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FierceDeity's Arrangements (11/3 - NEW: Pokémon X and Y - Emotion)

Started by FierceDeity, July 31, 2013, 03:32:06 AM

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[PS1] Legend of Mana

Title Theme
PDF     .aiff file     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Cliff Town Gato (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube Link (for reference)

Pastoral (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Places of Soul (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Hometown Domina
PDF     MIDI     .aiff file (better audio)     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[SNES/PS1] Chrono Trigger

Battle Theme 2
PDF     MIDI     .aiff file (better audio)     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Burn! Bobonga!
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Corridors of Time
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Crono and Marle - Far Off Promise
PDF     MIDI     .aiff file (better audio)     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[SNES] Earthbound/Mother 2

A Flash of Memory
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Apple Kid's Theme
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Bed and Breakfast
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Super Dry Dance
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Winters White
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[N64] Mario Party

Full of Danger (per request)
PDF     MIDI     .aiff file (better audio)     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[SNES] Megaman X

Sting Chameleon
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

[GBC] Pokémon Pinball

Catch 'Em and Evolution Mode in Red Field (On Site!)
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Field Select (On Site!)
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Pokédex (On Site!)
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

Red Field Theme (On Site!)
PDF     MUS     MIDI     Youtube link (for reference)

[3DS] Pokémon X and Y

Emotion (NEW)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[N64] Diddy Kong Racing

Fossil Canyon (per request) (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[NES/DS] Final Fantasy III

Eternal Wind (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

Nept Temple (On Site!)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[NES] Kirby's Adventure

Vegetable Valley (Grasslands) (Reviewed in Live Feedback)
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[Wii] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Wing Ceremony Victory
PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)

[GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog

Invincibility Theme (per request) (NEW)
Original version:     PDF     MIDI     MUS     Youtube link (for reference)
Chordal version:     PDF     MIDI     MUS

I hope you guys like them; let me know how I did!


Quote from: FierceDeity on July 31, 2013, 03:32:06 AM(This is nayru64, but I wanted a different name, so I just decided to make a different account before nayru64 got too entrenched. Yeah, I know, I'm fickle.)

Well, my former name was WarioMan98, and Yugi was SocialFox, so you're not the only one. ;)
I never liked my old name, but I didn't think I would become a regular arranger here back when I registered, so I didn't care. At first I just registered to make requests. lol

At least you did a quick change, I changed mine 2 years or so after registering... >.>


Ok, whoever actually plays my new arrangement of the legend of mana title theme gets a cookie.
(Fun fact: I will not be getting a cookie any time soon.)
But yeah, it's a beautiful piece, and it was a little complicated to arrange it for solo piano towards the end as instrumentation got more dense, so I took a few liberties :P
Let me know what you guys think!!!
(Also, I'm not a great piano player, but usually I end up knowing what is or is not possible when I'm arranging for piano. In this, I'm not entirely sure whether I crossed the line or not. That's another thing I would definitely like to know :P)


Yay, cookie!! What? Aww..

In terms of the difficulty of your new arrangement, it's totally playable! Actually, I could hear some notes in the original starting from somewhere like measure 24 that could be added to the left hand, I reckon. But, that could be optional of course, though it might help with adding more force to the building up crescendo.
There are just little things along the way that I would personally prefer to see, like for example adding a mordent in measure 12 on the A.
If I had to play this, I would probably use the pedal to prolong the long chords, especially those closer to the end. Also, instead of having all those accents in measures 34-41, maybe you can just increase the dynamics, or add an expression for accenting all notes? I don't know, it just looks a little clunky with an accent on every note.

Anyway, this was simply an opinion from a piano player that does not know as much about music theory as she should. ^^ All I can say is that it is a beautiful piece and I can definitely see myself playing this during my spare time. I've never heard of The Legend of Mana before, the OST sounds magical so far. The tree in the backdrop reminded me of Laputa for some reason.


Yayyy :D I was a little worried about the range leap down to the bassline, transitioning into 42. And yeah I got a little carried away with the articulation, haha. By the way, how did you like that makeshift bassline? :P
I'll look into those notes you mentioned starting in bar 24.
Also, as for the pedal, I know, right? I just couldn't figure out a way to get the pedal to work out on finale (I'm using finale 2011 on a mac, if that helps). I looked online and did the Custom Line thing with smart shapes, but every time I set it up the way it says to, it ends up just being a line, and nothing more. So, I can get the pedal effect to work, but not the stopping effect. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Thanks for the feedback :D


Quote from: Onionleaf on August 02, 2013, 05:27:16 AM。。。Laputa。。。


Anyways, nice job FierceDeity, your arrangements are very high quality.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Thank you :D oh and onion, I think I found the spot you were talking about, with the additional harmonies on the left hand in 23 and 24. I'd actually had that put in before, but it sounded weird on finale playback to have that happening in one hand. Although from the recording, that's almost definitely what it is, so finale playback probably isn't the best thing to base decisions off of haha. I'll go ahead and put that back in :D


So, for Apple Kid's theme, I'm 99% sure I have all of the right notes. Two main concerns (really three) right now:
1. As for the key signature and accidentals, I'm not entirely sure what to do. I was thinking it was in C minor with the blue note included based on the first lick, but I can't get a good read on it from the rest of the piece. And, with accidentals, I've never written/arranged something with this much chromaticism; I was thinking to go either flats only or sharps only, but neither one really works out. Any de facto rules anyone has for this?
2. In the original piece, there's a sort of echo thing at the end, and I went ahead and put that echo in the arrangement. I'm not entirely sure whether it's too awkward to have in one hand, though.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)


I'll take a closer look later, but here's the rule for chromatics: If your ascending in chromatic half steps, use sharps. If your descending, use flats.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


First off, Fierce, you're gonna need a "swing" marking.  I know the playback is saved that way right now, but it needs to show up on the PDF too.

Measure 12 you're missing a note.

Also, what Fire said is accurate about the accidentals.  For this to be site-worthy, you'll need to clean that up.

Also, in 15, I'm not sure what I'm hearing in the recording, but it sounds off in your arrangement.

Other than that, great job, you're pretty much pitch-perfect! :D


Thanks for the feedback :D a couple things:

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 02, 2013, 07:16:19 PMyou're gonna need a "swing" marking.

Hahahaha I knew there was something I was forgetting.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 02, 2013, 07:16:19 PMMeasure 12 you're missing a note.

Hm, I'm not hearing it :/ is it in the melody? Or are you talking about measure 11 where there's an echo? Because I left out all of the echoes before measure 16, because I felt like the echoes are a lot more subtle up until then, and because I felt like the echoes shouldn't be muddying it up until measure 16, when it is especially muddy :P

Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2013, 06:57:04 PMIf your ascending in chromatic half steps, use sharps. If your descending, use flats.

Ok, I'll clean up the accidentals with that rule. What about situations like in measure 1, where it keeps moving between them?

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 02, 2013, 07:16:19 PMAlso, in 15, I'm not sure what I'm hearing in the recording, but it sounds off in your arrangement.

I think that's another spot where I just left out the echo. Would you recommend I put those in?


The echo would make sense.  No, with the structure of your song, I don't think you should.  Maybe if you were writing it as a duet.

And I'm so sorry, I meant measure 13.  That Bb quarter note should be a Bb eighth note, followed by a G eighth note.


Quote from: FierceDeity on August 02, 2013, 05:37:24 AMBy the way, how did you like that makeshift bassline? :P
It rocks! :D I don't think I'd be able to make a bassline like that sound nice on an arrangement.

Quote from: FierceDeity on August 02, 2013, 05:37:24 AMAlso, as for the pedal, I know, right? I just couldn't figure out a way to get the pedal to work out on finale (I'm using finale 2011 on a mac, if that helps). I looked online and did the Custom Line thing with smart shapes, but every time I set it up the way it says to, it ends up just being a line, and nothing more. So, I can get the pedal effect to work, but not the stopping effect. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
I've never used the Custom Line tool for pedal markings. You can find the symbols for the pedal in the Articulation tool. Just scroll down the list and you'll find them, they are numbers 29 and 30 on my version of Finale.

Quote from: FierceDeity on August 02, 2013, 01:28:51 PMoh and onion, I think I found the spot you were talking about, with the additional harmonies on the left hand in 23 and 24.
Awesome! Yeah, I can understand how hearing the playback could make you change a few notes. ;)

Oh, I forgot to mention it last time, but there are some notes that can be beamed, especially where the 6/8 time starts. I know Finale sometimes goes wacko and stops beaming notes, so you have to go through and do it manually.


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 02, 2013, 07:46:22 PMI meant measure 13.  That Bb quarter note should be a Bb eighth note, followed by a G eighth note.

...OH. hahahaha I can't believe I missed that. Thank you :D

Quote from: Onionleaf on August 02, 2013, 08:45:47 PMI've never used the Custom Line tool for pedal markings. You can find the symbols for the pedal in the Articulation tool. Just scroll down the list and you'll find them, they are numbers 29 and 30 on my version of Finale.

Oh. hahahahaha wow. I'd only noticed the pedal marking in the Expression tool before, haha. Thanks for clearing that up XD

Quote from: Onionleaf on August 02, 2013, 08:45:47 PMOh, I forgot to mention it last time, but there are some notes that can be beamed, especially where the 6/8 time starts. I know Finale sometimes goes wacko and stops beaming notes, so you have to go through and do it manually.

Yeah I figured those sixteenth notes in the 6/8 looked a little weird. haha, I'll go ahead and fix that.

Thanks for the feedback, you guys! This editing process has been filled with quite a few facepalms, haha.


Quote from: FierceDeity on August 02, 2013, 07:33:52 PMOk, I'll clean up the accidentals with that rule. What about situations like in measure 1, where it keeps moving between them?

I actually don't know, however, if you look at fur elise, you'll notice they notate the first part with a D# rather than an Eb, so I think you have it right. As for the rest of the song, you still need to fix some of your runs.

Also, I took a quick look at Hometown Dominia, so a couple things for the first few measures:

1. You have it too slow, they tempo is 104.
2. Where do you get the octaves from? The only instrument playing the melody is a flute, which is monophonic (is that the right word?) The base does play in unison with it for the pick-up measure though.
3. Change your little twirl into a mordent to keep it neater (why is the lower note still, am I not hearing an instrument?)
4. Include the strings (is this where you get your octaves?) While it somewhat sounds like it, they aren't playing in unison with the melody.

I have to go to bed now, but I'll see if I can put some time into the whole song in the future.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department