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TWG 60: 2fool4skool

Started by Bird, October 10, 2013, 10:51:49 AM

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Waddle Bro

tomorrow I shall be feasting with my croissant


Mashi, what in the world are you doing ???
i read that chat right right?
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


FSM-Reapr told me his Role, so I am now one step closer to fulfilling my win conditions!!!  To return the favour, I will help him win.

And I think you read the chat left, right, right?

and waddle bro share pls

Waddle Bro


Waddle Bro

aw man I can't resist that face

you can have some



Quote from: fank009 on October 12, 2013, 04:50:59 PMok, so either my reads are wrong, or people have a case of fancy play syndrome
if mashi's a fool,then I have 4 fool leans...
Having a look at the situation, I would say both at the moment
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I don't think it's too out of the question for one of the Wolves to possibly act as a Fool would, so you should probably take that into account as well.

Anyway, people still need to claim to me!!!  I've received  only 4 so far.


Day 1 is soon going to end, so I should analyse the game to decide my vote.

FSM claiming fool seems like a wolf move to me. He won't gain anything by helping humans win if he is a fool, and he gains protection if he's a wolf (of course there's always reverse psychology, but that's only needed if we are really thinking like lynching him, which I'm not atm).

Olimar agrees with my logic on his first post. As this is a rather helpful post, it makes me lean towards him being human.

Greg concedes with my argument about FSM's move and I can see where he's comming from. With that logic in mind, it would seem like FSM is a human (he has nothing to gain when he is a fool, and he doesn't want to draw to much attention on him if he is a fool). This also makes me lean towards Greg being human.

I really believe TST is a fool based on his PM to FSM and the (fake?) PM from Olimar he posted. Which should mean that if I'm correct humans won't lose to fools as long as we keep TST alive.

@Waddle Bro's post at the end of Page 5: Aaaaand.... We're back to Who's Online stalking -.- I guess it's nice be reminded why I have hidden my online status once in a while.

TBWCW tells us in his death post that we should look at his posts to find a clue about the wolfings (I guess). What I can see from his D1 posts is that he's mainly focussing on FSM, more than any other player actually. This could mean two things:
  • FSM is a wolf and wolved TBWCW because he was exposing that FSM was a wolf.
  • FSM is not a wolf and wolves are trying to frame FSM.
I can agree with Waddle saying that TST is a fool and Olimar a human. (Page 6)

Quote from: fank009 on October 12, 2013, 01:03:55 PMgreg, this is enough for now
I disagree with your reasoning for this vote (which you explained in this post), so I get a bit a wolf/fool 'tell' (as you seem to like to call it) from you.

And then there's a lot of stuff that Mashi posted, but I'm going to safe that for my next post.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I am pretty sure Mashi is not a human. He made all those clusterfucky posts which is really not how I know Mashi as a human. This means he's eighter:

1. A fool trying to get himself lynched.
2. A wolf trying to be protected from lynching.

I'm also getting pretty fed up with his joke/non-serious posts this game, because it hinders us humans from our purpose this game: finding the wolves.

So Mashi, if you are a wolf, then we can get rid of half the wolf team this phase and prevend any more of those annoying (in my opinion) posts with one stone.

If you are a fool and you get lynched, congrats to you. You'll have won the game, but in a way you will not make many friends. futhermore humans won't lose to fools as long as TST is still alive (persuming he's indeed a fool), we'll prevend any more of those posts and the number of humans won't lower.

If you ARE actually a human, then I present you a qoute by yourself from TWG XXXIV:
Quote from: Mashitake the vigi (well, it's a lynch in this game, but the idea is the same) as a wake up call to change Human performance style.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


And with that, I'm going to sleep. See you all tomorrow.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


The notion that I'm a Wolf is a bit frivolous in that I wouldn't put myself under such a major risk to be lynched Day 1.  Am I a bad Wolf or something???

Besides, once my super OP powers come into play, you'll all be sorry!!!!!!!!!

I also think that FSM-Reapr is very likely the Fool.  I don't think he would outright lie to me if he were a Wolf.  And he legitimately seems to want to die anyway.  If he were a Wolf, he would more likely consult his Partner before doing something so rash.  I understand this may put the two of us in the spotlight, so he approached me to decide whether to make the post, but if you pay actually read the log, does it sound like we began the conversation as a Wolf discussion?  And why would we be so stupid as to put both Wolves in the spotlight on Day 1???

I'm thinking that both Wolves are staying low at this point.  It would be too risky to put a Wolf in the spotlight by acting as a Fool.


I'm pretty certain that Mashi, TST, and FSM are the fools (especially Mashi, with his bluffs, and TST because of his association with Mashi), and Olimar is a human.

That being said, I'll place a vote on fank; I know he always seem a bit suspicious to people like me, but that vote on greg, especially as davy said, is making me feel even weirder about him.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Another thing I should mention:
I think it's very likely that FSM claimed fool (whether or not he actually is, although I think it's likely at this point) in order to get the other two fools to claim to him, which is what I assumed happened.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber