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TWG 53: Potential Host Ultimate Showdown

Started by Bird, May 04, 2013, 04:42:56 PM

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Pick the next TWG and host!

TWG: The Musical - Yugi
4 (21.1%)
TWG: Game of Wolves - Bird
6 (31.6%)
TWG: All the King's Men - MaestroUGC
9 (47.4%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: May 08, 2013, 07:59:52 PM


Yeah, this is the sign-up topic if you'd like to host TWG 53. That's TWG LIII to our ancient Roman players. It's up a little early? Cry about it. We all do what we have to when it comes to showing Mashi up!!!

Ineligible Hosts:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

And, if you didn't figure it out from the fact that they're already being used, the alternate accounts are now available for use. Feel free to incorporate them into your games however you'd like. Some ideas:
  • Create a "mystery player" who signs up by PM independently from everyone else.
  • Create a game where some players get to operate multiple accounts (on the same team, obviously).
  • Create a game where one player can take over other players' accounts.
  • Create a game with a "lights out" phase where everyone posts from the same account and only that account.

I'll update this post with the created games as they're posted.
  • TWG: The Musical - Yugi
    TWG: The Musical!

    1. Master Wolf: Can start a song at any time.
    2. Wolf Shaman
    3. Wolf

    4. Seer:
    5. Guardian: Can start a song at any point in the game.
    6. Human
    7. Human
    8. Human
    9. Human: Can start a song at any time.
    10. Human
    11. Miller: Can start a song at any time.
    12. Miller

    Song Mechanics.

    1.   Sometimes, I will start singing in the thread, other people must continue the song until someone reaches the last line of the song.
    2.   If a song ends, and some people haven't sung. I will give them a phantom.
    3.   If all the players have participated in a song and the song has not been sung in for 30 minutes, me or a co-host will finish it.
    4.   Certain roles can start songs of their own, see role list for more details.
    5.   If someone who isn't allowed to sing tries to start a song, I will stop the song and warn that person.
    6.   Try to make songs shorter than 3 minutes.
    7.   When starting a song, put a youtube link in it, so that people know what song it is.

    Yes. I made singing a mechanic.
    Yes. I am entirely serious about this.

    Extension goals are possible.
  • TWG: Game of Wolves - Bird

    * * *

    TWG 63: Game of Wolves
    An elaborate 14-player mystery based on the TV show Game of Thrones.

    1.   White Walker
    2.   White Walker
    3.   White Walker
    4.   ??
    5.   ??
    6.   ??
    7.   ??
    8.   ??
    9.   ??
    10.   ??
    11.   ??
    12.   ??
    13.   ??
    14.   ??

    The mythical world of Westeros is a land divided; seven noble houses rule the seven kingdoms of the continent. They feud, form alliances, backstab and plot against one another. A human player might get benefits from healing his allies and from killing his rivals. But will petty human in-fighting distract them from the real enemy—the white walkers, an ancient legion of creatures as ruthless and cruel as winter itself?

    Every player (probably) will get a role which is aligned with a certain house. The other members of that house will be their allies, and the members of certain other houses will (probably) be their enemies. They will get benefits depending on what they do to those allies and enemies. But they don't know who is who. Despite this, all of the humans all have the same win condition (probably): eliminate the white walkers.

    In addition to a role and a house, every player gets a fake role with which to false claim if they desire. White Walkers get two. These roles will feature characters a different allegiance. Now spoiler free! A character list will be provided, listing the name and allegiance of every real and fake role in the. You don't need any familiarity with Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire to dominate either, since most of the roles' powers don't match up very well with their character.

    And it's still a mystery game. Be prepared for twists, random mechanics, and other disasters to gum up your best laid plans.

    Character List

    There are 28 characters in this list, but only 11 of them are actual roles in this game. The other 17 are false roles given to players and White Walkers to allow them to false claim more easily. This lists each of those roles (real or fake) by their house allegiance, if any. Try not to make too many assumptions about the make-up of the game based on the list or your role PM; I peppered the game description with (probably)s for a reason--it's tricky! The White Walkers may not even be red! They could be white or something! Characters from this list were selected to be in the game at random, rather than based on their importance.

    Quick List:

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy

    * * *

    House Stark
    For the most part, friends with House Baratheon and enemies with House Lannister.

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    * * *

    House Lannister
    For the most part, enemies with House Stark.

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    * * *

    House Baratheon
    For the most part, friends with House Stark and enemies with House Targaryen.

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    * * *

    House Targaryen
    For the most part, enemies with House Baratheon.

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    * * *

    Third Parties
    Could be aligned with anyone or no one.

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy
  • TWG: All the King's Men - MaestroUGC
    To host or not to host - that is the question -
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous vote counts,
    Or to take arms against a sea of wolves,
    And by opposing end them? - To die, - to vote, -
    No more

    Why the hell not?

    TWG LIII – All the King's Men
    War! There is great civil unrest, and a conspiracy has been uncovered to kill the King. A coup has been staged, and it is your job to find the conspirators and bring them to justice. Most of the movement has been apprehended, but 4 of the conspirators have gone undetected and they are capable of acting out their intentions.

     - The King has Full Authority, only the one who "Wears the Crown" is allowed to lynch somebody.
     - The one in Power sends the Host a PM with His/Her choice.
     - The Public (All players excluding the King and the Prince [Royalty]) can opt to Veto the Crown Bearer's choice through Public Vote, acted through the Prime Minister.
     - Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
     - The King and Prince know each other. All of the wolves know each other.
     - State of Powers is as follows: King>Prince>Council>Public Vote
     - The Public Vote functions like normal voting. One lynch per day, wolfings occur as normal.
     - There will be an announcement each time the Crown moves, or when the game enters into Public Voting. It will not be announced on which player the Crown sits.
     - Wolves win when their numbers equal the humans. Humans win when all of the wolves are dead.

    16 Players:
    Master Wolf – The mastermind behind the movement.
    2 Wolves – 2 soldiers dedicated to the movement.
    Charismatic Wolf – the King's Council, a traitor; if he is killed, one name of a conspirator will be announced (Master Wolf's name is last on the list for reveal). If he dies while in power then the lynching will revert to a State of Panic, regardless of the state of the Prime Minister.

    The King – Our sovereign leader, if he dies power goes to the Prince.
    The Prince – Next in line for the throne, if both the King and Prince Die, the Charismatic Wolf assumes Power.
    Prime Minister – Has double voting power.
    The Royal Guard – Guardian
    8 Citizens – People loyal to the King

    There is no seer, so the colors are mainly for show/makes it easier to tell the roles apart. I'll clear up the language later, since I'm big on theming I plan on using terms and phrases when posting updates and the like.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


    Quote from: Bird on May 04, 2013, 04:42:56 PM
    • Create a game with a "lights out" phase where everyone posts from the same account and only that account.
    Night 3, lights out phase:

    PM: "I'll wolf FSM-Reapr"
    guardian: lolz


    TWG: The Musical!

    1. Master Wolf: Can start a song at any time.
    2. Wolf Shaman
    3. Wolf

    4. Seer:
    5. Guardian: Can start a song at any point in the game.
    6. Human
    7. Human
    8. Human
    9. Human: Can start a song at any time.
    10. Human
    11. Miller: Can start a song at any time.
    12. Miller

    Song Mechanics.

    1.   Sometimes, I will start singing in the thread, other people must continue the song until someone reaches the last line of the song.
    2.   If a song ends, and some people haven't sung. I will give them a phantom.
    3.   If all the players have participated in a song and the song has not been sung in for 30 minutes, me or a co-host will finish it.
    4.   Certain roles can start songs of their own, see role list for more details.
    5.   If someone who isn't allowed to sing tries to start a song, I will stop the song and warn that person.
    6.   Try to make songs shorter than 3 minutes.
    7.   When starting a song, put a youtube link in it, so that people know what song it is.

    Yes. I made singing a mechanic.
    Yes. I am entirely serious about this.

    Extension goals are possible.


    Quote from: FSM-Reapr on May 04, 2013, 04:51:19 PMNight 3, lights out phase:

    PM: "I'll wolf FSM-Reapr"
    guardian: lolz

    I was thinking it would be used for a day phase. It's impossible to attribute posts to particular players, which would be really interesting. It would probably have to be spread over 2-4 accounts though so people don't get kicked off. And votes and stuff could be done privately through PMs (with players PMing from their original accounts, of course).

    It's just an idea though!
    (2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
    (2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


    lol imagining a day phase with only one account

    vote mayhem


    guys i think bird is trying to replace me even though he already does like 90% of the work here nowadays
    ill show him when i make a super amazing twg and everyone loves me again



    people are going to love me so much they wont just love me theyll love love me


    Maybe people would love you again if you made a sign-up topic without multiple typos in the title???
    (2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
    (2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


    Why is the title not in Roman Numerals...? :P And wouldn't it be "LIII"??
    And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

    Fakemon Dex
    NSM Sprite Thread
    Story Thread
    The Dread Somber


    mashi ill love you if you become the potential cohost to my game


    at least people dont complain about my topic titles, bird
    and sry, yugi, gotta make my own game, mebbe


    don't post it in this game plz

    im  a greedy bastard who'll do what ever it takes



    * * *

    TWG 63: Game of Wolves
    An elaborate 14-player mystery based on the TV show Game of Thrones.

    1.   White Walker
    2.   White Walker
    3.   White Walker
    4.   ??
    5.   ??
    6.   ??
    7.   ??
    8.   ??
    9.   ??
    10.   ??
    11.   ??
    12.   ??
    13.   ??
    14.   ??

    The mythical world of Westeros is a land divided; seven noble houses rule the seven kingdoms of the continent. They feud, form alliances, backstab and plot against one another. A human player might get benefits from healing his allies and from killing his rivals. But will petty human in-fighting distract them from the real enemy—the white walkers, an ancient legion of creatures as ruthless and cruel as winter itself?

    Every player (probably) will get a role which is aligned with a certain house. The other members of that house will be their allies, and the members of certain other houses will (probably) be their enemies. They will get benefits depending on what they do to those allies and enemies. But they don't know who is who. Despite this, all of the humans all have the same win condition (probably): eliminate the white walkers.

    In addition to a role and a house, every player gets a fake role with which to false claim if they desire. White Walkers get two. These roles will feature characters a different allegiance. Now spoiler free! A character list will be provided, listing the name and allegiance of every real and fake role in the. You don't need any familiarity with Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire to dominate either, since most of the roles' powers don't match up very well with their character.

    And it's still a mystery game. Be prepared for twists, random mechanics, and other disasters to gum up your best laid plans.

    Character List

    There are 28 characters in this list, but only 11 of them are actual roles in this game. The other 17 are false roles given to players and White Walkers to allow them to false claim more easily. This lists each of those roles (real or fake) by their house allegiance, if any. Try not to make too many assumptions about the make-up of the game based on the list or your role PM; I peppered the game description with (probably)s for a reason--it's tricky! The White Walkers may not even be red! They could be white or something! Characters from this list were selected to be in the game at random, rather than based on their importance.

    I'll edit this list with descriptions later on!

    Quick List:

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy

    * * *

    House Stark
    For the most part, friends with House Baratheon and enemies with House Lannister.

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    * * *

    House Lannister
    For the most part, enemies with House Stark.

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    * * *

    House Baratheon
    For the most part, friends with House Stark and enemies with House Targaryen.

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    * * *

    House Targaryen
    For the most part, enemies with House Baratheon.

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    * * *

    Third Parties
    Could be aligned with anyone or no one.

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy

    Here's a sample of what the roles in the game will be like, as well as the powers.

    QuoteYou are Abraham Lincoln!
    Alliance: Republican Party
    Enemies: Democrats

    Abraham Lincoln was very tall. Also he had a top hat! He abolished slavery or something with the Emancipation Proclamation and was born in a log cabbin.

    Log Cabin: The power of log cabins gives Lincoln the ability to withstand one attack from the wolves.
    Emancipate: Anyone being controlled by another role (vote control or power control) is freed from that control, and the controller dies. Single use.
    Tallness: Your vote counts as 2. Counts as 3 vs. Democrats.
    (2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
    (2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


    bird your game is ridiculously imbalanced; even beyond repair.  in addition youre not qualified to host.  im sorry but im afraid you cant host this time around so better luck next time!!!