (even though no one seems to see it despite it being lucid as glass!!!).  I can't really see why he would want to do this though, unless he wanted to have his Wolf victory with a bang.  I suppose it's too late to determine this now though.

Also, I want the Brotherhood members to claim because this game is a Wolf-sided Manhunt with them hiding in secret.  At this point, we're in the end game, so every lynch counts.  Therefore, I feel that we should lay out all our cards; no trouble in taking risks when the alternative is the possibility of loss.


After thinking about it, I'm switching my vote to Bird.

I feel Minipax was used on Nakah and someone else, and that Bird and Nakah are focusing on lynching me, while I'm focused on lynching Nakah.  That way, one Human definitely dies.  After that, I imagine they'll wolf a Player and use Miniluv to control a Player's vote if they haven't already.  It being a Wolf:Human ratio of 2:3 next Phase, the Wolves will control the vote by 3:2 and win.  I imagine that we can't vigi either, because they'll use Miniplenty to negate it, meaning this Phase is our last.

The reason I suspect Bird being Nakah's Partner is because of how artificial Bird's suspicion of him is, how Bird has suspected me for the entirety of the game with a conservative mind, and because Bird refuses to believe that the Nakah-Greg log was forged.  Bird is savvier than that, and I definitely don't think he would be so aloof as a Human.


Well, I suspect I'll die either this phase or the night phase, so I'll just state this for the thread no in hopes of helping the remaining(albeit inactive as FUUU) humans.

I'm the brotherhood leader, fools! Anyone want to counterclaim?

Why am I coming out and telling you all this now? Because if I can stop everyone from lynching me instead of Mashi then I can at least recruit one last member before night is over and I'm dead anyways. I suspect I'm at the top of the wolves' list at this point since they have yet to guess me, even though I'm still one of the more active players this far into the game.

So here's the full log that you want to see so badly Mashi:

19:56      *** Nakah joined #twgnsm
It is now NiGhT 3.  (Yes, I really like that joke.)
Topic set by Liggy on Sun Nov 03 2013 21:18:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
19:57   Nakah   damn I've been inactive
19:57   Nakah   MG wtf are you still doing here
19:57   Nakah   Master_Gamer38
19:57   Nakah   BwaHaHA
Quote20:10      *** Greg joined #twgnsm
20:11   Greg   Hey Nakah
20:15   Nakah   grreeg
20:15   Nakah   I think Mashi is a wolf
20:16   Nakah   He's giving off that palpatine MW vibe
20:16   Nakah   what are your thoughts on him
20:16   Nakah   Greg
20:20   Nakah   Greg if I die at the end of this phase
20:21   Nakah   Lynch Mashi first, then Bird, then Dude
20:21   Nakah   then yugi
20:21   Nakah   then bubbles
20:21   Greg   If I die, definitely get Mashi.
20:22   Nakah   why do you think you'll die
20:22   Greg   I may or may not have hinted that I was in the brotherhood to him and bubbles in the chat.
20:22   Greg   As a test, you know.
20:22   Greg   I'm pretty expendable.
20:22   Nakah   oh shit if you hinted it then send me a scren shot and I'll use it as evidence against him
20:22   Nakah   if you die
20:22   Greg   I don't have the log, dude.
20:22   Nakah   I recruited TST
20:22   Greg   Which is lame. But I was at school.

So the part about recruiting TST is a lie, because at the last second I felt someone else was the better choice.

I recruited Greg night 1, his seering results were blocked. No one was recruited night 2 because I had no assurance of anyone's humanity and didnt want to jeopardize the brotherhood just for a blue power.

Mashi you make valid points about Greg's punctuation and prose, but for an informal chat is that really enough to base a suspicion off of? You even state yourself that an attempt to go out with a 'big bang' is far-fetched. The story you're trying to feed us is full of "what ifs" and "it's a possibility it's fake." There's nothing obviously forged in the chat, and knowing now who the brotherhood leader is should clarify that.

So lynch someone else so I can recruit another player and hopefully we can figure out a plan before I die. There's a good chance the wolves are about to guess me anyways tonight.


well if thats legitimate i feel very frivolous now