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Nintendo Wars

Started by Ragster, April 03, 2013, 09:52:03 AM

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What should the next Saga be?

The Bowser Saga (Super Mario)
The Giovanni Saga (Pokemon)


Nintendo Wars

      - This story is now open for discussion, I'd love to hear all of you guy's ideas! I also need some help on series I don't know much about :) You can suggest some new Sagas too, as I only have three in mind right now...

    The Ganon Saga
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4
      Chapter 5
      Chapter 6
      Chapter 7
      Chapter 8
      Chapter 9
      Chapter 10
      Chapter 11
      Chapter 12
      Chapter 13


The Ganon Saga: Prologue

    It has been approximately 5 years since Ganon's march on Hyrule Castle. All of Hyrule's forces have been crushed, and were forced to retreat to distant areas of Hyrule to save themselves from Ganon's terror. These... Remnants of Hyrule, as they call them, are broken up into many different groups and clans: The Followers of Courage, who believe that the foretold Hero of Time will come and save all of Hyrule; The True Hylians, who believe that the Hylian Guard will rise up once again and defeat Ganon's army; The Peacemakers, who believe that the only way to save Hyrule is to bind all of the natives together into one powerful army. While these groups can't put aside their differences to join together and fight as one, the important part is that they all have hope for the day of Hyrule's salvation. This is the story of the Protectors of the Triforce, the Saviors of Hyrule...


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 1

    "Next," the Soldier says, permitting travelers to go through the gate. This small village, known as Hyliad, is built right outside of Lake Hylia, and is home to the Followers of Courage. The soldiers in the village originated from the Hyrule Guard, but now call themselves the Protectors of Peace. Their leader, Captain Viscen, is also the leader of Hyliad.
    "Next," the Soldier repeats. In the back of the line, a mysterious man holding an object flashes through the villagers to reach an alley. The Soldier who sees his actions and alerts his comrade.
    "Hey!" the other guard shouts, chasing after the man.
    After reaching a safe area, the man removes the cover that was hiding the object he was carrying; a small bird cage. He takes a small piece of paper out of his shin-wrap and ties it to the bird's leg. He then gives the bird a light kiss on the head, and lifts the bird to fly away. He stands and watches as the bird flaps its wings, heading eastward into the sky.
    "You there! You're not supposed to be back here," the pursuing soldier says, finally finding the mysterious man. The man turns quickly to reveal his bright red eyes. The guard then raises his spear as the man raises his arm. "Halt!"
    As soon as the man throws his hand down, a bright flash ignites, blinding the soldier. When his eyes heal from the light, the man is no where to be found. The soldier lowers his spear in confusion.

    At the far east side of the land of Nintendo lies a land called the Mushroom Kingdom. While this place is usually under attack or in some sort of crisis, all is peaceful. That is about to change.
    Inside Mushroom Castle, Mario and Luigi are working diligently on their job of fixing the pipe system. Piranha Plants have infested the systems once again and are spreading like wildfire.
    "AHH!" Luigi screams, jumping back from the pipe he was loosening.
    "What? What is it?" Mario asks, crawling over to the opening pipe. The grease on his clothes makes it easy for him to get into tight places.
    "I-I think I found the nest!" Luigi says, his teeth acting like they're in a blizzard. Mario peeks into the hole to see hundreds of vines and small red and white seedlings.
    "Mamma mia! That's the worst case of Piranha Plant I've ever seen!" Mario says, flipping his hat backwards, preparing for the worst part of his job. But before he can reach for his tools, a voice over the intercom comes on.
    kshh... "Mario and Luigi, you're wanted in the meeting room. Mario and Luigi, you're wanted in the meeting room." kshh... Mario and Luigi look at each other in some hidden relief.
    "Alright," Mario says, adjusting his tool belt, "I'll plug'er up so none of them get out."
    When Mario's finished, they climb out of the small maintenance access hatch and wipe off their clothes.
    "What do you think it is? Bowser?" Luigi asks Mario as he takes off his hat and shakes it around.
    "Probably not, not after his little accident in the Bob-omb Factory."
    "Oooh, I remember that. That wasn't pretty." They both throw their tools in a box and head down the hallway.

    Princess Peach is holding a note and talking to Toadsworth when Mario and Luigi walk in. Toadsworth was also holding a bird that was pecking on his hat. Mario and Luigi let out a laugh when he swatted at the bird.
    "Oh, Master Mario! Master Luigi!" Toadsworth says. Mario scratches his head.
    "What's the problem? And what's with the bird?" Luigi asks hesitantly.
    "We have recieved a note from Hyrule. The bird was carrying it," Princess Peach replies. Toadsworth then ran over to the window and was shouting "shoo, shoo".
    "Hyrule?" Mario asks, "We haven't heard from them in over 5 years... What's wrong?"
    "Well, my hylian is a bit amateur, but I believe it's asking for help." She pauses for a while. "It says that Hyrule has gone under chaos by an evil warlock!"
    "Evil?" Mario says, showing his teeth.
    "Warlock?!" Luigi says, pulling on the sides of his hat. "A-Aren't we a little busy on our job to be helping, Mario?" Luigi asks, feeling clever.
    "Not anymore, this is much more important! We'll have to worry about those Piranha Plants later!"
    "Ooooooh..." Luigi says to himself.
    "What should we do, Princess?" Toadsworth asks, closing the window. She reads the bottom part of the letter and finds out who sent the letter.
    "Sheik," she whispers. Toadsworth looks at the Mario brothers.
    "Sheik? Never heard of that tactic," Toadsworth replies.
    "No, it's the person who sent the letter... We have to help them! Mario brothers!" Mario and Luigi look at her. "I want you to lead a force to Hyrule." Luigi closes his eyes and hangs his head.
    "I need to become a full-time plumber..."


is this the story you are writing?

I like this. I hope you will continue it.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Does anyone else read Mario and Luigi's lines out loud with an Italian accent? :P

I'm loving the story so far. Anything with a crossover aspect is awesome. Keep it up!
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book



The Ganon Saga: Chapter 2

    "Here they are," a toad says, as he walks Mario and Luigi down the hallway. The force that was going to travel to Hyrule was made up of a few royal guards and some yoshi cavalry, who were lined up at the castle entrance waiting to be launched.
    "This is it?" Luigi asks.
    "Don't worry, they're the best men we have!" the toad says, waving his hands at Luigi.
    "Reportin' for duty, sirs!" a ready-and-able toad shouts, throwing his hand up for a salute, accidently knocking his hat off.
    "I feel better already..." Luigi says, sighing.

    When Ganon's army sieged Hyrule Castle, the King of Hyrule was taken hostage along with his loyal followers. They now wait within Ganon's castle's prison for their day of salvation.
    "Move it, trash," a stalfo yells, escorting a prisoner to his execution. Executions done at Ganon's hands are much different than normal. When the prisoner is imbued with Ganon's black magic, it transforms and distorts the person until they're totally unrecognizable. Anyone who has not seen this before would call it a zombie. It is more formally known as a redead.
    The rest of the prisoners watch as the guards take away one of theirs, never to be seen normally again. They hang their heads as he screams out in agony, knowing what is next.
    "How..." a prisoner speaks, pausing from the interuption of the screaming. "How long has it been?"
    "5 years," a timely man manages to get out, "87 days."
    "Don't give up hope, boys," the King replies to the depressing message.
    "Hope? There is no hope to give up on," a man says, twidiling his thumbs. By now, they know that the execution is over from the screeches turning into deep moans. The door opens, and what used to be their friend drags itself out, stumbling on its legs. Everyone knows not to look up. They've learned to never look one in the eyes.
    "No. You are right," the King says. "There is no hope. All we have now is courage."

    Mario and Luigi stop at the massive gate that connects the land of Hyrule to the Mushroom Kingdom, spotting that something is very wrong.
    "Wait guys, something is very wrong," Mario says to the group. Everyone takes cover in the local bushes.
    "What? What it is?" a cavalry toad asks.
    "Look," Mario points at the border guards, "those aren't Hylian Guards, those are moblins!"
    "Moblins? I didn't even think there were any in Hyrule," a toad says.
    "They're not supposed to be. Something is DEFINITELY wrong here," another toad replies. They all duck their heads slightly as one of the guards look their direction.
    "What do we do?" Luigi whispers. Mario twists his mustache as he ponders.
    "I have an idea. Cavalry, can I borrow your yoshi?"
    "Uh, yes sir. What's your plan?"


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 3

    "Did you hear that?" a moblin guard grunts to the other, hearing some shuffling in the near-by bushes. "Let's go check it out." They walk slowly to the moving bush and make their way through the dense foliage. They then peek over the lying tree, finding a yoshi chewing on an apple. When it notices the curious moblins, it throws the apple core at them, giving a disturbed look.
    "Why you little green herbivore," one of the moblin shouts, walking towards it with his spear drawn.
    "Don't waste your time on the primitives," the other says, grabbing the other's shoulder. They then walk back to their post when the yoshi decides to run off.
    "Did you see that?" one of the guards ask. "It laughed at us when it left."
    "Eh, I've never understood yoshis."
    Mario and Luigi and the others, who had their backs to the Hyrule side of the wall, finally managed to get far away enough from the guards to sneak off.
    "Phew, that was close," Luigi says, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.
    "Why didn't we just fight'em," one of the toad says, "it cost me my yoshi!"
    "It's better that we don't pick sides until we know what's going on here," Mario says, cutting down greenery to make a path. They all struggle to get out of the thick forest, and finally reach a path to follow.
    "Keep an eye out for patrols," a toad warns his comrades. After a few minutes down the road, they finally have a view of Hyrule, but can barely recognize it. They notice the dark clouds of rain over the land, the fire ring around Death Mountain, and what remains of Hyrule Castle.
    "What... How... B-But," Mario says, not being able to think of words to describe his feelings. They all stare for a few seconds before someone begins moving again.
    "No wonder we haven't heard from them in so long," a toad says. They all stop when they reach a broken sign that reads, "Welcome to Hyrule".

    Sheik walks into a graveyard and kneels down in front of a large burial stone, holding his hands together. It is a tradition for a member of the Sheikah to do this before entering the sacred temple. After rising, he walks up to a stone entrance, where he walks down a few steps into a large room. He finds his teacher, Impa, standing in wait.
    "Did you send the letter?" Impa asks.
    "Good. And no one knows you did it, right?"
    "There was... a little incident, but no one saw anything," Sheik answers, pulling his hair back. Impa turns around to face him.
    "The sooner help arives the better. Thank you, Sheik," Impa says, turning back around and walking away.
    "Wait, Impa," Sheik says, stepping forward. "What is my relation to the sages? Why do they want me?" Impa stops, folds her arms and faces him yet again.
    "Your questions will all be answered in the near future. Just have patience, Zelda." She turns and begins walking again. Sheik reaches his hand out and bites his tongue before shouting 'wait'. He then closes his eyes and walks out of the temple.


This is great Ragster! Keep it up!
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 4

    "This is out of our comfort zone, bro," Luigi says, Mario blankly staring at the dark horizon. Mario looks down, overwhelmed. "We need back-up, and I'm not just saying that to get out of doing this."
    "Mr. Green is right. six men versus who-knows-what that just destroyed the entire land of Hyrule," a toad states. "The odds aren't in our favor."
    "Alright, you guys head back and inform the princess. I'll stay with Luigi to do some investigating." The toads all look at each other, then walk back down the path.
    "Great, now we have to get by these guards again," a toad says to himself. Luigi begins tip-toeing his way behind the moving toads, hoping Mario won't notice.
    "Hey bro, Hyrule's this way!" Mario says, grabbing Luigi's shoulder.
    "Oh," Luigi says, his voice horse, "yeah, thank you v-very much."

    Below the main lands of Nintendo, lies a small region known as Kanto. Here, people and pocket monsters, or pokemon, live together in harmony. The people here who capture, train, and raise pokemon are called trainers, and they have one goal in life: to become the best trainers in the world. One of them just achieved this goal, who just recently defeated the Indigo League champion. His name is Red.
    As he walks out of the door, Red notices the massive group of people running towards him with microphones and video recorders. The paparazzi.
    "Red, Red! Can I get a word with you?"
    "Mr. Champion, I'd like to ask you a question!"
    "The people have a question for you, champion!"
    Few sentences could be made out from the extensive shouting. Red usually walks through the crowd answering the questions as short as possible until he reaches his destination. After he does, the mob of interviewers leave the area.
    Red lets out a sigh as he sits down next to Blue. "I didn't know you had to go through all of that."
    "It's what you got to deal with when your the champion, kid. Get used to it," Blue says, closing his eyes.
    "Well you enjoy attention. I don't."
    "Well what else can you do? You're the champion now."
    "I don't know, I just don't feel like it's the end of my journey yet. I feel like going out and doing something, but I can't being the champion and all." Red lays his head back on the couch.
    "How about give the title back to someone who actually enjoys it then," Blue says, pointing his thumbs at himself. "Then you can go out and do whatever you want." Red pulls his head up and starts thinking deeply. After a few seconds he comes to a decision.
    "No. I won this title fair and square and I have to be dedicated enough to deal with it."
    "Whatever. Your loss," Blue says, stretching into a sleeping position. Red relaxes and begins dreaming about how it would be great to get out and travel again. He just needs... a reason.

    "What?" Princess Peach says, putting her hand up to her mouth.
    "We saw it with our own eyes, princess." All of the team nods in assurement. "We need some help."
    "All of Hyrule... destroyed..." the princess thinks out loud. She begins to pace.
    "Yes. We are going to need help," Peach begins to speak. "I need each of you guys to go to the local regions and find some help. Tell them that this is official business and will be rewarded for their assistance."
    "Yes ma'am," the toads say, scattering for the door. "We won't let you down princess!"
    "I hope so," Peach whispers to herself. "Millions of lives are counting on us."



This is so amazing! Keep it up!
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 5

    Ganondorf takes his hands off of his pipe organ as his head starts to pound. The Triforce piece within him has the power to give him signs as to what is about to happen.
    "Eeerrr," Ganondorf bellows. "Guard, get me the general, now!" The stalfo runs out of the room and down the stairs. Ganon lays his elbow on his organ and his head on his hand. The Triforce... It feels... A disturbance, he thinks.
    "You called for me, sir?" General Nabooru says, walking into the throne room with herself clad in Iron Knuckle armor.
    "There is something wrong. The Triforce senses it," Ganon says, his head-ache disappearing.
    "If the Triforce is sensing it, then it isn't something to shrug off."
    "Yes, I know," he shouts timidly. "I want you to prepare my army. Just... prepare for anything. Go, go, leave me be." Nabooru walks out of the room as Ganon sits and wonders what may happen.

    "Alright, here's the plan," a toad says, pulling out a marked-on map of Nintendo. He shows a place on the map by placing his finger on a circled area of the map. "I want you," he says, pointing his other finger at another toad, "to go here. Kanto."
    "Kanto. Got'cha," the toad responds.
    "...And I want you to go there."
    "The GTCC?" The toad asks, confused.
    "Yes. We are going to send a galactic-wide announcement for help. I've already recorded the announcement, just plug this into the main computer." He hands the chip to the toad.
    "I'll do it!" the toad replies.
    "Alright then, everbody! GO GO GO!" Everybody scrambles off heading in opposite directions.

    Mario and Luigi were walking towards the Hyrule Market entrance when they encountered a small establishment, built right outside of the eastern-most area of Hyrule Field. There were a few bunkers and a tall watchtower, guarded by some archers.
    "Looks like some kind of barracks," Mario says to Luigi. They both duck their heads behind a nearby rock. When Mario takes a peek over the rock, he sees a shadow flash by the guards. "Whoa, what was that?" he whispers.
    "What? What?" Luigi says, looking all around. Mario notices it happen again only farther away.
    "There it is again!"
    "WHAT?! WHAT?!" Luigi says, standing up and shouting.
    "Luigi!" Mario covers Luigi's mouth and pulls him down before the archers see him. "Just stare for a little over there and you'll see it." They both look intently in the direction of the barracks. After a few seconds, they see the shadow flash by.
    "WHAT WAS THAT THING?!" Luigi says, standing up and shouting yet again. Mario runs the drill again. All the archers, after hearing it twice, decide to send two guards to investigate.
    "We got to get out of here, bro," Mario says, crawling away. But before they can get anywhere, a voice stops them in their tracks.
    "Halt! You two, you're coming with us."


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 6

    After wondering about the travels and journeys he had, Red decided to take a walk and clear his mind. The Champion of the Indigo League needs to stay within Kanto or else a challenger may be delayed, in turn the champion looses his title.
    When Red reaches Viridian City, he finds a bench to sit on, then watches the electronic message board as news flashes by. "Man does not expect new house construction in Vermillion City to be over until a few more years", the board reads. He'll never finish that house, Red thought. The board changes into a new message. "Indigo League Champion Red considering retiring already, but declines former champion Blue's request of taking his spot."
    "WHAT?" Red shouts, looking around hoping no one saw him. How do they know this stuff? You can't hide anything from those guys, Red thinks. The next message appears on the message board.
    "Mushroom Kingdom representative currently looking for assistance, please visit Pewter City for more details." Red stands up after reading the message.
    "The Mushroom Kingdom?" he thinks out loud.

    "W-What are we going to do?" Luigi asks Mario quietly, as they are being taken to a jail cell. Mario slowly examines the enviroment. There isn't much to it, just a few doors and torches along the way.
    "Don't worry," he replies, "We'll find a way out." The guards toss them into one of the nice looking cells. As Mario and Luigi hear the door being latched, they stand up and grab on to the bars.
    "W-Wait, I-I'm claustrophobic!" Luigi manages to say, reaching his hand out. The guards close the prison door, and all goes dark. Mario notices the bar that he's holding onto is made of steel.
    "Bro, I have an idea. Just keep on-"
    "HEEEELP! GET US OUT OF HERE!" Luigi shouts before Mario can finish.
    "Good, just keep doing that as a distraction," Mario completes his sentence, not knowing Luigi wasn't acting. Mario ignites his hands that were holding on to the bars. His eyes, along with the bars, begin to turn bright red. When the steel becomes maleable enough, he bends and breaks off a small chunk of the bars, just enough to fit through. "Alright Luigi, let's get out of here."
    Before Mario can put his foot out of the cell, Luigi rushes out, pushing Mario out of the way.
    "FREEEEEDOOOOOO-" Mario grabs Luigi's mouth. "Oh, sorry," Luigi whispers.


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


The Ganon Saga: Chapter 7

    Within the Galactic Transportation and Communication Center, or GTCC for short, a toad assigned the duty of sending out a galactic-wide message waits for any type of response. It has only been a few hours since the message was sent, but with new technologies and development, messages can spread galaxy-wide within minutes. As the toad lets out an exagerated yawn, a transport lands, holding the people that are willing to fight for Hyrule. The transport's door slowly opens, and two figures walk out into the center. The toad jumps up and runs over to greet them.
    "Hi-ya! Are you all looking to help in the Hyrule crisis?" the toad asks the two people.
    "As long as I get paid," the man in a blue suit replies.
    "The payment's going to me, tough guy," the other person says, who's wearing a full-body suit of armor.
    "Well how about we settle this the old fashion way then?"
    "I'll take you on right here, right now." The toad keeps turning his head to the two people, listening to them bicker back and forth.
    "Whoa whoa whoa, can't we all get along?" he interupts. The two people fold their arms and turn away from each other. The toad lets out a sigh. "So, what? Are you guys bounty hunters?"
    "The name's Captain Falcon," the man in the blue suit replies.
    "Samus," the other responds.

    "I can't see a thing!" Mario says to Luigi, as they both walk into a dark chamber. The only light entering the room was from the small holes in the entrance door.
    "I'll give us some light," Luigi says, igniting his palm with a green flame. When the light spreads, he comes face to face with a massive armored mannequin. "YEEE-AAAAHH!"
    "Whoa, Luigi!" Mario says, running over to him. "Look at this armor!"
    As Luigi slowly begins to recuperate, Mario examines the armor, looking at the massive battleaxe it was wielding, and looking into the holes in it's face-mask. "This is some heavy armor," Mario says, knocking his knuckles on the armor in a rythmic pattern. "How would I look in this armor, bro?" he asks, turning around to Luigi, standing in the same formation as the mannequin. Luigi begins to shake like an earthquake, slowly raising his hand, pointing behind Mario. "Bro?" Mario asks again, turning his head around to the armor. That's when he realizes that the armor changed its position, holding its battleaxe above it's head, ready to throw it down. "WHOA!" Mario says, jumping out of the way before the Iron Knuckle throws down it's axe. The impact sent dirt flying off of the ground, sounding as though it was raining.
    "T-That's no m-mannequin, bro!" Luigi says, scooting back on his hands and feet. Mario quickly re-establishes his balance, going into combat. He dives for the Iron Knuckle, pounding his fist of fire right on its face-mask, leaving a black mark that dulls its helmet. It retaliates by swinging its axe horizontally twice, the first time Mario jumping over it, the second kneeling down below it. Mario thens jumps up and lands a powerful uppercut on the Iron Knuckle, causing it to fall backwards onto its back. Mario stands waiting for it to get up, but then decides to go help Luigi after a few seconds pass.
    "You alright bro?" Mario asks.
    "M-Me? Oh, pssshh, I'm fine! You know me-LOOK OUT!!" Luigi shouts as he sees the battleaxe flying towards them. They both duck before the axe slams into the wall, pulling Luigi's hat off. "NO! NO! I'M NOT OKAY!" he says, exhaling and inhaling as fast as his heart is pounding. Mario quickly jumps up and shoots a fireball out of his palm, which smacks into the risen Iron Knuckle. It begins to charge after Mario, pulling its fist into a hitting position. When it swings for Mario, Mario grabs its arm, ducking under the punch, then swings the Iron Knuckle over his hip, lifing it totally into the air, and pounds it onto the floor. After catching his breathe, Mario walks over to Luigi, who's grabbing his hat off the axe, still looking at the fallen Iron Knuckle with his mouth gaping. Mario looks at the Iron Knuckle, then turns his head to find a door that appears to be the exit.
    "This way bro. We're getting out of here."