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He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG LVII - The Return of Mephistopheles Post Game

Started by Mephistopheles, August 19, 2013, 10:04:19 PM

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BDS you should have listened to my plan, then I could have been the leader again and there would only be one wolf left.


Quote from: Mephistopheles on August 20, 2013, 09:55:28 AMAfter thinking long and hard about all of this and how this game carried out, I won't be posting any sort of analyses for this game.


Because you all blew it. I was looking over the deals that we finalized and proposed and none of you took advantage of the full potential of the deals. Last game I got some really creative deals that forced players to think on their toes. This game you all treated it as if it was just another typical TWG. This was not fun to host and even after the big switch you all still didn't even rise to your full potential.

I think this'll be the last time I will host a Mephistopheles game.
Sorry for not fulfilling your potential, I was purposely trying not to be dominant, because I would have been lynched (oh wait) or modkilled, simple as that, and with a game with no room for error.

If you arent going to reveal the deals I  might as well say mine.

Basically, mine was a "spying" type ability. The result of the spy was a peek at any pm's recieved.  Basically, it was a way to find Beelzebub. And that was the only purpose for it the catch being, if I spy on someone they would know my intentions. N2 i spyed on tzp, n3 i tried liggy. (Like i said, wolf kill being prioritized 1st :/)

And that was all...
I was thinking about switching sides with the one mislynch, but a certain deal stopped me.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Mephistopheles on August 20, 2013, 09:55:28 AMAfter thinking long and hard about all of this and how this game carried out, I won't be posting any sort of analyses for this game.


Because you all blew it. I was looking over the deals that we finalized and proposed and none of you took advantage of the full potential of the deals. Last game I got some really creative deals that forced players to think on their toes. This game you all treated it as if it was just another typical TWG. This was not fun to host and even after the big switch you all still didn't even rise to your full potential.

I think this'll be the last time I will host a Mephistopheles game.
I should've just made a deal where I couldn't have been killed at all. :P No use being "fair"... :P

The deal(s) I tried to make in order to capitalize on my deal had terrible repercussions, and just weren't worth it... the deal I proposed to reveal Liggy and Verm's roles was not worth it under any circumstance (since it took away my vote, and halved votes against them!)... unless we had a vigi, off course (which we didn't).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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This post is in response to Maestro's, which I decided to refrain from quoting as it was just quoted twice in a row.

Ignoring the fact that I think I did pretty well, and made some really interesting deals over the course of the game, it's really disappointing to not get any player analyses during the postgame.  I mean, it really is your choice what to include, and it's not strictly required to have a player analyses, but at the bare minimum there should be a role reveal and a MVP awarded.  And, for this game, it would be nice to have a log of all the deals made and their results, but even then that's not required.  In the absence of all of this, the game really feels incomplete, and most people wouldn't even know who won had I not made it clear in my post that me and Verm were the two remaining wolves, and had my deal not made it clear that Bubbles was a wolf.


Not posting an analysis is fine, but could we at least know which players won?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Verm and Liggy are the only winners.

Though I think it's safe to say the loser is me.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


FMPOV, Liggy deserves MVP, Manipulating the deals to the extent on both sides of the coin... No one else really stood out... (not after day 2...)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I agree with Liggy being deserving of MVP.  He certainly was the big mover behind the wolves 2.0!

I apologize for seeming disinterested in the game, and probably saying as much in the thread.  Acting disinterested and inactive became a necessity when I became unable to use the words human or wolf at any point.  At some point, people would have, should have, and did get suspicious when I eventually began posting and not using any of those words on purpose.


So if Liggy got wolf/overall MVP, who would get overall MVP?


I vote that Liggy be Human and Wolf MVP.

Not only did he completely demolish the Wolf Team as a Human, but he also won with flying colours as a Wolf after demolishing said Team.


Okay, I'm so confused.  How did I not win?  Did anybody know that I switched to the wolf team in the endgame?


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I made a deal the last night to prevent deals from being made the last night.  That's probably why.