TWG L: Zombies! Post Game

Started by vermilionvermin, April 05, 2013, 12:36:36 PM

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Was I the only human who survived?
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Also: none of you will ever see my amazing drawing now. Deal with it!!!!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Sorry to the four of you who didn't get a writeup in the latest update.  I'll do it today!


FYI, I knew all the time that the wolves played quite well. I just couldn't confess that because that could have ruined my entire point of zombies deserving the victory more than the wolves, which was pretty much all I had at that point!


So, this is the first game in which I lived to the end as a human in over four years. Just thought I'd bring that up.

My big regret here is not being more active. I think if I had gotten in contact with BDS, the two of us might have been able to get Bird to come around on an FSM lynch. Of course, I probably could have pushed Bird to come around on that by myself, but I trusted his judgment--which was pretty damn good in every other respect this game!--and that cost us big time. Of course, Bird made some good points, and FSM played very well. I popped my head into the NSM chat once, but no one was there. I should have tried a few more times. Oh well!

My other big regret was essentially sheeping the blueflower vote. I don't think he was ever going to make an effort, but there was no need for that phase to end early other than human inertia, which is a major wolf leverage point that just should not be exploitable at a high level of play. Speaking of strategies that break down at high level of play, I will not be falling for that Seizure Man nonsense again! This is just getting embarrassing. In my defense, though, as I said, I'm not used to being a human in the late game. Maybe this will encourage wolves to let me live longer more often!

I disagree with Nighthawk (and Bubbles!) on the Bubbles lynch. I've been pushing this "lynch inactive mid-to-high-tier players Day 1" strategy for a few months now and it's been lynching wolves pretty consistently. Granted, we're still operating within small sample size parameters. I also expect wolf play to catch up with this strategy, but hopefully that moves the needle to the point at which human players aren't so inactive early either. I also "disagree" with Nighthawk's Yugi comment, which gets back to what I was saying about Waddle early on: being a wolf and getting lynched for being a zombie, or vice versa, is still poor play! It's a variation of iDOWN's Fallacy, which is that getting lynched for a "bad" reason is no better than being lynched for a "good" reason. Good players identify potential "bad" lynching reasons and defend themselves against those accordingly.

One final point: there seem to be a lot of player substitutions on NSM, which is awesome! But people seemed to ignore Waddle's quite suspicious behaviour once FSM was into the game, and that definitely contributed to our loss. Humans: don't make this mistake again. Oh, and also...

We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar


I wonder if any of Thiannon's made up TWG terms will ever catch on.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


My favourite part of the game was when TBWCW made his death post where he claimed that I didn't play so well since he found me out Night 1. Then he removed his post. xD


Well I didn't do much this game apart from look suspicious and hide for the rest.

I found a zombie Night 1 and the suspicion kept on day 1 when the person was switched so that was nice.

I'm also curious to know why my death post was deleted? :( I didn't use one because I didn't need one to prove my humanity and when people where going with Blueflower I didn't feel 1 post was enough to change a lynch and next day when I was going to try influence a lynch I was too late when FSM already revealed himself!

Oh and guys, I really don't like you assuming that I just go with FSM because of things that aren't relaed to the game. I think that FSM is a really decent guy for the most part but certain things might tick me off (I'm very very picky, so it's nothing to worry about)

All in all it was a pretty good game but seer was pretty boring to be honest since I found out all the red and purple roles quick and there was no point sending in any more seerings!


lol your wording was a bit off then xD



Quote from: FSM-Reapr on April 06, 2013, 02:28:48 AMFYI, I knew all the time that the wolves played quite well. I just couldn't confess that because that could have ruined my entire point of zombies deserving the victory more than the wolves, which was pretty much all I had at that point!
If I had pursued my accusations like usual (and especially if Thiannon had contacted me and/or Bird), the zombies wouldn't have made it that far. :P

Also: what did Maestro claim, and why did Mashi tell me he was a zombie!?!? :P :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on April 06, 2013, 12:58:03 PMIf I had pursued my accusations like usual (and especially if Thiannon had contacted me and/or Bird), the zombies wouldn't have made it that far. :P

Also: what did Maestro claim, and why did Mashi tell me he was a zombie!?!? :P :P
Meh, don't think too much of yourself. I was very confident about myself the entire game. I could have whipped quite a convincing defense easily.

Also Maestro didn't claim anything. Mashi told you that he was the other zombie, because we had no idea was he human or not. Also since he saw the thread and didn't claim, we were assuming he's not a zombie. But yeah.


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on April 06, 2013, 01:08:31 PMMeh, don't think too much of yourself. I was very confident about myself the entire game. I could have whipped quite a convincing defense easily.

Also Maestro didn't claim anything. Mashi told you that he was the other zombie, because we had no idea was he human or not. Also since he saw the thread and didn't claim, we were assuming he's not a zombie. But yeah.
Convincing is not equal to sufficient. :P
Aah, but all is in the past; I won't make the same mistake next game!!

O_o Well... I guess it's good I was weary of Maestro...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.