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TWG LV: Host Sign Downs

Started by Mashi, June 10, 2013, 08:18:01 AM

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This is a question.

BlackDragonSlayer's TWG LV: The Dangerous Flora and Fauna of Umbra
3 (21.4%)
davy's TWG LV: The Choice is Doors
6 (42.9%)
Mashi's TWG LV: World Werewolf War II
5 (35.7%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: June 17, 2013, 07:01:39 PM


Someone requested me to host, so here I go!!!

Also, a thank you to verm verm for helping me balance!!!

TWG XIX LV: World Werewolf War II

1. Duplicitous Brutal Wolf (Germany) - If this Wolf is lynched, he/she may choose any one player to die alongside himself/herself.  Every Night Phase, he/she will also choose a Player and the name of a Role (not Nation Role, TWG Role.  May not choose Duplicitous Brutal Wolf as a Role); if that player is lynched the next Day Phase, he/she will cardflip as that Role.  Cannot use duplicity power on himself/herself or the other Wolves.
2. Wolf Shaman (Japan) - Wolf with the power of the Seer.
3. Wolf Painter (Italy) - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That Player will be seered as that colour during that Night Phase.

Because the Wolves hate democracy, they have the power to nullify the votes of two Players on Day 1 and Day 2.  Afterword, they may nullify one vote for a Phase on all other Day Phases.  Nullification lasts only for that Phase and does not carry through other Day Phases.

4. Seer (France) - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, the Seer will receive a PM from the Host informing him/her of that player's colour.
5. Guardian (USA) - May send the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player cannot be wolfed that Night Phase.  May not guard himself/herself.
6. Astute Special (Great Britain) - Every Night Phase, he/she will also choose a Player and the name of a Role (not Nation Role, TWG Role.); if that player is wolfed that Night Phase or lynched the following Day Phase, he/she will cardflip as that Role.  May use power on himself/herself.

7. Herring (China) - Human seered Blue.  Does not know that he/she is the Herring.
8. Miller (Soviet Union) - Human seered Red.  Does not know that he/she is the Miller.
9. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Belgium)
10. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Netherlands)
11. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Poland)
12. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Canada)
13. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Denmark)
14. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Liechtenstein)
15. Human (Miscellaneous Nation - Finland)

Humans are not told which country they are.  Humans (or Players disguised as Humans upon death) will be assigned a random country upon death if I end up making a story.

Cardflip Game - The Player's Role will be revealed upon death.


Nooo, more games by which to reduce my chances of hosting! ! !

Seems good, Mashi! :)
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Also, I suppose since davy actually posted this here, it's long overdue for me to perform my job!!!

Your game looks excellent save for the ability to make 4 wolfings (and since the chances of doing so increases as time passes, this doesn't really equate to balancing the game).  Based on the ability of the Humans to lynch multiple people and no people, I'm contemplating whether a maximum of one or two wolfings is better, but am struggling a bit based on the Room business.  I'll get back to you on this though after ruminating over it for a bit.

Also, this is merely a suggestion to make things more simple, but would it also be possible to simply allow for wolfings to be made to people in rooms adjacent to the Wolves and lynch votes to people also adjacent to the voting Players?  This isn't really a major balancing issue though, so feel free not to make this change if you don't like it; I just find it to be simpler than the proposed mechanic.

Ninja'd: Sorry, BlackDragonSlayer! ! !
Thanks! :)


Quote from: Mashi on June 14, 2013, 04:42:14 PMYou've had it approved by Bird, no?  If so, you can sign it up!
I had it approved by Bird that I could have it approved by Manti though! :P

I think I might wait for the next one.


no boy

me and spit are going to have a showdown

Also, Mashi, Britan's power seems useless.


Quote from: Mashi on June 14, 2013, 09:13:23 PMAlso, I suppose since davy actually posted this here, it's long overdue for me to perform my job!!!

Your game looks excellent save for the ability to make 4 wolfings (and since the chances of doing so increases as time passes, this doesn't really equate to balancing the game).  Based on the ability of the Humans to lynch multiple people and no people, I'm contemplating whether a maximum of one or two wolfings is better, but am struggling a bit based on the Room business.  I'll get back to you on this though after ruminating over it for a bit.

Also, this is merely a suggestion to make things more simple, but would it also be possible to simply allow for wolfings to be made to people in rooms adjacent to the Wolves and lynch votes to people also adjacent to the voting Players?  This isn't really a major balancing issue though, so feel free not to make this change if you don't like it; I just find it to be simpler than the proposed mechanic.

Ninja'd: Sorry, BlackDragonSlayer! ! !
Thanks! :)

You have a point about the wolfings. I think it'll be ballanced if I change one wolf to a human (Which means the maximum number of wolfings will be 3, and the wolf/human ratio will be 1:4,33

I don't know if you also mean that wolfings and lynchings should be able to strike through doors, but eighter way, I prefer the game the way it is now.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Ah, okay.  Yes, that's fine, TheBoyWhoCriedWolf.

Yugi, because the game is a cardflip, Britain's power avoids the Wolves from crushing the alliance if, say, the Guardian dies.
As an example, Britain could make a killed Player revealed as Guardian.  The Wolves could risk trying to lynch the alliance head (and as a result, have their wolfing blocked) or they could stay safe and correctly choose to believe that it was Britain's doing.

If Britain didn't exist, once the Guardian was dead, the Wolves could easily destroy the alliance, so Britain's power isn't useless at all.

And I think that might work, davy.  I still think, however, that Wolves having a possible 3 wolfings seems like much by end game.  I think it's wise to place a cap of one wolfing by some later Phase.  I'll have to consult verm verm or Bird about it just in case though.  Otherwise, I think your game's fine now.


I like both Mashi's game and Davy's, but I think Mashi's is easier to understand.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


BDS: Your game looks great. Are the navigation effects random?


davy: Your game looks awesome, but I have a few questions and concerns. First, does the "you can only communicate with people mentioned in your PM" mean that for a lot of phases, players won't be able to talk to anyone?

Also, how do the door openings and closings work if two people are in the same room? Is that even a possibility? You mentioned in example 2 that davy could enter Liggy's room. Can people move past one another, or do people serve as blocks? And even though you're told what rooms you can move into, do you know the route you'll be taking into that room?

I think the wolves being able to speak to one another gives them an advantage which makes the game inbalanced when it comes to lynches. The lynch will always occur in the sequence of rooms with the most players. Let's say there's 8 players in that biggest section, one of whom is a wolf. Since nobody has to publicly vote, all it takes is one person talking about voting for a human for the wolves to be able bandwagon that vote and push the lynch onto that player. Additionally, they'll be able to coordinate their locations with one another. If three of them were in one room, unless four humans connect to that room or more, the any humans that find them will be wolfed and unable to talk about it to anybody.

I would limit the wolves to the same restrictions as the humans; that they can only speak to people in connected rooms, as mentioned in the phase-PMs. But I don't really know what I'm talking about, and I'm sure you've spent a lot more time thinking about this than I have!


Mashi: Looks great as well, why an odd number of players though? The humans would probably have an easier time with 11 players and 3 wolves, probability-wise, plus it doesn't have that annoying "game ends with even numbers on a day phase" thing if the wolves win.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


I think I only had 15 because of the Brutal power evening it out at some point, but yeah, I could probably accommodate more or less Humans to even things out if need be.


Quote from: Bird on June 15, 2013, 12:10:50 PMdavy: Your game looks awesome, but I have a few questions and concerns. First, does the "you can only communicate with people mentioned in your PM" mean that for a lot of phases, players won't be able to talk to anyone?

Also, how do the door openings and closings work if two people are in the same room? Is that even a possibility? You mentioned in example 2 that davy could enter Liggy's room. Can people move past one another, or do people serve as blocks? And even though you're told what rooms you can move into, do you know the route you'll be taking into that room?

I think the wolves being able to speak to one another gives them an advantage which makes the game inbalanced when it comes to lynches. The lynch will always occur in the sequence of rooms with the most players. Let's say there's 8 players in that biggest section, one of whom is a wolf. Since nobody has to publicly vote, all it takes is one person talking about voting for a human for the wolves to be able bandwagon that vote and push the lynch onto that player. Additionally, they'll be able to coordinate their locations with one another. If three of them were in one room, unless four humans connect to that room or more, the any humans that find them will be wolfed and unable to talk about it to anybody.

I would limit the wolves to the same restrictions as the humans; that they can only speak to people in connected rooms, as mentioned in the phase-PMs. But I don't really know what I'm talking about, and I'm sure you've spent a lot more time thinking about this than I have!

First of all:
Quote from: Bird on June 15, 2013, 12:10:50 PMsequence of rooms
That was the phrase I was searching for!

You do realise that the players mentioned in the PM are also in adjectined rooms of your sequence of rooms? I would find it rather unlikely that there would be a situation where that is not the case, let alone that it would be for a lot of phases. Also, those players will still be able to post in the topic.

Players can eighter choose to open/close a door or not (as they cannot open an opened door, and they cannot close a closed door) if there are mulitple players in the same room and at least one of those players chooses to open/close a door then that door is opened/closed. People can move past one another. I don't think there is any reason to mention the route the player takes, so unless I am made aware of a reason why I should mention it, I will not mention it.

About the lynches: first of all, there can be multiple lynches each day phase. If a situation like yours would arise, that wolf would still need to convince three other players, or else the lynch won't work (there will only be a lynching if more then half of the players in the sequence of rooms vote for the same player).

You do have a point, though, and I'll think about giving the wolves the same PM restrictions as the humans.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: Bird on June 15, 2013, 12:10:50 PMBDS: Your game looks great. Are the navigation effects random?
Yes; the order of the areas visited is determined randomly, although the game always starts on the Overworld (because it's pretty much impossible to land a ship underground, after all! ;)).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



After some thought, I have decided that the wolves will have the same PM restriction as the humans. However, they will be told at the end of each night where their partners are as compensation.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Congratulations, davy!!!

You may make Sign Ups now.