FierceDeity's Arrangements (11/3 - NEW: Pokémon X and Y - Emotion)

Started by FierceDeity, July 31, 2013, 03:32:06 AM

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Aw nah, man, no worries. I learned through examples as far as I could remember. If something can be written better or better fit a style that you're comfortable with, by all means, write that way.

And what you say is 99% true. You will learn far more in college.

I'm just glad to have helped, even if it was just a little.

Keep writing, keep learning.


questions about Pokémon Pinball arrangements (already took care of these in Live Feedback)


New legend of mana arrangement :D


New skyward sword arrangement!

Wing Ceremony Victory
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)


It doesn't seem like the YouTube link goes anywhere.

The sheets sound good, but I can't really compare, especially since I thought the victory song was totally different from the romance theme all this time.


Oops, I fixed that in my main post, but not in that one. The link should work now.
And no, I think it's the same thing, seeing as the victory scene is when Link catches Zelda and they fly around and shit.
Edit: I've seen it called both "Wing Ceremony Victory" and "Romance in the Air", but I feel inclined to trust ZeldaUniverse on this one. Let me know if you have a definitive way of checking.


Ah, thanks!

Ahh, it's the ZU version, okay. I have that copy. I think I know what I was getting confused by. Yeah, you named it right. It's just "Meet Zelda" is also a very close variation and was what I was thinking of! Whoops. It sounds great!


Cool, cool. Thank you! :)
Edit: Yeah, you're right, they sound ridiiiculously similar. Wing Ceremony Victory is basically just an elaboration upon Meet Zelda.



Two new arrangements :D

[GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog - Invincibility Theme (per request)
Original version:     PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)
Chordal version:     PDF     MIDI     MUS
This one, the person requested that I put some chords into the right hand, so I have the two different versions. I tried to stay within the harmonic context that was given in the original. Also, I left out the final iteration of the "B, C#" figure at the end, because I figured that would make the left hand a little bit obnoxious, but let me know if I should put that in.

[3DS] Pokémon X and Y - Emotion
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)
A lot of what we do on this site straddles the fine line between arrangements and transcriptions, but this one is absolutely a pure transcription. I'm not too experienced at notating pedal, but I did what I thought was appropriate. Let me know how I did on that!
EDIT: Also, I have no idea why I named the files "Emotions" rather than "Emotion". Oh, well.

...Hooray for short arrangements!!! As always, feel free to give criticism, whether it's something I mentioned or not.


On Emotion:
I think you should notate the left hand in bass clef all the way through, but put the second layer notes in the first four measures in the right hand (like you do the next four measures).
And the pedal notation should be notated under the left hand, which will be easier if you do as I said about the bass clef, and drop that 8vb assignment you have now.
Birdo for Smash


Haha but uuugh that makes the left hand in the first 4 bars so mind-numbingly, I know the entire piece is really simple, but...half notes and whole notes, man XD
I mean, I'll still change it, it's just that I'd thought that with the low difficulty level of this piece, it'd make sense to spread out whatever difficulty there may be, so it's not just one hand doing everything, the other one being like "yeah I'm kinda just chillin here".
Oh, and with the clefs, I'd been trying to keep everything within the staff, but I guess since it only goes up to G, that doesn't really matter.

Thanks, man, I really appreciate the feedback (regardless of how defensive or reluctant my response may sound XD)


Absolutely beautiful job! I'm totes learning this today! One thing (besides what Jompa mentioned) that you missed is there's also a Bb on the last chord on the first beat in measure 9.

I'd also suggest making the second layer in the left hand the second layer in the right hand for the first line. Leaving single notes in the left hand. It may sound like it would be too simple then but really it's easier to get all the feeling in if doing the melody and the accompaniment with the same hand. (Musicianship thing here)
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: JDMEK5 on November 04, 2013, 07:29:32 AMthere's also a Bb on the last chord on the first beat in measure 9.
If I would be writing the chord symbols for the diatonic functions I'd put "F-sus" on the first part of that measure, but there's no Bb in any of the voices in the original - I'd call it an illusion of a sus-chord, that we're able to hear because of how every song with this kinda progression and voicing typically uses that "dominant-sus to dominant"-turn-around.
But it's not there, so it would be preferred if it wasn't included, actually.
Birdo for Smash