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TWG 61: We have always been at war with Eurasia

Started by Liggy, October 28, 2013, 07:29:48 AM

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Quote from: Bird on November 04, 2013, 01:18:35 PMWhy not just count the votes before saying something like that?
Because I am lazy.

Why put myself to risk of unnecessary Bird suspicions by being lazy as a Wolf???

See, it goes both ways, Bird!!!


Now the question is did the wolves use it for the colour change power or the vote power.

Cause if they used it for the vote power that is a very bold move.

Or they could have picked two less suspicious players and are using it to scare us.

Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


I think I'll half safety/half vote for Mashi

You're acting different this time around...


You people are the worst with suspicions.

How am I acting different?  Why does acting different make me more likely a Wolf than Human?

Anyway. I'll be in the chat from about 12PM to 4PM EST, so I had better see people there today!!!


Quote from: Mashi on November 05, 2013, 07:37:12 AMYou people are the worst with suspicions.

How am I acting different?  Why does acting different make me more likely a Wolf than Human?

Anyway. I'll be in the chat from about 12PM to 4PM EST, so I had better see people there today!!!
You said something about being lazy even though you're usually pretty dilligent. That and that it's usually my line.


Quote from: Mashi on November 05, 2013, 07:37:12 AMYou people are the worst with suspicions.

How am I acting different?  Why does acting different make me more likely a Wolf than Human?

Anyway. I'll be in the chat from about 12PM to 4PM EST, so I had better see people there today!!!
You're just acting the same as you have been in games where you were a wolf. I feel like you would have put in more effort into finding the wolves if you were a human.

In your defense of my original suspicions, you said that you wouldn't make the mistake of acting the same way you did in a previous game where you were a wolf. I think in reality you wouldn't have noticed. Plus I feel like the k-NiGhT lynch was awful, and I feel like you were the one responsible for it. Maybe you just didn't want verm to be in this game suspecting you as well.

I'm not going to vote for you just yet, but I don't think you've given me very many reasons not to!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


So a little before night ended I was in the chat and greg was there, talking about what he had thought about Mashi, and this is what he said:

20:21   Greg   If I die, definitely get Mashi.
20:22   Nakah   why do you think you'll die
20:22   Greg   I may or may not have hinted that I was in the brotherhood to him and bubbles in the chat.
20:22   Greg   As a test, you know.
20:22   Greg   I'm pretty expendable.
20:22   Nakah   oh shit if you hinted it then send me a scren shot and I'll use it as evidence against him
20:22   Nakah   if you die
20:22   Greg   I don't have the log, dude.
20:22   Greg   Which is lame. But I was at school.

So before this, I was already getting a sort of palpatine-esque MW sith-lord vibe from Mashi. With what's stated above in mind, I'm feeling a lot more in my gut towards Mashi than bubbles. It seems like Mashi is irregularly active and taking charge for a human. Bubbles seems to being playing the back burner, which is more characteristic for a human. I realize Mashi is probably this active every game, but just his/her(lol?) approach to the thread has flags raising, and not just only in my own head it's clearly evident.

So I'm pretty firm on the idea of Mashi today.


Quote from: Nakah on November 05, 2013, 06:26:22 PM20:22   Greg   I don't have the log, dude.
20:22   Greg   Which is lame. But I was at school.
Greg sent me a log from when we were chatting, but I doubt its the one you're looking for since that obviously means he had it.

Here it is anyway:
i didnt do this formatting
15:09*** Greg joined #twgnsm
15:11bubblesi didnt think someone would actually come
15:11GregSo anyway
15:11GregWe're lynching Mashi right now I guess
15:11GregWhat do you think
15:12bubblesIve tried about three times to make a post voting for someone but each time i end up deleting it
15:12Gregby accident
15:12bubblesI have suspicions on eople for their actions, but then when I go to actually find them doing that i cant
15:12GregOh, okay
15:12bubblesno on purpose, i just cant follow through
15:12bubblesi couldve sworn tst said something
15:12bubblesbut i cant find it
15:12GregSaid what?
15:13bubbleshes acting similarly to last game
15:13bubblesbut he was a fool then
15:13bubblesand something he said looked word for word of something he said last game
15:13bubblesbut i cant find it in the thread
15:13bubblesthe "do you really think i would come up with that plan?"
15:13GregI dunno, even if it's true fools have fairly different goals from wolves
15:14bubblesi know
15:14bubblesthats why im so confused
15:14Gregand by fairly I guess I mean really?
15:14bubblesI dont see why he would be acting the same if he was a human OR a wolf
15:15GregI'm pretty sure TST hasn't actually made any real plans
15:15bubblesI know
15:15Gregeh well
15:15Greganyone else you've been thinking about?
15:16bubbleswell mashi, obviously since everyone else is
15:16bubblesbut i havent actually looked into it yet
15:17bubblesanother things about tst though
15:17bubbleshe put you at the top of his suspicion list
15:17bubblesbut then voted for mashi without any explanation
15:18GregYeah I noticed that too
15:18GregI dunno, I'm kind of thinking about voting for him for that reason?
15:19GregBecause bird voted for Mashi first, right? And then TST just kind of jumps on top of that
15:19GregI don't know if Bird convinced him or what
15:19Gregbut then I feel like he would have said something
15:19Greginstead of just being like "I have to vote"
15:20bubblesOh and for the record I think youre pretty human
15:20bubblesi havent really seen any real suspicious activity from you
15:20bubblesi mean birds literally says "hes suspicious because he looks human"
15:20GregYeah, that was a bit curious
15:21GregI figure I'll take it as a compliment though
15:22bubblesand what was that log with you and mashi that everyones asking about?
15:22GregI just talked with him for a bit about the last day phase's lynch
15:22GregEveryone's asking about it because everyone thinks me and Mashi are suspicious, probably.
15:23GregFrankly I don't really remember much of what we talked about!
15:23GregWhich is part of why I voted for Mashi I guess.
15:31Gregwow now that I think about it tst and I really do look like great partners.
15:32bubblesHow so?
15:32bubblesI actually thought about it for a second
15:32bubblesyeah but thats assuming youre suspicious
15:32*** bubbles quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
15:33*** bubbles joined #twgnsm
15:33Gregso you're voting TST?
15:33bubblesits still not a really strong feeling though
15:33bubblesbut mine never really are
15:34Gregbluh I don't think I'll switch to TST just yet... need to see a defense from Mashi first
15:37*** Mashi joined #twgnsm
15:37MashiAnd Greg!!!
15:37Gregaww shit just when you get here I have to leave
15:37MashiGreg, I am going to make a sarcastic reply to your post, hold on.
15:37GregSomehow I was expecting that
15:37Gregokay I'll wait for a minute
15:38MashiBubbles is cool for not bandwagoning on Bird's vote.
15:39bubblesilu mashi
15:39bubblesi could never kill you
15:39Mashiilu2 bubbles
15:39Greghahaha yesssssssss your sarcastic posts are great
15:39Greganyway I ACTUALLY have to go
15:39Mashii could kill you but i feel bad about it even if you were a wolf but usually youre human so i feel worse but ilu
15:39MashiBye Greg!
15:40bubblesanyone could kill me if they wanted
15:40GregSee you guys before the end of the phase.
15:40bubblesi can never defend myself anyway
15:40MashiBye, Greg!
15:40Greganyway bubbles I'll send the log to you in a PM so I have it
15:40Gregnot making that mistake again
Dumb formatting but oh well



Greg doesn't type like that.  The log is evidently forged.  Bubbles and I were ever only online at the same time for the log she posted just now, and there's clearly no implications of his being part of the Brotherhood.


Why else would he pull that brotherhood shit with me? Because he was a wolf? If he were he wouldn't have been wolfed. What would I gain as a wolf for forging a chat log about a dead player claiming brotherhood? The hopes of lynching you consequently? That makes it seem like I fear your presence in the game too much to let you live. If I did fear your presence that much I would just wolf you as a wolf instead of launching some crazy plot during the day phase. Does anyone else see the bs here?

Either way, what do I gain from forging a chat log against the two of you if I were a wolf. And goddamn if I haven't been seer'd by now.


Do you have the full log?  If you do, please post it.

Besides, there's no way for it to not be forged.  The log Bubbles posted was literally the only time that Greg, Bubbles, and me were in the chat at the same time.  And Greg was the one who sent Bubbles the chat!  Bubbles can confirm this.


There was one other time later the same day but it was really short and I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure we didn't say much. That's all of the log I have since I got off after that, then came back for that short time


[2013-11-03 18:37:25] -->| YOU (Mashi) have joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 18:37:29] <Mashi> Bubbles!!!
[2013-11-03 18:37:33] <Mashi> And Greg!!!
[2013-11-03 18:37:37] <Greg> aww shit just when you get here I have to leave
[2013-11-03 18:37:40] <Mashi> Greg, I am going to make a sarcastic reply to your post, hold on.
[2013-11-03 18:37:49] <bubbles> Mashi!!!
[2013-11-03 18:37:49] <Greg> Somehow I was expecting that
[2013-11-03 18:37:57] <Greg> okay I'll wait for a minute
[2013-11-03 18:38:32] <Mashi> Done!!!
[2013-11-03 18:38:45] <Mashi> Bubbles is cool for not bandwagoning on Bird's vote.
[2013-11-03 18:39:19] <bubbles> ilu mashi
[2013-11-03 18:39:21] <bubbles> i could never kill you
[2013-11-03 18:39:25] <Mashi> ilu2 bubbles
[2013-11-03 18:39:26] <Greg> hahaha yesssssssss your sarcastic posts are great
[2013-11-03 18:39:43] <Greg> anyway I ACTUALLY have to go
[2013-11-03 18:39:52] <Mashi> i could kill you but i feel bad about it even if you were a wolf but usually youre human so i feel worse but ilu
[2013-11-03 18:39:54] <Mashi> And :(
[2013-11-03 18:39:56] <Mashi> Bye Greg!
[2013-11-03 18:40:12] <bubbles> anyone could kill me if they wanted
[2013-11-03 18:40:18] <Greg> See you guys before the end of the phase.
[2013-11-03 18:40:18] <bubbles> i can never defend myself anyway
[2013-11-03 18:40:21] <Greg> (hopefully)
[2013-11-03 18:40:22] <bubbles> byee
[2013-11-03 18:40:28] <Mashi> Bye, Greg!
[2013-11-03 18:40:32] <Greg> anyway bubbles I'll send the log to you in a PM so I have it
[2013-11-03 18:40:38] <Greg> not making that mistake again
[2013-11-03 18:40:43] <Mashi> I think your defences are reasonable, Bubbles.
[2013-11-03 18:40:56] <Mashi> We just need to accept that you defend your friends because you're super cool and stuff!!!
[2013-11-03 18:40:58] |<-- Greg has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 18:41:25] <bubbles> but ive never been suspected and not lynched!
[2013-11-03 18:41:53] <Mashi> That doesn't make you a bad Player!
[2013-11-03 18:42:01] <Mashi> A member on LLF named Not Spy is an excellent Player
[2013-11-03 18:42:07] <Mashi> Yet he's only won maybe 20% of his games.
[2013-11-03 18:42:12] <Mashi> Sometimes, people are just unlucky!
[2013-11-03 18:42:28] <Mashi> You're one of the few NSMers that make good Humans when you try and are active.
[2013-11-03 18:42:58] <bubbles> aww ty
[2013-11-03 18:43:07] <bubbles> and youre always amazing at whatever role you play
[2013-11-03 18:43:13] <bubbles> frivolous*
[2013-11-03 18:43:47] <Mashi> ty
[2013-11-03 18:43:48] <Mashi> ;)
[2013-11-03 18:44:18] <Mashi> Hey Bubbles, could you do me a favour and send me the log between you and Greg if you can?
[2013-11-03 18:44:42] <bubbles> yeah he actually just pd it to me
[2013-11-03 18:44:51] <bubbles> but the formatting was reallyyy weird so im going to make my own
[2013-11-03 18:44:54] <bubbles> pmd*
[2013-11-03 18:45:07] <Mashi> Because I'm not sure whether he's a Human just bandwagonning or a Wolf trying to make an easy lynch!!!
[2013-11-03 18:45:14] <Mashi> You can send it in the original formatting, it's fine.
[2013-11-03 18:45:24] <bubbles> oh wait i cant
[2013-11-03 18:45:30] <bubbles> i accidentaly logged out at some point
[2013-11-03 18:45:34] <bubbles> ok ill send it to you hold on
[2013-11-03 18:45:43] <Mashi> Thanks!!!
[2013-11-03 18:46:51] <bubbles> ahh ill brb
[2013-11-03 18:46:54] |<-- bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 18:49:22] -->| bubbles (Mibbit@588F64D3.DF184480.1635854.IP) has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 18:50:16] <Mashi> Hi again!!!
[2013-11-03 18:50:19] <Mashi> Thanks for the log!
[2013-11-03 18:51:10] <bubbles> yup
[2013-11-03 18:52:24] <Mashi> Yeah, I'm a bit suspicious of Greg now!!!
[2013-11-03 18:52:46] <Mashi> He seemed too nonchalant about lynching me.
[2013-11-03 18:53:05] <Mashi> And I don't really like what he did about realising he and The_Subjective_Thought made good Partners.
[2013-11-03 18:53:23] <Mashi> He sounds like someone who would take a risk of saying that if they were.
[2013-11-03 18:53:36] <Mashi> Though, ironically, I'm leaning for The_Subjective_Thought to be Human, haha.
[2013-11-03 18:53:43] <Mashi> Though, I think your arguments are still valid.
[2013-11-03 18:55:14] <bubbles> My main concern about tst is how hes acting like he did last game
[2013-11-03 18:55:20] <bubbles> but im guessing you got all of that from the log
[2013-11-03 18:57:54] <Mashi> If The_Subjective_Thought is a Wolf, who do you think his Wolf Partners are?
[2013-11-03 18:58:06] <Mashi> or would it be whom
[2013-11-03 18:58:10] <Mashi> i think its whom whoops
[2013-11-03 18:58:59] <bubbles> Idk
[2013-11-03 18:59:11] <bubbles> I dont usually think about that, but the greg thing makes sense
[2013-11-03 18:59:20] <bubbles> But looking at greg alone, he doesnt look suspicious
[2013-11-03 18:59:27] <Mashi> Why do you think that?
[2013-11-03 18:59:51] <bubbles> TST put greg at the top of his list, but then voted for you without an explanation
[2013-11-03 19:00:22] <bubbles> he couldve put him there just so they wouldnt look connected, then didnt actually vote for him because theyre partners
[2013-11-03 19:00:39] <Mashi> I mean, why do you think Greg doesn't look suspicious?
[2013-11-03 19:00:44] <bubbles> oh
[2013-11-03 19:00:49] <bubbles> He just hasnt done anything?
[2013-11-03 19:00:54] <bubbles> nothings popping out
[2013-11-03 19:01:04] <Mashi> That means he could be Human or Wolf then!
[2013-11-03 19:01:18] <Mashi> TWG isn't like a court where someone is innocent until proven guilty.
[2013-11-03 19:01:21] <Mashi> It's more like
[2013-11-03 19:01:28] -->| mib_aovum5 ( has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 19:01:38] <Mashi> I am going to keep my eye on you and pretend to know what I'm doing and then decide you are innocent or guilty.
[2013-11-03 19:01:38] <Mashi> idk
[2013-11-03 19:01:47] <Mashi> Hi mib_aovum5!!!
[2013-11-03 19:01:49] <bubbles> um
[2013-11-03 19:01:49] <bubbles> hello?
[2013-11-03 19:03:05] <Mashi> J'accuse!!!
[2013-11-03 19:04:52] <Mashi> bubbles you gotta help me out here we need this guy talking
[2013-11-03 19:04:57] <Mashi> wanna do good cop bad cop
[2013-11-03 19:05:03] <bubbles> ok
[2013-11-03 19:05:03] <Mashi> i will be intermediate cop
[2013-11-03 19:05:05] <bubbles> i call good cop
[2013-11-03 19:05:20] <Mashi> what are you talking about there are no good cops in good cop bad cop
[2013-11-03 19:05:21] <bubbles> in french?
[2013-11-03 19:05:34] <Mashi> no in german
[2013-11-03 19:05:41] <Mashi> bubbles its like youve never played this before!!!
[2013-11-03 19:05:53] <bubbles> not in a while!
[2013-11-03 19:06:43] <Mashi> it is okay i will teach you, young tadpolette
[2013-11-03 19:07:19] <mib_aovum5> what
[2013-11-03 19:07:29] <bubbles> :o
[2013-11-03 19:07:47] <mib_aovum5> Mashi: what other object is called a bone
[2013-11-03 19:08:26] <mib_aovum5> and if you have 206 of them in your body, what would that extra one be?
[2013-11-03 19:08:27] <mib_aovum5> ;)
[2013-11-03 19:08:30] <Mashi> OH.
[2013-11-03 19:08:31] <Mashi> OH.
[2013-11-03 19:08:31] <Mashi> OH
[2013-11-03 19:08:34] <Mashi> I GET IT NOW.
[2013-11-03 19:08:43] <mib_aovum5> slowpoke.jpb
[2013-11-03 19:08:45] <mib_aovum5> oops
[2013-11-03 19:08:50] <mib_aovum5> *jpg
[2013-11-03 19:09:01] <Mashi> We've cracked him down, Bubbles.
[2013-11-03 19:09:01] <mib_aovum5> gj
[2013-11-03 19:09:03] <Mashi> Excellent job.
[2013-11-03 19:09:11] <Mashi> We might just make you Lieutenant in the future.
[2013-11-03 19:09:23] =-= mib_aovum5 is now known as Dude
[2013-11-03 19:09:39] <Dude> you're so cute
[2013-11-03 19:09:40] <bubbles> :o
[2013-11-03 19:09:46] <Mashi> :O
[2013-11-03 19:09:48] <Mashi> no u
[2013-11-03 19:09:50] <bubbles> theres too many plot twists for me guys
[2013-11-03 19:10:12] <Dude> sorry bubbles i was talking dirty to mashi earlier on fb
[2013-11-03 19:10:16] <Dude> and he didn't get it
[2013-11-03 19:11:01] <Mashi> So
[2013-11-03 19:11:03] <Dude> "you have 206 bones in your body, but I think you should have 207"
[2013-11-03 19:11:04] <Mashi> Suspicions???
[2013-11-03 19:11:04] |<-- Dude has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 19:11:05] <Mashi> Discuss.
[2013-11-03 19:11:10] <Mashi> doodle no
[2013-11-03 19:11:15] <Mashi> literally the second
[2013-11-03 19:11:17] <Mashi> i talk about twg
[2013-11-03 19:11:19] -->| dude ( has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 19:11:19] <Mashi> you leave
[2013-11-03 19:11:23] <dude> god damnit
[2013-11-03 19:11:24] <Mashi> doodle i missed you :(
[2013-11-03 19:11:28] <dude> why does it keep doing that
[2013-11-03 19:11:32] <Mashi> ur2awsm
[2013-11-03 19:11:36] <dude> I'm sorry :<
[2013-11-03 19:11:41] <Mashi> is ok ilu
[2013-11-03 19:11:44] <Mashi> islut
[2013-11-03 19:11:46] <dude> if i paste something it crashes
[2013-11-03 19:11:48] <dude> it's lame
[2013-11-03 19:13:19] <Mashi> :(
[2013-11-03 19:13:40] <Mashi> Hey Doodle, are you still interested in TWG or do you want to be replaced?
[2013-11-03 19:13:47] <dude> i'm still interesting
[2013-11-03 19:13:50] <dude> i mean
[2013-11-03 19:13:52] <dude> interested
[2013-11-03 19:14:10] <dude> where did that ing come from
[2013-11-03 19:14:13] <dude> i don't even
[2013-11-03 19:14:27] <Mashi> ;)
[2013-11-03 19:14:29] <Mashi> And yaaay.
[2013-11-03 19:14:39] <dude> ok who should i vote/safety on
[2013-11-03 19:15:10] <Mashi> K-NiGhT because that's whom I voted for and I have most votes for being lynched at the moment!!!
[2013-11-03 19:15:27] <dude> i don't want mashi to die
[2013-11-03 19:15:28] <dude> :<
[2013-11-03 19:15:34] <Mashi> ilu doodleee
[2013-11-03 19:15:40] <dude> but I also don't want k-night to die
[2013-11-03 19:15:43] <Mashi> y
[2013-11-03 19:15:43] <dude> because idk
[2013-11-03 19:15:53] <dude> Hmm
[2013-11-03 19:15:55] <Mashi> doodle are you a wolf
[2013-11-03 19:15:58] <dude> I was thinking he was...
[2013-11-03 19:16:02] <dude> you know
[2013-11-03 19:16:04] <Mashi> o
[2013-11-03 19:16:09] <dude> but idk
[2013-11-03 19:16:29] <dude> of course, by now the wolves would have guessed if he was or not
[2013-11-03 19:16:35] <dude> so if he's not dead now
[2013-11-03 19:16:39] <dude> he's not the one
[2013-11-03 19:19:10] <Mashi> I think we should have Brotherhood Members tell us who they've seered and stuff.
[2013-11-03 19:19:24] <Mashi> I don't think it's wise to play things out as a Manhunt until we find a Red result.
[2013-11-03 19:19:25] <dude> if there are any
[2013-11-03 19:19:26] <dude> :/
[2013-11-03 19:19:29] <Mashi> Yeah.
[2013-11-03 19:21:11] <bubbles> guys i have to go eat dinner!
[2013-11-03 19:21:15] <bubbles> hopefully ill be back soon
[2013-11-03 19:21:16] <dude> ok
[2013-11-03 19:21:17] <Mashi> Enjoy!
[2013-11-03 19:21:18] <bubbles> byee
[2013-11-03 19:21:20] <Mashi> Byeee.
[2013-11-03 19:21:21] |<-- bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 19:21:21] <dude> eat good food
[2013-11-03 19:21:30] <Mashi> hey doodle were alone now lets make out
[2013-11-03 19:21:34] <Mashi> liggy cover your eyes
[2013-11-03 19:21:38] <dude> but we aren't alone
[2013-11-03 19:21:44] <Mashi> mastergamer_38 you can join in when you finish your nap
[2013-11-03 19:21:46] <Mashi> shhh
[2013-11-03 19:21:50] <dude> lol
[2013-11-03 19:22:42] <dude> so
[2013-11-03 19:22:51] <dude> what version of HM do you have
[2013-11-03 19:23:05] <Mashi> umm
[2013-11-03 19:23:11] <Mashi> 1.13b, idk
[2013-11-03 19:23:13] <Mashi> I'll check.
[2013-11-03 19:23:42] <Mashi> 1.35
[2013-11-03 19:24:23] <Mashi> wait
[2013-11-03 19:24:28] <Mashi> oqwoirhwohfiwoadwa
[2013-11-03 19:24:32] <Mashi> that stands for 13.5
[2013-11-03 19:24:33] <Mashi> whoops
[2013-11-03 19:24:38] <dude> nice
[2013-11-03 19:25:05] <Mashi> 1.10b!!!
[2013-11-03 19:25:55] <dude> you're behind
[2013-11-03 19:26:13] <Mashi> what about it
[2013-11-03 19:26:15] <Mashi> do you like it
[2013-11-03 19:26:21] <Mashi> ;)
[2013-11-03 19:29:01] <dude> ;)
[2013-11-03 19:34:51] <dude> go updatre
[2013-11-03 19:34:51] <dude> *update
[2013-11-03 19:35:47] <Mashi> how do i update
[2013-11-03 19:36:14] <dude> um
[2013-11-03 19:37:38] <dude>
[2013-11-03 19:38:44] <Mashi> ty ilu
[2013-11-03 19:41:02] |<-- dude has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 19:41:25] -->| dude ( has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 19:42:06] <dude> back
[2013-11-03 19:45:44] -->| Greg ( has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 19:46:37] <Greg> hey dude
[2013-11-03 19:46:42] <dude> hi me
[2013-11-03 19:46:54] <dude> mashi is here too
[2013-11-03 19:46:56] <dude> i think
[2013-11-03 19:47:20] <Mashi> Hi Greg!!!
[2013-11-03 19:48:56] <Greg> ohey
[2013-11-03 19:49:33] <Greg> so uh what's going on with k-night dude
[2013-11-03 19:49:57] <dude> oh idk
[2013-11-03 19:50:03] <dude> I just don't think he's what i thought he was
[2013-11-03 19:50:12] <dude> at first i thought he was the bl
[2013-11-03 19:50:19] <dude> but
[2013-11-03 19:50:33] <dude> since night has passed
[2013-11-03 19:50:34] <dude> idk anymore
[2013-11-03 19:50:42] <dude> unless the wolves aren't guessing
[2013-11-03 19:51:28] <Greg> I dunno, I never really thought K-Night was the bl personally
[2013-11-03 19:51:40] <Greg> but then again I haven't really thought about that at all so
[2013-11-03 19:52:09] |<-- dude has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 19:52:28] -->| damnit ( has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 19:52:34] =-= damnit is now known as Dude
[2013-11-03 19:52:39] <Dude> sorry
[2013-11-03 19:52:40] <Mashi> Why were people thinking he was Brotherhood Leader in the first place???
[2013-11-03 19:52:43] <Mashi> It's fine, Doodle!
[2013-11-03 19:53:08] <Dude> he said something about not getting a pm
[2013-11-03 19:53:15] <Greg> Probably because of all the role pm bullshit
[2013-11-03 19:53:21] <Dude> yeah
[2013-11-03 19:53:22] <Greg> ...yeah that
[2013-11-03 19:58:12] <Dude> brb
[2013-11-03 20:00:21] <Dude> ok actually I'm gonna go
[2013-11-03 20:00:23] <Dude> byeee
[2013-11-03 20:00:32] |<-- Dude has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 20:01:52] -->| bubbles (Mibbit@588F64D3.DF184480.1635854.IP) has joined #TWGNSM
[2013-11-03 20:08:11] <Greg> oh you're back
[2013-11-03 20:08:15] <bubbles> yeah
[2013-11-03 20:08:24] <bubbles> no one new came while i was gone?
[2013-11-03 20:09:52] <Mashi> Nope. :(
[2013-11-03 20:11:34] <Greg> I think I might switch to TST.
[2013-11-03 20:15:17] <Mashi> :o
[2013-11-03 20:15:19] <Mashi> Yaaay.
[2013-11-03 20:15:24] <Mashi> Well.
[2013-11-03 20:15:26] <Mashi> idk
[2013-11-03 20:15:38] <Mashi> Because I am happy that it is one less vote on me.
[2013-11-03 20:15:48] <Mashi> But I'm unsure about The_Subjective_Thought being a Wolf.
[2013-11-03 20:16:18] <Mashi> This is exactly why we should have had a chat party!!!
[2013-11-03 20:16:21] <Mashi> So everyone would have voted.
[2013-11-03 20:16:38] <Mashi> And there wouldn't be only 3 votes one Player at a time!!!
[2013-11-03 20:17:42] <Greg> Haha.
[2013-11-03 20:17:58] <Greg> But yeah, I think votes without any justification twice in a row is not a good sign.
[2013-11-03 20:24:59] <Liggy> oh wait I was supposed to replace k-night
[2013-11-03 20:25:00] <Liggy> where's verm verm
[2013-11-03 20:26:32] <Greg> lol
[2013-11-03 20:30:52] <Mashi> Oh, also, before I forget.
[2013-11-03 20:31:06] <Mashi> Why don't we have Brotherhood members claim again?
[2013-11-03 20:31:23] <bubbles> If they already used their powers?
[2013-11-03 20:31:26] <Mashi> Yeah.
[2013-11-03 20:31:54] <bubbles> I dont see why not in that case
[2013-11-03 20:32:02] <Greg> The first one's a confirmed human, I guess.
[2013-11-03 20:32:17] <Greg> And outing our confirmed humans early is probably not a great idea?
[2013-11-03 20:32:20] <bubbles> But there wouldnt be any confirmation about it
[2013-11-03 20:32:29] <bubbles> like they could be false claiming
[2013-11-03 20:32:32] <Greg> Well, if they were a wolf they would have taken the vigi and also killed the BL
[2013-11-03 20:32:39] <Greg> oh
[2013-11-03 20:32:39] <bubbles> and the only way to prove them false would to have the leader claim
[2013-11-03 20:32:43] <Greg> you're talking about something different
[2013-11-03 20:32:56] <Greg> anyway the real first person could counterclaim
[2013-11-03 20:33:37] <bubbles> if they already used their power anyway
[2013-11-03 20:33:44] <Greg> Frankly it's probably just going to be less of a mess if the people don't claim until they need to
[2013-11-03 20:33:52] <Mashi> I mean, the first recruited member.
[2013-11-03 20:34:00] <Mashi> If they don't claim
[2013-11-03 20:34:06] <Mashi> This game becomes a Manhunt for the Humans
[2013-11-03 20:34:10] <Mashi> Except the Wolves have powers
[2013-11-03 20:34:13] <Mashi> Which is bad for us.
[2013-11-03 20:34:32] <Greg> Yeah, but we don't really have a use for confirmed humans really
[2013-11-03 20:34:39] <Greg> whoops I used "really" twice
[2013-11-03 20:34:45] <Mashi> No one is confirmed though.
[2013-11-03 20:34:48] <bubbles> i do that all the time lmao
[2013-11-03 20:34:54] <bubbles> or "i dont really see"
[2013-11-03 20:34:56] <bubbles> thats my catchphrase
[2013-11-03 20:34:57] <Greg> Greg   Well, if they were a wolf they would have taken the vigi and also killed the BL
[2013-11-03 20:35:08] <Greg> so yeah the first guy's basically confirmed, probably.
[2013-11-03 20:35:10] <Mashi> We don't know for sure!
[2013-11-03 20:35:19] <Mashi> I wouldn't have killed the Brotherhood Leader firs tthing.
[2013-11-03 20:35:23] <Mashi> Bird probably wouldn't have.
[2013-11-03 20:35:30] <Greg> Well then what's the benefit in claiming then? :S
[2013-11-03 20:35:37] <Mashi> Seer results.
[2013-11-03 20:35:59] <bubbles> I think the point of the leader is to form the alliance secretly through the brotherhood
[2013-11-03 20:36:04] <Greg> Eh.
[2013-11-03 20:36:18] <Mashi> Maybe, Bubbles!
[2013-11-03 20:36:26] <Greg> I figure it's probably more than likely the wolves blocked this one, actually. That might be why no one's coming forward.
[2013-11-03 20:36:34] <Mashi> Except the chances of the Wolf infiltrating it become greater every recruitment.
[2013-11-03 20:36:44] <Mashi> Hmm, maybe.
[2013-11-03 20:39:21] <Greg> Anyway if there's any useful seer results I'm sure they would have come forward
[2013-11-03 20:39:40] <Greg> If they got a green they probably want to keep it quiet so they can recruit that person
[2013-11-03 20:44:29] |<-- bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 20:59:30] |<-- Greg has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[2013-11-03 21:08:00] =-= Liggy has changed the topic to ``It is now NiGhT 3.  (Yes, I really like that joke,)''
[2013-11-03 21:16:21] <Mashi> lol
[2013-11-03 21:16:46] <Mashi> oh wait
[2013-11-03 21:16:56] <Mashi> that means he and fank009 arent wolves
[2013-11-03 21:16:57] <Mashi> boooo


Nakah, you made this game like 9 times more interesting.



I just can't shake the feeling that you are not a human this game, for two reasons.

  • You keep coming up with possible wolf strategies, even though you're supposed to be a human, brainstorming what the wolves might do next, but you're just out and out telling me what the wolves are or may be doing right now. This is completly weird, and not something a human would do.
  • On one occasion, I have asked you to report imformation to the thread, because I had no way of going on NSM (I asked him to ask about the timestamp of K-Nights PM), but yet he didn't, even though I saw him in front of a computer lab, which has access to the internet.