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Started by noxus21, May 15, 2008, 07:54:05 AM

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i very like them game warrock but i want to know is there anyone who knows this game and likes it ???


I know of the game, tried it too, and it's not a bad game.

I just like Counter Strike more.


its an online multiplater firstperson shooter.
there are three kinda of games inside warrock: close quarters, urban groops and battle groop.
in close quarters you have to place or disarm bombs of bases.
in urban groops: you must fight in urban citys.
and battle groop: (mostely large maps) you'll have to fight with lots of people at the same time and there are lots of veircles like: 2 kink of tanks, anti air gunners, anti air rockets on wheels?, humvee, rocket humvee, humvee that haz a cabin on the back with a machine gun and rockets, anti air tanks, fighter planes, bombers (F15 eagle) , stealth, helicopters, apachies, mini tanks with 50 cal, amphibian transporters, small boats, large boats with rapid rockets, normal tarnsporters, etc etc.
and you'll have a LARGE varity of weapons.
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okay tnx now i know some answer what other ppl think of it


hey why is your name noxus21,
normally you name iz noxie21
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my old nsm acc was with noxus not noxie but forgot some diggits or pw so i used something simmiliar


but i like noxie
(heading off topic)
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me to but what the heck
(heading further away from topic)


hahaha i totally pown3d you today in WR, i killed you like 14 times in ravello and you shot me 6 times or more
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yeah i know but i was totaly ignoring you

i shoot 2 or 3 guys and you shoot me and that over and over :-\

so my score was double of yours


okay now i got premium bronze, for $5 a moth i can do member stuff :D.
1kill = 3 points
gettingkilled = 1point
 i got 464 points in 1 room
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1kill is 5 pnts to be honest
getting killed is 1
suicide is -5

and i got in the same round against zahndy 500 pnts