Nintendo Wars

Started by Ragster, April 03, 2013, 09:52:03 AM

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What should the next Saga be?

The Bowser Saga (Super Mario)
The Giovanni Saga (Pokemon)


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 8

    Red walks up to a large crowd of people who have gathered around a small podium. He could see that a toad from the Mushroom Kingdom was standing on the podium, informing the people on what exactly was happening. He gets deeper in the crowd before he could make out words.
    "The land of Hyrule has gone under siege! We need trainers who are willing to fight for what remains! We can still save Hyrule, we just need your help!" Everybody looks at each other, no one standing up to volunteer. Red looked around, suprised as to no one will help. Of course, he can't help either, but at least he has a reasonable excuse. "Please, poeple of Kanto," the toad tries to continue, "you will be rewarded for your bravery!" After a few seconds of waiting, a voice is heard coming from the crowd.
    "I'll do it," the person said, walking up to the podium. When the person got into Red's view, Red couldn't believe his eyes. It was Blue.
    "Thank you, kindly! What's your name?" the toad asks, everyone laughing to the fact that he didn't know.
    "Blue," he says mellowly. All of the women jump up and squeal.
    "Well Blue," the toad laughs, "thanks for volunteering!"
    Red felt a deep twist in his gut. Knowing the only person who could replace him as the Indigo League Champion was leaving for the journey that HE wanted to go on made him sick. Now what? If you're going to do something, do it now, he thought.
    "Wait!" he shouts at the top of his lungs, before the toad and Blue set off. He runs up to them, who have turned around looking confused. "I know what you're trying to do, Blue. You just volunteered so that it would make me give you the title of Champion."
    "Champion? Who's champion?" The toad asks, confused. Blue leers at Red, knowing that he was going to crack.
    "Is it going to work, then?" Blue says, waiting for Red's response. Red stands, his eyes wondering, his breathe uneven. So if I agree, Blue wins. If I disagree, I don't go on the journey, Red thinks deeply.
    Red lets out a sigh. "You win," he says. Red and Blue shake hands. "I hereby give you the title of Champion," he says sarcastically.
    "So wait, who's going?" the toad says, still confused.
    "I am," Red responds.

    Mario and Luigi find their way out of the barracks, then start sneaking around the walls. "It's kinda quiet," Luigi whispers, only hearing the blowing of the wind. Mario peeks over a crumbled wall to find all of the archers laying on the ground, knocked out.
    "Odd," Mario says, walking into the fort. "Who could of done this?"
    "I wonder if it has to do with that shadow we saw earlier," Luigi exclaims.
    "You may be right, bro," Mario replies. They both stand and think for a while before they begin moving. Once they get a few meters away from the building, the shadow reappears. Mario grabs Luigi's mouth. "There it is again!"
    "The Shadow?" Luigi says, muffled. Mario looks around everywhere before it happens once again. "THERE IT IS!" Luigi shouts.
    Mario releases his hold on Luigi, preparing for any kind of encounter. After a few times of the figure jumping back and forth, they hear a loud snap, along with a blinding light. "Uhn... Luigi?" Mario asks, losing his balance. They both tumble over each other, knocking them both out.


It's been a while since the last chapter eh?
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: JDMEK5 on May 12, 2013, 05:21:32 PMIt's been a while since the last chapter eh?

Indeed, I was actually enjoying this quite a bit. I usually don't bother with these.


Sorry guys, I've been busy at school. Finals, Portfolio pieces... All that good stuuf :-\

I've got the next chapter half way done, I'll start working on it some more when summer comes around.


"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 9

    "We're ready to roll," the toad captain says, seeing all of the volunteers lined up at the Mushroom Castle entrance. "The Mario Bros. will be real suprised to see all of us!"
    "Yes siree bob, they will! These are some of the strongest fighters in the world," another toad replies.
    "So are we going or what? There's a deal on a new repulsion system and it ain't gonna last long," Falcon says.
    "Right, let's get a move on, people! We got a long journey ahead of us."

    Sheik is standing and viewing the entire land of Hyrule from the top-most area of the Shadow Temple, when the Mario bros. finally awake. Luigi quickly jumps up, seeing Sheik standing motionless.
    "Look bro," he whispers, "there's someone over there." As Mario slowly rises to his feet, Luigi tip-toes his way behind Sheik. He waits with his hands raised, seeing Sheik turn to face him. "H-Hello?" Sheik turns to face Hyrule once again.
    "Hey! What are we doing up here," Mario asks, looking down from the viewing area, finding a 500 feet drop. Luigi walks over to the edge to see the view as well. He quickly drops to his knees, holding on to the ledge.
    "Mamma mia," he says, feeling woozy.
    "This is the Shadow Temple," Sheik finally speaks. Mario and Luigi turn their heads to face him. "This is my home."
    "Well that's wonderful, but who are you?" Luigi asks.
    "My name is Sheik," he says, walking down the small set of stairs.
    "...Sheik," Mario repeats, thinking deeply. He recalls the moment when Peach recieved the letter from Hyrule. "You're the one who sent the letter."
    "Yes. Much has happened in the last 5 years. Hyrule was in need of heroes to save us, or at least help us."
    "What? You don't think WE can save Hyrule?" Luigi says, standing up. Sheik folds his arms.
    "I don't mean to be rude, but Ganondorf is the wielder of the Triforce of Power. His strength is nearly endless, and has the power of a god. The only one who could save us is the wielder of another Triforce piece." He pauses. "But none of them have shown up yet."
    "What can we do to help?" Mario asks.
    "We need to keep Hyrule stable until the Hero of Time appears," he replies, turning to face Ganon's castle. "You... do have more poeple to help, don't you?"
    "Uhm, we're working on that right now," Mario says, rubbing the back of his head. "But we'll have force ready to go soon."
    "That's fine, they can join in later. Right now is the time for action. We should start out by destroying the forts that Ganon has placed through-out Hyrule."
    "Then we should head back to the one we were just at," Mario says back.
    "Yes. Let this be the beginning of a war."
    "OH GREAT, we're going back to that place again," Luigi says.


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 10

    "Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue," a moblin asks the other moblin next to him. They were both standing guard in front of the entrance of the small fort that the Mario bros. used to be held at.
    "The sunlight bounces off the air molecules and causes the molecules to release blue light," replies the moblin, almost instantaneously. The other looks at him with his mouth open.
    "Uh, right. I knew that. I was just testing you."
    Mario, Luigi, and Sheik were standing a far from the two guards, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
    "On my signal," Sheik says.
    "Why does it have to be on your signal," Luigi says.
    "I know these surroundings better than anyone here," Sheik responds back.
    "Does it really matter? Let's just count together," Mario says, ending the argument. "Alright. 3 seconds, then we go. Ready?" Sheik and Luigi nod. But right as Mario and Sheik say "three", Luigi says "one" instead.
    "What are you doing," Luigi says, "you're supposed to start from one!"
    "You're supposed to count down, like a timer," Sheik says, folding his arms.
    "No, it's 3 SECONDS! Seconds don't go down, it goes one, two-"
    "ENOUGH!" Mario yells, causing the nearby guays to fly off. Mario freezes in shock, knowing what he just did, seeing all the moblins run around and surround them. Mario, Luigi, and Sheik all get each other's backs, facing the entourage of moblins.
    "Way to go, bro," Luigi whispers to Mario. Mario let's out a sigh.
    "Can we just agree to beat these guys up," Mario asks. They all nod in agreement.
    Sheik nearly disappears as he jets off and trips one of the moblins, causing it to land face-first. The moblins hesitate before they begin charging at all three of them. Sheik jumps over the moblin that lunges at him, shoving it down on top of the other. He then grabs the moblin's spear and snaps off the head of it, using it as a staff. As Sheik dodges attacks and throws a few hits, Mario leaps over the moblins and explodes into a fire ball, throwing them all back. One quickly gets up to retaliate, but soon falls when Mario dodges his thrown punch and gets blown in the stomach. Luigi, seeing a moblin backing up from it's fight with Sheik, sticks out his foot and trips the moblin. Luigi began to laugh, but soon stopped as he saw the massive shadow cover him. He slowly turns around to see a giant moblin, wielding a massive club, staring down onto him. Luigi starts to run as the club moblin raises his weapon, then slams it down onto the ground. The aftershock sends Luigi flying into the air, crashing into Sheik and Mario. They slowly rise up as the moblins and club moblins surround them.
    "What are we going to do," Luigi asks, raising his hands into the air. They stand there as the moblins walk in closer to take them captive. But before the guards can get the hand cuffs onto any of them, a voice is heard in the near distance.
    "Charizard! Flamethrower!"
    A large blast of fire blazes through the group of moblins, knocking nearly all of them down. The Mario bros. and Sheik look in the direction of the blast to find a small group of people. It was their team.
    "How you guys doing," one of toad asks, running up to them.
    "Oh, you know, fine, just fighting an army of evil enchanted beasts," Luigi says, standing in formation, ready for the next attack. When the moblins rise, the entire team goes into battle mode.
    "This is a pretty good force you guys assembled," Mario says.
    "Aw, shucks. It was nothing, really." The moblins all let out a terrible howl, then charge for the group.
    "Let's see what you guys got," Luigi says, before running off into the action.


Cool. But you've got to introduce Kirby soon.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Kirby, huh? I'll have to do some research on him, I've never played a single Kirby game.

Also you can expect some new chapters in the near future. Schoooooool's out for ever Summer!


Quote from: Ragster on June 13, 2013, 06:44:07 AMKirby, huh? I'll have to do some research on him, I've never played a single Kirby game.
First of all, that's a crime. :P
Just get Kirby's Dream Collection.

Quote from: Ragster on June 13, 2013, 06:44:07 AMAlso you can expect some new chapters in the near future. Schoooooool's out for ever Summer!
Yay! :P
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 11

    "The fools are actually trying," Ganondorf says to himself, watching as the battle between Mario's team and the moblins unfolds. Ganondorf knew that the force was far too weak to defeat him, but strong enough to do major damage to his empire. "General!" Nabooru walks into the room.
    "Yes, my king?"
    "You are to form a task force to eliminate this nuisance," Ganon orders, pausing for awhile afterwards. "I want Lynx leading the-"
    "Lynx," Nabooru interrupts. Ganon turns around and leers straight through her soul. "Yes my lord," she responds quickly, then walks out of the room. Ganon turns back to play his organ once again, closing his eyes to view the aftermath of the battle.

    "Not bad," Mario says to the group of warriors. Dozens of knocked-out moblins were lying around them in a circle.
    "So, what exactly is going on here," one of the toads ask.
    "We'll inform you later, right now we need to destroy this fortification," Sheik replies.
    "I should plant some bombs, then," Samus says, opening her helmet.
    "I've got some Bob-bombs as well," another toad responds.
    "Perfect. Once you two are done setting them up, meet us back in the forest," Mario says. The group runs to the meeting point as Samus and the toad sets up the explosives.
    "Ready," Samus asks the toad.
    "Aye aye!" The two of them run to the group and take cover. "Alright, we ready to blow this place sky high."
    "I'll prepare a shield to protect us from the debris," Samus says, creating a barrier around the team.
    "Alright, on three. One. Two... Three," Mario commands. Samus taps her wrist console and the toad pushes on the trigger. Time goes by.
    "What happened? Weren't they supposed to-" Luigi is interrupted by the massive explosion the crumbles the fort to pieces. Luigi felt his hat fly off and his tongue come out of his mouth. When the aftershock dissipates, everybody recuperates from the over-done explosion.
    "Wow," Captain Falcon responds.
    "Ya. Wow," the toad agrees.
    "Welp, the forts gone," Luigi says, seeing the massive crater that the explosion created fill with water. Everybody just stares for awhile.
    "What's our next move," Red asks.
    "There are still two more outposts Ganon has placed through-out Hyrule," Sheik responds. "That will be our next objective."

    Deep within Ganon's Castle, Nabooru walks down a hallway with two stalfo guards. They were headed to the darkest part of the prison facility, where the most ruthless prisoners are held at. When they arrive, two dinolfos were standing guard in front of the 3-foot thick door. Seeing Nabooru, they quickly step aside and unlock the door. It makes a loud boom, then the large door slowly opens. The light seeps into the darkness, revealing a massive, open room. The only cell in the room was in the back. Lynx, the deadliest stalfo Ganon has ever created, was in the cell. The two stalfo guards following Nabooru felt uneased as soon as their eyes laid sight on Lynx. They knew this wasn't going to end well.
    "Awaken, Lynx," Nabooru says, grabbing on to her battle axe. Lynx's eyes open suddenly, turning his heads slowly to face Nabooru.
    "General," he responds in a deep, slow voice. "You'd better leave me to sleep."
    "And you'd better not make me mad," Nabooru replies quickly.
    "Well then, what does Ganon's pawn want with me?"
    "Business with you," she says back, "don't make me laugh. Ganon is the one who wants you."
    "Oh? What does that thief want with me?" The two stalfo guards felt overpowered as Lynx stands up, having arms the size of their bodies.
    "He wants you to lead a special task force." Lynx's fists tighten, then slams them on the cell door.
    "Do you think I'd do what that fool says, after putting me through this hell?" Nabooru draws her weapon.
    "You'd best calm down," Nabooru replies to his outrage. "Or else I'll have to make you."
    "Stop, your scaring me," Lynx says sarcastically. "I'd like to see you try to make me." Nabooru locks eyes with the massive stalfo, and decides to give him what's coming to him. She reaches for the door.
    "General! What are you doing," one of the guards ask, stepping back from the cell. When Lynx hears the door click and open, he walks out and faces Nabooru. The stalfo guards were so stunned that they could not move. Lynx looks at both of the guards, then back at Nabooru.
    "A very unwise move, General. You will pay dearly for it."


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 12

    "Aye, what's going on up there," Luigi asks, holding a group of people up on his shoulders. Mario, at the very top, is looking down a cliff side, viewing the fort guarded by several stalfos and Iron Knuckles.
    "That place is heavily guarded," Mario says, trying to hold his balance on the wobbling tower of people. "I wonder what they are protecting."
    "He knows that we are coming now," Sheik responds. "They'll be ready for us." The tower shakes all over the place, caused by Luigi feeling a sneeze coming on.
    "Haa... Haa..." Luigi's sneeze is interrupted when the toad above him grabs his nose. "Ah, thanks."
    "No problem," the toad says, but then sneezes right after he's finished talking. The whole group comes tumbling down into a pile.
    "I knew using charizard would have been a better idea," Red replies to the mess, standing up and wiping his pants off.
    "No time for regrets, let's get a move on," Sheik says, walking down the hill.

    Nabooru ducked below Lynx's fist as it charged for her face-plate. Seeing the opening, she quickly thrusts her knee right into his gut. After recuperating from the blow, Lynx knocked down one of the stalfo guards, then threw the guard at Nabooru. The impact was so hard that it caused the guard to separate into pieces.
    "I knew this wasn't going to be a good day," the guard responds to the absence of his body, shortly before he dissipates into a blue flame.
    When Lynx's body blow is dodged, he begins to get irritated. "What's wrong, general," he says, "not gonna take offense?" Nabooru decides to humor him.
    "If that's what you want," she replies, swaying to the left to avoid his punch. She quickly grabs onto his leg, picking him up into a fireman's carry. Lynx begins to struggle, but fails to break the grip from Nabooru's iron armor. "Just remember, YOU ASKED FOR THIS!!" Nabooru throws Lynx down to the ground, creating a giant impact that busts the floor open. The other stalfo guard falls from the immense quake.
    "Now then," Nabooru says, wiping her hands, "find your footing, then we'll go have a talk with the boss." She turns back around to him quickly when she feels Lynx grip her leg. "What?!"
    Lynx throws Nabooru over himself, smashing her into the ground. Nabooru slowly rises, pulling out her battleaxe.
    "Oh, you won't be needing that," Lynx says, shoulder thrusting her back down, causing her to lose the massive weapon.
    "GUARD," Nabooru yells, seeing the weapon land right next to him. The guard quickly gets up and grabs the weapon. I just need to put this guy down, but he's being too persistent, Nabooru thinks. I can't lose to a grunt like him.

    "Did you say something," a stalfo asks a nearby Iron Knuckle. The Iron Knuckle just turns and stares at him. "Oh, right. Why did I even ask that?"
    "Luigi, hold it down," Mario whispers in the nearby room, "you'll give away our position."
    "I'm just saying, sneaking is different than skulking-"
    "Alright, we agree," everybody whispers to Luigi. Seeing the guard pass by the hallway, Sheik decides to stealthily roll out the door right behind the guard. He then punches him in the back and covers his mouth and nose. As the guard struggles to grasp air, everybody makes their way to the end of the hallway.
    "Wait, did you hear that," Samus asks, hearing a voice in the distance. Everybody stops and listens to their environment. Samus turns up her helmet's sound volume. "It's coming from over here, follow me." The team makes their way to a row of jail cells where the voices were coming from.
    "Hey, is someone coming," they hear someone say. They all walk up to the jail cell to find a small group of people in Hylian clothes. Samus opens her mask.
    "Oh, thank the gods," one of the prisoners say. "Someone who actually has flesh on their bones!"


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 13

    When Lynx throws his arm up to attempt a clothesline, Nabooru grabs his hand and punches him right in the head. The blow sends Lynx stumbling backwards, giving Nabooru the chance to finish him off, in which she does. She rushes and tackles Lynx, picking him up off of the ground. When Nabooru tosses him off of her shoulders, the guard quickly throws the disarmed battleaxe back to Nabooru. She catches it, pointing it down at Lynx, stopping him from rising back up.
    "Well well," Lynx says. "The general has some moves." He spits out a tooth that had fallen out from the punch Nabooru landed. "Go ahead. Finish me."
    The anger swept through Nabooru's veins as she lifted her axe.
    "General! What are you doing," the guard asks as the axe begins to fall. Before Nabooru could slam the massive weapon on Lynx, she is interrupted by an ominous voice.
    "Nabooru," it yells. She quickly hesitates, dropping the axe right beside Lynx's head. Ganondorf had been watching the entire fight unfold, knowing that it would end like this. "You were already foolish for starting this little fight. Don't be foolish enough to disobey me."
    "My lord, I-I'm sorry."
    "Keep your repentance to yourself. Now then, I believe that Lynx and I have some business to attend to. I'll want to speak with him personally."

    "Whoa, slow down. What's going on," Mario asks the prisoners that were explaining their situation.
    "We are fuel to him. He just uses us to create his army," the prisoner replies.
    "Fuel," Sheik responds. "How so?" The prisoners all look around at each other, then look down at the ground.
    "His... His black magic, he uses it on his prisoners. Brainwashes them all. F-Forces them to fight for him." The group stands there and thinks in remorse.
    "But that would mean," Falcon thinks out loud.
    "Let's not think about it too hard," Sheik says. "They are not themselves. There would be no way as to free them from Ganon's magic."
    "Sheik's right," Luigi comes in. "The best thing we can do now is free the rest of them before they're all brainwashed."
    "Agreed. We have a new priority. Prisoners," Mario asks, "are there anymore captives that you know about?" They all think for a while.
    "I-I don't remember very well-"
    "W-Wait! I remember," the prisoner is interrupted by another. "I saw stalfos taking a group of people into Ganon's castle. They were all locked together by chains." Luigi cringes when he hears him say that.
    "Wait, um..." Luigi says, tapping his fingers together. "You d-didn't say 'castle', now d-did you?" The prisoners look at him and nod. Luigi freezes in his current position.
    "We've got to get in there and free those captives. There's no telling how many are in there," Red says.
    "Alright, you men head back to Kakariko Village. We'll deal with Ganon," Sheik says. The prisoners all head east for Death Mountain.
    "Let's destroy this fort, then we'll head off to the castle," Mario says to the group.

    Two moblins step aside as Ganondorf walks down the hallway. A massive door not too far away from him slowly opens as he approaches, revealing a room filled with darkness. As Ganon enters the room, he lights the torches to show the path of stairways.
    "Koume! Kotake! I want a word with you two." When he's finished, two lights, one blue and one red, begin to appear in the distance. They both flicker on and off, swaying back and forth. When the light show is done, the two wicked sisters merge from the lights.
    "Yes, yes," Koume replies, Kotake laughing in the background. "What does our king desire?"
    "I am in need of more powerful soldiers."
    "More powerful," Kotake questions him. "We've already brainwashed your first in command."
    "Nabooru won't do," Ganon quickly responds. "I need an army of her to defeat the plumber's force."
    "That's a lot to ask, my king," Koume says. After a long pause, she continues to speak. "But not impossible." Ganon looks up at her after hearing this.
    "What if I told you that you could create beings that wield the same amount of power as you do?"
    "Such a spell would be the meaning between defeat and victory," Ganon replies, looking down and thinking to himself.
    "...but even a true master of black magic does not hold enough power to use it correctly," Koume comes in.
    "With the Triforce of Power in my hands, no spell is too difficult for me to use. You must teach me to use this awesome power." Koume and Kotake look at each other.
    "That... might not be so easy," Kotake replies.
    "What? Why," Ganon asks, looking up at her. The witches start to laugh mildly and adjust their hair piece.
    "We really never learned how to do it," Koume says. Ganon flinched, then turned around to face the exit.
    "Why would you torture me like that? To let me know of something that could defeat my enemy, and then not teach me it?"
    "We are sorry," the two say in unison. Ganon faces them, then walks down the stairway. "What are you going to do now?"
    "If you cannot teach me, then I shall learn the spell on my own."