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TWG LVIII - The Boy's Forest of Tears

Started by Toby, August 26, 2013, 12:49:16 PM

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He also said this:

And I don't think Liggy would lie about saying the host made a mistake with his PM, suddenly saying that he was red. I think it's a fair assumption for a player who is red to flip as a wolf, right? What would be the point of a miller who flipped as "miller" rather than "wolf"?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Regarding my potential to no-vote:  Would I really have been in the same place?  I honestly think you'd be a hell of a lot less suspicious of me if I'd come up with some inactivity excuse (which would work pretty well since I was actually pretty busy during most of that phase!).  If I were a wolf, it's hard to predict a scenario in which voting for the seer didn't blow up in my face.

Regarding Liggy:  I lean towards trusting the wolf cardflip.  I find it a bit hard to believe that Toby messed up his role so spectacularly that he didn't tell Liggy he was seered red and didn't leave room for a humansided third party in the first post.  Though I think there's a good argument to be made for Liggy being a loner so I'll drop this point.

Regarding the MarioLegoFan thing:  The point is that I was actually trying to hunt wolves at some point with what limited time I had.

Regarding the Contranegative seering:  It's silly that you're lynching me person for supporting the K-Night lynch because he's apparently a really obvious seer when he seered someone red.  There is no reason for Contranegative to be arbitrarily red, especially when you already believe that Liggy's a miller, a wolf is brown, and that another wolf is blue!  That makes a pretty OP wolf team.

Regarding the alliance infiltration:  Yeah I contradicted myself because I too was skeptical of five specials.  But at this point everyone but me is confirmed or likely human.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on September 10, 2013, 02:52:47 PMRegarding my potential to no-vote:  Would I really have been in the same place?  I honestly think you'd be a hell of a lot less suspicious of me if I'd come up with some inactivity excuse (which would work pretty well since I was actually pretty busy during most of that phase!).  If I were a wolf, it's hard to predict a scenario in which voting for the seer didn't blow up in my face.
I'm just having a lot of trouble explaining the way you acted as a human, okay, so it all gets thrown into my "why you're a wolf" posts. I mean, you helped lynch the seer. I don't know what you were thinking, wolf or human.

QuoteRegarding Liggy:  I lean towards trusting the wolf cardflip.  I find it a bit hard to believe that Toby messed up his role so spectacularly that he didn't tell Liggy he was seered red and didn't leave room for a humansided third party in the first post.  Though I think there's a good argument to be made for Liggy being a loner so I'll drop this point.
It sounds like his role might have had to make an alliance choice by a certain point in time, going off of that Toby post I linked, and maybe he ended up choosing Wolf. He still gave us his three boxes though.

Liggy claimed to me independently after you told me about him. Either way, I don't think it counts as a point in your favor!

QuoteRegarding the MarioLegoFan thing:  The point is that I was actually trying to hunt wolves at some point with what limited time I had.

QuoteRegarding the Contranegative seering:  It's silly that you're lynching me person for supporting the K-Night lynch because he's apparently a really obvious seer when he seered someone red.  There is no reason for Contranegative to be arbitrarily red, especially when you already believe that Liggy's a miller, a wolf is brown, and that another wolf is blue!  That makes a pretty OP wolf team.
If Liggy is a wolf, he's red and started off with boxes. Then you have the Brown wolf who is basically designed to be able to pretend to be a box keeper. Then you have ANOTHER red wolf who pretends to be a box keeper? That's crazy and hard to believe. That's why I'm going for you first. Not that you aren't making a number of good points, but ehhh... it seems like a lot of box keepery wolves, is all.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


A green wolf is also a possibility.  Or, there's more than one red wolf like there usually is!


Liggy is either a loner or a wolf, and either way there's a reason I shouldn't be lynched today.

If Liggy is a wolf:

I told Bird before Bird got a claim from him that Liggy had claimed loner to me.  I also demonstrated knowledge of the fact that loners can't win with the humans.  Thus if Liggy is a wolf I cannot be a wolf.  However, Bird has pointed out that there's a possibility that there are two wolf factions because of the two killings each night.  My response is that it's a lot less likely that there are two wolf factions than it is that I made a bad vote as a human.

If Liggy is a loner:
Then the red seering on Contranegative really can't be ignored.  It would be ludicrous for there to be two non-wolves seered red, a blue wolf (apparently me), and a brown wolf.  Not to mention the fact that there's also probably a green wolf!


I survived until the end of a TWG once... in 2009.
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar


well excuse me for wanting to sleep today -_-
Contra I guess

Quote from: Bird on September 10, 2013, 02:18:53 PMCan Slow and Dude be replaced? They're not posting or responding to PMs about the game.
omg one day of not posting and u guys freak out.
is that really necessary?

good night! >:(


That and clearly not reading the thread.

Could you please tell us your role?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die



Also, didn't you say you've never gotten a box from contra Bird? If so, then we pretty much have this game in the bag.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Bird on September 10, 2013, 07:27:15 PMThat and clearly not reading the thread.

Could you please tell us your role?
Quote from: Dude on September 08, 2013, 05:02:54 PMwat

I thought I PM'd you a while ago.

I'm a normal human.



Let's just pretend all that anger was directed at SlowPokemon then. Sorry about that!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


FireArrow, you and Mr. E should vote for Contranegative.  Apparently I convinced Bird but I was supposed to post why and things came up and I forgot.  I don't know why he didn't mention it. 

BONUS POINT:  I asked Toby if my bodyguard power allows me to take kills from burnings should they kill.  He said yes.

It's really baffling to me that I'm being lynched because I was an unnecessary vote in a lynch people didn't like.  Especially when we have a player seered red who started the lynch that I'm getting flak for supporting.  And when there's plenty of evidence of me being human (see the point I made about Liggy's role in my last post).

Mr. E

Changing vote quickly to Bubbles right now. I've been temporarily convinced by Verm and Contra. I'll investigate further, but I don't find it likely that either are wolves right now. I'm sorry Bird.

Mr. E

OK, now that I don't feel rushed to switch votes and have thought about stuff a bit, I think the best target would be SlowPokemon. I feel as though Bird, Me, Contra, Verm, and FireArrow are pseudo-confirmed (to me at least)and I think that over this game he has definitely acted the oddest.


I dont think slow ever intended to play in the first place. Isn't he being replaced though?