TWG LVIII - The Boy's Forest of Tears

Started by Toby, August 26, 2013, 12:49:16 PM

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Toby, that would have been so much more helpful earlier.

Can we please let me live for now, so I actually have the chance to prove that I'm pro-human?


I'd prefer not to lynch Liggy at this point.

Liggy claiming loner to me doesn't make sense if he's actually a loner who doesn't win with the humans.  The first post says that human win conditions need all non-humans dead.

Toby's recent post doesn't make sense if there are no loners because he's set up a framework where loners should be considered necessary to kill in all circumstances.  The only way it's justified in my opinion is if there is a third party whom we don't have to kill in order to win.

I'd rather lynch someone like Mr. Tanooki Suit because I'm not sure he's ever posted or ever will post and we don't have anything better.


The screams of laughter are coming closer

4 hours left in phase

Mr. E

Guys, stop making progress in ideas while I'm unavailable. So rude of you. From what I've seen at this point, we don't have any good target at all. Liggy, if his claim is to be believed, doesn't need to be killed for us to win. Personally, I'm inclined to trust his claim. But that leaves us without a lynch target for tonight. Rather than going for inactive players, I think we should direct our attention towards Vermillion Vermin. I see no possible way he could be what he claimed to be, because he's too smart not to consider that the wolves probably have a countering ability. Despite his claims that this isn't his play style, from my experience this is exactly what he does. He's got something up his sleeve, and I say he should speak now, or forever hold his peace. (Aka he's dead)


Uhh... okay then.

Requesting a phase extension in light of this news.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Mr. Tanooki Suit.

He popped into the chat asking what had happened. I gave him a really thorough summary of the game's events, and he still didn't post. Perhaps he's a wolf worried of saying something he shouldn't, since mystery game's are so delicate?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Because the phase is probably almost over and I'm pretty apathetic, I'm going to toss a vote over towards SlowPokemon. He said some strange things without explaining them when asked, and then attacked Liggy for attacking Verm. Normally, I'd've gone for Liggy, but I'd rather have a chance to kill a wolf than surely kill a loner. Verm is a good player who is probably lying, but I don't think he deserves to die (yet, at least).
I've not heard a word from Tanooki, so I can't really judge him as any worse than Slow.


Safety on Dude because tired and I don't wanna think atm D:

Wait, did i even log in yesterday? :o


Right now I have the most votes.  By my count, there's three against me, two against Tanooki, and two against Liggy.

If you disagree with me being lynched, you should be voting for someone else.  I recommend Tanooki between those two.  I have reportedly been seered blue and the most damning thing against me is that in my first week of school I'm being less active than I normally am.

Mr. E

Okay, um.... I'm actually going to switch my vote to a Tanooki vote. Through chat and the like I don't think it'd be a good idea to take care of Verm quite yet, and an inactive is the next best option for me right now.


I still haven't received claims from the following players:

Mr. Tanooki Suit

If any of you have special roles, please let me know. Don't let us waste a seer or something on you if you could just tell us what you are!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


I think I'm gonna agree with contranegative and vote for slow. I was actually thinking of voting for him earlier, but everyone seemed so set on liggy I didn't think it would matter. He's been fairly active, but nothing he's posted was anything but a joke. Normally I wouldn't care, but he voted for liggy which is actually acting, though he didn't provide an actual reason.


I think he might like red onions come on he's clearly evil
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Sorry for inactivity guys, first school week was a lot more busy than I thought.

I don't think I'll be able to be much active later in the game, so I will drop out.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


The Boy's Forest of Tears

What you can do with the little red boxes:

You can give your box to anyone you want, but not yourself.  If you deposit any box you collected into the tree stump you may choose one of the following:
   -An amount of Four Boxes allow the user to use a Guard
   -An amount of Five Boxes allow a player to use a Kill
   -An amount of Three Boxes allow a player to use an Seer
   -An amount of One Box allows a player to use a Bodyguard
   -An amount of Two Boxes allows a player to use a role block

I won't be happy with anyone who steals leftover boxes.

Chit Chat, anyone?

Vote Count:

Bird - Mr. Tanooki Suit
Bubbles - Slowpokemon
SlowPokemon - Liggy
MaestroUGC - Vermilionvermin
Dude - Dude
Liggy - Vermilionvermin
Fank009 - Vermilionvermin Maestro
K-NiGhT - Slowpokemon Liggy
Mr. Tanooki Suit
Contranegative - Slowpokemon
Mr. E - Vermilionvermin Mr. Tanooki Suit
Vermilionvermin - Davy Liggy Mr. Tanooki Suit

Mr. Tanooki Suit - 3
Slowpokemon - 2
Liggy - 2
Vermilionvermin - 2
Dude - 1


01. Mashi - Box Keeper Number 5.
03. Bird
04. BlackDragonSlayer - Brown Wolf.
05. Bubbles
06. Mariolegofan
07. SlowPokemon
08. MaestroUGC
09. Dude
10. Liggy
11. Fank009
12. TheZeldaPianist275
13. K-NiGhT
14. FireArrow
15. Mr. Tanooki Suit
16. Contranegative
17. Mr. E
18. Vermilionvermin

As the cries of laughter were nearing the players started getting twitchy, started worrying. Started to panic. The big mouths looked towards the silent ones. The ones who weren't bothered by the cries. Players 3, 17 and 18 stood up and darted to attack player 15.  Player 17 grabbed the head and players 18 and 3 grabbed the legs. Together they pulled, harder and harder. Players 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 were completely oblivious to what was going off and before they could do something to stop the situation Mr. Tanooki Suit was torn apart.

The camp set up a fire and used his body for food, carefully removing the toe and fingernails beforehand.

Mr. Tankooki Suit has been lynched

The sun is down, the stars are up, it is now Night 2, Night 2 will end Sunday 8pm GMT+1.