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All right! Speed Run! (Sorry no vid >__>)

Started by MetroidHunter26, May 10, 2008, 10:22:14 PM

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Well lately I've decided to play M:ZM a little bit more and I am doing a NO SAVE speed run! My last time for 100% was 1:38:36  I think it was that but I was happy! but with no saving I'm already at 55 Min and heading to Mother Brain! That is 10 Min less WITH Saving! (I remember LOL) So it's a challenge (especially when you stupidly decide to start it at 10:00 P.M.! XP) LOL! XD


wow... speed runs... i always wanted to do one, but i never managed to sit down and memorize where all the items were...

looks like a good time though, even though i don't really know what the standards are...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Esentially if you can beat Metroid in under 3 hours your average (That's with 100%) if you can beat it in under 2 Your a good Metroid Player(again with 100%) if you can beat it in under an Hour and 30 min. Then your an expert XD

That is what I think with these findings (well the 2 hour thing IS true)


I love this game, it's currently in my DS, have borrowed it from a friend as I'm too lazy to buy it myself.

I was thinking about speedrunning it some as well, but I'm not good enough :D. IBJ is easy however, both straight up and diagonal. But I suck otherwise.


If I were to do a speed run it'd probably be Majora's Mask. Even though I've never beaten it once. It just seems like it'd be fun to do a speed run on a game that's almost a speed run anyway.


so here's a question. How do you record a speed run?
