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TWG LVI: Silence Will Fall

Started by FSM-Reapr, July 22, 2013, 05:33:33 AM

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I don't really know how to make a defense for that.  :P
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



Why would you say this?

I'm not inactive, I read every word you say within six hours of you posting it...

It's pretty much the fact that as an inexperienced player I have nothing to contribute at this point.

As soon as I have something figure out you will most defiantly hear of it.

Speaking of which, Firearrow What did you mean in this series of posts:
Quote from: FireArrow on July 24, 2013, 08:15:45 PMNo, don't! Trust me on this one!

Quote from: FireArrow on July 24, 2013, 09:11:58 PMI can't, sorry.
Quote from: FireArrow on July 24, 2013, 09:38:51 PMI do, but it's not like it's vital to the game, it would just be extremely helpful.

Just wondering what you couldn't tell us.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


The problem is that it doesn't matter if the wolves know.

Mr. T, I've thought a bit, and why isn't waddle on your suspicion list? Half your reason for you being suspicious of me is because "I wasted a vote on you" but I'm not the main person behind lynching you. I was unsure about you before, but now I'm a lot more suspicious.

But, as I've learned from my first game, that probably makes you human.  :P
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I should probably post my top 3 rather than 1:

Mr. T
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Damn I'm really suspicious to people.

Must be a natural talent.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


New list:  Waddle Bro, Bubbles, Dude

Waddle Bro was already explained, and Dude's an inactive.  Early in Day 1, she says:

QuoteI'm not so sure about vigi'ing inactives. Theres three wolves and 11 humans, so its pretty easy to see that theres a higher chance of a human being killed than a wolf. Even if inactive humans aren't contributing anything to the game, they still count for the human side. Besides, with the voting rules in this game I doubt there will be that many inactives anyway.

And then in her list for vigi'ing she puts three inactives.  Things that could have affected her opinion on that include:

-Shadowkirby already being lynched.
-Loxo being replaced by Hunter.
-Someone convincing Bubbles it's a good idea to vigi inactives.

The first two possibilities are wolfy if true.


Just for clarification, everything after the sentence about Dude refers to Bubbles.


Doodle texted me saying that he's sorry for being inactive; he's been having Wifi troubles and has been busy with work, it seems.

Anyway, I'm going to agree with Waddle Bro and Bubbles7689.  I had a brief chat with Doodle before and my instincts say he seems like Human Doodle, not to mention that he says he's going to try to be active (which he had better, or I'll be mad!!!).


I don't really see why you put Loxo/Hunter in that list. I didn't include him in my list, and he's been replaced so he has the chance to become active. How would him being replaced make me want to vigi inactives?
Quote from: vermilionvermin on July 25, 2013, 11:52:34 PM-Someone convincing Bubbles it's a good idea to vigi inactives
That someone was actually you verm, right after I posted that quote you made of me.
Quote from: vermilionvermin on July 23, 2013, 03:06:58 PMBy the logic Bubbles (and, presumably, others who disagree) the humans would be better off never lynching anybody.  Every kill is more likely to be a human than a wolf just by random chance.  You improve the odds of the wolves dying by putting more kills into human hands (through the vigi or a lynch) than you do by waiting and letting the wolves wolf people.
I've been a really passive TWG player, since I know how much it sucks to be killed off (especially by a vigi cough cough) and I don't want to hurt other people that sound really dumb now that i actually type it out. You can really see that in my last few games. I came into this game trying to be different, but I ended up doing the same thing by not wanting to vigi inactives. When verm posted that after my post, i realized that i was being passive again and tried to change.

im still being passive arent i

Hunter of Souls

To Mr. T:

-You shouldn't have said you hate to lynch inactives. 'Cause now you're trying to vigi me by saying I'm inactive. Loxo was, and you don't really know how I play.

-Picking FireArrow to the top of your suspicion list was pretty odd. He has done some odd stuff, but I think he should have the opportunity to explain the stuff.

-I'd like you to answer FireArrows question: where's the Waddle? He's the one after you.

So I think Mr. T should be vigi'd. I can't find his suspicion list reasonable. I can't come up with anyone else right now.

Although FireArrow, I'd like to hear why you voted for verm D1? I think you didn't answer it clear enough.

I'm on mobile for a few hours, so you won't see me posting the rest of the phase. Probably.
Insert something funny or something wise that makes you look like a cool person...

Waddle Bro

Quote from: vermilionvermin on July 25, 2013, 05:30:25 PM1.  Waddle Bro:  He pushed the Tanooki accusation a bit too much in my opinion, which reminds me of what my biggest tell is as a wolf.  His accusation boils down to posting filler on Night 1, which is a pretty broad accusation that could have been applied to multiple people but he seemed to go after Tanooki in particular.
I don't suspect him for the filler at all. I said it would fit in the picture if he'd be a wolf. The reason why I suspected him was because he was trying to avoid giving opinions about anything, which doesn't qualify as helping the human team and would fit for wolf to avoid saying anything that you could be called out for. A very good example is TST from the last game and possibly even now. I didn't support lynching Loxo yesterday because I was trying to get Hunter to to replace him, which I did. And then came shadowkirby as an option who I VOTED FOR. Basically you're blaming me for accusing him for a filler, which I wasn't even doing.


Quote from: Waddle Bro on July 26, 2013, 04:11:31 AMA very good example is TST from the last game and possibly even now.


So that's why.

Makes sense. I'll get right on making one of them fancy suspicion lists then.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!

Waddle Bro

ugh one hour until phase's end when I'm finally free to make a suggestion list and 90% of the players are sleeping meaning the vigi would most likely not notice my suggestions

do I have to do this

oh well

1. Mr. T
All the reasons what I've said before and I wouldn't give him a free pass thx to this, because he already did that last phase:
Quote from: Mr. Tanooki Suit on July 25, 2013, 10:37:31 PMMORE TO COME TOMORROW.

The rest of these guys are really hard to place in order

2. TST/Dude/Hunter
All of them has promised to be active, but idk. I think Hunter is the one that's most likely going to give his suspicions and stuff. TST said he's in the middle of making one, but idk is going to contribute in the future. Dude has promised to be active in the future, but idk.

3. vermverm
A reason of his suspicion of me was wrong and knowing that I would show up to notify him about his mistake after a good portion of the players and maybe even the vigi would be sleeping and he wouldn't see my defense and vigi me, verm could get away with just a "whoops misread my bad", this would be the case with even though I wasn't vigi'd. Or he actually was wrong, I think that's the more likely situation, because I don't think that'd be verm's style of playing.


TWG LVI: Silence Will Fall

The Silence(Wolves)

1. Silent
2. Silent
3. Silent

The Doctor's Army(Humans)

4. The Doctor - Seer
5. River Song - Vigilante
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Herring (will be told he's a Human)
14. Miller (will be told he's a Human)

TheZeldaPianist275 and Mr. Tanooki Suit saw an angel statue. Their reaction was to not blink, find an apartment building, and jump off of it together.

(*has voted for*)

1. Waddle Bro (Waddle Bro, shadowkirby)
2. Mashi (shadowkirby)
3. vermilionvermin (FireArrow)
4. BlackDragonSlayer (BlackDragonSlayer)
5. shadowkirby
6. Bubbles7689 (shadowkirby)
7. K-NiGhT (BlackDragonSlayer, Hunter of Souls)
8. fank009
⑨. Dude (shadowkirby)
10. TheZeldaPianist275 (TheZeldaPianist275)
11. Hunter of Souls (Dude, Mashi)
12. The_Subjective_Thought (The_Subjective_Thought)
13. Mr. Tanooki Suit (The_Subjective_Thought, Dude)
14. FireArrow (vermilionvermin)

It's Day 2. Day 2 ends on 28th of July, 10 AM EST.