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Romp Airlines - A Let's Play Thread "Pikmin"

Started by MaestroUGC, June 03, 2013, 01:34:34 PM

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True, but it wouldn't have mattered, since you have to wait for Koopa to reach the finish line anyway.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


It's Monday, so you know what that means!

Ep. 2 - "A Lesson in Momentum"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


That's a great technique there at 4:45! :D

KICK THAT WOBBLY WOOD. That sounds like a good catchphrase...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Just uh, don't tell anybody about this. Ok?

Ep. 3 - "Downhill"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


More Super Late Bros 64!

Ep. 4 - "Rock Bottom"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Just out of curiosity? which editing program do you use???
I can tell that there is an emphasis on the commentary over the Game's audio, cause there are spikes in the Game's Audio at times.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I missed all the updates, but I'm caught up now! You make the game look so easy, I remember spending weeks trying to steer that owl.  ::)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Today we beat the game.

Ep. 5 - "High Flying"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


It's as if the ran out of ideas in this level.

Ep. 6 - "A Fearsome Thing"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I used to be good at Mario...

Ep. 7 - "Dark, Dank and Musty"
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Bulbear! Blueflower999


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Want to be in a Let's Play of mine? Want to become rich and famous, like me? Want to discover the meaning of life, mine in particular?

Well now you can be! You be apply to be a guest in a future Let's Play of mine!

"Super duper, Maestro, but what game will it be?"

Did I say I was ready for questions yet? No. So shut up and let me finish!

I've already begun work on my next LP (note: Axl and I will run different LPs according to our own rules, he takes the lead on some, I take the lead on others), but following LP No. 2, I will begin work on LP No. 3!

"LP No. 2? What's that going to be?"

Goddammit, I told you to shut up!

I will announce my next LP in a few weeks, once Mario 64 starts winding down. The announcement will also double to debut Axl's first LP as well. More on that later.

This is going to work thusly:
The game I'm going to play will have 4-8 playthroughs, depending and a few factors. Right now expect at least 6 runs. Axl and I are going to solo the first run, but runs 2 and on will feature guests.

Now for the important questions:

1) What game is it?
-I'm not going to tell you all just yet, but the eventual guests will know soon enough.

2) How do we get in on this?
- Quite simply, just ask me. There are a few people who I will extend an invitation to, so they will get priority over who gets to guest. Please note, there will be some requirements to meet, I'm not going to let just anyone onto these flights. Seats are exclusive and expensive.

3) So what do we need to do for this?
-In order for this to work, you will need to have a few things: Skype, Audacity, a decent quality microphone (something that doesn't sound like you're trying to broadcast from Antarctica), and a stable internet connection. Also, preferably a computer that won't explode on you mid-way through recording.

4) Do we sign up now, or later?
-Both, The post is to garner interest and get an idea of who here would want to be on a Romp Airlines Flight. At some point during LP No. 2 the call to action will come, at which point a schedule will be given. (I will only be able to record in specific windows of time, so you either meet me when scheduled, or you don't get to fly.)
-To sign up just say you're interested.

5) When will this all start?
-Recording will begin sometime late August, I will get a better idea once school starts back up.

6) Do we need to practice or prepare?
-Not really, just make sure you have all of the above materials and aren't totally boring.

7) Who are those invited people, how can I be one?
- The invites are going to be people I want in this for at least one episode, because I like them.
- You can't really earn an invite, I'd have to know you can be generally entertaining beforehand. Want a leg up on others? Have some history of making Video Game related videos (LPs, video reviews, similar content). If I can see you do stuff like this, I'd be more inclined to have you onboard.

8) How's scheduling going to work?
- Once the roster is finished, everybody will get at least one episode to guest in. After that it'll be up to the rest of you!

9) Up to us?
- Yep, this is going to have Audience Participation. You guys will decide how this LP progresses, and will also decide who gets to guest and when! There'll be more details on that later.

10) What do we do in the meantime?
- F*** if I know, I'm just looking for people to romp around with later.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.