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TWG LII: The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by SlowPokemon, April 26, 2013, 07:51:56 PM

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Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 27, 2013, 08:07:00 PMNight One is over. TWG Kirby is dead. It is now Day One. Day One ends Monday, April 29, 2013, at 10:00 PM EST.

1. TWG Falcon
2. TWG Mario
3. TWG Waluigi
4. TWG Yoshi
5. TWG Link
6. TWG Pikachu
7. TWG Samus
8. TWG Fox
9. TWG Bowser
10. TWG Kirby
11. TWG DK
12. TWG Luigi
obvious as fuck

TWG Falcon

Forum ate my last post.  Fox, I mentioned cardflip as a given in the chat I had with yoshi and bowser.  It's one of the bolded parts of the chat.  Neither yoshi nor bowser knew, and I thought that if they didn't a lot of other people didn't know either.  I think I might have discussed cardflip with Waluigi but not all of that chat saved so I'm not sure.

I thought it was more likely for Slow to leave out Kirby's color than it was for him to remove cardflip for no reason.  If there's no cardflip this game needs 2 or 1 wolves to become balanced, and even then in my experience the wolves usually win.  If there really is no cardflip I'd strongly urge slow to reconsider.

The fact that earlier versions of the game had cardflips makes it not obvious that this one didn't.  I would completely agree with you if cardflip had never been a part of the game's design, but it had been cardflip when I last looked at the game's design in-depth, which was when I considered voting for it.


QuoteTWG Falcon: because then the cardflip is kind of useless
TWG Yoshi: oh.
TWG Falcon: yup
TWG Yoshi: Since when is there card flip??
TWG Yoshi: i didn't read the rules much.
TWG Bowser: I've never been good at card games.
TWG Falcon: I thought there was always cardflip
TWG Yoshi: You know, this whole Haruhi suzumiya thing was kinda lost as soon as we got our secret identities.
TWG Yoshi: We should just rename it smash bros or something.
TWG Bowser: What secret identities?
TWG Yoshi: Touché.
TWG Bowser: I am Bowser, King of the Koopas!
TWG Yoshi: I don't know what you're talking aboutZ
TWG Falcon: okay
TWG Falcon: in host sign-ups it says there's a cardflip
TWG Falcon: doesn't say that anywhere else
TWG Yoshi: why would we have secret identities? I'm Yoshi.
TWG Yoshi: why would we have secret identities? I'm Yoshi.
TWG Falcon: "After every death, there will be a cardflip revealing the deceased's true role."

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 29, 2013, 11:55:23 AMForum ate my last post.  Fox, I mentioned cardflip as a given in the chat I had with yoshi and bowser.  It's one of the bolded parts of the chat.  Neither yoshi nor bowser knew, and I thought that if they didn't a lot of other people didn't know either.  I think I might have discussed cardflip with Waluigi but not all of that chat saved so I'm not sure.
Actually, Yoshi's sentence "Since when is there card flip??", means that he was under the impression that there is no cardflip. And I didn't see Bowser saying anything about not knowing there's cardflip or not. Although I'm convinced that you were unaware of the lack of flippin' cards, I'm still kinda suspicious of you, considering all the Waluigi voting shiz and giving a defense that gives me explanations that I don't see are correct.


Friends!  Romans!  Countrymen!  Waluigis!  I apologize for my lack of posting due to an exceedingly busy weekend.  Do not rid yourself of me just yet, O great Kyon.  I now take a minute to read through the thread before inserting two cents. 

TWG Falcon

Hi DK.  The phase ends in three hours.  I'm in the chat ( now, and will definitely have to leave before the phase ends.  In the meantime, I'll prepare my thoughts on the players and do a vote count.

TWG Falcon

Vote count:

1. TWG Falcon:  Waluigi Link Yoshi
2. TWG Mario:  NO VOTE
3. TWG Waluigi:  NO VOTE
4. TWG Yoshi:  Samus
5. TWG Link:  Waluigi
6. TWG Pikachu:  DK
7. TWG Samus:  Falcon Bowser (honestly not sure if this counts as a switched vote or not because she bolded it)
8. TWG Fox:  Waluigi Falcon
9. TWG Bowser:  DK Yoshi
12. TWG Luigi:  NO VOTE


Yoshi:  2
Falcon:  1 or 2, not really sure
Samus:  1
Waluigi:  1
DK:  1
Bowser:  0 or 1, not really sure

TWG Falcon

People who are striked are those who I won't consider lynching today.

1. TWG Falcon:   8)
2. TWG Mario:  More than any other player in the game, Mario's giving off a new player vibe.
3. TWG Waluigi:  Responded just as I'd have expected a human would to the accusation, and based on the quality of your posts I'd say that I want you to stick around.  It's easier to analyze people who have actually said things.
4. TWG Yoshi:  Your refusal to participate in the actual TWG is a little bit concerning.  You've made it impossible to pin any lynch on you by saying your suspicion is a shot in the dark and haven't really commented on anything other than saying there was nothing to talk about, which really isn't true.  There might not be anything strong enough to lynch people but there was plenty to talk about.
5. TWG Link:  Keeping my eye on you, but I really don't want to mislynch you if you're a human since you're one of the few people this game who's putting forth a really strong effort.
6. TWG Pikachu:  Hi.
7. TWG Samus:  Hi to you too.
8. TWG Fox:  A little bit of weirdness this game with placing the joke vote on Waluigi, but I can't think of why a wolf would be more likely to do this than a human.  I think this phase is a prime example of why "people overthink votes," as you put it, is wrong.  The phase is nearly over and we have nobody to lynch.  Regardless of who we end up lynching, we're going to look back on this lynch in postgame and think, "Man, that day 1 lynch was horrible.  Why didn't we actually come up with something?"
9. TWG Bowser:  In the second chat I posted, Bowser seemed like he was evaluating the Link suspicion as a human rather than as a wolf.  Wolves, I think, would be more prone to taking one side or switching without reason.  Bowser seemed to switch based on thoughtful consideration.
11. TWG DK:  I'm waiting on those two cents.
12. TWG Luigi:  Getting replaced, and I want to wait for newigi to show up before lynching him off.

Of the remaining 6, I'd probably prefer not to lynch Fox or Bowser because they've actually said stuff this game and given opinions on things and I think Bowser is probably human.

TWG Yoshi

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 29, 2013, 04:39:51 PMTWG Yoshi:  Your refusal to participate in the actual TWG is a little bit concerning.  You've made it impossible to pin any lynch on you by saying your suspicion is a shot in the dark and haven't really commented on anything other than saying there was nothing to talk about, which really isn't true.  There might not be anything strong enough to lynch people but there was plenty to talk about.
Um, hello, are you kidding me? I'm not refusing to participate- I genuinely believe that there's nothing substantially revealing to talk about. Your little dispute with TWG Link is total BS (especially now that you've decided you don't want to "mislynch him" after all your debating with each other). I don't buy any of it, and I am frankly not going to read it just because you want me to choose a side on your sissy fight.

And frankly, that is the reason behind my lynch. It's a shot in the dark, because frankly, as I stated before, I don't see anything really substantial. I came online the other day, saw you guys arguing, and I'm staying out of it because either of you could be right. I'm not going to believe either of you.

That's why I'm deciding to go my own route. Falcon, you seem to be attempting to gain a great deal of trust, which is something I definitely don't like- especially in a manhunt.

Ok, I'm done for now. If you wanted me to stop being annoying as Yoshi, all you had to do was ask. (after all, that's really the only reason why I have any votes)

TWG Falcon

I don't know where you're getting the trying to gain trust thing.  I'm the only person here who's tried to push for a lynch, which alienated a lot of people and didn't gain me any friends.

Yoshi at least has something in his favor, which is that he didn't jump off the Samus vote when the time came.  Samus doesn't really have anything pointing toward or away from her humanity.  I don't see any other person to lynch right now because neither Mario nor Pikachu has any votes against him.

I'll probably be in the chat for the next 2 minutes or so.

TWG Falcon

Turns out I'll be leaving a little later than I originally expected, so maybe 20 minutes.

TWG Samus

Ok guys, since theres only an hour left in the phase and theres really no actual votes yet, we should really try for something >.>
QuoteTWG Falcon: Link said he'd be back soon, so we probably have enough votes to lynch whoever we want
TWG Samus: And apparently that is me, right?
TWG Falcon: No
TWG Samus: You're all over the place
TWG Falcon: I'd prefer to lynch Mario or Pikachu, but you already had one vote on you
TWG Samus: By you XD
TWG Falcon: I wasn't sure how many I had on me and they didn't have any votes
TWG Falcon: no
TWG Falcon: Yoshi voted for you
TWG Samus: oh
TWG Samus: I should really read this closer
TWG Samus: Uh no, you definitely just voted for me
TWG Samus: now theres 2 votes on me
TWG Falcon: There was 1 before
TWG Falcon: and there were 0 on Mario and Pikachu before
TWG Samus: So you're saying that you'd rather lynch one of them, but it'd be easier to lynch me?
TWG Falcon: I'd rather lynch one of them, but I don't want a stupid kitb

TWG Samus: We really do need to get someone lynched
Just had this small chat with Falcon, and I think I'll change back to him. Honestly, I was just wondering why he decided to vote for me since
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 29, 2013, 05:54:10 PMSamus doesn't really have anything pointing toward or away from her humanity.
So, why exactly does that mean lynching me? Its a 50/50 shot of getting a wolf, and since theres many more humans than wolves in this game its not a very good ratio for the humans.

Plus he's continually jumping from suspect to suspect, and honestly I don't agree with him on any of them. In the chat he basically said he'll lynch me because it'd be easier than the ones he actually wants to lynch. "I'd rather lynch one of them, but I don't want a stupid kitb". If its a KitB between two supposedly inactive or nonhelpful players, why does it matter which dies?

TWG Falcon

I am leaving in a minute.  Mario.  Samus has shown she's human in this recent chat I'd like her to post because I'm about to leave.

TWG Samus

QuoteTWG Samus: We really do need to get someone lynched
TWG Falcon: And is your vote on me or Bowser right now?
TWG Falcon: because you did jokingly change it to bowser
TWG Samus: Yeah, I'm working on it
TWG Samus: he did call me fat though
TWG Samus: and thats an insta death
TWG Falcon: ugh what happened to dk's post
TWG Samus: Its still there
TWG Samus: "Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Waluigis! I apologize for my lack of posting due to an exceedingly busy weekend. Do not rid yourself of me just yet, O great Kyon. I now take a minute to read through the thread before inserting two cents. "
TWG Falcon: no the one he said he'd make after reading the thread
TWG Falcon: that was three hours ago
TWG Falcon: any thoughts on any players?
TWG Samus: Maybe hes a slow reader
TWG Samus:
TWG Falcon: do you want to lynch him for being a slow reader?
TWG Samus: Sure
TWG Samus: but wait
TWG Falcon: because if not I have maybe 3-8 more minutes to change my vote
TWG Samus: Already changed my vote
TWG Samus: Sorry
TWG Samus:
TWG Falcon: Samus, put yourself in my shoes
TWG Falcon: who has anything pointing toward them being a wolf?
TWG Samus: No one really
TWG Samus: thats my point
TWG Samus: et you've somehow found a handful of them
TWG Samus: Yet*
TWG Falcon: okay, then i should go for the people who don't look human
TWG Samus: Thats usually how twg works, if you're playing for the humans
TWG Falcon: Trying to come up with the waluigi suspicion was to get people to look at it and vote
TWG Falcon: okay, now imagine that you have one or two people voting for you
TWG Samus: I do XD
TWG Samus: Dont have to use my imagination there
TWG Falcon: are you going to vote for the player who has a vote against them with an hour left in the phase or let it go to a kitb?
TWG Falcon: knowing that your name will be in the kitb
TWG Falcon: knowing that your name will be in the kitb
TWG Samus: You already have votes on you?
TWG Samus: oh
TWG Falcon: I have fox's vote against me
TWG Samus: That makes me look bad doesnt it
TWG Falcon: so now the two of us are tied for votes
TWG Samus: Well, I guess this contunies your logic
TWG Samus: Two people who have nothing going foe or against them
TWG Falcon: and now i don't want to vote for you anymor
TWG Samus: Whats the matter with losing one and letting fate decide?
TWG Falcon: because you could easily have shifted that lynch to mario or pikachu
TWG Falcon: Because it isn't just a kitb between those people
TWG Falcon: the kitb might not have even included them
TWG Samus: Im not following
TWG Falcon: look back at the post where i do vote counts
TWG Samus: Shouldn't you want to vote for me MORE now because I just attempted to save myself with a kitb?
TWG Falcon:
TWG Falcon: no
TWG Falcon: you could have easily said you wanted to lynch mario or pikachu
TWG Falcon: and i would have gone with it
TWG Samus: But that wouldn't have helped me
TWG Samus: How would I have known you would?
TWG Falcon: yes it would have
TWG Falcon: Because I said I suspected them more than you
TWG Samus: You sound like you're saying you're easily influenced
TWG Samus: Hmm
TWG Samus: But they have nothing against them, about the same nothingness as I do
TWG Samus: So I realy see no reason for you to suspet them over me
TWG Falcon: no
TWG Falcon: I already said in this chat that I would have preferred to lynch mario/pikachu
TWG Falcon: I think they're less likely to be useful than you are
TWG Falcon: because I knew that you had joined the chat before even if we didn't talk about much
TWG Falcon: they've never come here and don't look like they will any time soon
TWG Falcon: I voted for mario
TWG Samus: But lynching someone for inactivity or for future usefulness is usually a last resort
TWG Falcon: I have to go now, but in my defense before I go, there are very few people who could be my wolf partners right now
TWG Falcon: This is a last resort.
TWG Falcon: Everyone has agreed that there's precious little to go on this game
TWG Falcon: Please post this log, I have to go
Can another player actually come forward and speak? I'm still leaving my vote on Falcon, since what he did seems kinda like a last resort to look innocent, but I'd like a second onion

This game isn't going to be much fun if everyone either stays quiet or stays ridiculously in character >.>

TWG Waluigi

Waaah, Waluigi apologises for his timing.  He was busy saving the world for the hours he expected to be free.

Despite his wariness of him, Waluigi feels that Falcon has proven himself to appear human and has been doing much for the human cause. In consequence, due to both lack of time and concurrence in suspicion, I shall also vote for TWG Mario.  He has been both inactive and has not added much to the game. In a manhunt, I would suspect the wolves to try to stay quiet or be inactive in order to avoid the spotlight and risk being lynched.  It is not the best lynch, but it is the lynch I currently agree with most out of the options.