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TWG LVIII - The Boy's Forest of Tears [Evaluation]

Started by Toby, September 21, 2013, 04:37:41 PM

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I think it's hilarious that even though most of the people we lynched were humans, we won anyway. Go Bubbles!!!
I don't blame you guys for lynching me, though: if a seer claims that I'm red, I'm probably red, barring unlikely exceptions.

Mr. E

Although I find it funny that we lynched you and the seer both. Ah well.


Player Analysis is finally complete!

There are a few things bold and underlined I want TWC to take into consideration concerning game bans. I've made the suggestion but I'd like you to make the final decision.

I mentioned some possible game bans for people that were inactive but died early so weren't inactive for long.


Just my thoughts on the bold:

Inactivity shouldn't necessarily result in a game ban. You can prevent them from playing your games, but I'm fairly certain that unless a player gets three phantoms, they shouldn't be banned from the next game.

As for Slow, he and Mashi were sort of in it together, only Mashi got wolfed night one. I'm fairly certain that if he didn't he would have been in on the shenanigans just as much as Slow was. Considering that Mashi is probably the more important member of the TWC, it's unlikely that he'll ban himself or his accomplice.

Of course though, I didn't play the game. So my thoughts might not mean very much.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I suppose that gives the answer for the 'possible game bans' my mistake.

Nevertheless I think slow received 4 phantoms, and that to me deserves a game ban.

Not trying to be a dick here, but come on, if slow had been active then Dude may have won since Bird and Verm came to the conclusion Slow was too inactive to send in wolfings.


Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on September 24, 2013, 02:10:45 PMI suppose that gives the answer for the 'possible game bans' my mistake.

Nevertheless I think slow received 4 phantoms, and that to me deserves a game ban.

Not trying to be a dick here, but come on, if slow had been active then Dude may have won since Bird and Verm came to the conclusion Slow was too inactive to send in wolfings.
Quote11. As mentioned in the "Other Mechanics and Vocabulary" section, phantom penalties have been modified. As of January 17th, 2013, following TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way, hosts are allowed to replace players who receive phantom votes, at their discretion. Any player who receives two phantom votes in one game will given a single game ban, but will not be ejected from the current game. If a player has a really, really good excuse for why they weren't able to come online for 2 minutes and make a safety vote, the phantom penalty may be waived.

If you're certain any player got two or more phantoms, let us know.

p.s. good player analyses
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Mariolegofan - 2 phantoms
Thiannon - 2 phantoms
Slowpokemon - 5 phantoms
FireArrow - 3 phantoms
TheZeldaPianist - 2 phantoms

That's all the the people and the amount of phantoms they received if they got 2 or more.

And thanks, I did one at a time rereading all their posts each time! It's over 2,800 words long!


I knew K-knight was a seer as soon as he said "a seer claimed to me." That's why I didn't want to say why I thought he was human (I guess it didn't matter though, considering he claimed shortly after.)

Anyways, sorry about my inactivity at the end of the game, I just had absolutely no desire to continue the game. Now I know not to join a TWG unless I really have enough energy to complete it (common sense... but meh.)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Aaaaaaand i still don't have an honorable mention/mvp thing again, joy.

ugh i'm so done with twg.


Player analysis...
I love player analysis...
I should have sent more of a blog to you TBWCW... just to detail my thoughts...
The vote/aggression against verm (day 1/onwards) was a ploy... I had strong reason to believe he was town... and after he was seered , by the claimed seer... (which people seemed to miss ...) I had no doubts on him. Im a bit suprised how people saw my aggresion against verm... especially given his claim, and the nature of the game, maybe we need more mashes??? I dont regret anything in terms of my actions with verm...
If there was something I do forget... it was my rather passiveness.
to be honest, I was thinking about claiming day 1... (before bird did) with boxes to back me up... (why not) then bird claimed... everyhting was run by him... on night 2 K-night gathered all the blues (+bird) we tried to get something going... but yeah.
Contra/Mr.E; night/day 1 (cant remember) I "cornered" (cant remember which one...) but it seemed like (one of them) was fishing power roles... I was able to see them as box keepers, and we had a somewhat alliance of 3 going.

Thoughts on the game...
3v1v14.... even with the insane amount of boxes... only 3 wolves??? especially with how easy (it should have been) to clear people... If I had the headspace to play "my game", this more than likely would have been ended earlier...
The curveballs... They werent too bad... considering how disadvantaged wolves were... I didnt like the fact of them being uneven though... that burning didnt help the sanity of mind (after game of wolves xD)
Long phases- I'll be honest... This somewhat killed my interest in the game... (day 2/night 3 I just started an invitational on another forum... and was trying to find a good balance between playing both...)
Night 3... Night 3 was prolly the best to show how "disorganized" we all were (as an alliance...) If I knew EXACTLY what verm was... we would have had a better plan of attack... I would have someone (dont know who exactly...) to protect me, and we would protect down the line... me on verm, verm on K-night...

Broken game is broken??? yes, wolves had boxes... there was something they didnt know that would have cleared boxkeepers and made this game head on its heels... and that is timing... (i dont understand wolf timing... but I understood Box keeper timing) There were just way too many variables that would have cleared too many townies if they got together and worked together.

I liked the concept... and the game was... good in its parts... Its a shame that activity went out the window :/

Not a lot of things to really give awards but here we go...
"I'm Invincible"- Bird, Really dude??? you keep bird/cleared mason/ alive till final 4????
Wooden spoon- Tough choice really... you have inactives... you have the above forementioned mistake (you have the game...) you have me not getting a safe plan together... but I think the one that did it... was Verm voting K-night... WE WERE OPENLY COMMUNICATING... If you didnt trust K-night... why didnt you out it to bird or me maybe???? It was crazy you voted for him but eh... I dont know the full story... it just never made sense...

Cant really think of a MVP... so instead...
Winners and losers
Please note, Its an indication of playing ability, those who played well to there situation or were lucky get put in the winners section, those who were unluckey, in the losers section... the useless are in the no hopes, and everyone else doesnt have a big enough lean
-Dude, you made it to the end... nothing more I can say really
-Bird, Rocky game, but you were able to hang in there, and lead humans to a win.

Losers (lucked out by play)
-Verm, that aforementioned voting k-night, only reason you would be classed a "loser"
-Bubbles, Killing the wolves, If only you survived to the end, but you did give humans the win though... In some ways your a winner, but since you were 3rd party, your a loser.
-fank, heck... I had all these options available too me to set as a buffer... but I never took them, and i died.
-Spectators, Lets be honest... no action in all reality.
-K-night, again, with a majority of people here, could be a winner, but the game really lucked out for you... the crosses didnt help, as taking the only bit of sanity in the game led you to be lynched (stupidly imo). The claiming wasnt a smart idea... but it didnt matter in hindsight. More screwed over by the mechanics than poor gameplay by yourself.
(I'm sure there is more here...)

No hopers
Anyone who phantom'd/didnt contribute (some phantoms are forgiveable imo)

Closing notes
An interesting concept... Lucky we could win imo... you get what you can, no use being sour over bad apples.

thanks for the game TBWCW
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I guess I should explain the vote for K-Night.  I trusted K-Night more than fank.  I thought it unlikely that there were two guardian-ish powers, but once fank got wolfed and flipped special, I thought it possible that K-Night was a wolf who had infiltrated the alliance and was trying to get the guardian out.

During that day phase, my options were to vote either Bubbles or K-Night.  Even if I voted for Contra, there was only like 30 minutes left in the phase and K-Night would get lynched.  Originally I did vote Bubbles (a vote I'd probably stick with if I had another chance at that day phase) but Contra's story seemed pretty enticing.  He said he had a way to prove that he had given someone a box, that Toby had said that box keepers were seered brown, and that when Bird was able to talk again he might be able to put a number on Contra's claim.  And something about the way that K-Night was so easily swayed by Contra's defense didn't sit right with me.

But that fake seering really did a number on future lynches.  Assuming that Contranegative was a wolf made the humans (or Bird and I, at least) look away from Dude as a potential suspect and made Mr. E look way suspicious to me.  Had Dude not gotten that phase extension for his unexplained question, I probably would've voted for Slow on the last day.


How the hell did I make it to the end of this goddam game
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

Waddle Bro

I honestly don't want to ban people from my game because they weren't interested in playing in your 3-week-game. My game isn't even that "hardcore" as this one, it's just everybody havin' a good time roleplaying, joking and doing twg stuff.

Ban them from your own next game.


It's hard to get mad at people for being inactive when the game itself was stretched out for so long.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


As much as I hate inactivity, I'd have to agree.  From personal experience it honestly seems like most people are inactive because they get tired of the game or they don't feel like they have any power.

When I was removed from the game the first time, I was actually really annoyed and, had I lived longer, I'm pretty sure my activity would have dropped.  Randomly telling people "okay you can't say anything for the rest of the phase" isn't cool!