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Started by Waddle Bro, September 27, 2013, 04:38:34 AM

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TWG Yoshi

It's probably because that's the first time the account's been used before.

TWG Kirby

Quote from: TWG Ness on September 28, 2013, 07:21:29 PMAlso does anyone else have to type in answers just to post? I got the verification code and the "What is the name of this site?" just for trying to post this.
That should be only for the first post.

TWG Bowser

Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 28, 2013, 07:25:20 PMThat should be only for the first post.
It appears more than once I think.
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 28, 2013, 07:21:05 PMTentative vote on TWG Bowser. All of his reasons and observations are either obviously erroneous or completely frivolous. Luigi acknowledged that his first post that Bowser quoted wasn't the best reasoning-wise. Luigi was right in changing his mind, but Bowser attacked him for that?
The Thing is, he changed his mind near immedietly after he posted his thoughts, which seemed incredibly weird, its pretty much the same as saying "Hey, I think Bowser is suspicious, now I think he's a human."

TWG Yoshi

From what I read, it didn't seem like he was all that convinced with his initial argument to begin with.

TWG Kirby

Quote from: TWG Bowser on September 28, 2013, 07:28:09 PMIt appears more than once I think.The Thing is, he changed his mind near immedietly after he posted his thoughts, which seemed incredibly weird, its pretty much the same as saying "Hey, I think Bowser is suspicious, now I think he's a human."
You're saying that he should stick with his reasoning even if he knows its wrong? ???

TWG Falcon

Hey everyone! I just finish my night class in english now i can speak very well!

Anyway, I'm not sure who to vote for. Obviously, Ness and any other inactives are hella sketchy, but the way Bowser is relentlessly attacking everyone is a bit off-putting.

TWG Bowser

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I only attacked Green-stache.

TWG Falcon

Quote from: TWG Bowser on September 28, 2013, 11:03:39 PMCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I only attacked Green-stache.

You also suspected Ness of inactivity, and said that he was only on long enough to either read the thread or do something else that escapes me at the moment. That could easily play to a wolf's advantage.

•see inactive player
•intentionally miss wolfing
•blame it on inactive player

is at least what i can pick up from this.

Waddle Bro

Just here to inform that you need to show some kind of activity by the end of Night 2, or I can replace you with someone else.


TWG Luigi for reasons I already stated.  I really don't think the no wolfing is entirely conclusive, but I do admit it shouldn't be disregarded.

TWG Link

I will safety on TWG Falcon for the time being.

I think we should meet in the chat to discuss things some time today.  I want to hear what people like TWG Mario, Fox, Pikachu, and Samus have to say because they have yet to do so if I am correct.

I am thinking of the possibility that the Wolves might have wolfed no one and then went to the sidelines to hope that we would go after active Players but I am not sure how likely that is.

I am a bit suspicious of TWG Luigi because of his response to the wolfing ("The thing that bothers me, though, is that only Ness didn't post, which implies that there was a wolf who did post and yet still didn't wolf.  And I'd probably suspect me of doing that most.") which seems a bit unnecessary to me and something a Wolf might try to do to look more Human.  I also agree with TWG DK about his 'clear list' being suspicious.

I am unsure of TWG Bowser because I feel that his logic about things like Ness's activity are definitely off, but I do not know whether that is a Wolf trying to protect a Wolf or a Human using mistaken logic.  I think he may be getting too into his character that it effects his gamestyle but I am unsure.

I will be free at around 10PM CEST today.  I think that is 3PM EDT.  So I will be in the chat at that time.

TWG Luigi

Well everybody's lame for not trying to be BDS!

@TWG DK:  I can understand where you're coming from, but I really don't think your conclusion is logical given that I recanted pretty much everything I said about 15 minutes later.  The reason I did that was because of what I brought up right at the end of my first post:  Ness is the only player who didn't say anything during Night 1. 

I thought about that a bit more, and realized that it's smarter numbers-wise for the wolves to not wolf anyone on Night 1.  We don't have any more lynch opportunities because of the missed wolfing, and every day there's one more human who the wolves could potentially lynch instead of one of their own.

@TWG Bowser:  I explained the reason for my change in behavior, and believe that that explanation is superior to the explanation that would lead you to think I was a wolf.  What I meant by saying I didn't post much but wasn't inactive was that I was reading the thread, but didn't see anything worth commenting on.  I then realized the possibility I discussed above, and changed my mind.  Think of it this way:  which is more probable?  That I'm a human and reconsidered within a span of 15 minutes, or that I'm a wolf, that somehow I got new information within those 15 minutes that only a wolf would get, and changed my mind?  I think you'll agree that the former seems much more likely.

Ninja'd by Link.  The reason I said that I'd suspect me of doing that the most (being the other inactive wolf to an inactive Ness) was because I only posted once in Night 1 and it was before Waddle said that all the PM's were out.

TWG Luigi

Double-posting because I think this is more thought-provoking.  There are two entirely different sets of suspects depending on whether you think it's more likely that the missed wolfing was intentional or accidental.  If it was intentional, the people who spammed are more likely to be wolves demonstrating that they were present Night 1.  If it was accidental, people like me, Ness, Fox, Yoshi, and Samus who posted 0-1 times are more likely to be wolves. 

I feel I'm much more likely to be in the accidental group than the intentional group.  I had the time to spam if I wanted to, but I didn't feel the need to since I'm a human who didn't know the wolves were going to skip the wolfing.  If I were a wolf who had access to that information, I'd absolutely spam so it'd look less likely that I accidentally missed the wolfing.

I feel like TWG Yoshi is someone who had a partner in the spammy Night 1 group and was told to post before the end of the phase.  The "I feel I should make my presence known" post semi-late in the phase makes me think that an experienced wolf partner told him to say something so he wouldn't look suspicious.

TWG Yoshi

Excuse me for not wanting to get into character and for not even being online during the initial start-up.

TWG Luigi

I was reviewing an argument Bowser made earlier.  I think I'm reaching the opposite conclusion he did, though.  TWG Ness had only been active for 10 minutes on Night 1.  But he was active on Night 1.  That means he would have seen his role PM.

It'd be reeeeally helpful to know who the accounts behind the accounts were if we're assuming that the missed wolfing was an accident.  Right now I'm leaning towards it not being an accident though.

This game has too much uncertainty  :(