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TWG L: Zombies!

Started by vermilionvermin, March 17, 2013, 02:19:24 PM

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Going to Florida tomorrow so I'll be gone for the entire day.

But I'll have a computer down there so I'll be active after tomorrow. ^^;


Inactivity, blah blah blah. Spring break just started, so I AM GOING TO BE HERE OK

Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on March 22, 2013, 08:11:33 AMI'm going to keep my vote on Waddle until someone else turns up suspicious.

I'm not even sure if FSM could provide a good enough defence for Waddle because they are different people .
Quote from: FSM-Reapr on March 22, 2013, 08:19:31 AMI'm not even sure what should I defend myself against!
Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on March 22, 2013, 08:34:15 AMi do not no
What? If you cant think of something for FSM to defend himself against, then why do you have your vote on him? You're basically saying "I'm want to lynch you but I have no actual reason at all". I personally feel that since FSM is essentially a new person, we should keep him alive for longer so we can actually see what he does, not what his previous inactive person did. I was holding off my vote on you earlier, but really. TBWCW.

About Thiannon, I don't really know his playing style, Bird says hes meticulous, and TZP says hes "a better player than this". And adding spitllama to the suspicious part of his  suspicion list? Bird brings up a good point if Thiannon is as good as people are saying he is.

I agree with davy in that Day 1 is a little early to make a suspicion list that's actually effective. If I had to pick my top three, I would probably say TBWBW, Thiannon, and wolf/K-night, the latter two being just for inactivity reasons. This is Day 1 however, which means that none of these are particularly strong, just stronger than the others


I'm sorry for my inactivity. Solo/Ensemble contest is tomorrow and I am literally in 14 things. I will have more time to play after tomorrow, I hope.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Hrm... although, like you said, Bubbles tends to be inactive when she's a wolf (or the Meta :P), it seems as if she was preoccupied; if this inactivity continues, I think she would make a good Day 2 lynch, but at the current moment, it wouldn't be such a good idea to bandwagon on ANYBODY so hastily.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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Story Thread
The Dread Somber


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Given everything that's happened, I'm going to vote Mashi
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Vote count:

SocialFox- Mashi
Davy- Waddle Bro/FSM Mashi
TZP- Waddle Bro/FSM Bubbles
Waddle Bro/FSM- Yugi Maestro
TBWCW- Waddle Bro/FSM
Dude- TZP
Thiannon- Bubbles
K-Night- TBWCW
Blueflower- Bubbles
Bubbles- TBWCW
Bird- Bubbles
Maestro- Mashi

People who have yet to vote: BlackDragonSlayer, Mashi, Wolf.


Neither Mashi nor Bubbles seems to be a very good pick at this point (for reasons I have stated earlier, etc. etc. :P).
I'm really conflicted in my head who else I should vote for. My spider-sense Dragon Slayer-sense is telling me to be wary of Maestro... and I certainly don't want to cause a KiTB by voting for Mashi (plus, I doubt he's a wolf/zombie in the first place)...

So, until I can completely make up my mind, or the phase ends before I do:
Safety on Davy
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: davy on March 22, 2013, 02:37:38 PMAnd while I could see you being a human with this defence, this is also exactly the thing I would aspect a wolf or zombie to use in his defense, so I'll keep my vote on you.
so no matter what my defence is, youre keeping your vote on me???

I'm also rather conflicted about a Bubbles7689 lynch.  I'm not sure if she can be deemed as inactive simply for not posting much for two Phases.  The reason I suspected her last game was not solely due to inactivity (though, I'll admit that it was a factor), but because she gave me a suspicious feeling when I PMed her (her believing in my allegation that the Guardian was still alive, for example).  To be frank, I would prefer a MaestroUGC lynch over her, considering that he seemed to have given a copout bandwagon vote on me for no explained reason.  I'm not sure if he was in a rush or something of the like when making the post, but I would imagine he mention it if he were.

But anyhow, I'll be in the #TWGNSM chat until the Phase ends and vote in a bit.  BlackDragonSlayer, you should come!!!

Also, sorry for not posting a suspicion list yesterday!  I had a lot of tests today and fell asleep while studying yesterday.


I've thought about it for a bit and have decided to vote for MaestroUGC.  I'm more suspicious of him than Bubbles7689 at the moment, and Bubbles7689 doesn't seem to be anything but mundane (in the TWGing sense, not personally!) from the chat I had with her.  She doesn't even seem to care about dying, and if my past experiences hold true, Humans are much more inclined to 'giving up' than Wolves or other third party Roles.


   -->|   YOU (Mashi) have joined #TWGNSM
   =-=   ChanServ has changed the topic to "topicccc"
   =-=   Mode #TWGNSM +ntr-o Mashi by ChanServ
   -->|   BlackDragonSlayer ( has joined #TWGNSM
   BlackDragonSlayer   Quack quack Mashi.
   Mashi   Yaaay.
   Mashi   Ducks are cool.
   Mashi   omg
   Mashi   genius idea
   Mashi   i am going to make a game
   Mashi   with a duck role
   Mashi   blackdragonslayer thx
   Mashi   you are my inspiration
   Mashi   TWG: Duck, Duck, Goose
   Mashi   Yes
   Mashi   ANYWAY.
   Mashi   Suspicions???
   BlackDragonSlayer   I had an idea where the humans' powers are based off of their activity for the first Night and Day phases, and activitated Night 2.
   BlackDragonSlayer   And the wolves' powers are based off of how many humans have their powers activated.
   Mashi   How would you go about that?
   Mashi   Do you mean, they choose to activate a power?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Depending on how active people are, for example.
   Mashi   How would that be gauged?
   BlackDragonSlayer   They're assigned a role, for example, vigi, or miller, with an unactivated power; they're not told what until it's activated.
   Mashi   How will it be activated?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Depending on how "productive" they are, or active, during the first day and night phases, their power is either activated or left inactive.
   BlackDragonSlayer   For example, if you just go around posting pictures of stuff and not doing much else, your power will be left unactivated.
   BlackDragonSlayer   However, the more humans that have their powers activated, the more powerful the wolves become.
   Mashi   Hahaha.
   BlackDragonSlayer   It might work out; it would take a long time to balance, though.
   Mashi   Interesting idea, but I would imagine it difficult to choose whether to activate a power objectively.
   Mashi   Yeah, it's a good idea though.
   Mashi   It'll motivate people to actually participate!
   BlackDragonSlayer   Muhuhuhu.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Anyway, onto suspicions: For some reason, I feel wary of Maestro.
   Mashi   Yes, I concur.
   Mashi   I didn't like his random vote on me especially!!!
   BlackDragonSlayer   And Blueflower seems a bit suspicious, especially because he was just barely active enough (or so I thought) the first night...
   Mashi   Speaking of which, anyhow
   BlackDragonSlayer   If he were the totem guy, he could use the fact that no totem was posted to lie low.
   Mashi   Do you think the Totem Zombie is inactive or chose not to write a totem?
   Mashi   Oh, right, the Totem one was the Guy.
   Mashi   lol
   BlackDragonSlayer   It could be either; I'm guessing that he chose not to, though, since it wouldn't prove of much value at this point, when his main objective is to stay alive.
   Mashi   I keep thinking Zombie Guy, Grave Robber, and Totem Zombie.
   Mashi   I haven't really looked towards blueflower999 with much interest yet, to be honest, he's mostly neutral to me.
   Mashi   Thread rereading timeee.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Asides from those people, though, there don't seem to be too many suspicious folks yet.
   Mashi   It's Day 1, so it's understandable.
   BlackDragonSlayer   For some reason, I feel more conflicted than I usually do.
   BlackDragonSlayer   I think the last couple of games dulled my sense a bit when it came to suspicions:
   Mashi   That's good!
   BlackDragonSlayer   As Jekyll/Hyde, I had no reason to form suspicions, except to find Dr. Doom.
   Mashi   Remember my TWG Golden Rule???
   Mashi   The more confident you are, the more likely you're wrong!
   BlackDragonSlayer   As a wolf, obviously, all I had to do was try and cover for myself.
   BlackDragonSlayer   And, most recently, I died very early.
   BlackDragonSlayer   But you're right: especially in a game with 16 players, things might move very slowly at first.
   Mashi   Bird needs to show up already!!!
   BlackDragonSlayer   I generally find that chats are among the best ways to find out if people are wolves or not: maybe we should, on day 2, try to get as many people in here as possible.
   -->|   bubbles ( has joined #TWGNSM
   BlackDragonSlayer   Because they're spontaneous, and people are more likely to let something slip.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Quack quack bubbles.
   Mashi   Bubbles7689!!!
   bubbles   quack
   bubbles   Maestro just made my brain explode
   bubbles   hes got some hard puzzles
   Mashi   Hmm?
   bubbles   fiwrttyyu,yrbrnwdhrt.
   bubbles   and i decoded it
   bubbles   because im smart
   Mashi   Sounds boring!!!
   bubbles   Its been about 45 minutes
   Mashi   You could have been TWGing those 45 minutes!!!
   bubbles   D:
   bubbles   but PUZZLES
   Mashi   That's not a puzzle, that's a waste of time!
   Mashi   A puzzle isn't something that requires one to painstakingly think of various possibilities of some sort of scenario or circumstance.
   bubbles   Its using phoenetics though
   Mashi   The idea is the same.
   bubbles   so it says "If I were to try you, your brain would hurt"
   bubbles   apparently ::)
   BlackDragonSlayer   There were ducks in our pool earlier today; I think they were the same ones as last year.
   bubbles   What do you guys think of Thiannon putting spitllama in his "most suspicious" part of his suspicion list?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Not sure...
   BlackDragonSlayer   It doesn't seem "very legit" at first, but still...
   bubbles   I really dont see how you could properly analyze the players and make that mistake
   bubbles   just putting that out there, because apparently Im going to die
   BlackDragonSlayer   Poor bubbles. D:
   Mashi   If it means anything, I'm not very suspicious of you!
   bubbles   oh and mashi btw
   bubbles   Defense is with an s
   BlackDragonSlayer   Unless he didn't see that Spitllama died... or he COULD be a zombie...
   Mashi   In America.
   Mashi   Not Britain.
   bubbles   If he didnt see that spitllama died, then he didnt see the end of night 1
   bubbles   which means he hjad virtually no info to go on
   bubbles   official info that is
   BlackDragonSlayer   Or he could've just glanced over the post(s) rather quickly.
   bubbles   official meaning confirmed
   bubbles   I need to type better
   bubbles   In america?
   bubbles   But you live in america
   Mashi   Also, while we're correcting grammar mistakes.
   Mashi   "If I had to pick my top three, I would probably say TBWBW, Thiannon, and wolf/K-night, the latter two being just for inactivity reasons."
   Mashi   Former and latter are only ever used for two subjects.
   bubbles   that was an odd sentence
   bubbles   but you NEVER make a mistake
   bubbles   catching you is almost as rare as catching maestro!
   Mashi   Well, objects, in this case.
   Mashi   I maek mistakes all the time.
   Mashi   brb
   bubbles   where is everyone
   bubbles   there usually a party right before the end of a day phase
   BlackDragonSlayer   We can't stop here.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Poor Bloop has no views. D:
   BlackDragonSlayer   Somebody needs to arrange that.
   BlackDragonSlayer   I'm working on arranging THAT as part of a project... it's going to take a long time.
   BlackDragonSlayer   *personal project
   bubbles   dratini is 5 foot 11
   BlackDragonSlayer   To get some Heroes of Might and Magic music on this site!
   bubbles   how
   bubbles   thats scary
   BlackDragonSlayer   Dratini is a snake-like Pokemon... so...
   bubbles   Im sorry Im listening
   BlackDragonSlayer   Not really tiny, though.
   bubbles   well thats still huge
   BlackDragonSlayer   Somebody NEEDS to arrange that.
   bubbles   i would if i didnt suck at arranging
   BlackDragonSlayer   I know.
   BlackDragonSlayer   I would arrange it, if I didn't suck at arranging.
   BlackDragonSlayer   And that as well.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Always a good thing.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Simply amazing.
   BlackDragonSlayer   That was recent. Wow!
   BlackDragonSlayer   SHEET MUSIC!
   BlackDragonSlayer   Ermahgerd! Shreet mursic!
   BlackDragonSlayer   According to the "translator"
   BlackDragonSlayer   Bubbles?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Did I scare you off?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Mashi?
   bubbles   i here
   BlackDragonSlayer   Yaay.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Only two more videos:
   Mashi   Back.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Last one!
   Mashi   Are we going to discuss TWG???
   BlackDragonSlayer   I suppose, now that we're all here again.
   Mashi   So, suspicions???
   Mashi   psst bubbles
   bubbles   I cant tell if Im actually suspicious of TBWCW or his obscurity is just making me mad
   bubbles   and thiannon for reasons stated above
   BlackDragonSlayer   My "top 3 suspicious people": Maestro, Blueflower, Thiannon.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Not in any order.
   bubbles   Why blueflower?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Because his patterns of activity so-far mean that he might be the Totem Guy, or at least I think so.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Barely active enough, to the point where he could use the fact that he didn't send in a totem to his advantage.
   BlackDragonSlayer   At least, I saw it as "barely active enough."
   bubbles   I dont really understand the point of a totem
   BlackDragonSlayer   Yeah; that's why I said he might be able to use it to his advantage without sacrificing any valuable information.
   BlackDragonSlayer   Then again, if I were the totem, I could use it to hunt down the wolves.
   Mashi   How would you do that?
   BlackDragonSlayer   Find out who the wolves are, then post the names of, at most, two (since I don't want just the humans to win).
   BlackDragonSlayer   Craftily find out. Deduce.
   Mashi   This chat hasn't been particularly fruitful.
   bubbles   I know
   bubbles   I gotta go but Ill still be on nsm
   bubbles   byee
   bubbles   woah
   bubbles   Ill looks like lllllllll
   bubbles   llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
   |<--   bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
   BlackDragonSlayer   Goodbye now.
   |<--   BlackDragonSlayer has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)


Maestro isn't playing!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Anyway, Mashi/Bubbles are both kool w/ me
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Eek; you even included the videos! :o

Quote from: Bird on March 22, 2013, 08:43:28 PMMaestro isn't playing!
He's number 3 on the player list... though he's not very active. D:
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Bubbles got lynched, night phase ends tomorrow night at 10:00 PM PST, 1:00 AM EST.


Bubbles and spitllama, it would be appreciated if you could make death posts ASAP.