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TWG LVI: Silence Will Fall

Started by FSM-Reapr, July 22, 2013, 05:33:33 AM

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I think it's safe to assume that TZP was the one wolfed, thoughts? I can't make anything out of that.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Waddle Bro

Quote from: Waddle BroThe reason why I suspected him was because he was trying to avoid giving opinions about anything
Quote from: Mr. Tanooki SuitI love the idea of the size 36 COMIC SANS thing, that could work out fairly well. Seer & Vigi should definitely keep on the lowdown, as otherwise humans are doomed to luck.
Quote from: Waddle BroI see this post as a typical filler. It just seems like a wolf trying to show activity without actually giving any information, nothing original. I started thinking this way after I saw this:

You said he was suspicious for trying to avoid posting opinions.  When he gave an opinion, you said he was just posting filler.  It feels like you were trying to force a lynch that didn't really fit, which is wolfy in my eyes.


While I agree with verm, i'm not gonna vote yet, in order to avoid a bandwagon.

Anyway, I'm gonna work on my suspicions tonight. I've been a little busier than I thought, with some family moving up this way.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*

Hunter of Souls

Verm, you're totally ignoring the other stuff Mr. T wrote in the same post. And that other stuff was filler. Also no one really needs an opinion that states some obvious stuff and stuff already said.

Also, he said he hated to lynch inactives. Which after he attempted one. And by putting me in the vigi list (almost reasonable, but still) he did it again (not directly, but enough to see that he made another exception). And no player needs to play against how they want to, unless forced or lying.


I'm not really sure about this one, but as seeing how badly Mr. T played, you have no reason to defend him. I'm not defending Waddle, even I don't know about him, but you've done the odd stuff, not him.

I want to see some suspicion lists now. I'm away most of the weekend and I think the next time you see me I have to vote just to be in time, so I want some opinions. I think verm is my top suspect, you others can rest almost in peace. Almost. lol acts like he owns the game
Insert something funny or something wise that makes you look like a cool person...

Waddle Bro

Quote from: vermilionvermin on July 26, 2013, 02:10:26 PMWaddle Bro

You said he was suspicious for trying to avoid posting opinions.  When he gave an opinion, you said he was just posting filler.  It feels like you were trying to force a lynch that didn't really fit, which is wolfy in my eyes.
It seems I wasn't capable of expressing my thoughts in a way I wanted.

The avoiding giving any opinions statement was focused on the post of "I'll pop in to add my thoughts as soon as somebody else other than moi posts.". I said I started thinking that post was a filler because I learned no shit whatsoever from his first post, I didn't put any value to it. I see agreeing with the comic sans idea and seer and vigi as the two most obvious things to be said. But that's my opinion, and since I wasn't sure about yours, I said "I see this post as a typical filler" meaning you could have your own vision of it.

I'd vote for TST, for giving empty promises about suspicion lists, which makes me to think that he could break his promise again.

Ninja'd Hunter 4 lyfe for proven activity


It's hard to argue that Mr. T "attempted [to lynch an inactive]" when, in his own words, he'll "vote for [Loxo] if and only if nothing better comes up" and put Hunter/Loxo second on his suspicion list in a game where there's little to go on.

My problem with Waddle's pursuit of Mr. T is that it's contradictory and he seemed overly certain about it.  When Mr. T says he'll wait to give his opinions until other people post, that's wolfy because he's deliberately trying to avoid giving his opinions.  When gives his opinions, that's filler and wolfy.  When he comes up with a new suspicion and comes up with unique reasoning to put FireArrow on top of his suspicion list, Waddle Bro still wants him vigi'd. 

Waddle Bro also doesn't give Mr. T any credit at all for not jumping on the Loxo vote, which was designed specifically to see if he'd go for it.  I think Waddle Bro is a better human than that.

Mr. Tanooki Suit


Mr. Tanooki Suit





After reading verm's recent post, I've decided to vote for Waddle Bro.

I'm only voting this early because I may be busy helping some relatives move for the rest of the phase. I'm voting Waddle Bro because I feel he was trying to push the Tanooki lynch just a bit too far.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*



I've been contacted by a player who claims to be the seer and has seered Bubbles red.


how am i supposed to defend myself? I guess that means im the miller then, if you really believe them



Bubbles has been an exact fit to the wolfish behavior I was looking for this game (same as TST and Mr. T.) The fact that bubbles was seered red gives me no reason to believe otherwise.

Also, I'm starting to think TST is human for a couple of reasons. 1. fank rules (however good those are.) 2. He's not really a compatible wolf with bubbles. I'd like to think this through a bit more though.

Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on July 26, 2013, 10:39:34 PMBubbles has been an exact fit to the wolfish behavior I was looking for this game (same as TST and Mr. T.)

Also, I'm starting to think TST is human for a couple of reasons.

What would the "wolfish behavior" be then? I don't see how you could say I'm acting similarly to TST, then in the same post say that you think he's human but I'm a wolf


Based on my limited experience, the wolves tend to be active without leading or contributing too much gamebreaking stuff. There are other slight things, but that's the main thing. You, Mr. T, and TST fit that pretty well, but what makes me think TST is human is his reactions to people being suspicious of him, he doesn't get defensive or jumpy at all. You are doing the opposite.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


So because I'm being defensive, that makes me a wolf?