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TWG LII: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya Post-Game Thread

Started by SlowPokemon, May 12, 2013, 07:17:03 PM

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1. TWG Falcon - vermilionvermin - Wolf
2. TWG Mario - Mandrew! - Human
3. TWG Waluigi - Mashi - Human
4. TWG Yoshi - Kman96, later replaced by gzgregory - Human
5. TWG Link - BlackDragonSlayer - Human
6. TWG Pikachu - blueflower999 - Wolf
7. TWG Samus - Bubbles 7689 - Human
8. TWG Fox - FSM-Reapr - Human
9. TWG Bowser - MaestroUGC - Wolf
10. TWG Kirby - Dude - Human
11. TWG DK - TheZeldaPianist - Human
12. TWG Luigi - the_last_sheikah, later replaced by Yugi - Human

One thing I found interesting was how many of these accounts lined up with characteristics of their actual identities. For instance, Bubbles7689 being the only girl and receiving the only female account. Or Fox and Mario having the same first initials as FSM-Reapr and Mandrew!. Or Luigi ending in the same two letters as Yugi (okay that was a stretch, plus he wasn't the original owner of the account).

Player Analysis

1. TWG Falcon / vermilionvermin
Your performance was above average. That is, you put reasonable effort into the game and such but you didn't have the opportunity to do much as the humans found you out pretty quickly. Your arguments and posts in the thread showed a lot of work, and I appreciate that.

2. TWG Mario / Mandrew!
In the brief time you existed in the game, you hardly did anything. Of course you were killed fairly quickly, so it's not like I can judge how you would have played had you not been.

3. TWG Waluigi / Mashi
Excellent. Not only did you manage to create consistently coherent and logical arguments against your fellow players, you managed to do it in character as Waluigi. I was pretty sad when the Wolves got to you.

4. TWG Yoshi / Kman96 / gzgregory
Kman96: lazy job. gzgregory: great job showing activity when I kind of sprung on you "ohai we need you to replace some guy." I really appreciate how you were right there when I needed you. Too bad you were also killed fairly quickly.

5. TWG Link / BlackDragonSlayer
WHAT?! YOU WERE BLACKDRAGONSLAYER???!!?!?! Okay seriously I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but you didn't adopt any sort of alternate personality, instead keeping directly in line with your other one, right down to the frequent use of "merely," the constant tongue smiley, and the posting of pictures in response to comments. Every single PM I received that was some sort of speculation listed your identity correctly. Maybe if you do this again try to be a little less obvious? Other than that, you did a very admirable job. One of the most active players, you fought until the bitter end. That last argument on the last five pages of the thread was freaking EPIC, even if I had to skim over much of it. If there was anything wrong with it, it was putting too much faith in Luigi, trusting that he would actually read those giant blocks of text. When your "tl;dr" version is the size of a small novella, there's a problem.

6. TWG Pikachu / blueflower999
If I'm being totally honest, I wasn't really impressed. It was quite clear that you didn't care about the game enough to log into your other account and post. You never made any wolfing suggestions, just went along with what Bowser said. Even on the day you were to be lynched, you didn't post any sort of good defense.

7. TWG Samus / Bubbles7689
You showed a reasonable amount of activity, but I never saw anything that I thought contributed much to the game. It was a fairly standard performance overall, but you definitely showed a lot more activity than others so I appreciate the effort you put into the game.

8. TWG Fox / FSM-Reapr
Your performance in-game is essentially like Samus's. However, you did a lot of things that were fairly annoying, mainly continually insisting on posting your identity. While I did twice have you remove posts that revealed your true identity, I somehow missed this one, which is just stupid and you would undoubtedly have been either made to remove the post or banned. I hate that you felt the need to post that. I know it may be a joke to you, but the point of the alternate accounts is to not tell anyone your identity and you apparently couldn't handle that. It's a pretty big part of the game. Don't apologize or feel guilty, just be sure not to do that in the future, all right? As for your game, as mentioned earlier it was similar to Samus's, though you contributed more. You were very active, which I really appreciated. I am really happy you were able to contribute so much to the game.

9. TWG Bowser / MaestroUGC
The best Wolf player this game, your performance was near perfect. I don't know what else I can say. You showed dedication to the game, and manipulated the humans with expertise. It's true that in the end Luigi voted for you, but I firmly believe that it was a toss-up and he was not confident in the slightest you were really the wolf. Excellent performance overall, though some stupid blunders such as forgetting to vote one day phase really hindered you.

10. TWG Kirby / Dude

11.TWG DK / TheZeldaPianist
After a worryingly inactive start, your game picked up very quickly and by the time you died I was a little disappointed because I knew you could contribute a lot to the Human team. Also, A+ job on trying to impersonate Mashi and/or Thiannon.

12. TWG Luigi / the_last_sheikah / Yugi
the_last_sheikah: You did nothing for this game. Yugi: You replaced him after expressing great interest in the game, and then proceeded to be relatively inactive to the point that I would have replaced you as well if it had not been so late in the game. I feel like your last vote was just a shot in the dark to avoid a phantom, although I must admit I felt bad for you having to read through five pages of arguments that even I didn't read. Overall pretty standard job.

HUMAN MVP: TWG Link / BlackDragonSlayer
WOLF MVP: TWG Bowser / MaestroUGC

Nice game everyone, it turned out better than I had expected. It was a REALLY close game.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


This was fun, let's do it again sometime, like right now.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 12, 2013, 07:17:03 PMOne thing I found interesting was how many of these accounts lined up with characteristics of their actual identities. For instance, Bubbles7689 being the only girl and receiving the only female account. Or Fox and Mario having the same first initials as FSM-Reapr and Mandrew!. Or Luigi ending in the same two letters as Yugi (okay that was a stretch, plus he wasn't the original owner of the account).
Told you ;) But honestly I thought Fox was Yugi up until he started being active (Fox-Socialfox)

and fsm was a fox because he is clever and sexy


TheZeldaPianist275 being DK is a shocker to me; I was really convinced you were Thiannon, to be quite honest!

Also, verm verm, you jerk!!!  So I was right when I thought Falcon was you originally!  I should never have guessed you were Bird!!!

Never going to fall for different font sizes being Bird ever again.

Anyhow, A+++++++++, SlowPokemon.  This game was probably one of our best, I feel.


This is why I'm the Best Wolf on these forums. None can challenge my cunning and prowess of TWG.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I was sure that Samus was a wolf...... :-\

Also, I was going to keep my "personality" as a terrible speller, but I just couldn't keep it up for that long!!! At least I avoided using tongue smileys in my posts!! ;)

If Maestro had wolfed Luigi, though, he probably would've won. :-[ I would've been more inclined to go after Fox...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


inb4 Bubbles kills me

*high fives BDS*  Props, man.  That was epic, despite a pain in the butt to read. 

Slow, I disagree.  I followed that pretty closely and I was next to certain Bowser was the wolf.  He did a good job, but I think Link did a better one.

Also: who guessed identities?  Bubbles and BDS were the obvious ones, but the rest threw me for a loop.  Oh yeah, except FSM.  Really?  Why would you say something like that?  That just ruins it.  I can guarantee you, none of us want to have sex with you. >__>

Yeah, this had a surprisingly epic finale for being a game with no mechanics other than the mystery accounts.  Great job Slow :D

Oh yeah, this is my first victory.  In 7 games .__.


Although in future anybody who gets DK should HAVE to talk like that ;)

Mashi, great job.  That was a lot of fun to read.  Actually, this was a really good game overall.  Good job everybody.


Link definitely led the humans to victory.

Also I would have sex with FSM ;)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on May 12, 2013, 07:35:35 PMinb4 Bubbles kills me

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on May 12, 2013, 07:35:35 PMI can guarantee you, none of us want to have sex with you. >__>
i beg to differ

ninja'd: slow ;)


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Aaaand, as a note to everybody:
On April 30th, May 1st, and May 2nd, I had STAR Testing, the wonderful California Standardized Testing, which greatly interfered with my schedule. The whole week before that, I was staying up until like 4 AM studying. I wasn't even thinking that much when I voted for Waluigi (at 4:03 AM, mind you! :P).
Keeping with my promise made in chat: *nearly strangles Verm, but is pulled away by Captain Falcon* :P

Anybody who get the TWG Link account should be required to make as many posts as possible!! <3

Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 12, 2013, 07:39:44 PMLink definitely led the humans to victory.
:D Why thank you!!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


You know Link was pretty talkative for a mute hero.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


^another irony with accounts I forgot to point out


Quote from: MaestroUGC on May 12, 2013, 07:47:01 PMYou know Link was pretty talkative for a mute hero.
Do I dare post this??
I can't help it...

Quote from: Bubbles7689 on May 12, 2013, 07:47:40 PM^another irony with accounts I forgot to point out
Link is the only one of the accounts who uses a sword in his normal form (since Kirby has to inhale an enemy first). As you can see, every good dragon slayer wields a rather large and cumbersome sword.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


You know, this game reminded me how exhausting playing TWG can be. I'm so glad I'm getting ready to host the next game.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.