TWG LVII - The Return of Mephistopheles

Started by Mephistopheles, August 06, 2013, 10:00:19 PM

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Forgetting something, Verm?

I guess Bubbles, though.


Woah woah guys. Sorry for being inactive, I was randomly woken up at 7am and was gone for the whole day

What have I done to get four votes?


Nothing personal bubbles... we just dont want to "waste a mislynch" on a "confirmed" human
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


And what about anyone besides Yugi is "confirmed"? A wolf could have easily made a deal to have their name posted like that


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on August 09, 2013, 08:54:50 PMAnd what about anyone besides Yugi is "confirmed"? A wolf could have easily made a deal to have their name posted like that
:D... How long would it take, before someone noticed exactly what was going on?
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Im not sure I follow

It seems everyone is just jumping ahead of themselves. I'm not trusting anything Meph throws at us


Liggy is Human and on the human team.

fank009 is Human





Quote from: Bubbles7689 on August 09, 2013, 09:05:08 PMI'm not trusting anything Meph throws at us
If anythings confirmed, its this. I cant believe everyones just going along with it



TWG LVII - The Return of Mephistopheles

11 Players:
Beelzebub - Master Wolf - Can Spy on one player's deal each phase, chosen at random. He will be given the Deal ID and the written agreement.
Mammon - Wolf - Debt collector. Can kill any player in the game at any time. Useable only once. His identity will be revealed when he does so.
Belphegor - Wolf
Gabriel - Seer (blue)
Raphael - Guardian (silver)
Micheal - Archangel (gold) - Can cancel one player's deal each phase, chosen at random. Doesn't restore the game to any prior state, just cancels the contract and it's prior/associated deal chain, if one exists.
5 Humans (green)

Wolves know each other, Angels know each other.

You thought it was over, didn't you?

I'm here to make another deal with you, but this time the powers that be forced me to change the rules a bit. This time he's sending his own Angels to aid your pathetic existence. However, I am sending my own minions to make sure it is a fair game.

Each player can make a deal with the devil for any reason at any time. You can make a deal for whatever you wish, and I will tell you what it will cost you. I can deny any deal I wish, but I will be kind and tell you why, if it doesn't violate the natural laws of the universe or another contract.
Be creative in your deals, you can get anything your heart desires. There are a few ground rules, however; a few deals that the powers that be will not permit me to make:

 - You cannot kill anybody; no insta-lynchings or additional wolfings.
 - You cannot violate the laws of time and space, no phase extensions or reductions.
 - You cannot resurrect anybody; I'm not in the saving business, death is permanent.

I have a few ground rules of my own that you should understand before making a deal. I may not be holy, but I never said I wasn't fair:
 - All deals revolve around fair trade; something must give for you to get.
 - I get to decide what is given up for you to get what you want, and you will be told the cost, but not who will pay it or how.
 - Once the deal is struck, it is final; you cannot back out of it for any reason.
 - You cannot ask for information regarding deals with other players.
 - You cannot make a deal to effect, affect, alter, or otherwise cancel another players' natural power. These are the abilities they start out with.

Making a Deal:
If you want to make a deal, all you have to do is call me via PM:

"I, [insert name], wish for [the deal you wish to strike] to be executed in the following manner:
List the details."

I will reply:
"I, Mephistopheles, agree to grant [name] the [deal you wish to make] in the following manner:
 At the cost of [to be determined]."

All you have to do then is reply with the phrase "I agree to this contract" and give your signature, or state that the deal is off. Once the deal is struck it will be given an identification number, randomly generated, and all parties will refer to it as such from that point on.

I advise you to be as clear and detailed as possible, otherwise you will give me the right to execute the deal in any manner I see fitting. You cannot strike the same deal twice, if you back out from an earlier deal you cannot ask me about it later.

Once more to be perfectly clear:
You cannot discuss any aspect of these deals with anybody. You cannot tell anybody that you've struck a deal, the nature of a deal, or question other players about deals they might've had.

All deals with me are confidential; you will not be allowed to discuss your deal or its terms to any other player. Doing so is a breach in contract and I have every right to collect your debt. "What is your debt?" you may ask. In order to play this game, you will agree to sign over your soul to me until this game is completed. You have no obligation to sign this contract, and there will be no penalty against you if don't. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.

Shall we have this dance again,

1. Bubbles7689
2. TheZeldaPianist275
3. Dude
4. Yugi
5. K-NiGhT
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. Liggy
9. davy
10. vermilionvermin
11. fank009

Bubbles7689 got caught in a vicious loophole and her contract is now forfeit.
It is now Night 2, Night 2 ends Aug 11th, 12:00 AM CST

My Offices are now OPEN.
Please restrict your deals to one PM per deal. Do not group several deals together in one PM, I will ignore these. This is purely for organizational purposes.

Please activate any and all powers (whether natural or aquired) through their own unique PMs. You can later repost on those PMs for further ease of use.


You take all the fun out for me :/
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I had a good argument and everything :/
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...