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TWG 60: 2fool4skool

Started by Bird, October 10, 2013, 10:51:49 AM

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Quote from: vermilionvermin on October 13, 2013, 08:47:55 PMBubbles' logic really doesn't follow.  She thinks FSM's lying about being a fool but doesn't want him lynched.  I don't know why she thinks he's lying, but she does.  That's fine.  But him being a human was always the least likely role for him.  There's really no reason for a human to claim fool.  It's so unbelievably risky, confuses the rest of the humans, and the only possible benefit is for you not to get lynched.  The fools aren't going to claim to you because they have no reason to claim to you.  The wolves aren't going to claim to you because they have no reason to risk claiming to you.  Additionally, the timing of her vote's pretty suspicious given that it comes with less than an hour left in the phase (about a half hour before FSM's vote) and gives FSM the ability to try for the KitB.

Quote from: Bubbles on October 13, 2013, 09:27:42 PMI knew I was going to be questioned on that post when I voted, but I thought "screw it". I'm guessing you're not going to take the "I wanted FSM to get a croissant not Waddle" excuse (ilu waddle)

FSM voting for Mashi instead of himself when he could've suicided just about proves he wasn't a fool. He's not a player who would miss something like that. So after his death and the red cardflip, he's a wolf to me.

If FSM was my wolf partner, the only reason I would've even drawn attention to myself and voted last phase would be to keep him from being lynched (tying things up with a KitB with Mashi). I guess that makes sense looking back, but why would I be so obvious about it? If I were using the Mashi vote as an attempt to save FSM, thats a pretty weak reason. I could've fabricated something way more believable, but I didn't, since that's the truth.

I thought FSM was lying but didn't want him lynched. Why? If he wasn't a fool, that means he was either a wolf or a human. Obviously we would want to lynch the wolf and not the human. Since it was basically a 50/50 shot, I thought it would be better to go after someone else for at least Day 1 so we could get more from him and form a better opinion.

You didn't just say you voted Mashi to safe FSM, you said you were getting a stronger feeling of Mashi being a wolf than FSM.

Quote from: fank009 on October 14, 2013, 02:48:38 AMNow That I FINALLY have the time to post some "proper" thoughts.

Case against Greg.
That vote against greg was a result of the tip of the iceberg being hit, there is a lot more beneath it. (I just thought that that quote would be enough of a stand for now to place the vote (it sucks being mobile).
It really is hard to explain the reasoning, (putting it in english...) but basically the initail reaction from greg, seems like it came from a wolf than a human. Maybe I have that train of thought due to other interactions. especially those between other fools. \
Excerpt from the chat with greg
Because bullets seem to be the way my mind works

The basics of the case
-Reaction from BS roles like mashi/TST is giving me a feel that he thinks its unfair... (and from my experience only wolves have a go at unfairness like that)
-The Italiziced in the chat, looks like he is giving too much info in terms of what Wolves are or are not doing.
-His flip flopping in terms of wolves, and flip flop on thoughts of FSM

All 3 things seem somewhat weak, but they are just descrepancies that I cant avoid, hence why I placed my vote.
I feel your reason for voting is very weak, but then again, a lot of day one votes are quite weak. However, I do question myself why you voted greg over the more obvious candidates (mashi/fsm).
Quote from: fank009 on October 14, 2013, 02:48:38 AMLeans

Not Green
-TST/Mashi, Somewhat the same boat... Fools or a scum team.
-Olimar. that message, I could totally see olimar as a wolf buddeh (no offence)
Not a Wolf
-no one really standing out as cleared human yet (who knows, we might be reading the fools wrong...)
I feel you are very soon to assume Olimar is a fool (or at least isn't a green), especially because that massage could have been faked.

Quote from: fank009 on October 14, 2013, 02:48:38 AMLeaning Wolf
BDS- A lot of hugging up to olimar... and is one of my teams with olimar. (that safety on BDS???)
Greg- Again, as stated above... A few Human points gained as of late... and also a Plus for not having a partner for the mean time.

I don't get at all what you mean with BDS hugging up to olimar. The only things I can see with BDS suporting olimar is not putting him in his list of fools (which I agree with) and this:
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on October 13, 2013, 10:31:12 PMThen where do TST and/or Olimar factor into this (Olimar because of the possibly fake PM)??
Which I can't even call supporting Olimar.

On the other hand, BDS and Olimar did have an argument about a possible wolf/fool alliance (well, not exactly, but you know what I mean). I don't think partners would go into an argument like that (even if it's just such a non-important argument).

Quote from: fank009 on October 14, 2013, 07:51:00 PMProlly going to vote in my fool leans, and in particular, mashi, just too many things clicking the wrong way at the moment
Yeah... I don't see why you would go for a fool for the lynch today, especially if you claim FSM is a fool. That would mean the game will be over if Mashi and FSM are fools (together with Maestro).

Quote from: fank009 on October 16, 2013, 03:53:07 AMand then we have what started the whole course on my leans...
Calling out TST like that does have some wolfish properties, in the sense that he's getting someone for the lynch... (TST in this case having a BS role...) I Dont think it dawned to FSM that there are 3 fools this game, and TST could be one of them...  so somewhat of a 50/50
Calling out TST doesn't seem like a wolf and a fool move to me (however it does seem like a fool move trying to help humans, a fool move trying to get its fool partner lynched, or a wolf move trying to seem helpful to the humans).

Quote from: fank009 on October 16, 2013, 03:53:07 AMBubbles on FSM, leaning FSM being a wolf.
Thanks for digging up that quote. That actually makes Bubbles even more wolfish. First she says FSM seems like a wolf, but opts to vote for Mashi after all (also, this is not the same as my case, because I stated that there was a post by greg that gave me an indication that FSM was human, which was my reason for not voting him).
Quote from: fank009 on October 16, 2013, 03:53:07 AMInteresting aspect here... calls the move wolfish, jumps on mashi for being more wolfish.
Why is everyone ignoring that I said one of greg's posts indicates FSM is a human, did I really worded it that badly?
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Appearantly I hit reply when I meant to hit preview. Rest of the post:

Quote from: fank009 on October 16, 2013, 04:35:02 AMBDS
BDS, I have one Q for you, (dont answer it) Are you capable of fancy play??? because I think I have the biggest exhibit of it in your analysis.
You screamed FSM being fool Day 1, he flips red, and we have this, mind you, an argument I have with you.. Me arguing that He's a fool most likely, and you arguing he's a wolf definetly. Could you be saving yourself, by stating he's a fool, then flipping to whatever alignment looks better for you??? Basicaly its a bit of distancing and a sense of too much info (will touch on it later)... (and somewhat of a feeling type lean, no real quotes that stand out (but like the greg case earlier in the game, there tells are there). You are distancing yourself by giving crazy scenarios of why you cant be a wolf (not in english, mind you) by these crazy theories (that fsm was organizing an alliance)
just a stupid Q... How did you know that that was his intention, given that fools are independants, and should have no reason to.
so WHY, are you suggesting the idea??? did the plan go in disarray????

If anyone is a partner with FSM, I feel Davy/BDS would be the best picks.

(BDS, I know you would want more, If you want more, all you have to do is ask.)

It seems I didn't look well enough into this as of yet, but it does seem plausible to me that BDS was FSM's partner.

Vote and reasoning for it comming up in the next post.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Fank: His plan for going after the fools seems very, well uhm... foolish I guess. The same goes for calling Olimar a fool. However, it doesn't add up with his defense of FSM being a fool (if he convinces people that FSM is a fool he isn't going to be lynched for being a fool), which seems more like a wolf move to me (if people are going to suspect him for a wolf, they will be less interested in lynching him if FSM is a fool). However, his suspicion of BDS and Bubbles seems like he's genually wanting to help humans. I give him the benifit of the doubt for now, mainly because there are more suspicious players atm, but I still think you're suspicious.

BDS: As Fank pointed out, he'd make a good partner with FSM. He's seccond on my suspicion list for now, but if Bubbles makes a strong defense soon, that might swap.

Bubbles: As verm stated, Bubbles would make a good partner with FSM. Bubbles' defense wasn't that strong and fank pointed out that Bubbles said FSM was likely a wolf earlier in the game, which doesn't match with here vote for FSM.

I'll be in chat in a few minutes for a quarter of an hour-ish, then I'll be gone for an hour and stay awake for another half an hour. If anyone wants to attack me, please do it before I go to sleep.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

Waddle Bro

Sorry for being inactive, guys!!! Right now I'm at the Berlin Airport posting this~

So much shiz happenin', but this caught my eye when I was scrolling the pages:
Quote from: Greg on October 14, 2013, 08:15:12 PMFSM WAS NOT A FOOL. His actions at the end of the phase make no sense if he was one.
Actually, if he wouldn't have been lynched that phase for some reason, that post would've made sure he would be lynched the next. It'd make sense for a wolf to convince everybody he was a wolf. Also, you seemed a little bit too sure. Greg

also I'll get my croissant tomorrow woo


Sry guys, to Busy with a book presentation to join the chat. See you in an hour (hopefully).
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I've got a minute to be on!

Quote from: Waddle Bro on October 16, 2013, 11:11:07 AMSorry for being inactive, guys!!! Right now I'm at the Berlin Airport posting this~

So much shiz happenin', but this caught my eye when I was scrolling the pages:Actually, if he wouldn't have been lynched that phase for some reason, that post would've made sure he would be lynched the next. It'd make sense for a wolf to convince everybody he was a wolf. Also, you seemed a little bit too sure. Greg

also I'll get my croissant tomorrow woo
He could have voted himself to insta himself at that point, instead of voting for Mashi and forcing a KiTB.

I'm going to vote for Mashi for now. In the chat last night (fank and bubbles can back me up on this) he spent a lot of effort trying to convince me that he was a human, and not a wolf. Then now, he comes out as a fool. His actions in the chat makes no sense if he's a fool (since I was going to vote for him), and his current actions don't really work if he's a human. So I'm going with the hypothesis that he's a wolf.

If anyone has the chatlog to post that'd be great too. I don't have it, and I'm not going to be on for the rest of the phase in all likelihood anyway.


Didn't make it to the chat today, sorry guys.

One last thing I want to say is that you guys should be carefull if you think your lynch candidate can be a fool, because if the candidate is and FSM was, the game will be over after this phase.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Won't have time to chat before the phase ends, but I agree with Davy.

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


vermilionvermin - [N/A]
Waddle Bro - Greg
The_Subjective_Thought - Olimar12345
davy - Bubbles
fank009 - Mashi
Mashi - vermilionvermin
Bubbles - [N/A]
Olimar12345 - Bubbles
Greg - fank009 Mashi
BlackDragonSlayer - [N/A]

Mashi - 2
Bubbles - 2
Greg - 1
vermilionvermin - 1
Olimar12345 - 1


254 minutes left in the phase.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


All the chat log that I have (thats relevant)
Quote02:23:05: <fank009> Bird...
02:23:20: <bird> whats uppp
02:40:09: <gzgregory> Ohai
02:40:33: <fank009> ohay
02:41:19: <gzgregory> anyway that was a random kill
02:41:35: <Mashiii> Hi gzgregory!!!
02:41:43: <gzgregory> Hey Mashi
02:41:44: <Mashiii> I don't think it was so random.
02:41:45: <fank009> were you expecting to die greg???
02:41:48: <fank009> Hi mashi...
02:41:57: <gzgregory> No, not really in particular
02:42:00: <gzgregory> ohey bubbles
02:42:01: <fank009> hi bubbles
02:42:02: <Mashiii> MaestroUGC was someone that seemed reasonably contributive and not-Fool like.
02:42:08: <Mashiii> Hi fank009!!!
02:42:08: <Bubbles> lots of people wow
02:42:09: <Bubbles> hi
02:42:12: <Mashiii> And Bibbles!!!
02:42:30: <gzgregory> fank are you still going to vote for me :c
02:42:49: <fank009> at this stage...
02:42:54: <fank009> maybe, maybe not...
02:42:56: <Mashiii> :O
02:43:02: <Mashiii> fank009 are you going to vote for me
02:43:18: <fank009> !8ball is fank going to pick me xD
02:43:19: <Bubbles> I think greg is the most human in the game so far >.> still dont really get why youre suspicious of him
02:43:24: <fank009> thats what it feels like.
02:43:39: <Mashiii> Why does gzgregory seem most Human, Bubbleton?
02:43:47: <gzgregory> because I'm awesome
02:43:50: <fank009> Greg has some human points yes... its just some things,
02:43:51: <Mashiii> :O
02:43:56: <Bubbles> Hes thinking rationally and actively coming up with ideas
02:44:15: <fank009> ^if thinking rationally is a condition of being human...
02:44:24: <fank009> I dont know why I wasnt lynched D1 xD
02:44:33: <gzgregory> There were better targets
02:44:54: <gzgregory> You're being pretty typical I'd say
02:45:04: <gzgregory> then again I haven't played with you in awhile so
02:49:08: <Mashiii> So
02:49:09: <Mashiii> Suspicions???
02:49:25: <gzgregory> You and bubbles I guess?
02:49:26: <fank009> This is what Im doing today...
02:49:31: <fank009> Voting in my Fools leans
02:49:37: <gzgregory> More you than bubbles though
02:49:54: <Bubbles> D:
02:49:55: <Bubbles> why me
02:50:01: <Bubbles> i thought i was doing good
02:50:05: <gzgregory> verm explained it better than I would
02:50:06: <gzgregory> but yeah
02:50:15: <Mashiii> why does everyone think im a fool
02:50:23: <gzgregory> Because of your fakey fakey fake role?
02:50:26: <Mashiii> why would you vote for fools
02:50:34: <Mashiii> omg that was so hilarious
02:50:45: <Mashiii> Some of you actually took me seriously, it was so great.
02:50:51: <gzgregory> Haha
02:51:00: <Mashiii> verm verm explained that he would rather lynch a Fool than a Human.
02:51:10: <Mashiii> Because it was early in the game and we weren't likely to lynch a Wolf.
02:51:20: <gzgregory> Anyway people voted for you probably because they thought you were doing some weird reverse psychology thing
02:51:29: <Mashiii> Things have occurred now though, we can afford to lynch a suspicion.
02:51:31: <fank009> Mashi...
02:51:34: <Mashiii> Yeah, I figured.
02:51:45: <Mashiii> But thanks to me, we caught FSM-Reapr!!!
02:51:52: <Mashiii> B)
02:51:53: <fank009> did you like my claim :D
02:51:58: <Mashiii> ya
02:52:00: <Mashiii> It was A+.
02:52:01: <fank009> did we catch him?
02:52:15: <gzgregory> ...presumably, since he was lynched
02:52:15: <Mashiii> His voting for me doesn't make sense as a Fool.
02:52:17: <fank009> ^I should do that more than often xD
02:52:20: <Mashiii> Since he could have lynched himself and won.
02:52:25: <fank009> no it didnt...
02:53:04: <gzgregory> anyway like I said yesterday just because he voted for you doesn't vindicate you
02:53:19: <gzgregory> or rather, doesn't mean you're vindicated
02:53:28: <Mashiii> I think it does, considering that FSM-Reapr and I chatted a bit on Skype.
02:53:40: <gzgregory> Aaaaaaand?
02:53:43: <Mashiii> Our conversations were spontaneous and had no mention of being Partners.
02:53:51: <Mashiii> So chances are likely that we didn't fake them.
02:54:00: <Mashiii> And since FSM-Reapr was very likely a Wolf than a Fool.
02:54:15: <Mashiii> His voting for me would mean that I'm likely not his Partner.
02:54:23: <Mashiii> Which means I'm either Human or Fool.
02:54:32: <fank009> No...
02:54:34: <fank009> all it means
02:54:36: <gzgregory> The way I thought of it was that he was trying to throw suspicion off you.
02:54:41: <fank009> is that you are not partners with FSM
02:54:45: <gzgregory> One of you was going to die that day anyways.
02:54:51: <fank009> You can always be a wolf with FSM being fool...
02:54:56: <gzgregory> The other was probably screwed the next.
02:54:57: <Mashiii> Yeah, but that would require me to be really dumb
02:55:07: <Mashiii> And lead my Wolf Partner to do something stupid to be lynched on Day 1.
02:55:26: <gzgregory> I mean, FSM's inactivity didn't really have anything to do with you
02:56:09: <Mashiii> So are you guys going to be suspicious of me for being bad and saying I had an OP Role or for being good and being Wolf Partners with someone who tried KitBing me???
02:56:38: <Mashiii> You can't be suspicious of me for both!!!
02:57:32: <gzgregory> The OP part could just be making yourself look like a fool, though.
02:57:41: <fank009> I have my own argument...
02:57:46: <fank009> You acting foolish...
02:57:50: <gzgregory> Which is pretty ideal for a wolf
02:57:53: <fank009> is my reason for you being a wolf.
02:58:15: <fank009> and considering now 2 people in my fools leans are "lying"
02:58:48: <fank009> oh yeah greg... I know 5 reds didnt claim... but what do you think about wolves claiming fool??
02:58:51: <fank009> especially now>?
02:59:17: <gzgregory> I just didn't think the fools would necessarily claim.
02:59:38: <Mashiii> The point I'm making is people's logic here is really dumb.
02:59:43: <gzgregory> And the reds would just have to act foolish... they wouldn't need to say it outright
02:59:56: <Mashiii> Because they're saying I'm playing badly as a Fool or playing manipulatively as a Wolf.
03:00:09: <fank009> ^^^
03:00:21: <fank009> You created the logic mashi xD
03:00:21: <Mashiii> I can't be a good and bad Player simultaneously.
03:00:28: <fank009> yes you can...
03:00:32: <fank009> I do that all the time xD
03:00:35: <gzgregory> ...nobody said you were both.
03:00:42: <gzgregory> You're EITHER a good wolf or a bad fool.
03:00:43: <Mashiii> I'm saying what you're arguing is both.
03:00:53: <Mashiii> You are arguing both!
03:01:00: <Mashiii> I'm either good or bad.
03:01:04: <gzgregory> No I'm not!
03:01:05: <Mashiii> Despite my Role.
03:01:12: <Mashiii> You can't pick and choose like that.
03:01:20: <Mashiii> And even more faulty
03:01:21: <gzgregory> I'm arguing that you're playing as a good wolf... that's it
03:01:29: <Mashiii> Is if I were playing a good Wolf
03:01:45: <Mashiii> You can bet all your money that I wouldn't be at risk of lynching on Day 1.
03:01:56: <Mashiii> And I wouldn't let my Partner be lynched Day 1.
03:02:20: <gzgregory> FSM is not unskilled. His lynching was totally out of your control, as far as I could tell.
03:02:25: <Mashiii> And I wouldn't be faking logs Day 1 either.
03:02:27: <gzgregory> And possibly of his for that matter.
03:02:45: <Mashiii> How do you explain the logs then???
03:03:02: <Mashiii> Did I connive and fake them with him as his Partner???
03:03:13: <Mashiii> While also both acting like Fools despite it being a very poor strategy???
03:03:24: <gzgregory> Can you prove that you didn't?
03:03:28: <Mashiii> And also fake logs exactly correlating with when he posted things like his "I'm a Fool" post???
03:03:32: <Mashiii> Yes.
03:03:37: <Mashiii> Because of basic logic.
03:03:45: <Mashiii> Like how I posted them.
03:04:00: <Mashiii> You can argue things like that all day, gzgregory.
03:04:18: <Mashiii> But there's a reason the adage is "Innocent until proven guilty."
03:04:31: <Mashiii> You can suspect them all you want, but based on the circumstances given
03:04:45: <Mashiii> Those logs are very likely to have been legitimate as far as you're aware.
03:04:55: <Mashiii> You can have your doubts to be cautious, if you would like.
03:05:16: <fank009> Mashi... IN TWG, the saying is Guilty until seered Innocent xD
03:05:18: <Mashiii> But if those logs bring up contrary evidence to your theory, you can't hang onto that tiny fraction of a percentage that they're faked.
03:05:26: <Mashiii> Touche, fank009. :P
03:07:58: <gzgregory> Okay, fair enough.
03:09:58: <fank009> um...
03:10:16: <Bubbles> Can someone explain what bds is trying to prove?
03:10:17: <fank009> (I need to get my mind on this game... its too distracted :/)
03:10:22: <Bubbles> does he think the fools formed an alliance?
03:10:33: <Bubbles> Im really at a loss
03:11:06: <gzgregory> wow that makes no sense
03:11:16: <fank009> ^
03:11:25: <Mashiii> I've learnt to skip over BlackDragonSlayer's posts a long time ago.
03:11:29: <gzgregory> okay it doesn't necessarily make NO sense
03:11:37: <Bubbles> xD mashi
03:11:38: <gzgregory> It makes very little sense
03:11:41: <Bubbles> yeah
03:11:45: <Bubbles> but idk what to say
03:13:12: <fank009> mashi... skipping over BDS's posts is like skipping over mine :/
03:13:20: <fank009> (and we all know I make points at times :/)
03:14:11: <gzgregory> Just as an aside does anyone know how experienced TST is
03:14:40: <Bubbles> mashi who did you vote for last phase?
03:14:57: <Mashiii> I made an insightful post.
03:15:01: <Mashiii> FSM-Reapr.
03:15:05: <Bubbles> ok
03:15:23: <gzgregory> best post mashi
03:15:26: <Mashiii> ty
03:16:35: <Bubbles> bds thinks fsm was a fool?
03:17:14: <fank009> TST learned from mashi :D
03:17:23: <fank009> nuff said
03:17:35: <fank009> (wolf buddehs in game of doors)
03:17:44: <Mashiii> ;)
03:17:58: <Mashiii> (I actually don't remember what I do in half my NSM games)
03:18:08: <fank009> BDS thinks FSM is a wolf
03:18:12: <Mashiii> (most of the time I usually just do whatever verm verm says and do whatever I want)
03:18:30: <fank009> "And another thing: If you know Maestro was a fool, why are you voting for the person most likely to be a fool? That'll leave only one fool..."
03:18:39: <fank009> this was addressed to me
03:19:01: <fank009> but it still gives us ideas of BDS
03:21:30: <gzgregory> You mean he thinks FSM was a fool?
03:23:32: <fank009> no...
03:23:42: <fank009> he thinks FSM is a wolf...
03:23:45: <fank009> otherwise...
03:23:53: <fank009> I would be voting for the last fool this phase
03:24:03: <fank009> and he would be more perdantic about it
03:24:23: <gzgregory> ...if he thought FSM was a wolf he wouldn't think there was only one fool left alive.
03:24:37: <fank009> ...
03:24:40: <fank009> When mashi dies
03:24:46: <fank009> that will leave one fool.
03:24:53: <fank009> (makes sense???)
03:25:50: <gzgregory> oh wait hah I totally misread his post okay
03:25:55: <gzgregory> whoops
03:26:32: <Mashiii> Two.
03:26:43: <Mashiii> But you all seemed convinced, so whatever.
03:27:14: <fank009> ...
03:27:22: <fank009> Mashi is claiming Not Fool???
03:28:43: <Mashiii> I'm Human.
03:29:13: <Mashiii> It doesn't really matter too much if you all suspect me of being Fool, so long as you're all cognizant of other people also acting like Fools though.
03:33:45: <Bubbles> hhhh
03:33:48: <Bubbles> i give up
03:34:09: <fank009> are you conceding bubbles??? (xD)
03:34:26: <Bubbles> to?
03:34:29: <Bubbles> i just cant argue anymore
03:36:05: <Mashiii> Hi Olimar12345!!!
03:36:08: <Olimar12345> finaly
03:36:09: <fank009> olimar...
03:36:11: <Olimar12345> hello
03:36:12: <fank009> hi
03:36:15: <Olimar12345> yez
03:36:19: <Olimar12345> hi
03:36:28: <fank009> thoughts on the current scenario?
03:37:03: <Olimar12345> well, we know that at least one fool is dead
03:37:11: <Bubbles> olimarrrr
03:37:19: <Olimar12345> and most likely one wolf too
03:37:27: <Olimar12345> berbbles!
03:37:46: <Bubbles> mashi im too lazy to send a pm but im a wolf!
03:38:06: <Olimar12345> btw guys be patient with me im on my tablet this thing sucks
03:38:09: <Olimar12345> lol
03:38:11: <fank009> ^
03:38:12: <Mashiii> lol
03:38:20: <fank009> the joys of the tablet
03:38:28: <Olimar12345> guuuh
03:40:33: <Olimar12345> ugh bds is soooo annoying...
03:40:39: <Olimar12345> is he here?
03:40:45: <Olimar12345> i wa
03:40:59: <Olimar12345> i wanna chat with him sumore
03:41:02: <bird> hey every1
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Waddle Bro on October 16, 2013, 11:11:07 AMIt'd make sense for a wolf to convince everybody he was a wolf.
^Wouldnt wolves want to do that If FSM fool flipped red??? (especially after maestro flipped red as well???)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Although fank seems to be trying to convince me that greg is a wolf (:P), I actually think what davy/verm said about Bubbles makes sense, at least when compared to any other suspicions at this point (or lack thereof). As I said in the chat, though, I might consider greg more if Bubbles turns out being a wolf, along with... a certain other person... :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on October 16, 2013, 03:31:19 PMAlthough fank seems to be trying to convince me that greg is a wolf
Fank's doing what now???
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...

Waddle Bro

Quote from: Greg on October 16, 2013, 12:40:38 PMHe could have voted himself to insta himself at that point, instead of voting for Mashi and forcing a KiTB.
oh wow I didn't know about an insta :O

I can't vote for Mashi bcuz I promised some of my croissant to him so Me


Sorry I've been inactive this phase.  I'm going to place a vote on Bubbles.  Fank knows my reasoning as to why I'm less willing to lynch fools today than I was yesterday.  It was a misconception about the build of the game.

First off, I'll explain why I'm not voting for Mashi/TST.  I find it very unlikely that they are both wolves because it assumes that both wolves acted like fools.  This is a very poor strategy because it paints them into a corner.  If all three fools act like fools, the humans have a really solid chance of winning because they only have to pick the one fool which is most obviously a fool and not lynch that person.  I believe that Mashi and FSM would both have realized this and would've avoided it.  I don't have much experience with TST but I don't need it because I've already said I believe neither Mashi nor FSM would do it! 

Additionally, I think it's likely that FSM was a wolf and not a fool.  He had the chance to vote himself and win the game but chose to put it to a KitB.  That seems silly to me!

As for why I'm not voting greg (seems to be the only other option largely discussed today) I don't see why him flip-flopping makes him more likely to be a wolf.  Flip-flopping's usually a tell-tale sign I'm human.  I don't know if the same's true for him though.  The italicized parts in the chat don't hold much water to me because of how long it took him to disagree with the conclusions fank drew about the fools.  He took like two minutes before getting back to him.  I feel like fank and BDS are also putting in a lot of work to find the wolves which seems genuine.  BDS in particular seems to be acting very similarly to how he acted last game.