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TWG LV: The Choice is Doors Post Game

Started by davy, July 14, 2013, 11:59:19 AM

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TWG LV: The Choice is Doors Post Game

Role Reveal

Mashi, TST and FireArrow were the wolves. FireArrow was the Young Wolf
Fank and Olimar were the masons.

Location of each player and position of the doors

Player Analysis

1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
You were really annoyed by BDS at the start of the game, and wanted him lynched even though you thought he was a human, and end up voting for him during day 3. In the end, this gave BDS reason to vote for you day 6 which caused the humans to lose. I guess you should try to learn to live with playstyles of certain players, because the goal of the game is still killing the wolves. For the rest of the game, you were pretty inactive. I hope you do better next time.

2. Mashi
One of the most important things this game for the wolfs was deciding when to wolf and when not to. Since only a limmited number of players could have sent in the wolfing of a player, a wolfing would immediately make those players suspicious. Your decision to skip the wolfing of night 3 (after neighter of the wolves had been able to wolf night 1 or 2) was proven to be a really good choice. Not only did it mean that you and TST would be less suspected, it aslo meant that humans went after the inactives (which were a lot of players, unfortunately) and it also made fank believe that you were a human, and he even trusted you so much that he revealed to you that he and Olimar were the masons. Wolfing Bird night 6 was an exellent move as well. First because anyone could have made that wolfing as all players were connected that phase, seccond because Bird would have pushed a TST lynch day 6 and he would probably have tried to lynch you aftewards, third because it gave Fank even more trust in you and fourth because it let players to believe that there was just one wolfing wolf alive, or one wolfing wolf active. Finally, you did really well trying to be human in the topic and chat, and I think that, except for bird, nobody suspected you enough to put a vote on you during the entire game. This all is the reason why I give you MVP

I try to do one player analysis per day from now on.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Human MVP for me plz. I deserve it for all my hard work.

Joking aside, great hosting Davy, sorry for my inactivity and overall performance, was a complex game and I was just completly and utterly mind boggling confuzled by it.


Ggs, well done and all that
It felt like 4v3
Fanks logic = ...
Very smart play. Not much more that i can say
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Waddle Bro

Although Dude put it in a quite... dudeish way, I have to agree. The duration and quality of the game didn't satisfy me.


1st off,
I would say im impressed, but you could have won ealier. Easily.
With the player base,  no suprise wolves won, with 4active people, and the doors messing about with each other,
Ill talk about my play later.
But for some player analysis
BDS.... bad reasoning is bad
Tzp, why so defensive???

We were screwed in two ways, inactivity, and doors, 3 ways if you count the chicken option.
It would have been far better to at least set up networks.
I felt this game went toof fast to do anything, with their being no time to do Nothing.

Thoughts on my gameplay coming up
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


1st off.
TZP, fank had an ace up his sleeve.
It was called olimar.

How else can you describe me, reckless???
my style of "controlling the vote" was definitely a bit over the top. The idea of formimg a lynch train and just pushing along.what was so bad about that, the fact my partner was somewhat inactive?

(How to bring this up...)

I was by far the most opportunistic human here. I got up, and did things.
Maybe i should have been proactive with the sharing, if everyone knew what knowledge i had...

In short i took a gamble and lost. My whole idea of "controlling" the vote, I prolly wouldn't have gone down the avenue of trusting 2 wolves with the fact that i was a mason. Eh game was half over at that point, more on that later...
Yep, i ended up trusting the wolves. Does that make me wooden spoon contender? Depends.... especially when certainly n opportunities come your way.

-tst's open all doors idea.
-both tst & FA weren't offering a lot of ideas. Just a lot of, what do you think???
-FA going for the "easy lynch" on day 5
-having the thought of lynching FA day 3 to "keep the numbers"

I commend the wolves for taking such a ballsy aproach and not wolfing.

But you could have ended the game  2 days ago
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Awards (because its about  time i did some)

The chicken award, for taking " the chicken option" night one; (do i really need to post them all here)
Shhh im town telling, wolf telling human the most, mashi.
The "thing", this games "thing"; go home game, your drunk" (special mentions to magic mountain and "the finger")
Knowledge is power; fank009
Knowledge is power (redux); mashi (cause when you really think about it.)
Professional poker player: fank009 (trips beat pairs fank)
Wooden spoon: i dont know, you have my trusting the wolves, BDS going for the actives, and other things as well, im going to give this to whoever it was that thought tzp should stay in a hole and be safe, knowledge is power.

Mvp, usually i go through the options... but, whor really deserves it? Only one player played really well, and that was mashi for not scum telling. Bird gets honourable mentions.

Oh and before i forget...
Go home your drunk; davy, the rules were either drunk or not written in english, cause i received mail i shouldnt have :/

Now about the game itself...
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


The original idea is good, just a few probels that came up
-rules werent in english
-stupid lynch conditions (before and after, really lynch tbwcw in a 2 way cause bds voted unless i missed something)
-doors screwing everyone over (that couldnt be helped)
-phases were too short, especially the night phase

It was an interesting comcept, unfortunately humans needed everyoe to play :/
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Not winning earlier was my mistake, I misinterpreted the Wolves win conditions, so I convinced my Partners not to wolf near endgame.  My mistake, everyone!


Grrrreat... T_T

I should've known that FireArrow was a wolf when he told me to vote for Boy... even though I had already voted for Boy before he told me to... :P
Why did Fank/Olimar not claim mason?? :S With Bird being wolfed, and Fank being a mason, that would've provided more information as to who the wolves were.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 14, 2013, 03:12:42 PMGrrrreat... T_T

I should've known that FireArrow was a wolf when he told me to vote for Boy... even though I had already voted for Boy before he told me to... :P
Why did Fank/Olimar not claim mason?? :S With Bird being wolfed, and Fank being a mason, that would've provided more information as to who the wolves were.
one, If i claimed mason, I was a dead man (maybe...  It was prolly too late at this stage...)
The emboldened part wolves had allready won at that point.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on July 14, 2013, 03:38:09 PMIf i claimed mason, I was a dead man
I guess privately claiming to two of the wolves was a better idea!

I'm really pleased with how I did this game, given the cards that I was dealt. If I'd had it my way, TST or Mashi would have been lynched on Day 2, and I was constantly doubting fank009's assertions of FireArrow's humanity. In fact, the only reasons FireArrow was low on my list was because he didn't wolf (he was the young wolf) and because I thought he was a mason (which fank009 allowed me to believe).

Humans might have had a chance this game had they all been active. But like 4 people weren't. So none of our plans (which required complete coordination) could be put into motion. If we all bunched into one room like a few of us wanted, the power play against verm never would have happened. And our two network plan would have allowed us to take advantage of two lynches. In a way, I'm sort of glad the wolves won, since the humans as a whole played so badly! Maybe that was the game's fault (too complicated -> people not caring), but they shouldn't have signed up if they felt that way.

Oh well.

The game certainly had a few flaws, but most of them could have been avoided if everyone had simply participated!

Also, Mashi and FireArrow both did a great job as wolves! Although lets not make the "never wolf" strategy a trend. Question for everyone else though, why did you all think I was suspicious?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Quote from: Bird on July 14, 2013, 04:16:15 PMAlso, Mashi and FireArrow both did a great job as wolves! Although lets not make the "never wolf" strategy a trend. Question for everyone else though, why did you all think I was suspicious?
Mainly because the "suicide plan" at the beginning, and the fact that you seemed to relent early on, putting me at/near the bottom of your suspicion list. And, later in the game, framing the inactives seemed like a plan you might do as a wolf.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I'm going to take a break from TWG for a while, so I can watch, and sharpen my skills.