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What do you study/work with?

Started by Ricky, March 28, 2013, 03:29:27 PM

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I'm a Political Economy major with a minor in Business Administration
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Hahahaha XD one of those "me" threads. Warning!!! XD

Anyway I started off college working on a BA in physics and a minor in studio art, then I transferred to another school to work on a BS in chemistry. I'm thinking about adding a minor in math if I can stay an extra semester or something. I think I'll go into astronomy if I can, if not, I think I'm going into physical chemistry. I currently do some research with biocatalytic nanomaterials which is kind of a mix of biochemistry (in the sense that it's chemistry with biological materials) and physical chemistry (synthesizing nanomaterials). One of the other professors is trying to get me to do research with her too. It involves a computer program and structures of proteins...sounds fun but it's a bit more than I can handle right now. It will be a great summer opportunity though xD And it's something to distract the grad schools with in case I do end up going into physical previous two research experiences only involved astronomy (distribution of galaxies and mapping an asteroid) xD There are so many interesting things to study in astronomy that I haven't really decided on a specific area of research yet.

As for non-research work, I've actually found stuff to do in art XDDDDD More as a hobby/favor, though. In photography, it's mostly going to concerts and taking pictures or video of the performers for publicity. Somehow after doing that, I've been talked about going back into drawing/painting/nature photography again and I also get violin lessons with Saria. It's pretty enjoyable as a hobby but I could always practice more.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


so many smarts.... stop hogging them all :(

me irl


Might as well do this too.

I am a Music Ed. major at the University of Houston(third year of college), studying Bass Trombone under the principle of the Houston Symphony. I have also studied composition for 3 years(my catalog has gotten pretty big, too bad I can't show any of it here). I perform with multiple groups around town, and have recorded on two CD's. uuh okay I think that's it I guess..
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Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on March 29, 2013, 06:32:54 PMso many smarts.... stop hogging them all :(

:D :D :D

Hahaha well you're good at what you do too! I didn't even mention my English writing skills or Greek history obsession yet xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I'm still in high school, but...
Next year I'm taking pre-calc, biology, french, honors english and AP Euro history. I'm also doing music theory and theater. I plan to major in mathematics or history, with music being a second choice.


I'm a Biology major, so that way I can get all the gurls.

I'll just be all like "Yo gurl, you wanna do an in-depth analysis of reproduction with me?"

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!