Recognizing instrumentation/orchestration

Started by Ricky, May 06, 2013, 04:21:06 AM

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So I wonder if you guys have any tips for practicing recognizing instrumentation/orchestration. Some instruments are quite easy to distinguish as long as you are slightly familiar with how they sound (because they sound more unique, piano or harpsichord for example). However for it's harder to tell whether it is a cello, viola or violin playing if it's the same range. Or even harder: distinguishing between different types of the same instrument, for example Bb Trumpet and C Trumpet. Also, how do you tell if for example a group of violas and cellos are playing in unison (and not for example only violas or violas and violins and so on). These are just few examples but anyways, some of you seem to be great at this (for example Olimar). So what's the secret? How can I practice this type of ear training?

Waddle Bro

I basically train by listening different tracks.


It helps to listen to the actual instruments by themselves. For example, high cello and the viola sound very similar to the untrained ear. Listening to the instruments apart from one another, you start to hear the different colors they produce. Even while holding a unison pitch their timbre is very different. In this case it is simply because the cello is bigger, lol.

As for advice, the best thing I can tell you is to listen to them all alone. Real instruments, too. Any synthesizers, or finale produced sound file won't cut it.
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Are Youtube videos of people playing instruments solo good enough or should I be listening in RL (which is harder but I go listen to the orchestra quite often if I'm not too busy)?


YouTube is a great resource for musicians! But of course, you'll be at the mercy of the quality of the video. Definitely listen to your local symphony orchestra as much as you can. Listening to professionals is essential for any musician, be it your instrument or not.

Also, if you have any friends that play, ask if you can listen to them. There's nothing easier than having these instruments at your disposal :P
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I don't have any secrets.. Just know the sound that a horn makes, an oboe makes, etc..
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