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TWG LIII: All the King's Men

Started by MaestroUGC, May 14, 2013, 12:30:47 PM

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I decided not to post this accusation due to the TZP wolfing proving him human, but in light of Bird's recent behavior, I'm changing my vote to Bird.  The following (with a few minor edits) is an accusation I typed up last Night but didn't post at the start of today because I began to doubt it without TZP as a wolf.

I had 90% of a post typed up and I was stupid and accidentally refreshed the page.  If I die tonight, please post everything below this:

The bolded parts of this post is the tl;dr version of it.

The log was in the version of this post that I typed up pre-last night, but I think Bird's behavior in the log was weird because Bird seemed really neutral about the Thiannon lynch.  He didn't really try to push you to lynch Liggy, his top suspicion, and the 60% probability that Thiannon is human is weird because at that point that isn't much more than the average!

Additionally, Bird's top suspicion, Liggy, doesn't make any sense given his thoughts on Bubbles.  On Day 1, Bird described lynching Bubbles for inactivity as a "cop-out" lynch.  The same is true for Liggy!  I don't know if Liggy's a wolf or not, but I don't think he should be the most suspicious player because his schedule cleared.  Bird's going to argue that Liggy's case is special because there's a chance he's a wolf and his wolf partners convinced him to stay.  I think that's a little suspicious, but not any more so than what was against Bubbles.  And the thing with Bubbles was on a Day 1 where there was much less to vote on than Day 2.  It's inconsistent.

And then his defense of the Waddle Bro lynch just felt ingenuine to me (hi TZP).

(3:17:54 PM) Vermilionvermin: I'm starting to wonder if I actually think Waddle Bro's a wolf or if I'm just trying to lynch him for being annoying
(3:18:47 PM) Vermilionvermin: because I'm beginning to realize it's kind of a long shot that he saw your post about Yugi and thought to himself, "Hey.  I should start voting randomly to show I don't care about my vote"
(3:23:06 PM) Vermilionvermin: i think i'm talking to nobirdy
(3:26:55 PM) bird: No, I agree with the assessment that he's trying to look like he doesn't care
(3:27:06 PM) bird: in order to make his original bandwagon seem less significant.
(3:27:35 PM) bird: As far as Day 1 lynches go, I think it's decent.
(3:28:01 PM) Vermilionvermin: Like I'm not opposed to him being lynched
(3:28:12 PM) Vermilionvermin: I'm just not sure if my reasoning's actually good
(3:28:29 PM) bird: I think it's good! Better, at least, than your reasoning against Yugi imo.
(3:28:51 PM) Vermilionvermin: but Yugi's actually being weird
(3:28:59 PM) bird: I don't think so!
(3:29:05 PM) bird: No weirder than normal.
(3:30:28 PM) Vermilionvermin: I don't feel good about any lynch today

The first two wolfings really fit Bird's usual wolfing pattern.  In the last post I was more detailed here, but this shortened version will have to suffice!  I looked through Bird's last four games as a wolf on LLF (this goes back to when I started playing TWG there).  Not once in those four games did he wolf a below-average player on the first night or the second night, and he usually tended to go after the heavy hitters.  Toby and Mashi fit the bill.

This is the end of that post and where the new stuff begins.

Bird's commentary on FSM is inconsistent, but what he does say is pretty reminiscent of how he usually treats his wolf partners.  First off, Bird and I have discussed multiple people this game at length.  I'm not sure FSM has come up once in those discussions.  Bird usually avoids bringing attention to his wolf partners, so that's exactly how I'd expect him to treat FSM if he were a wolf.  In the chat I posted in my previous post (not reposting it because it's literally four posts above this one) he tries to change the subject when I bring up FSM as a wolf.  He gives a lukewarm response to the FSM suspicion and then encourages me to look back at my top three suspects other than FSM.  And for some reason, he says he might vote for FSM, doesn't follow through with it, and then defends FSM in his next post thereafter.

And finally, there's only two reasons I can think of why people would wolf TZP.  One would be to disprove my Bird-TZP wolf partner theory, and the other would be to frame Bird.  I think I'd only discussed the theory with Thiannon, Liggy, and BDS, I don't think Liggy was controlling the wolfings with how inactive he's been, and there's a certain other person I think Thiannon would have had wolfed.  It makes sense for Bird to wolf TZP and disprove the theory I had that both he and TZP were wolves.

Defenses will come in the next post because this one feels too long already.


QuoteAnd maybe the thing you're forgetting to defend yourself against is my wolf/thiannon/verm/yugi as the wolves accusation.

No, I defended myself in our chat.  What I was forgetting was the stuff Fank posted earlier.  In regards to still waiting for him to do his wolf tell, yeah, he hasn't done it yet.  Last time he was a wolf was November, so it's entirely possible he changed his wolf strategy in 6 months.  And for the Gregory thing, his defense of Waddle was based on him acting as he normally does.  If he's out of town and unable to post with the regularity that he normally does, that's different from normal.

Now onto the Bird defense.

Wolf I can't disprove any more than you can.  The only thing I can think of to defend myself is that I might have had more hope he would be active if we were both wolves together.  I made it very clear Day 1 I was expecting him to get kicked out of the game for inactivity.

As for Thiannon, I can probably provide a better defense here than I could in the 0 time to think I had in the chat.  If Thiannon and I were wolves together, I don't think I would have provided you with quotations from our chat we had yesterday in the short timespan that I did.  Also you-know-who would be dead and I could have blamed it on Thiannon.

And I think it's kind of silly that I have to defend myself against Yugi being my partner given that I wanted him lynched for the majority of Day 1.

I don't know why in the span of 24 (48 maybe?) hours you go from saying you'd be impressed if I were a wolf to forcing me to defend myself against accusations of potential wolf partners.


I actually figured you were going to do something like this as soon as you started barraging me with questions at the end of last day phase. I also suspected you suggesting that you would vote for FSM was a test, but after thinking about it, I just didn't think he was a wolf so I decided to defend him. More on that in one of the later sections of this rebuttal though.

Sorry about the length, but there's a lot I want to get off my chest in this post. Stuff I'd prefer to have kept hidden so that the game could just take it's natural course, but I don't think that's really an option anymore. Sorry about the length.

Neutrality on the Thiannon lynch:
Have I really been passionate about anything in this game?

I sent a PM to Thiannon last day phase. This is the PM that caused him to drop his suspicion of me. I sent it in a PM since I didn't want to hurt Maestro's feelings about this game, but since I guess I don't really have a choice here. I'm bored out of my mind in this game. I don't feel motivated to hunt down the wolves since I feel like nothing I do really matters. I'm sure you've noticed. Compare my behavior here to my behavior in walking small. I was a wolf there, yet I still mustered the enthusiasm to make good posts and suspicion lists. I just can't bring myself to care about the outcome of this game.

I only joined because I didn't want to be the douchebag who only tries to host and doesn't play when somebody else wins. I also didn't think the game would fill without me.

The only reason I'm putting any effort to defend myself here is because I fucking hate it when humans don't defend themselves. You'll recall at LLF that I was so mad at somebody for not defending themselves as a human that they left the forum.

Given all that, is it really that much of a surprise I didn't push the lynch very hard? The first time somebody I wanted lynched was lynched I ended up getting berated for it by Thiannon. The responsibility for the "mistake" of the Waddle Bro lynch was placed on my shoulders. Maybe I didn't want that responsibility again. Maybe I wanted someone else to decide. Right now, I'm just going through the motions.

I did want Liggy lynched more than Thiannon. I said as much in the chat. If you don't have the logs I can send them to you. But there were ten minutes left in the phase, and nobody else was really suspicious of him. And there's the responsibility thing again.


Suspicion of Liggy compared to thoughts on Bubbles:
How is everyone not more suspicious of Liggy? He says he's busy and that he's dropping out. Then he says his schedule clears again. You ask him about the game and he has two suspicions: verm and "idk". Then he's busy again. Now he has an injury. Maybe that part's true, I don't think he's that much of a liar, but this ceaseless back and forth is ridiculous. And during the period he apparently wasn't busy, he came up with zero decent suspicions. I'm guessing he's a special or something since nobody else seems to care that he's just floating through this game doing absolutely nothing.

Bubbles wasn't suspicious to me because of her emotional response in the chatroom to the "inactivity" accusations levied against her.

Ingenuine defense of Waddle Bro lynch:
I don't really know what you're getting at with this chat log since it definitely doesn't speak for itself. I said the Waddle Bro lynch was decent, and afterwards everybody got pissed at me.

Wolfings fitting my typical pattern:
This is so stupid, I can't believe I'm even dignifying it with a response. Analysis of wolfings is a stupid way of determining who the wolves are for a ton of reasons. First of all, there's more than one wolf. Unless they put me in charge of wolfing and it isn't a democratic decision at all, the point is moot. On top of that, any wolves can attack any players to make a certain player look suspicious. This is confirmation bias at its finest and you know it. If I went for heavy hitters, why would I not have killed you? In fact, why are you still alive at all? Why would I not have wolfed Thiannon? Why would I go for Toby, then Mashi who is inactive and worthless half the games he plays here?

Commentary on FSM:
I challenge you to come up with a game where I make a strong defensive post of a wolf partner. The last game on NSM I remember trying hard to defend another player was that one where I defended you. I made a ton of passionate posts about it. I ended up getting lynched for it. I think you ended up being a wolf, but that's besides the point. The point is, defending other players is something I'm much more apt to do as a human than as a wolf.

Wolfing TZP:
I'm actually glad you brought this up. Even though I mentioned earlier that the wolfings don't necessarily matter due to the number of wolves and the ability of wolves to mimic other strategies, there was a clear target for me (personally) that would have cleared most suspicion on me.

If I was a wolf, I absolutely would have gone for you or the one special we both know of. I sent a PM to BDS earlier in that phase suggesting that that special's identity had been leaked. I also said that I thought the wolves would likely target that special or you. If I were a wolf, I could attack one of those players and create a win-win situation for me, even if the attack was guarded. If I attacked you/the special and they died, my intel to BDS would look good, and it would just be his mistake that he guarded the wrong player. And if I attacked you/the special and they survived the attack thanks to the guardian, I would look even more human for providing such useful information. Why, if I were a wolf, would I do anything other than that? Any other plan is downright idiotic.


Anyway, I'm having a change of heart about verm who has either lost his mind or is a wolf. In fact, the only times verm has ever suspected me when I'm a human was when he's a wolf, or at least the only times (two times!) that I remember.

On top of that, he's never been in the center of a big dispute the way other strong players like Thiannon or I have, yet he hasn't been wolfed, which is flabbergasting. He's far and away the best player on NSM, yet hasn't been attacked and isn't a special (presumably). I don't want to invoke the manti rule or anything, but does nobody else find that a little odd?

And then there's the fact that TZP was wolfed. TZP is wolfed and then Verm leverages that into an argument against me. Convenient. This is also the only feasible explanation I can come up with for why neither [unnamed special] or verm was wolfed. Wolfing the unnamed special who verm knows of would incriminate him and he's not going to wolf himself.

I wish I had more, since apparently long posts=good posts, but I'd rather three decent arguments than 6 mediocre ones.

I hope this post explains most of my weird behavior this game. If not, oh well, it's probably almost done anyway.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Neutrality on the Thiannon lynch:  I can understand not being motivated to do much this game when there's not much you can control.  However, that was the one time where you could have seriously influenced him to lynch Liggy.

Suspicion of Liggy relating to Bubbles:  The issue isn't that you changed your mind on Bubbles, it's that you called it a "cop-out" lynch.  If lynching Bubbles for inactivity is a cop-out on Day 1, it should be for Liggy on Day 2.

Defense of Waddle Bro lynch:  I thought it was silly when I (paraphrased) asked, "Do you really think Waddle Bro saw one comment on your suspicion list and then spent the rest of his posts trying to make himself seem human to you based on it?" and you said yes but phrased it differently.  I guess you can probably turn this on me for not standing up to the lynch there, but I think I ended up voting for other reasons.

Wolfings:  This wasn't enough to lynch you, but it's a lot of little things pointing to you being a wolf.

FSM:  This was the turning point for me.  I wasn't planning on posting this until the FSM defense.  It wasn't so much the fact that you didn't think he was a wolf as it was that you seemed uncomfortable with the subject when I brought it up, trying to change it multiple times.  I still want to know what people think of FSM because he hasn't been mentioned anywhere.

TZP:  To be honest, I was willing to chalk this up as a point in your favor.  I wasn't going to post this accusation at all because of the TZP wolfing.  I originally thought that it was more likely that Liggy or Thiannon had wolfed TZP to frame you (and am still willing to consider this, by the way) but after FSM I wasn't willing to give you that benefit of the doubt.  As proof of this, I was chatting with you for a while today before I posted the accusation and had typed up most of it last phase.  And I even had a point about you being partners with TZP but took that out for this post obvious reasons.

In my own defense, when I'm a wolf, I usually don't accuse you because it's easier to convince you I'm human or wolf you than it is to lynch you.  And I probably haven't been wolfed yet because I whined about not getting to play as a human and I think Bubbles, TZP, Yugi (not sure if this vote was serious though) and Fank if I recall correctly have been suspicious of me.


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 22, 2013, 01:06:45 AM
For the record I am slightly regretful about the Waddle lynch, but last time that happened he ended up being a wolf.
Waddle has never been a wolf. He was an independent in the Role Reunion game, but there he only messed Night 1 a little(<-- That's typical Waddle, btw), but he showed quite a lot of activity in that game on Day 1, too.
I don't know why would you tell lies, since I don't see why humans would do that.

I'm also suspicious of vermverm for his accusations against gzgregory, who I think is quite human. Though I also thought he was suspicious at the time, but that was because I forgot his plan completely. I doubt you did the same.

(This was the point I reached yesterday, until I got busy)

I was going to make points against a lot of people, but I think I'll focus on Verm for now.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on May 22, 2013, 05:43:58 PMI'm going to vote FSM.  For one thing, he isn't in anyone's suspicion lists.  Not even in the top three in a single one!  I think everyone else is in the top three in at least one person's suspicion list.  That's kind of weird, especially when you consider the fact that his activity's been significantly lower now than it has been in the past.  People wanted to lynch Bubbles for inactivity, Liggy's inactivity was considered suspicious, and Yugi's been discussed as a potential lynch--but why not FSM?  Ever since his suspicion list, he hasn't contributed much.  Wolves would be less likely to put their partner high on their lists sent to BDS and they'd be more likely to send them to BDS.  Additionally, there's the whole TZP being proven human.  Only three people joined in on the bandwagon on Day 1, and of those three, FSM has by far taken the least heat from it.  I doubt three humans voted for the same human and that bandwagon stopped there.  And finally, Bird seems super defensive of FSM in the log below!
So you're blaming me for being inactive and being so low on everyone's suspicion lists and Bird defending me. Listen to your self. Can you hear it? That's the sound of frivolously frivolous frivolusness.
I have been inactive because of my intense rehabilitation. The time I was active, I had a break from all the training. Plus since I'm currently out of the Sibelius Academy, I have a lot of stuff expected to be done by the time I get back. Almost every friend I have on Skype, for example, can confirm that I don't spend as much time online as I used to, Dude would be the only one who isn't dead and is playing the game(and Bubbles, but she doesn't spend that much time in Skype). Like I said previously in this post, I started making a list of points against people, meaning I'm contributing as best as I can.
The lies, dear vermverm, the lies,
Quote from: Bird on May 16, 2013, 10:02:08 AM2. FSM-Reapr - More for wariness than suspicion.
And that was Bird, who you think I'm wolf partners with, putting me second on his suspicion list!

If people don't put me up on their suspicion lists, won't that mean I'm not that suspicious or they think I'm human? You put me down yourself, remember?

Also I have sent this one strategy to BDS.

Now I g2g. Continuing later.


That reminds me of a point I didn't get to mention in my previous post. I know there's no way I can prove this, but while we were having that conversation earlier, I had suspected you were already incredibly suspicious of me, and that you were using the FSM vote as a reaction test. I knew at that point what would make me look more human: agreeing with you, and going ahead and voting for FSM. That's what I would have done if I were a wolf.

But I'm not, and I don't think FSM is either, so I made a defense of him instead. We got the reaction out of him without my vote anyway. I didn't want two votes on somebody, since I didn't want to start an early bandwagon on somebody I didn't actually think was suspicious. I know that afterwards I would have been able to say something like "oh by the way, I wasn't really that suspicious of him," but I didn't think it was worth dragging him into the limelight early, since people tend to vote players who are dragged into the limelight early (see: the past two day phases).

Thiannon Lynch: I think you're exaggerating. Here's the log where I try (with 5 minutes left in the phase) to convince BDS.

(10:55:39 PM) KINGBDS: If you have anybody else you think should be lynched, state it now.
(10:55:45 PM) bird: Liggy
(10:55:55 PM) bird: That's the only person I'd take over Thiannon
(10:55:55 PM) KINGBDS: Reasons, Bird??
(10:56:01 PM) bird: Did you read that log I sent you?
(10:56:05 PM) KINGBDS: Yes.
(10:56:07 PM) bird: Where his top two suspicions are verm and "idk"
(10:56:14 PM) bird: After saying that his schedule cleared?
(10:56:35 PM) vermilionvermin: I think his schedule clearing isn't as suspicious as you think bird
(10:56:51 PM) bird: but he said his schedule was suddenly busy again
(10:56:55 PM) vermilionvermin: I really think it should be gregory today
(10:57:01 PM) KINGBDS: 3 minutes... anybody else??

Nobody else in the room backed me up, and that "3 minutes left" was my cue to stop talking. Like, I actually sent him a second PM with my suspicions (in the thread a few pages back) recommending Liggy over Thiannon as well.

Liggy/Bubbles: If inactivity were the only reason I had suspected Liggy, yeah, it would definitely be a cop-out lynch. But it had grown from that. It was inactivity, then activity (without activity), awful suspicions and more inactivity. It was never really the inactivity anyway. He was inactive which was fine, but then his schedule "cleared" except apparently he was lying about that, or being misleading since his schedule wasn't clear anyway.

FSM Defense: I covered this in the introduction at the top of this post, and I'll stand by it. I don't think FSM is a wolf, especially not based on his inactivity alone.

I think that's really everything.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Bird, you're strawmanning the FSM argument.  It's not just that he's inactive, it's that nobody has been calling him out for it.  I'm sure his excuse for not posting is legitimate--that's not the problem.  The problem is that it's Day 3, he's been pretty inactive most of the game, and nobody even put him in their top three yesterday.  All the other inactive players barring Dude (who everyone had reason to believe was human) got put on multiple lists.  FSM, I see that Day 1 suspicion list Bird posted.  Putting you tied for second on a Day 1 suspicion list just for being wary of you isn't close to proof that you two aren't wolves together.

Bird, I think you should reexamine your suspicions if the reason you think he's a human is because you don't think my suspicion of him proves him a wolf.

Here's a player list and reasons why I'm not a wolf with all of them.  If you want to vote for me, I'd appreciate it if you picked three (or more if you think they're arguable!) people I could feasibly be wolf partners with.  Underlined are the ones I think are arguable.

1. Black Dragon Slayer:  This person is a confirmed human.
2. Yugi: I voted for him and lobbied for his lynch for a lot of Day 1.
3. fank009:  Bird, fank, and I just had a chat and Fank says I'm wolfish.  He's echoed similar thoughts throughout the game.
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf:  This person is a confirmed human.
5. FSM-Reapr, M.P.:  I tried to have him lynched today and would have continued to do so if Bird had not defended him.  He also voted for me until late yesterday and currently wants to lynch me.
6. The ZeldaPianist275:  This person is a confirmed human.
7. gzgregory:  I tried to lynch him yesterday.
8. Dude:  If you actually think I'm a wolf with Dude and you are not Gregory, then you are trying to twist your suspicion list to prove I'm a wolf.
9. Bird:  I tried to lynch Bird.
10. Waddle Bro:  I participated in the Waddle Bro lynch.
11. Bubbles:  Argued that I'm a wolf Day 1.  This is different from Bird putting FSM tied for second because Bird doesn't actually argue that FSM is a wolf.
12. Mashi:  This person is a confirmed human.
13. wolf:  If your argument that I am a wolf relies on him being a wolf, it's a pretty weak argument.  And even so, I probably more than anyone else can say that wolf is not my partner because from the get-go I accepted that he was going to get kicked.  Were I a wolf I would have pulled as many strings behind the scenes as I could to get him replaced before that occurred.
14. Vermilionvermin:  Yes I am all of the wolves.
15. Thiannon:  This is probably the most plausible and I could see you making the argument that Thiannon and I were wolves if you could actually provide two other people who could plausibly be wolves with us.
16. Liggy:  Liggy had only one suspicion the entire game and that was me.

After doing a quick analysis of the same thing on Bird I found that I reach the same conclusion.  It's hard to form a wolf team for Bird without including wolf in it, and he does have a point about him not defending his wolf partners that strongly in the past.  I'd say FSM is still a strong candidate for wolf who's been largely ignored.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on May 22, 2013, 11:21:39 PMHere's a player list and reasons why I'm not a wolf with all of them.  If you want to vote for me, I'd appreciate it if you picked three (or more if you think they're arguable!) people I could feasibly be wolf partners with.  Underlined are the ones I think are arguable.Struck through are reasons Fank thinks is abosultley BS

1. Black Dragon Slayer:  This person is a confirmed human.
2. Yugi: I voted for him and lobbied for his lynch for a lot of Day 1.
3. fank009:  Bird, fank, and I just had a chat and Fank says I'm wolfish.  He's echoed similar thoughts throughout the game.
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf:  This person is a confirmed human.
5. FSM-Reapr, M.P.:  I tried to have him lynched today and would have continued to do so if Bird had not defended him.  He also voted for me until late yesterday and currently wants to lynch me.

6. The ZeldaPianist275:  This person is a confirmed human.
7. gzgregory:  I tried to lynch him yesterday.
8. Dude:  If you actually think I'm a wolf with Dude and you are not Gregory, then you are trying to twist your suspicion list to prove I'm a wolf.
9. Bird:  I tried to lynch Bird.
10. Waddle Bro:  I participated in the Waddle Bro lynch.
11. Bubbles:  Argued that I'm a wolf Day 1.  This is different from Bird putting FSM tied for second because Bird doesn't actually argue that FSM is a wolf.
12. Mashi:  This person is a confirmed human.
13. wolf:  If your argument that I am a wolf relies on him being a wolf, it's a pretty weak argument.  And even so, I probably more than anyone else can say that wolf is not my partner because from the get-go I accepted that he was going to get kicked.  Were I a wolf I would have pulled as many strings behind the scenes as I could to get him replaced before that occurred.
14. Vermilionvermin:  Yes I am all of the wolves.
15. Thiannon:  This is probably the most plausible and I could see you making the argument that Thiannon and I were wolves if you could actually provide two other people who could plausibly be wolves with us.
16. Liggy:  Liggy had only one suspicion the entire game and that was me.

After doing a quick analysis of the same thing on Bird I found that I reach the same conclusion.  It's hard to form a wolf team for Bird without including wolf in it, and he does have a point about him not defending his wolf partners that strongly in the past. I'd say FSM is still a strong candidate for wolf who's been largely ignored.

... To Clear yourself, By Saying that You have NO reason that you could partner with someone... You make some good arguments.
But unfortunatley
You are playing with me.
And i dont buy the fact that you are completley out of the clear (although you are looking more townish due to that fact.)

You are forgetting 2 things, Dissociation and "bussing" (bussing is going for fellow wolf partners)

Lets discuss all these points?

Yugi, I am going to let slide. It would be insane to go the way you did, And it be an insane bus
FSM, Classed in with Bird and Gz, Again with the thought of bussing. The difference between the yugi attempt, and the following (with the exception of bird), Is that a bus is Definetly more plausible. (going to read more on it for more thoughts. on this idea)
Dude, Dissociation, Thats all i have to say about it... But people must know more than i do... come to think of it... Why is dude alive??? There must be something im missing.
Waddle: You must still be trolling us waddle....  Verm, Waddle lynch would be the perfect thing to bus. So  Dont count your "Wolves" before they are cleared
Bubbles, Weak argument for a weak "lean". To say bubbles is not your partner because of their argument on a lean like that, is like saying... (let me think... No, its just to crazy) regardless.
Wolf... No... Wont accept this as a response, Wolves can say anything to town... And what town doesnt know wont hurt wolves (from a wolves perspective).
Thia, FMPOV this is impossible because thia = human, Unless i read that wrong...
Liggy... Although unlikely your partner. Liggy hasnt said anything to anyone to really warrant you being cleard from liggy...

So... We have 4-6 possible people who could be your partner (Ill look at this in more depth, and try to see if there is anything compatiable to be a scum team...)

So You say that you are clear because there is no one to partner with?
/slams desk.
The above has disproven your theory in you being "clear" so im not assuming you as clear.
Although... You do not fit into my "scumteam" so to say, I want to hear others opinions on the matter.
Im still watching you verm... I still think your scummy, Though. I have learned from past mistakes, And for now, a safety on Yugi. I might be reading too much into it (which i have at times...)

I do want others opinions on the matter though.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...



Since it's 3:20 PST right now, in the morning, I shall make a list of who I might consider lynching (I won't wait until the last minute again... D:).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Also about this whole inactivity thing. I remember being inactive just one Day(with a sudden burst of activity in the end AND I do remember apologizing for it) and a couple of Nights. I don't see what could have I possibly even achieved during Nights. So accusing me for being inactive is quite frivolous. Plus I already gave you legit reasons why I can't be as active as I'd want.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on May 22, 2013, 05:43:58 PMI'm going to vote FSM.  For one thing, he isn't in anyone's suspicion lists.  Not even in the top three in a single one!  I think everyone else is in the top three in at least one person's suspicion list.  That's kind of weird, especially when you consider the fact that his activity's been significantly lower now than it has been in the past.  People wanted to lynch Bubbles for inactivity, Liggy's inactivity was considered suspicious, and Yugi's been discussed as a potential lynch--but why not FSM?  Ever since his suspicion list, he hasn't contributed much. Wolves would be less likely to put their partner high on their lists sent to BDS and they'd be more likely to send them to BDS.  Additionally, there's the whole TZP being proven human.  Only three people joined in on the bandwagon on Day 1, and of those three, FSM has by far taken the least heat from it.  I doubt three humans voted for the same human and that bandwagon stopped there.  And finally, Bird seems super defensive of FSM in the log below!
Verm, you can't use people not putting me in a suspicion list as an argument against me. If nobody thinks I'm suspicious, then could that mean that I haven't done anything that I'd deserve to get lynched, hm? I don't get how not being on anyone's suspicion list could possibly point me as being a wolf.

I'm getting this feeling that you wolfed TZP just so you could get to use that as an argument against me, because I think your other reasons don't make much sense to me.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on May 22, 2013, 11:21:39 PM10. Waddle Bro:  I started the Waddle Bro lynch.
Fixed that for you.

I'll hit the post button now, because I have a good amount of work I currently have to do.


I'm so over this game now. -_-

Someone remind me never to play another TWG with BDS ever again.

BDS is the King
Bubbles is the Guardian
Mashi was the Prince
I was the Prime Minister

Done. Ban me if you want I really don't care.


We probably will!

But the game is still going for now, and we probably need to get a wolf this phase. If it makes you feel better (or worse), I knew most of those names, and verm probably knew all of them, so you likely didn't share anything too vital. I'm kind of disappointed in BDS for not telling us the Prince had died, especially since that would have shed some light on the Mashi wolfing. Oh well!

This also means I get to share the actual suspicion list that I sent to verm and BDS.

Quote1. Greg - I feel like an asshole making my number 1 and 2 suspicions the same as verm's, the guy I just tried to have lynched, but whatever. They're the most suspicious. He's done some human things: thanking fank for the games, implying he took the time to read them, made a few helpful suggestions to the alliance. But he's also done a ton of suspicious stuff: He has suspected Dude the entire game, who is a special and seems human to everyone else. He also suspected fank early on who is widely believed to be human as well! He also defended Yugi, FSM, and Waddle by way of his first suspicion list. And tried to shine some suspicious light on me for a ridiculously bullshit reason that I didn't spot that wolf would get kicked and turn the d1 lynch onto him. His final list put Dude and Fank at the top which seems ridiculous to me. Most importantly, he works as a great partner for FSM below. The biggest thing against gzg being a wolf is the popularity of him being a wolf. Lots of people put him in their top 3.

2. FSM-Reapr - So, ignoring the inactivity which I'll maintain isn't suspicious, there's a lot of things within his posts that are alarming, that I think even verm has missed. First, he starts lynch on TZP, and says GZG is human in his first list. Then at the very end of day 2 (in the final minute and a half) he tries to get GZG lynched, which seems desperate and ineffectual. Then come day 3 in his defense post, says GZG seems "quite human". Also suspected Waddle bro which seems odd, and Yugi and Liggy on day 1. Hasn't given another suspicion list since then, yet asks Liggy for one on day 3 or something.

3. Liggy - I've said this time and time again, but it's fucking weird how he was inactive, then suddenly his schedule cleared except it hadn't honestly cleared. When he tried to be active, he fell on his face and couldn't give a single decent suspicion. FSM's token "i want to see activty from Liggy" struck me as something a partner might say to another wolf.

I think the most significant thing about this list so far is how well the three players listed above work together. The last wolf is sort of a wildcard. It could be Waddle Bro, Wolf or Thiannon, none of whom have had significant interaction with the above three players. It could also be Yugi, which is less likely (gzg and fsm both put him high on their lists), or Bubbles (who seems human to me and is probably a special).

4. Verm - Independent from the above set. Would likely have to be partners with 3 of the following: Yugi, Bubbles, wolf, Thiannon, Liggy. The limitations in these partnerships is one of the main factors why he's below the above three players, as well as the fact that he relented on me in the thread. However, a lot of the reasons I posted for suspecting him in the thread still stand, most importantly TZP's wolfing rather than him or Dude biting the dust. Big mark in his favor is that Bubbles wasn't wolfed, which, now that her status as a special was confirmed, makes me glad I pushing the lynch towards him.

5. Yugi - Hasn't really done anything except run around like an idiot voting for people. He's very compatible with a lot of players though as a potential wolf partner.

6. Bubbles - Verm hinted that bubbles was a special, but her reaction in the chatroom (which was very angry and emotional) when people suspected her for inactivity seemed genuine. Additionally, she had a self-aware kind of post regarding the Waddle Bro lynch, and spoke wisely against GZG's "private suspicion list" suggestion which actually ended up being totally accurate and would have been helpful if we'd followed her words.

7. Fank - He strikes me as kind of dumb and confused, but I feel like every one of his posts has a goal of helping the humans. Also, his post analyzing whether certain people could be partners with verm was genuinely helpful. I put him low on my list with a heavy heart, since I really would have liked to remove him from the game. The most suspicious thing against him is why a player widely believed to be human hasn't been wolfed yet.

8. Dude - Accidentally slipped that he was a special.

9. BDS

10. Me

So I guess, thank you Dude. You made my list look better and you confirmed some earlier thoughts I had on this game. Greg.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die
