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Beta's Arrangements [1/8 - FE: The Sacred Stones - Rise Above (Replacement)]

Started by Beta, April 02, 2013, 06:33:58 AM

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I'm pretty new at this, so comments and critiques are much appreciated!

[3DS] Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure
Phantom Notes [ZIP]
Au Revoir, Phantom R [ZIP]

Feel free to listen to the original songs via Youtube!
Phantom Notes, Au Revoir, Phantom R

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Minigame [PDF] [MUS] [MID]

[3DS] Fire Emblem: Fates
You of the Dark [MUS] [PDF]

[3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising
Viridi, Goddess of Nature [MUS]
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Rise Above (Replacement) [MUS]


Wow, I'm really impressed! You did an amazing job on these!

Naming your links is pretty simple.

As you already know, the bbc code to create a link is this:
Which appears like this:

To change this name, you move the url to the left inbetween the "url" and the "]" then you add an "=" in between "url" and the actual url.

Like this:
Now, in that empty space where the url would of gone, you can put the title for your link.

Which looks like this: [ZIP]

Hopefully I didn't confuse you too much...
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Done!  Now, I will never have URL problems again!


Congrats on joining the arranging team, Beta!  I'm critiquing these without listening to the original song, so some of my comments may be a bit off. 

First off, THANK you for checking the guidelines before posting.  It's nice to see a newbie who actually has some idea of what they're doing, unlike most.

Phantom Notes could stand to have its eighth notes changed to quarter notes, quater notes to half notes, etc.  It plays so slowly that it seems silly to have it structured like that.  That one seems to have a couple of problems to me, but I haven't listened to the song, so I could be wrong.  And it's not bad overall.
Phantom R is excellent, though.  You hold my respect for it.  You definitely showed a solid understand of the chord progression and didn't screw up the accidentals, which goes to show this is most certainly on-site potential.  Well done!


Wow, I'm flattered!  Thank you for taking the time to look at my arrangements!  I'll set to work on Phantom Notes right away...looking back it does seem silly to have so many 16th and 32nd notes going that slow ;D

I added a dynamic and some slurs to Au Revoir, along with one minor change after listening to the song again, and it's all submitted now!  Thanks for the help!

And if you have time, I would suggest checking out Rhythm Thief's OST.  It's one of my favorites!


Hey, good job!  Here's hoping it gets on the site!

And thanks!  I'm not too interested in the game itself, but next time I have another five hours of homework (which shouldn't be too far from now >__>) I'll track down a Youtube playlist and give it a listen.


I just finished revamping Phantom Notes.  All eighth notes were changed to quarters, and so on, a few incorrect notes were fixed, slurring was changed, and dynamics were added.  I also found Youtube videos of the songs so you have something to compare the sheets to.  Feel free to check them out!


I was gonna say change the E flats to D sharps becuase your in E minor, but then you ended on G major... so... idk.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on April 20, 2013, 10:16:21 AMchange the E flats to D sharps becuase your in E minor

This is right.


Thank you both!  I will fix this as soon as I can (which might not actually be soon :P)


Yep, totally not soon.  Life has gotten the better of me again.

Phantom Notes has been edited again, and is now hopefully better than ever!  Now, the E flats are D sharps to coincide with the key of the song.  Feel free to check it out!


Yaaay your back! I'll check it out, be sure to arrange more songs!  8)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


*crawls out from oblivion*

Hello's been quite a while since I've arranged anything, hasn't it?  Here is a peace offering!  (Still in-progress.  Critiques are appreciated!)

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Minigame [MUS]

And the Youtube link should anyone care to listen :)


Pretty good. You're only missing the lower portion at the end of measure 12. It'd probably work if you just knocked the part you have there down an octave.


I think this is the necessary change!