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Wolfz Gaim REVEUZ!!!

Started by Wolf, February 27, 2013, 07:29:40 AM

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What do you think of my first game review?

Good! Keep it going!
It had some flaws
The worst game review I've ever seen!
I don't know.


Before I talk about Nintendo Switch Online, I wanna talk about something I just heard. Called: Star Fox Grand Prix.
And yes, this is only a rumor for now, but since a lot of people talk about rumored stuff, I wanna talk about something I'm interested in.
And here is the link of the rumor

Wolfz Gaim REVEUZ!!! Short

   Star Fox Grand Prix (currently confirmed as)
 First off, I wanna talk about the title. Star Fox GRAND PRIX. Usually, you use this term for racing games like F-Zero or Mario kart. And Star Fox is a 3D spaceship shooter. So..... Is this a spinoff? I mean this wasn't the first time We've seen this. In Star Fox Command, one of the endings were "Fox retires from Star Fox and Falco tells him to mod their Arwings into a racing vehicle to enter the G-Zero grand prix". Of course obviously "G-Zero" is a parody of F-Zero. So this isn't the first time they actually mentioned a racing game in a Star Fox universe. And if this rumor is real, then I bet they got their idea from this part of the game. But it still bothers me that they're going to make a RACING GAME for a series that was all 3D SPACESHIP SHOOTING!!!(except Star Fox Adventures. But even this had little Arwing piloting) It's like if they made a F-Zero Bingo or Dance dance revolution fighting game.

 However, it's just the title. So maybe it has a multiple translation to it. Like the whole story is like a grand prix race or something. Well you shouldn't judge a book by its cover so I'm not gonna go too far about it. But Nintendo never played tricks with game titles so if this rumor is real, then I doubt it'll be a spaceship shooter.

 According to the rumor, this game is supposed to be the sequel to Star Fox Zero. And this bothers me as well. If you read my Starlink: Battle for Atlas review, you should know that I said Starlink is the sequel to Star Fox Zero, since it takes place after Andross died. And let me get this clear with first: That is just my thoughts. Nintendo didn't say anything about this game taking place right after Star Fox Zero or whatever. So I could be wrong. But it's not just me who thinks Starlink takes place after Star Fox Zero. But then if they're gonna make Star Fox Grand Prix the real sequel to Star Fox Zero, then where the fuck does Starlink go? Are they just gonna treat it as a spinoff??? Well probably since if the Star Fox storyline goes to Fox interacting with real people is weird. Fine. I can agree with that. Starlink shouldn't be a sequel to Star Fox Zero. Then should a RACING GAME be a sequel??? Well, as long as it has a storyline then fine. But just the fact that Nintendo is trying to make a racing game out of a franchise that was supposed to be a 3D shooter, then WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??????????????? It just blows my mind. And if it is just the title that sounds like a racing game, then it better have a REASON!

 But other than that, I am excited about it, since it's Star Fox. And of course even if it is just a racing game like Mario kart, I'll still buy it and play it. Cause that's what fans are. Even though it sounds weird, we still buy it. And play it. Just for the loyalty of it being a game based on a franchise that I love. So whatever it'll be, I'm ready. The only hope for me with this game is just PLEASE DON'T STAB US ON THE BACK LIKE YOU DID WITH STAR FOX Wii.

 Well that's all for this time. I just wanted to share my thoughts to a rumored game. Next time it'll be about Nintendo Switch Online.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


NES Online/Nintendo Switch Online service

   NES Online
 What can I say about something with a bunch of games that were already said by other people many years ago? I mean, there's not much to say about this. I'm just reviewing it just because it came with the Nintendo Switch Online service. But there are some things that I wish it had.
 First of all, there aren't many games to choose. Excluding the Special versions, there are only 29 games to choose. Sure they're adding more every once in a while, but it's a little slow for me. Also, I wish they could add other famous games like Castlevania, Contra, Super Mario Bros 2 and more. I know Castlevania and Contra has copyright issues since it was made by Konami(BTW little fun fact Konami also makes Yu-Gi-Oh cards as well. Damn you Konami for banning Dark Matter Dragon!!!), but c'mon have that issue solved and have some of these games too. And one last thing, I know it's NES but can you add SNES games too? or better yet N64 games? I know that's too greedy but at least SNES sounds possible. Cause there are some great classic SNES games as well. And for the online mode, I never played it. So I really have nothing to say about the online mode but if there's one reason why I never played it is because I wanna play NES games alone. If it was something like Bubble Bobble then I think an online 2 player mode could be awesome(as long as the internet connection is fine), but oh yeah! There is NO BUBBLE BOBBLE! So fuck that.

   Nintendo Switch Online service
 First of all, let me get this off my heart: DAMN YOU NINTENDO FOR MAKING US PAY TWICE THE INTERNET FEE!!! Okay, I'm done with that. I know these days a lot of people play PS4 or Xbox 1(well for NA standards. I know some play Nintendo games as well but admit it these days kids play either one of those), and even PC games affected the market. So I can understand Nintendo trying to make money in every way they can. So from a perspective like that, this is well... kind of acceptable? But it still doesn't change the fact that what was free 10 years ago... oh wait it's 2019. 11 years ago is now a part of DLC bullshit. And you know how much I hate DLC. Well if you wanna play nasty marketing shit like that, then at least improve something from 11 yers ago. Well actually I think it did get improved. If Super Smash Bros. Brawl could rarely connect anyone, at least Super Smash Bros. Ultimate connects you with someone. But comparing between never getting connected and getting connected but plays like shit, then I'd say it's just like selecting the shiniest of 2 turds.
 But other than that, there's just so many good games on the Nintendo Switch that requires this service to play with others. Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, well at least Fortnite doesn't need this service but that game has a perfect reason why it doesn't need it. I mean if it was like the 90s and online playability was a selectable option then it would be fine, but we live in 2019 and if we have to pay for something everyone does on their computer, then that is some serious problem. But on the defensive side, these online services cost a lot of money to manage, and previous online servers like the Wii are already gone because almost nobody played it. And I already mentioned Nintendo has gone to the minor market already because of all the PS and Xbox and PC games out there. So it's a mixed opinion for me. As a normal Nintendo fan it's fucked up, but on the other hand, there are some acceptable reasons for why they did it this way.

Well since I talked about something kind of DLC, I might as well talk about another thing close to being DLC: Amiibo. Sure it's not completely DLC since some buy it for collection(like me. And also I know it ain't a game), but it's main factor is DLC. Anyway more about it next time.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


   Amiibo/and the games that support it
 The first announcement of the Amiibo was umm... I think when SSB4 hit the scene. I don't know about you guys but for me, I like to collect stuff. I collect coins from all around the world(UK, Euro, Hong Kong, China, Japan, CAD, Korea, and best of all my 50 state quarter collection with all dominions), Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Legos, and games. And if there's one thing I find amusing are figures. They're mini versions of characters and if it's something I like, I get even more hyped up. So the feeling of someone whose favorite character just got a Nintendo OFFICIAL figure is something I don't have to explain. As soon as I heard the list of the 1st Amiibo wave, HOLY SHIT I SHIT MY PANTS!!! So as soon as it came out I bought it with no hesitation what so ever. But back then I didn't have a Wii-U, and neither did I have a 3DS. So for me it was just a collectible. And I wondered: when will they make Falco and the rest? But after that I lost interest in Nintendo for a while and played a heck ton of League of Legends. Of course I bought figures based on that as well. So after I got my interest in Nintendo again, I bought a Nintendo Switch. And turns out, the Switch also supports Amiibo. Then I remembered I bought an Amiibo. So I went to my room, dusted off my unboxed Fox Amiibo, and opened it 3 years after I bought it. BTW, the first game I used Amiibo was Super Mario Odyssey, and Uncle Amiibo saying " Oh that's Fox." was so cool. And I also found out they released Falco Amiibo too. Too bad it was Target exclusive at US and the Target I go was out of stock(Miami Target), I had to buy it from amazon. Fair price, but shitty delivery(after I watched Rocket Ralph 2 I thought maybe those Ralph viruses were the reason my amazon delivery was late?). And when I heard "EVERYONE IS HERE!" slogan, I had to think they're gonna make Wolf Amiibo too. But the first Amiibo announcement was Inkling and Ridley, no Wolf. I was disappointed but still I knew they were gonna make it at least some day later. If I only looked at Nintendo Facebook(ironically Nintendo announced Wolf Amiibo only on their Facebook page). When I saw that news I was like:

Hmm... The image doesn't seem to work but well my face was all hyped.

   Uses in games
 Well for example in Super Mario Odyssey, you can scan your Amiibo to Uncle Amiibo and get locations of power moons. Also if you scanned a certain Amiibo compatible to that game then you can get other goodies. In Super Mario Odyssey, you can get costumes. And in Star Fox Zero, if you scan Fox you can get a SNES Arwing that can't lock onto targets. If you scan Falco you can get a Black Arwing that is 3 times more powerful but has less armor. And the most complex use is the Super Smash Bros series. You can scan your Amiibo and that certain fighter will be a FP(Figure Player). It's just like a normal CPU, but the more it fights the more it gains experience and eventually it will level up. For SSBU standards(I think SSB4 is the same but I'm not sure) LV50 is the max level and it kicks 9LV CPUs ass. But other than that it's not too special. I'd say for a figure features like that are minor, and it's mostly for collection. And 14$ ain't that expensive so if you like a certain character and it has its own Amiibo, then buying these are cool. It's great for birthday presents too. If you buy Amiibo for its DLC function then good luck spending a lot of moola. But if you're like me then it's perfect.


Here's my collection! Fox, Falco, Wolf. And on the back are Gnar and Kindred from LOL.

And next review will be I guess anything. I am thinking about Ice Climbers but meh anything is fine.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


   Ice Climbers


 Alright, back to the classics. Recently I said that I tried the NES Online for the Nintendo Switch. And there was one game that I heard about but never played it. It was Ice Climbers. Surely nowadays everyone heard of the Ice Climbers thanks to Super Smash Bros. And to be honest, I think it was the Super Smash Bros series that made Ice Climbers famous. Because back then, it was nothing more than just being a classic NES game.

 Well, what can I say. It's like an arcade game. You just break ice blocks and reach the top of the mountain. And every level has a bonus area where you can collect vegetables to gain more points. And probably there's something else one the top of that too but I never made it. One thing about this game is the jumping. I think everyone can agree, this game has one of the most trickiest jumping controls. Unlike games like Super Mario Bros, you have to gain momentum to move yourself in the air. And jumping straight up won't get you far. So if you wanna master this game, getting used to the jumps is mandatory. But to my defense games like this should have tricky jumping. The game is all about jumping and making it to the top. So if you have jumping controls like Super Mario Bros in this game then it will be a lot more easier. And also, it adds more challenge to a simple game. Of course as you go the levels do become more hard but since the main aspect of this game is jumping, I'd say it's fair enough.


 If you like arcade games, and you never played this in your life, then it's fun to try. Especially if you haven't played it before, it's pretty fresh. But it can get boring since all you do is jump jump jump jump jump.

Well that's all for today. It's pretty hard to talk about a game so old and simple. Next review will be one of the racing games to celebrate Star Fox Grand Prix.(It's probably Mario Kart or F-Zero)
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Hi guys. If you watch my reviews (I don't think people come here anymore  :'() I just updated my Super Smash Bros Ultimate review. I updated the Online part so check it out!
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Actually I got a lot bored and played Castlevania 4, oh wait Super Castlevania 4. Gotta love Super Nintendo games with the title "Super". Before it was the "something" 64 age it was the half ass Super age back then. But this game does deserve the "Super" word.
 So here it is.

   Super Castlevania 4


 Castlevania this, Castlevania that. I already did a review of Castlevania and did Castlevania 2 as well. But the reason is because that's how much I like Castlevania! Excluding Star Fox, it's one of my top 3 favorite game franchise. And Super Castlevania 4 is known to be one of the best Castlevania games, I had to try it. Maybe it would have been better to review Castlevania 3 instead but after playing Star Fox and some other SNES games, I got attached to em.


 My god is it addicting. I don't remember if I said it back in my Castlevania review but if there's one thing I don't like about Castlevania is the controls and difficulty. And honestly, I think the difficulty comes from the controls. The jumping is a bit awkward and getting knocked back when you get hit is something I'll never adapt to. And some enemies come from the top. If you wanna kill it, you have to whip while you're in the air. But in Castlevania 4, I mean SUPER Castlevania 4, you can whip in 8 directions. Of course you still get knocked back and the jumping feels the same, but whipping in 8 directions alone makes the game more easier. Well you might want an extra challenge, but challenge should be based on the game itself, not the controls. Also, duck-walking is pretty handy too. And the whip twirling thingy is fun to use. And if not for reduced damage it would have been useful for attacking. Speaking of controls, thank god the item button is R instead of up+B(although I wish L worked as well since left-handed people can feel a little uncomfortable).


 Something else to talk about. I know comparing this game with games that were just released doesn't make a competition, but let me get this clear: It looked very impressive back in 1991. Especially the level with the 3D looking background. And the music? Well I don't need to talk about it. It has a shit ton of new soundtracks and a shit ton of the original trilogy themes arranged into 16 bit versions. Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears, Simon's Theme, and much more. Before they arranged a lot of Castlevania themes in SSBU, I'd say this game had the most arrangements from previous Castlevania games. And I listen to SSBU Castlevania themes everyday, so you can tell how much I like it.


 Very impressive graphics and music, very smooth controls, not too hard. One good way to sum this games pros. However, it lacks in storyline. I already mentioned about the Star Fox timeline and other games such as Legend of Zelda and Castlevania also have the same problem as well. Well if I quickly tell you about the timeline of the Castlevania series, is first starts with Castlevania 3 Draculas Curse->  Castlevania-> Castlevania 2 Simons Quest. And Super Castlevania 4 is a remake of Castlevania. Kind of like Star Fox 64 is a remake of Star Fox. And the next game Castlevania Dracula X is kind of its own storyline, so once again it kills it. Also, there are some other minor flaws I talked about up there but other than those, it's a great game. And I'd say, if you're new to Castlevania, then this and Castlevania Symphony of the Night are the first 2 games you should try out.

Well that's it for today. And next time I swear it'll be F-Zero.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic



  What can I say? Of all the racing games out there it's hard to talk about a specific game. I mean, it's just RACING. No more, no less. Super Mario Kart was out the same era, and ever since the Mario Kart series became a huge hit every game franchise is trying to make one. Excluding the minor racing games(stuff that's on app stores or Xbox you know, the indie games), Sega made one with Sonic and some other franchises of their own, Mario Kart added a lot of 3rd party(?) characters in future games, and even Star Fox is trying to make one(although this is not 100% confirmed yet). So the question for me is: What is it that people like about F-Zero? It's just a racing game. Honestly when I played it, it didn't feel a lot different than Super Mario Kart. People are still asking for a new F-Zero game every day even though we got something close to it: Mute City course on Mario Kart 8. But of course that ain't enough. So what IS the reason people worship this game? Well maybe if I played the other F-Zero games I might have got a clue but since the only F-Zero game I ever played was the SNES one I might as well find out about it by this one game.

   What Makes it different than the other racing games?

 I may have said that it feels a lot like Super Mario Kart, but if I go deeply, there are different things with each one. Mario Kart has items. And these items help you during your race. It can be something simple like a banana peel, or something deadly like a red shell. Of course for me I didn't have much trouble with item luck with Super Mario Kart but games like Mario Kart Wii require a lot of luck with racing. Even if you're a very skilled driver you could finish last place because a bunch of items gang on you(for instance, 1st place-> blue shell ->3rd place-> red shell-> 4th place-> another red shell-> 6th place-> bobomb-> 7th place-> POW block + Power Star-> 9th place-> Bullet Bill-> 11th place-> lightning-> everyone finished 3 laps= FUCKING BULLSHIT). Of course that doesn't mean the game requires no skill, but you're not gonna get good results all the time. And most of the time it will piss you off. Oh and you know what's more bullshit? In MKW, getting a 3 star ranking in Grand-Prix requires you to be in 1st place for a lot of time, get hit by a lot of blue shells, never fall, and don't use bullet bills. May I ask: ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS??? First off, racing games all matter about who gets first place at the very end. It doesn't matter if you were 1st place for the whole time but finished second because of one red shell. NO! It only matters if you finished first or not. So in a game where final results are primary, why do you need to stay 1st place for a long time??? And about the falling. Well if I do time trial I'd never fall. but if I'm playing with other people and they throw shit at me the odds of getting hit by a blue shell while you're airborne is not that small. This is why I think of Mario Kart games "luck games". Then what about F-Zero? "No items" for starters.
No iddly diddly jack shit. Just you and the course and the other players vehicles. Sure some say there's no fun without items. But that's exactly why I think MK and F-Zero are separated. MK is more of a family party game while F-Zero is more of a competitive skill-based game. But you might think: throwing items and dodging them are skills too. In a way that is true. But do you really have to be skilled with aiming while driving? For people who wanna fair challenge I'd say F-Zero is the perfect game. But if you wanna have fun with friends then MK isn't too bad. So there it is. The answer to my question. F-Zero is more fair with competitive gameplay while Mario Kart is more of a GLHF kind of game.

   F-Zero itself

 Like I said, it's a racing game. And because it's fair, it's pretty simple. Just finish the race 1st place without crashing or falling or running out of energy. And the way the vehicles slow down if you have less energy is realistic. And like I said, the challenge is not dodging items and finishing first no matter what crazy things you did. It's in the course itself. You have to know the course and dodge the obstacles. And if you happen to know any shortcuts, they're useful. And one other thing I wanna talk about F-Zero is the music. To this day Mute City is still my favorite F-Zero themes. Other than Mute City, there's Big Blue and a whole bunch of other soundtracks as well. Another proof that Nintendo makes good music.


 Well if you wanna fair challenge like me, then this is for you. But if you want some fun then try Super Mario Kart. Or MK8.

Ah... Another review finished. I've been playing a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT of SSBU so I think I might as well take a break for a week. I am envious to play Zelda 2 right now so probably that's what I'll review next.(or not. Or maybe something special since it's the 30th review. Either way I still have to review something :'( )
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


        Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild


 As a person who loved the original Legend of Zelda, This game came to my mind after I beat Super Mario Odyssey. For what I heard most people bought this or Super Mario Odyssey as their first Nintendo Switch game. So DAMN I gotta play it. And my brother thought the same as well since we both liked Star Fox Adventures. And I already mentioned that Star Fox Adventures is similar to the modern Legend of Zelda games. So this game is something we both would like to play.


 If there's anything I wanna talk about first is the timeline for this particular game. The Legend of Zelda games are well known for their overly confusing timeline. Then where does this game fit in? Well as the story goes, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild takes place 100 years after some incident done by Ganon. Well we had a game where Link travels through time but that was like 15 years different. So 100 years is a LONG time. I didn't play it long so I don't know much about the storyline(It'll be helpful if you guys tell me anything I know wrong), but for what I know Link was asleep for 100 years because he's the only hope for defeating Ganon and stopping whatever calamity he has done. So could this game be the latest timeline? You think so but Nintendo officially said that this game is just another separate timeline. Well actually, Nintendo said this with every Zelda game that didn't fit in. So meh... Let it be...


 (NOTE: I will be mentioning Star Fox Adventures a lot so get used to it)
 As I said, I bought this game because I wanna play something that feels like Star Fox Adventures. And it sure does kinda feel like it. The jumping is similar, how you can change weapons is similar to changing the types of attack, going up a wall is as slow as ass, and so on. So it really got me into it. And such a big world makes it fun to find hidden stuff like the master sword. Also, the graphics are breathtaking. I guess that's why it's called Legend of Zelda BREATH of the Wild. And those puzzles are fun to do. Except for those guardians. They can kiss my ass. But the thing about this game for me is, after playing for a while, I started to lose the feeling I got from playing Star Fox Adventures. Probably because I liked Star Fox Adventures as a Star Fox game rather than an adventure game(this can be proved by my hate against other adventure games like Maplestory). So nowadays I just watch my brother play it while I give him tips about Zelda games from the knowledge I got from playing other Zelda games. But if you're a Zelda fan, and you like adventure games, this is a great game to start with.

 Pros and Cons

 It's a HUGE game. There are a lot of things to do and lot of things to find. It's worth the money you payed. Even more than Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The storyline is well... Acceptable. The graphics are amazing and it'll take you hours of occupancy just finishing the main storyline. However, the map is too big going to one place to another itself can be a chore. Although you can teleport to a tower but you have to get there first. And some of the towers are reached by climbing the tall ladder(?) and unless you have a lot of stamina, it's gonna take a lot of trial and error. And one major mechanism I hate is the weapon system. If you use a single weapon for too long it will break. It is realistic I'll give them that, but it just bugs me that I have to carry a bunch of weapons with me. it's a waste of fucking space. Sure the master sword is infinite, but that also becomes unusable for a while just like any other weapon. And besides, you need to find the master sword first and it also requires 14 hearts(I think I may be wrong) so good luck getting it let alone finding it.


 It feels like Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. And a lot of people love that game so it has a pretty good reputation. And honestly, I only got disappointed with it because it didn't feel like Star Fox Adventures, if I threw that mind away I could have enjoyed it more. If you thought Super Mario Odyssey was a small game, then you're definitely gonna like this game.(although I thought Super Mario Odyssey was a big game as well)

 Next review is gonna be special. I'm gonna talk about game glitches.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


I like the review, but I have to disagree and say the game feels nothing like Ocarina of Time—to my mind it played the most like The Wind Waker (big open world feeling, emphasis on exploration) and Skyward Sword (stamina system).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


yeah i also disagree with the =oot thought
but I agree with your displeasures :^)


Quote from: SlowPokemon on March 04, 2019, 11:58:29 AMI like the review, but I have to disagree and say the game feels nothing like Ocarina of Time—to my mind it played the most like The Wind Waker (big open world feeling, emphasis on exploration) and Skyward Sword (stamina system).
You guys could be right since I haven't played wind waker and some of the other Zelda games. So me saying it feels like Ocarina of Time is a comparison from someone who only played a few Zelda games so I might be wrong :P
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Game Glitches

If you played games, there's one thing you saw at least once in your life: Glitches. If you never seen one before, it's like you've never been sick in your life. They can range from helpful glitches, to just flat out stupid annoying ones. And today, I would like to talk about game glitches I heard or seen.

Note: This review will be divided into 2 parts. Part 1 will be about Mario glitches.

 Super Mario Bros

Probably the most famous glitch of all time is the minus world(since the minus comes from X-1 it's more like dash world but the internet said so). At the end of world 1-2 if you break 2 blocks and bump yourself on the pipe while doing a ducking jump, you can go through the pipe and make it to the warp zone. And if you do this right before the "Welcome to the Warp Zone" appears the first and third pipe will lead you to world -1. This is just an infinite loop of the water level of 2-2(I think I may be wrong), but if it's the Japanese version it will take you to a whole new mysterious world.

 Super Mario Bros 2

This game doesn't really have crazy glitches. So this time, I wanna talk about a glitch that I experienced while playing this game. While I was beating Birdo in world 6-2, I was trying to throw a mushroom block at the little bastard. But somehow, I got the block stuck inside a rock! So after I beat the fucker I tried it again. And I got another one stuck! It is a stupid glitch but It happened to me while I was playing for real, and I also got a picture of the situation so might as well talk about this before I move on to the next glitch.

 Super Mario 64

I believe people do a speed run with this game. And one way you can beat this game early is by a glitch where you can enter the final battle against Bowser before you get 70 stars. Usually the path to the final battle (the endless stairs) should be endless if you don't have enough stars. But if you do a strange long jump(long jump and face backwards) Mario freaks out and it immediately brings you to the top of the endless stairs.

 Super Mario Odyssey

For starters, this is a recently released game. So I never thought there would be big glitches in this game, maybe just a few minor ones, but not something like the Jump Rope Glitch! The first time people saw the jump rope challenge, everyone's mind was "Is there any way to cheat this one out"? Because doing 100 jumps without any cheating involved itself is hard as shit. Before I even knew the existence of this glitch, my best record was 79. And that was an effort of jump roping for an hour straight. But I guess every game has big glitches. Because you can cheat this challenge. Because of all the updates and bug fixes there seems to be a lot of ways to trigger this glitch, but they all involve having Mario floating in mid air(standing on the alphabets also counts as floating). So I'm just gonna talk about the one I used to get 99999 points. Place 2 alphabets on the corner(A and M works best, but you can pretty much just use anything), then get yourself a scooter and accelerate to one of the alphabets. Then, you jump and hop off as soon as you jump and you can see the scooter stuck on the alphabet. Now possess the alphabet with the scooter attached and gently move to the other alphabet. If the alphabets are close to each other, possess the other alphabet, and move away. Now, you are out of bounds with the alphabet possessed with you. So take that to the jump rope challenge and BAM! Have fun waiting for about 20 hours.

 I think I told all the Mario game glitches. And when it comes to game glitches, there's tons of em. So, I might as well talk about the rest of them next time.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Game Glitches part 2

 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

One glitch I remember is the Super Jigglypuff Glitch. This glitch is done in the Bridge of Eldin, but it could be done in other stages like Spear Pillar or Green Hill Zone. Get a smash ball with Jigglypuff, and wait for the king bulblin to bomb the bridge. As soon as the bridge is about to be rebuild, get on the constructing part and use your final smash. If timed right, Jigglypuff will be giant! And if that's not it, have Yoshi use his neutral special on the giant Jigglypuff. It gets even MORE GIANT!!! Other than that, there's another glitch I like to call the infinite "Snake? Copy Snake. Snake??? SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!" glitch. Go to Shadow Moses Island stage with Snake. Break one of the walls and use your smash taunt. Now, just keep killing yourself and whoever was on the communications will yell "Snake? Copy Snake. Snake??? SNAKE!!!!!!!" for all eternity.

 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

For a new game, glitches found are continually being erased. So I might talk about glitches that used to work but don't now.
 The first glitch I'm gonna talk about is the infinite assist trophy glitch. You may know this glitch because it was a big shock when it was first discovered and even Nintendo officially mentioned that they fixed this glitch with patch update 2.0.0. But for the people who didn't know about this glitch, here you go. First off, you need 2...(shivers) Isabelles. And pick an assist trophy you wanna copy. Then, have both Isabelles use their fishing rods to grab the assist trophy. If timed correctly, one of them will spawn an infinite amount of assist trophies. So for those of you who wanted Waluigi so bad have like hundreds of him.(I'd do the same with Krystal;'()
 The other glitch I'm gonna talk about can be done with Villager in training mode on the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. In Mushroom Kingdom U, Nabbit appears. With Villager, grab Nabbit and do a down throw and pause at the same time. If done correctly, Nabbit will disappear. Now grab the enemy fighter(I recommend big fighters like Bowser, King K. Rool or Charizard) and that fighter will be stuck on Villager. It looks like Villager is wearing some kind of suit. And the enemy will be frozen like that. I have tried this glitch for like an hour but it didn't work for me. So I think Nintendo fixed this as well. So if you wanna see it then search it on youtube.

 Kirby's Adventure

This glitch is helpful for once, unlike the other crazy weird fucking shit I talked about. Sucking enemies and absorbing their powers is the main element of this game. But if you get hit once you lose it. Ever thought "Is there a way I can keep my powers?" Well there is! BTW you need to beat the stage that has whatever power up you wanna absorb. Go to the level with the power up, then suck it to absorb its powers. Now, press start and select at the same time, and leave the level. Now you will keep whatever power you had until you die or press select. For me I use the UFO ability. But that only gets you so far. So make your pick and have fun!

 Legend of Zelda

Another helpful glitch as well, although this one isn't as big. On level 1, as soonn as you enter the dungeon, leave right away, then come back in. The door that was locked will now be open! Just a neat trick you can use to save 1 key. And like I said: nothing too big about it.

 Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Speaking of Zelda games, here's another one. And it's also helpful. And if you played this game then you might already know about it since it's pretty handy. If you shoot an arrow at the torch(or it could be a grill but you guys probably know better than I do) doing a strange pose it'll spawn 5 more arrows. Do this shit for half an hour and there you go! 999 arrows to use!

 Starlink: Battle for Atlas

I already talked about me getting stuck in a fucking rock in this game back in my Starlink review. But it's the only glitch that I saw live, the only one to record it, and the only one that wasn't intentional. So for those of you who haven't seen it, here you go.

And that wraps up the whole game glitch fest. I was gonna review Ghosts n Goblins but since I can't get past the red devil I might as well review Galaxy on fire 2(although I will be talking about Galaxy on fire 1 and the shitty Galaxy on fire Manticore but mostly 2).
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


I remember that freaking jigglypuff glitch


   Galaxy on fire 2


Ah yes, another spaceship shooter. But unlike most of them, this one is more of an adventure style spaceship shooter game. And as already mentioned in my Starlink: Battle for Atlas review, both games are similar. But Galaxy on fire 2 surpasses Starlink in almost every way.


Before I talk about the main storyline, you have to know there are 4 races. Terran, Vossk, Nivelian, and Midorian. And Terrans are friendly to Nivelians but are rivals against Vossk, Nivelians are rivals against Midorians.
The story is mainly divided into 3 parts.
NOTE: Valkyrie and Supernova are only available through DLC.

1: The original campaign
Keith T. Maxwell(the main character and the character you control throughout the entire game) accidentally travels through time and ends up 40 years after where he left off. He learns that while he was missing, an unknown race called the Void have been invading the entire galaxy. So Keith goes to Deep Science(a science research facility) to learn about the Voids and find out how to stop them from invading. And well basically it becomes a happy ending.

2: Valkyrie
Keith receives a call from Cornelius Tenner who tells him that his boss wants to hire Keith to do some of her missions. Also, Deep Science contacts Keith to help them on their new ships. But turns out the boss, Alice Paolini wants the technology of the ships made by deep Science. So a dogfight happens in Deep Science and Alice ends up in the middle of the Void world.

3: Supernova
A supernova happened at Ginoya system, a Midorian territory. So Keith and the Deep Science crew once again try to fix the problem. But there are unknown ships attacking the area as well as other places(including Kaamo, a DLC which is basically your own space station). Turns out, the Nivelians were the cause of the supernova(to be exact the Black Guard were) and so Keith helps stopping the supernova and kills the leader of the Black Guard, Trunt Harval.

NOTE: If you wanna know the whole story then you might as well play Galaxy on fire 1,2, and 3.

So with a big and great storyline like this, there's no cons about it. It's just simply awesome! When it comes to game storylines, we can conclude that Germans are more better than Japanese. And I hardly suggest playing the whole trilogy.(although Galaxy on fire 3 sucks)


You mostly fly around, but sometimes you can go to space stations and buy stuff, get missions to earn credits. Once you do all the main campaign you might think there's nothing left. But you can do freelance missions and buy whatever you like. For me, I like to collect shit. I collect ships, weapons, equipment, and even commodities. But to explain it better, I'll go deeper with everything.


If you're like me, then Vossks and Midorians can be enemies, but pirates are your most primary enemies you can encounter. They're not that strong, and some drop things. If you use a tractor beam to collect whatever loot they shit out, you can keep it. It's finders keepers in fucking space! And some can drop expensive things so later on this will be your primary means of earning credits.

The first method of earning credits that you learn. All you need is a drill and a scanner and you're all set! Of course better equipment make it easier to mine(this is the same with everything else) but even the cheapest drill can make a few hundred credits per astroid. But it is hard to steer the drill and can take time to get used to it.

These are what they are literally called: Jumpgates. If you get on one, you can travel to the nearest system. But once you get a hyperdrive you won't be using this much.


Here you can buy, sell, equip, and build stuff.

everything here is divided into Ships, Primary weapons, Secondary weapons, Turrets, Equipment, and Commodities. Ships are... Well... Ships! If you don't have one, you can't leave. But of course the game gives you one for free(by taking away your 2 million credit Phantom and giving you a 15000 credit Betty) so you don't have to worry about being "shipless". And Primary weapons are your main weapons. They are unlimited ammunition. Even machine guns have infinite ammo :P. Speaking of machine guns, there are a variety of weapons to choose from so find one you like! And when you pick a ship, this is the primary condition you have to check. 4 Primary weapon slots is necessary. Secondary weapons are like missiles. These have limited ammo depending on how many of the same weapon you bought. Also, there are missiles, nukes, rockets, mines, and turret guns. Turrets are kind of rare. Not that the turrets themselves are rare but the situation of equipping a turret is rare. Not many ships in this game have slots for turrets, and as you get stronger, turret damage is nothing. Equipment... Now when it comes to equipment there's way too many things. There's drills, scanners, shields, armor, boosters, thrusters, tractor beams, cargo spacers... And so on. All I can say is, there's plenty of things to find and it's best if you played the game yourself and check them all out. And last the Commodities. These are practically useless unless you're doing a mission or if you're building something with blueprints. So when it comes to selling, these are your 99% export items. And some of them are expensive like rare plants, implants, and the most famous Vossk organs. Especially with Vossk organs, these things cost 25000 EACH! You can buy a Betty and still you have 10000 left. If you killed a pirate and he drops this, it's your lucky day.

You can find people who sell blueprints in the space lounge. And if you find one, I'd recommend buying it. Even if you don't have enough credits just remember where they were. Because they don't change locations. These blueprints range from Weapons to Shields. But basically, the stuff made from these blueprints are the best ones of their own kind. So it's best to build these and equip them. Like I already mentioned, you use Commodities as material, but sometimes it can need weapons and other equipment. But no blueprint requires ships so don't you worry.

 Space Lounge
This is the main hub for freelance missions. And they sure have a heck ton of them.  Also, as I mentioned already, some sell blueprints, or just something. But the price could be cheap, or expensive. So you have to go to a lot of places to learn the price range of a particular item.


Junk Removal
Clear out all the junk. It's pretty self explanatory. Sometimes pirates can come out and bother you but just kill those fuckers.

Escort freighters. Another self explanatory mission. But these can take about 2~7 minutes depending on when the pirates show up. And I like to do missions that end quickly so if you're like me than I don't recommend it.

The opposite concept of Escort. Now you ARE like the pirates who intercepted your escort freighters. And just what a pirate would be like, your loyalty will decrease but if you're like me(gaining full loyalty to one side and doing their missions only) then it doesn't matter. Just kill those damn Vossks.

Just kill some asshole who happens to have a bounty on his head. Probably one of the... No, the EASIEST mission(except for Purchase but that depends on what you have or what the current space station has).

Kill all pirates on sight. It's similar to Wanted, but just a little more pirates thats all.

Another similar mission to Wanted, just kill every pirate on site. The minor difference is that in this mission, you're also protecting miners. Another easy mission.

Kill more pirates than the other challenger. Again, if you're strong enough, this is pretty simple. But it can get longer depending on the wage. But still, it's fun to get a score of 7:0 and just laugh at the opponents face. HAHUHAHAHUHAHAHUHA!!!

Just have whatever the buyer wants. If you accept the mission WITH the item then it will be done as soon as you accept. This is the reason why it's the EASIEST and FASTEST mission. But it depends on your cargo.

Stolen Files
Similar to Purchase, the NPC will tell you that a sensitive file has been stolen and is now in a particular system. This mission requires a lot of luck because you might find this file right away, or you might search everywhere until you realize the last planet had it. Trust me, if this happens, it pisses you off. So I don't really recommend it but if you wanna window shop then it's kind of ok? Also, you can buy the file(or Documents) and quit the mission and you can KEEP the file. So if you're setting up a huge collection in Kaamo then this is worth collecting.

Deliver a random amount of cargo to another planet. If you have a lot of space, it's pretty easy. They don't explode so just hyperdrive to your destination and you're all set!

Similar to Courier, instead of cargo you're transporting PEOPLE! But they don't fit inside your cargo space NO!!! Instead you need CABINS. And these are equipment so equipping these aren't efficient and carrying them and equip whenever executing this mission is not pleasant. A highly recommended TO REJECT mission. Seriously, it sucks.

Well I saved the most complicated for last. First of all, you need an EMP weapon to do this mission. Also, you need good scanners as well. Now, what you wanna do is find the INFORMER. If you scan a pack of pirates, on of them will be this informer. Whatever you do, DON'T KILL THIS GUY! The second that bastard bites to dust the mission fails. You need to use your EMP on him, and steal his cargo. Once you do that, now you're free to kill. And just send the retrieved goods and done. It's a pretty complicated mission and if there's like 7 pirates out there it's also hard to find the informer. But once you know how it's done... It's STILL FUCKING ANNOYING! But not AS annoying as the Passenger mission so if you can do it, then I recommend it.

 Kaamo/Kaamo Club

 Ah yes. The first DLC I ever bought. Now I know all these years I hated the idea of DLC but that doesn't mean I don't buy it. It's just that I hate the concept of it, but still buy it cause I need it. Anyway, this DLC gives you a space station of your own! There's nothing in the shop but that's because it's NOT a shop. If you look closely it's called a STORE, which means that you can STORE things you got. And the most fascinating feature is the ability to store SHIPS! That's right, you can own more than 1 ship with this thing. And for collectors like me, this is some major shit I need. Oh and 1 thing about this DLC is that you can buy it with in-game credits. But it costs 50,000,000 credits+50 Buskat(this is a rare commodity)! WTF! If you're gonna play nasty shit like that I'd rather just buy it jeez. They just wanted that extra dollar.
 You might be wondering, if the shop is replaced with a store, then what does the space lounge do? The space lounge is now a black market with guys who upgrade your ship or guys who sell high technology weapons, equipment, and ships. But they're not gonna get away with this that easily. The prices are DOUBLE. But if you happened to buy the Kaamo Club membership then it gives you a discount. WOW! SO where can I get this membership? Why of course DLC......... MY...FUCKING...GOD!!!!!!! First of all, I don't know why I'm getting charged the extra fee! It's MY FUCKING SPACE STATION! If you're gonna do that to the land owner then I'd kick them all out! It's MY PLACE GOD DAMN IT! GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY!!!!


For a NON Nintendo game it sure has some magnificent music! If you go to their site you can download it so if you're interested check it out!

It has some impressive graphics(at least for HD standards) and music. The storyline is well done and as with Starlink, the voice actors did a good job, although for voice acting I'd admit Starlink is better. The map is big, there are a lot of things to explore, and overall if not for the overly expensive price and DLC this would have been rated one of the best games the app store had.

As already mentioned, with all the DLC bullshit its overly expensive. And once you did everything, the freelance missions can get boring. Even for me if not for collecting literally everything I'd be bored as well.

Phew, that was a mouthful. I finally got past the red devil in Ghosts'n Goblins so dat'l do.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic