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TWG LII: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya Post-Game Thread

Started by SlowPokemon, May 12, 2013, 07:17:03 PM

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Quote from: Bubbles7689 on May 12, 2013, 07:40:41 PMi beg to differ
Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 12, 2013, 07:39:44 PMAlso I would have sex with FSM ;)

Yeah.... I kinda had second thoughts as soon as I posted .__.

Also, Bubbles, what did you do to Maestro? :O

BDS, you actually made me laugh out loud with that picture.  Again, major props.




I think it's funny that the humans won this game. I mean, good for them, but on the day phase where Pikachu was lynched, the wolves could have wolfrushed a human and won the game immediately! Maybe Pikachu was too inactive for that though.

Anyway, good game to both sides! I'm glad the humans won, since I actually thought the game was balanced in favor of the wolves. To be honest it probably was, but great job anyway.

And thanks for putting "HUMANS WIN" at the top of your post-game, Slow! A+
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Fun fact, I told him to vote.

He didn't.

Bird, I can't help but notice you say a lot of game are balanced in favor of the wolves. I just think you don't like the wolf team.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Noooo, I love the wolves! Even though I requested to be transfered to the humans in that one game of yours, I really like playing as a wolf and rooting for them.

It's just that normally, the standard 12-man game gives the humans a guardian and a seer. They didn't have any of that in this game, and in addition to that, players' identities were obscured making it even harder to identify odd behavior. I figured without such benefits, it would be near impossible for them to win. But they pulled through, so good on them.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Yeah well, each of us (wolves, that is) had our blunders that hindered us in the long run.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


This game was incredibly fun to watch with the new accounts.

On a side note, TWG DK's picture.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely hated this game. More than TWG Minecraft.

Firstly, I only signed up because it was haruhi suzumiya, and it made me think of the original game that Slow had posted a few sign ups back...the one that WASN'T a manhunt. whoops.

secondly, I became more focused on being a dumbass retard than actually contributing to the game, because I honestly did not pick up anything that the other players were getting. It spawned from one little faux-pas, and then I was just lost. That's why I went for samus for a stupid reason (OMG BUBBLES YOU LIED TO ME YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE WALUIGI NOT TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD FOR CALLING YOU A FAT BITCH WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?), honestly without any evidence. Also, Maestro, trolling you as Bowser was the most fun I'd had in a long time. I was laughing my ass off that entire chat.

Like I said, I was focused more on my fake character than the game itself. As a result, I will not be playing any more games using the additional accounts. no thank you.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on May 12, 2013, 09:53:37 PMOn a side note, TWG DK's picture.
This too.
Party Hard!


whoops I forgot about that one post

Though I asked Dude who he thought I was and he had no idea about my identity xD

Anyways, started two of the wolf lynchs and saved Luigi in the end. I'm quite happy with my performance.

Oh, and ;)


I was all for getting into character, but after a certain point I stopped putting in effort to be the lovable Koopa King to actually say what I wanted to say.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Yeah, I didn't foresee people roleplaying so much when we decided to use a theme rather than just numbers for the additional accounts. We figured it would be easier to remember them that way. I guess we were right.

Anyway, I'm hoping the novelty will wear off and people will be more normal in the future.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Did anyone guess my identity?

And Slow, I actually was suspicious of Bowser for several reasons.


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on May 12, 2013, 09:59:58 PMwhoops I forgot about that one post

Though I asked Dude who he thought I was and he had no idea about my identity xD

Anyways, started two of the wolf lynchs and saved Luigi in the end. I'm quite happy with my performance.

Oh, and ;)

You do realize that ANY discussion about the game needs to be disclosed to the thread or PM'd to the host, right? And that you aren't allowed to discuss your identities with others.

Also, Kman, I never posted a Haruhi Suzumiya game that wasn't a manhunt.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.