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What's a good Video Game song that's good for band?

Started by MetroidHunter26, May 15, 2008, 05:08:38 PM

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Quote from: Shadoninja on June 03, 2008, 09:30:52 PMall of you should expand your game music knowledge, there are 10,000+ songs that are better then fountain of dreams and fire emblem from ssbm.

how about a castlevania medley.

but remember... it depends if you're aiming for people to recognize it or not... no offense to castlevania music, which is good music, but it simply isn't that recognizable compared to other themes...

if you want just a good piece of video game music then by all means use castlevania or fountain of dreams or fire emblem w/e you like... but if you're aiming for people to recognize the theme, you're probably better off sticking to the more recognizable mario, zelda etc.
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


It is true that a lot of video game songs would be short, but you can arrange them to fit. You just change it around in different parts. You could try arranging some Uematsu. A lot of his stuff is really long, like Aerith's(Aeris') Theme, Final Fantasy VII Main Theme, or.....yea....DANCING MAD!!!....although you would kind of need an organ....

Composer #40

The important thing is to aim for the audience's attention. Songs that are short can be put into a greater medley but avoid songs that are repetitive, combined with a long run time, and songs that take to long to get to the point.

Dancing Mad would have this problem because the first two parts could cause the audience to zone out before the third part.

Believe what I say because I tried this and still trying to make the "perfect" arrangement.

P.S.: Who has a Final Fantasy: VII ISO?

It happens Every. Day!


medleys are a bit harder to perform especially if you dont know the music and how it goes
the time, tempo and key make it harder so it might be easier to master if you have a song that you really know how it goes/sounds , not necessarily how you play it (incorrect grammar  :P)

and as composer said avoid repetitive songs like Mario 3 Overworld and songs that repeat forever
and unless you find a song with a perfect ending you might have to make up a ending in a medley

Composer #40

Doesn't this sound like we're lecturing him and not giving him any sheets? :-\

It happens Every. Day!


i think so too :P
isnt he arranging them though?


You should arrange "Cloud Cuckooland" from "Banjo-Tooie". That would be so cool to hear performed! It's such a strange and odd song! You should tell your teacher to to something more serious before playing it though- it would be odd like the song XD
If you wanna do something more orchestra-like (even if it's for band), do the StarFox Assault version of the Starwolf Theme. That songs nice :)

Beethoven II


BK:  I already have an arrangement somebody made a long time ago of it.  I think we already have one on the site.

And so this is a band, like with trumpets and everything but no strings right?  If it has strings that changes my opinion.

me irl


Composer #40

I tried to do some but they'll just be ridiculously hard.
...Well I'm working on a Dancing Mad arrangement (thanks to Parker2334 for the sheet layout) but that's going to take a long while. (The song is HUGE, the 20+ instruments don't help!) 

P.S. who knows the range for a Bassoon, Bass Trombone, and Organ pedals.

It happens Every. Day!


Quote from: Composer #40 on June 14, 2008, 06:11:32 PMI tried to do some but they'll just be ridiculously hard.
...Well I'm working on a Dancing Mad arrangement (thanks to Parker2334 for the sheet layout) but that's going to take a long while. (The song is HUGE, the 20+ instruments don't help!) 

P.S. who knows the range for a Bassoon, Bass Trombone, and Organ pedals.
I can get you the ranges, but not until I get home from vacation and have access to my scanner and stuff. I'll just scan the ranges out of my orchestration handbook. (It's really hard to describe.)


The range on a bassoon really depends on the bassoonist. An average high school bassonist might get two and a half octaves from low Bb to maybe an F like, 20 notes away. a good bassoonist can get 3 octaves and maybe more. You can do some crazy stuff with a bassoon. Like make a tromboon.


Thanks for all the great comments and ideas..(Even though some I may have no idea about like some Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts etc...) let's see if I can arrange any of these XD
