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[GCN] Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - "Rougeport"

Started by Sebastian, October 19, 2013, 07:56:45 PM

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Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Yeah, hopefully someone can take one of them :)
I would probably do one, but have a ton of school stuff and Im arranging a lot of other things  :-\


I think I am gonna do Mystery of Glitz pit and maybe Rogueport
The I would like most is Boggly Woods. Hopefully someone can do it :) :) :)


Awesome! This is my favorite game of all time! Hope someone does one of these.

Some of my favorite tracks from the game was in Chapter 6 on the Excess Express. I think the morning song on the train has already been completed, but I'm not sure about the ones in the afternoon or at night.


This is also my favorite game :) I started playing it about a month ago and I just got to the Moon last night. The morning song from the Excess Express is also the theme song for Poshley Heights and that song is on the main site. I really like that theme :)


Amazing game, and soundtrack. :D I also hope someone can find time to do any of these. :)


I did Mystery at the Pit
I would be super super happy if someone could do Rogueport. Please? :) This is probably my favorite one :)



I just found out about NinSheetMusic and downloaded about 200 songs on my first visit, so I figured I should also do my part. I'd be willing do do the arrangements for Rogueport (it's my favorite track in the game), but I'm not sure about the way to go on about this.

From what I gather, arrangements are made using Finale Notepad and I guess this software can produce the PDF, MUS and MID files that must be uploaded. I also found the formatting guidelines I should follow.

I'd like to know where I should post that I would be working on this track and also if there is some kind of deadline once I commited to arrange a track (I have some time on my hands for the moment, but it may not last).

Also, when making arrangements, is it better to try and reproduce perfectly the notes of the track, or to try to carry the general feel of the track? For instance, the RoguePort theme (around 0:50) has a lot of percussions be the accompaniment is often sustained chords. Should I try to reproduce the percussions' rythm with piano notes or should I stick to the sustained chords?


Welcome to NSM! I love your name/picture, by the way :D

Quote from: YouAreNotATadpole on November 18, 2013, 07:30:36 PMI'd like to know where I should post that I would be working on this track and also if there is some kind of deadline once I commited to arrange a track (I have some time on my hands for the moment, but it may not last).

Really, posting about it here is sufficient, but just in case somebody doesn't see this thread and decides to start arranging it themselves (not likely, but I mean, better safe than sorry, I guess), you can post whatever songs you're arranging here (only one post, and just edit it when your list changes), and then nobody can complain that they weren't aware. You can also feel free to make a personal arrangement thread here, and post whatever arrangements you've done, including requests. Not to mention, feel free to submit your arrangements (again, including requests) for the next update (max 2 at a time). As for a deadline, no, there is none, haha. The problem comes when somebody claims something, takes forever on it (possibly never finishing it), and doesn't let anybody else touch it. I may not exactly be the ideal example for timeliness of requests (as mariolegofan can tell you :P), but if I'm taking forever on something, I usually try to let people know that they can work on it if they want, and just to let me know beforehand. For a request like this, though, which hasn't had any takers in almost a month, it's not like you have a lot of people competing to arrange it, or anything.

Quote from: YouAreNotATadpole on November 18, 2013, 07:30:36 PMAlso, when making arrangements, is it better to try and reproduce perfectly the notes of the track, or to try to carry the general feel of the track? For instance, the RoguePort theme (around 0:50) has a lot of percussions be the accompaniment is often sustained chords. Should I try to reproduce the percussions' rythm with piano notes or should I stick to the sustained chords?

Jesus dude, some of the people who've been here for a while don't even think to do that, haha. But yes, it is perfectly acceptable to try to replicate the feel, as long as it doesn't mess with the harmonies/the general melody (or get too excessive, but I mean, it's really a matter of taste). I actually prefer it that way, for the most part. I mean, as long as you're accurate and notate/format properly, you're pretty much good, but little arranging liberties like that can often draw the line between an acceptable arrangement and a good arrangement. I'm really excited to see what you'll do with that :D

Quote from: YouAreNotATadpole on November 18, 2013, 07:30:36 PMFrom what I gather, arrangements are made using Finale Notepad and I guess this software can produce the PDF, MUS and MID files that must be uploaded. I also found the formatting guidelines I should follow.

You're the best. Literally could not ask for more from somebody new to the site. I think you're going to fit right in on NSM, haha.
Welcome, again :D


First off let me just say that you are probably the coolest new arranger ever.

Quote from: YouAreNotATadpole on November 18, 2013, 07:30:36 PMI guess this software can produce the PDF, MUS and MID files that must be uploaded.

Notepad won't make PDFs for you. You want something like PDFcreator, which will make PDFs out of any file you can print. (dunno if there's any better options though)


Quote from: FierceDeity on November 18, 2013, 08:47:09 PMReally, posting about it here is sufficient, but just in case somebody doesn't see this thread and decides to start arranging it themselves (not likely, but I mean, better safe than sorry, I guess), you can post whatever songs you're arranging here (only one post, and just edit it when your list changes), and then nobody can complain that they weren't aware.

Lol that thread is so dead - I don't think many people bother with it anymore.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I just use it so that if anybody does end up arranging something that I'm doing, by chance, I can just point to that and flip them the metaphorical bird.


Allright, thanks for your quick response. I'll get right to it. Don't get your hopes up too early though, I'm kind of a perfectionnist, and I have to learn to use finale effectively, so this might take a little while. But you sure all are great motivators.

QuoteFirst off let me just say that you are probably the coolest new arranger ever.

Talk about pressure! Now I have to outcool every new arranger that registers just to keep this title. I'll do my best!
