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Wolfz Gaim REVEUZ!!!

Started by Wolf, February 27, 2013, 07:29:40 AM

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What do you think of my first game review?

Good! Keep it going!
It had some flaws
The worst game review I've ever seen!
I don't know.


Summary of the above review of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest:

"This game is, and that's ok."
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



But that's one way to explain games in a nutshell.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Well I haven't been playing games for a while and decided to do dis: a whole Mario game marathon. So basically ima gonna review every Mario game I played. So each one of em is going to be short.

Super Mario Bros (classic LOL)
It's just an average side scroller, nonono actually it's almost like the first sidescroller (with the exception of Atari) so it was pretty amazing at the time and it's still a good memory. it's the kind of game where you pick it up at anytime and it's sure to make you happy. But the sad thing is that I never beat this game. I just can't get passed 8-2. Probably because I use warp zones and skip all the hard shit. But anyway, in conclusion: I never beat it, but it's still fun to play at any day.

Super Mario Bros 2
I have to say this game has a variety of reviews cause some people love it and some people don't. Mostly the "like it" guys like it because of it's uniqueness. None of the Mario Bros trilogy ever had veggie throwing and toadstool hovering and toad being able to play. But the "this game is a bucket of balls!!!" guys are like that because they hated the fact that it doesn't look like a Mario game at the time and the fact that there was an original Mario 2 which looked way more like a Mario game. And the fact that NA Super mario Bros 2 was a copy of doki doki panic made them get pissed off some moar. For me, it has a balance. it's unique and fun to play cause you don't know whats gonna happen. But showing that it doesn't look like a Mario game and it's a copy of another game. But I'd play it any day and try to beat it. YES I never beat this game either. So fun to play at anytime, but still to this day pisses people.

This one was the largest one out of the 3 trilogies. And was the radest of all. About 9 million copies were sold. And Michael Jacksons Albums were sold a little bit more than that so you can see the SMB3 impact. When I first played it, I was like: DAM!!!!!!! It feels like a Mario game, and it has unique gameplay! It literally mixed SMB's Mario game feelingness and SMB2's uniqueness. It has power ups u can save and use whenever you feel like it, there's 8 worlds and each has like a different environment, It's got mini games that give you 1ups (or "extra guys" :P) just WOW. And probably SMB3 had the most easter eggs. Say if your playing an online game or whatever and ur bored with it, then put in SMB3 and give it a go. It just nails it. It's the game that all generations can find it fun and exciting. It's necessary to have at least one copy of this game. Or at least in your emulater. And I didn't beat this one too BTW :P
So bottomline, it's one of the best games I've ever played.

Super Mario Galaxy
I'm not sure if I already reviewed this one but just in case i'll do it again. Super Mario Galaxy is the game that made me know video game soundtracks are fuking awesome and Buoy Base Galaxy theme is the one that made me find this website. And Buoy Base was the first video game music I ever played on the piano and encouraged me to arrange them myself (thank you olimar12345) So basically this game made me go allllllllll~~~~~~ the way here. And now i'm getting ready to be a video game composer. So it's like my friendship game. Without it, I am never to be here. But other than that, I liked the 3D style gaming and all the variety of stages to play. And yes as a NSM member I have to mention the MUSIC is fuking mozart! And the storyline was awesome. We even got a new character Roselina or something (fuk the spelling) And she has been in a lot of recent Mario games and even made it to SSB4 which was stupid but whatever. I really have nothing to say, this is one of the best games ever. It's a recommended #1. But I don't think all generations can enjoy it though.

Mario's Time Machine
Here's how my routine was: Played the game, Wondered htf ( how the fuk) do you win in this game, shut it off 5 min later. It's just so stupid. I really don't know what i'm supposed to do. At first I thought it be like turtles in time but no it's nothing like that. But I do have to say that concept of getting objects and placing them at the right time period is a pretty interesting concept but the gameplay itself is just so horrible it failed. Moving on.

Actually that's all the major Mario games I've played. The minors would be Mario & sonic games, SSB, and more but anyway, here you go. A whole Mario Marathon. Kinda sweet that they both start with M. Anyway dats it now let me rest.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Blue and I were wondering, would you write more reviews? Your reviews are so much fun to read.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


You should do more reviews, they are hilarious. And at the same time really dumb. Yet still substantial. Good. Yes.
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Hi guys! A VEEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYY long time since I visited ninsheet. I think my last time visiting was like 3 years ago and for studying reasons. I had to study hard to go to college and now that I made it to flight school, I'M FREEEEEEEEEE!!! And yes I have been playing games while studying cause all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. And while playing, I felt like I have to criticize the shit factors of the games I've been playing and the only place to do that is here. And I see there are people who liked my posts. So here it is.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Back story
As a Spaceship shooter game fan, I liked games such as Galaxy on fire series, Star Wars/Trek games, and of course, Star Fox. You can tell by my name and profile pic. Especially with Star Fox, I am a huge fan, I have every single Star Fox games, merch, and amiibos(I waited in line to get Wolf amiibo). And because Star Fox Zero pissed me off, I wanted another Star Fox game. Oh and I have so much to talk about Star Fox Zero and the entire Star Fox series and the timeline but i'll save it for later. Cause today i'm focusing on the Star Fox crossover game, Starlink: Battle for Atlas. When it was first announced on the Nintendo direct, nobody gave a shit about this game other than being just "your average spaceship shooter game for your Switch". Even with some elements like that I'd rather buy the Galaxy on fire series on my iphone or ipad. Hell, Galaxy on Fire 3 is on the Nintendo Switch e shop so damn who gives a shit??? But I guess Miyamoto liked the game and thought "you know, that game would be better if Star Fox was in it. I'll give you guys permission to put Star Fox characters." So in the next direct, when every Star Fox fan looked at Starlink, it became a whole new game for us.

Some Other Guy on Youtube: OH MY GOD I AM SOOOOOOOO BUYING THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!
Some other OTHER Guy on Youtube: YES!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE GAME I WAS WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!

But personally for me I was also excited about the Arwing model that is compatible to the game. It would look good next to my Fox amiibo. And I put an alarm on my phone at October 16. This is how much I was... no, everyone was hyped about this game. Of course I also thought "why not just a brand new Star Fox game?" But better than getting nothing so I was like "Meh, why not?" And so after buying it on amazon(I live in Japan now and none of the stores had this game) I finally got to play the game and display the Arwing model.

Oh BTW, I will be mentioning Galaxy on fire a lot so please don't mind :)

First off, to sum Starlink in a nutshell, it would be: Star Fox characters + Galaxy on fire overall gameplay + EVE online reality. And for people who don't know the Galaxy on Fire series, it's an space open world game with quests to do, guys to kill and steal their stuff, and make things and upgrade my ship. It's just an average space open world game with very impressive graphics for a Switch, but a little unrelated storylines between Star Fox and Starlink, ship and weapon systems, and a whole minor things are a bummer. But if your a Star Fox fan, and you like collecting models, then this is for you. How it was for me. And other than the model itself, the game isn't too bad. You can build things and gather people to your team, have them fight, explore. And it has it's own clock so enemies will reappear.

Like I already mentioned, the graphics are amazing. and it sure beats Galaxy on fire. And the voice actors did a good job too. And for the Star Fox missions, I like how it's focused on Wolf(my idol) instead of Andross. There are a lot of things wrapped up about Wolf(me) and if Nintendo keeps this kind of phase, I'd say seeing "Star Wolf"(a game I thought of where the main character is Wolf O'Donnell and the story takes place when Wolf was about Fox's age)isn't so far ahead.

 The first thing I wanna point out are the controls. The L stick controls the ship. But the right one controls the ship going either left or right on the screen. And the R stick is better for going left or right because it steers faster, but then how am I supposed to press the B,A,X,Y buttons? At least the fire button is L n R but the other buttons are boost, barrel roll, and shield, which are also important as well. So for an average spaceship shooting game, you really have to move your fingers fast as if your playing smash bros. Next is warping. To go to one planet to another, you have to hyperdrive. And when I first saw this on youtube I got so freaked out! Maybe it's because I am used to Galaxy on fire, where warping to another planet is simply scanning the planet I want to go and wait for like 2 seconds(1 or less if you have better scanners) and press F to go. but seeing 54.000Km on a planet I was like: you have to wait all that??? This is some EVE online shit! But thankfully it's shorter than I thought. But the thing that annoys me is the outlaw hyperspace trap. while your warping, there are pink gates with holes. You simply have to go through the not pink spots. But while warping, the handling decreases, and if you get caught, pirates will come out and beat the shit out of you until either you give them a Cornerian fuck you-fist or you run away. I would like break times like warping to be peaceful so that I can take a sip of my coke or eat some fries but those damn toll gates ban you from AFKing(more like AFCing). I mean it's nice they tried to occupy players but it's just annoying as hell. And lastly the weapons. First of all, why the hell are there cool times on a ship firepower. It's like I shoot someone 3 times and I gotta wait for it to cool down. By the time it cools back, I lost the enemy on my sight. Also, there are 3 types of weapons. Fire, Ice, and Gravity. These are the main elements for weapons as some objects won't break unless you use a certain type of weapon. That's fine with me. Then at least give me one of each from the start!!! I know games these days have DLC bullshit, but not on something that you need primarily!!!!!!!! Well the idea of Starlink is "toys to life" where kids would but toys and link them to the game. But not to people like me who only bought this game to play Star Fox and not give any Gravity type weapons in the Star Fox Starter pack. This is fucking bullshit!!! At least it doesn't bother the main campaign, but I'll have 33% space junk I can't open floating in space. Well that's what I think the main problem with this game was: It got SO MUCH PUSHED BY STAR FOX. If Star Fox wasn't in it, i'm sure people wouldn't have bought it, but having Star Fox makes it depend on it and ruins it's purpose.

Overall, it was a game that hyped many people, but lost interest quickly because of bad marketing. Because there was a similar situation to this: Star Fox Adventures. But I might as well get to that when I do the whole Star Fox series review.

Here's a video of me getting stuck inside a fucking rock in Starlink. And yes, that is my voice.
(update) Mary krismas! I really don't know why we celebrate a birthday of some guy who isn't even scientifically proved to have been existed but whatever we rest everyone wins.

Next review will be........ hmm... There's SOOOOOOOO much to review. Gotta talk shit about SSBU, and the whole Star Fox series, Overwatch, and much moar!!! So in order to link with Starlink(lol that rhymes XD), might as well do the entire Star Fox series.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Since I have a lot of time and a lot of things to say, might as well do this review and finish the whole Star Fox marathon :P. Oh and I would like your feedback guys :).

  Star Fox Timeline/Star Fox Marathon

   Star Fox Timeline

 Like I said, Star Fox is my favorite game franchise. I already said it so many times I don't need to remind it. And I mentioned before the only Star Fox game I ever played was Star Fox Adventures. But now that I have played every single Star Fox game,(even Star Fox 2) I can 
go on with this marathon.
 But before I talk about the games, I want to talk about something else, the timeline of the Star Fox series. First off, the Star Fox games were released in the order of Star Fox, Star Fox 2(unofficially), Star Fox 64, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault, Star Fox Command, (Star Fox 64 3D), Star Fox Zero, (Starlink: Battle for Atlas). It all started with simply being Star Fox-> Star Fox 2. Then what about Star Fox 64? Did we skip Star Fox 3 to Star Fox 63? Even if it was, it isn't a sequel to Star Fox 2, but more of a remake of Star Fox. But back then, Star Fox 64 showed some impressive gameplay so nobody cared. Then came Star Fox Adventures. This game is known to be very different than any other Star Fox game. And It's true. But that story goes later. Anyway, this game takes place 3 years after Star Fox 64, making it a sequel to a remake. Then came Star Fox Assault. Again, a direct sequel to Star Fox Adventures. Then Star Fox Command. Note that this game has 9 multiple endings depending on your route. So a game franchise that had only one ending broke its own rules and came up with '''9''' fucking endings. At this point, people were wondering: which one is the real ending??? Most people hope the ending where Fox retires and his son leads the team would be the true ending since it's one of the happy endings. But for me, even if it WAS the real ending, I'd rather prefer most of the original Star Fox members staying instead of 3 out of 4 being new. So people were waiting for Nintendo to make a sequel to Star Fox Command, which of course never came out. But Nintendo DID plan to make a Star Fox game on the Nintendo Wii that takes place after the Anglar war(Star Fox Command timeline). It was supposed to be called Star Fox Battle for Corneria.(yes, it does sound a lot like Starlink: Battle for Atlas but i'm sure it's just a coincidence. Besides, it was just a rumor anyway)But it got canceled. And years after, Nintendo announced that they were using the file of that game to make a Star Fox game for the Wii-U. At this point, I didn't even hope since Nintendo already gave my hopes and dreams a big middle finger. But in 2015, I saw E3 and HOLY SHIT did I shit my pants! My dreams came true!!! I remember having dreams about the new Star Fox game only to wake up and be pissed off that it was just a dream. And when the game came out, I was ready to spend 60$ and kill off some brain cells with video games. And I did kill some brain cells, but by another way... It was another FUCKING GOD DAMN REMAKE OF STAR FOX 64 WHICH WAS ALSO A REMAKE OF STAR FOX!!!!!!!!!! So what we got was a remake of a remake. What happened to "We are using files of the canceled Star Fox game for the Wii to make a better game for the Wii-U"??? I guess "files" meant engine of the game. I mean from the cover I wondered: I thought Peppy retired? Why is he on the front cover? And where is Krystal? I should have known. And in my Starlink review, I mentioned that the Star Fox campaign is about chasing Wolf. Well guess why: because Andross is dead! Which means Starlink takes place after Star Fox Zero! So to conclude the timeline it would be:

 Star Fox-> Star Fox 2->REWIND
 Star Fox 64-> Star Fox Adventures-> Star Fox Assault-> Star Fox Command->REWIND
 Star Fox Zero-> Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Well I know there are a lot of games that don't have straight timelines but at least TRY making it straight!!! It's as if Nintendo knows they fucked up with the previous storyline so they just make a remake. It just shows Nintendo is lazy with timelines. Legend of Zelda, Castlevenia(It's a Konami game but anything related to Nintendo is bound to be messed up with timelines) also share a similar issue.
 So bottom line, please be more careful with timelines.

  Star Fox Marathon

   Star Fox

 Back story
For a game that was first released, it was the fourth Star Fox game I played. I got my first touch on the emulator, then I was able to get a SNES(since it's Japan, Super Famicom) and a copy of a Japanese version of Star Fox. And later get a mini SNES which had Star Fox 2 as well.

Well it's a 3D spaceship shooter. Nothing more to say. The polygon graphics is something I couldn't get used to for a while, but back then, that was awesome! Back in 1991, something that looks 3D is a revolution! And to prove it, it was the first SNES game to utilize the FX chip, which made games capable of this 3D environment. But of course technology has its limits. All the 3D effects make the game a bit slow and honestly I can't see my projectiles. Maybe because I'm more used to modern games but still a great classic hit.

Nothing really to say with a game that has such a long history. It was released in 1991. It's 2019 soon and that's almost 28 years. Back in it's time, it was considered to be one of the BEST SNES games so that alone explains how good it was. And games can become "old school"(or I like to call "classic"). So I really can't say any pros or cons by comparing games that were just released.

A very classic game. Worth playing at least once in your lifetime.

   Star Fox 2

 Back story
I have played the game on the emulator before I bought the mini SNES, and I didn't expect this game to be released officially. Well it did. So when it got released, I HAD to try it(keyboards hurt my fingers  :'()

I could see how successful this game could have been if it was released back then. It sure has a twist comparing to its prequel. Instead of Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy, you can choose 2 characters. And they also added 2 new characters. Miyu, a Lynx, and Fay, a Poodle. And it has a RPG style map but the main gameplay is 3D spaceship shooting. And you can also see where Nintendo got the idea of the Walker from Star Fox Zero.

Again, this wasn't officially released(at least when it was first announced). So again I really can't say much. But if there's one thing I want to point out is the map system. I already mentioned it's a RPG style map. But personally I don't like RPGs. And mixing it with a 3D space shooter game isn't bread and butter.

If you played Star Fox before, then I suggest you play this one as well. Not only it links Star Fox, but the same feeling of Star Fox + new things = worth checking out!

   Star Fox 64

 Back story
Before I bought a Nintendo 64, my option was the Virtual console on the Wii. Thank GOD Nintendo at least put something good in that thing. That's how I played it.

If Star Fox was a primitive ancestor of 3D spaceship shooter games, then this game is its successful descent. The graphics are WAY more appealing and the overall gameplay feels like a modern 3D spaceship shooter game. Not to mention the voices. Instead of the "der debb deb. Der du de dubb!", we get "Star Fox, move out!". Of course there were games before that had voices(especially NES GHOSTBUSTERS)
, but this time it sounds like actual voices! And the gameplay? Just the criteria of 3D spaceship shooters.  Nothing more to be said to a hit N64 game.

Nothing. If I compare it with something like Galaxy on Fire 2 then it has a shit ton of flaws but it was just perfect for its time.

There's a reason why this game was on the virtual console. A HIGH RECOMMEND GAME!

   Star Fox Adventures

 Back story
This time, it's literally a BACK STORY. First off, this game wasn't intended to be a Star Fox game. You can tell by the company who made this game: Rare. Yes, THAT Rare. The Rare that made DONKEY KONG COUNTRY SERIES AND KILLER INSTINCT.(they made more but don't remember) And the fact that you can see files of a game called "Dinosaur Planet". And the fact that it looks just like Star Fox Adventures. Yes, this game was originally planned to be a game called "Dinosaur Planet". Which had nothing to do with the Star Fox series. But Miyamoto took a look and thought: Hmm... Those characters remind me of Fox. I'll give you permission to make this game into a Star Fox game. And then it became the game we know. Which is the reason why this game is very different than the other Star Fox games we know.

Well to sum this up, it's best to call it "Star Fox Ocarina of Time". Technically it's NOT made by Nintendo, only licensed. But There are a lot of things the two of em have in common. For instance, it's a 3D adventure game just like Zelda, when you figure out something it will play the na~na~na~noo~nu~nu~nu~na~~~! tune from Zelda, And a lot of other elements. Also, a lot of people who like the Legend of Zelda series tend to like this game as well. Oh and while playing Breath of the Wild lately, I realized a lot of things similar to Star Fox Adventures too. That's how much it feels. So the best way to say about the gameplay is: It's like playing Ocarina of Time, but with Fox instead of link, And Krystal instead of Zelda.

This is a game that got a lot of mixed opinion, since people who like adventure games loved it, and people who expected something the original Star Fox series had been doing tend to hate it. So to put it simple, it's nice to try something new and it pleased other targets(by means adventure game lovers), but it didn't please the original fans.

If you hate adventure games like Legend of Zelda, then I sure think you wouldn't enjoy this. But if you do, or if you don't care, then it's a fun game to try out. Note that this game was the 8th best selling game at the time, with SSBM being 1st, Super Mario Sunshine being 2nd, and Luigi's Mansion being 5th.

   Star Fox Assault

 Back story
Even though I knew that this game was told to be the best Star Fox game, I never got to play it. Not until this year when I bought a Gamecube from amazon.(amazon delivery sucked) And the stories were true after all.

According to Starfox wiki, this game is the most popular Star Fox game so far. It was released in 2005, a year before Wii was released, and a year after NDS was released. So for a game that was made for a system that was gonna die off in less than a year, it was good enough to consider it one of the Gamecube's final masterpieces. It showed some amazing graphics for the GC, and it came back to the Star Fox we know, 3D spaceship shooting. Of course Star Fox Adventures fans cried, but the original fans cheered. But not everything was back to normal. Star Fox was famous for having a map system where you can select your path or it changes depending on your play. However, in Star Fox Assault, there is just one straight storyline. It was criticized for erasing something unique about Star Fox, but since you don't have to play the game multiple times to see everything i'd say it's earns and losses. And for once we get a Star Fox storyline that isn't involved by Andross. And we got some new characters as well. And not only the main game was awesome, but the multiplayer mode was fun too. The first time we saw this multiplayer mode was on Star Fox 64. Sure the graphics are 64 bit so you can't expect to see something that looks promising. But even if you exclude the graphics, this time we get a lot of other elements to multiplayer mode. For example, there are different weapons to choose,(your average blaster, a rocket launcher, grenade, sniper rifle, machine gun, gatling gun) and there are more stages and more characters!(Wolf and Peppy needs to be unlocked) Also with Wolf, you can ride the Wolfen. So not only is the main campaign great, but also the multiplayer mode. It succeeds in both ways. Oh and you can also find gold flags in the main game. Because the game company that made Star Fox Assault is Namco!

The pros would be the fact that they focused every element in the game. Main campaign, multiplayer. And the storyline is the best i've seen. But no multiple paths is a bit disappointing in some ways, although it has some pros with one straight path.

As with Star Fox, this is also a game you should try out. Even if you don't like 3D spaceship shooters, it would still be an interesting game. Besides, you can just play multiplayer mode. And of you are a fan of 3D shooters, then I hardly suggest!!!

   Star Fox Command

This game was released in 2006, a year after Star Fox Assault. So it makes me wonder: did they rush this one? Because it sure is known to be the worst Star Fox game so far(Star Fox Zero is also another candidate but whatever). And this game was the sole reason why Nintendo stopped making Star Fox games for a while. Because it failed.

For the first Star Fox game to be released on a portable console, the graphics sure are less amusing. But that's only the surface. The gameplay itself is just "Star Fox on the go", so I want to focus more on the game itself. I already said it on my Star Fox Timeline that this game has 9 endings depending on your path, so it makes people confused which one is the REAL ending. And these endings can go from 'Fox retiring and his son leads his team', all the way to 'Krystal betrays Fox and joins Star Wolf'. Wow i've never seen something go this far! Obviously it won't be any of the BAD endings, cause well... that's what... main characters are good at... not betraying. But just the fact that a STAR FOX GAME has this kind of thing pisses off many Star Fox fans. And at this point we were all like: I wonder what Star Fox Wii is going to look like. But it never happened. Also at the time Nintendo also said: Either Star Fox 64 3D is the best Star Fox game, or we won't make any more Star Fox games. By the way, I didn't say that. Nintendo did. No joke. Even thought nobody knew WTF Nintendo was saying, we sure knew one thing: Nintendo is not going to make more Star Fox games.(thinking of it now, I think that quote might have just been a translation error. If it IS then whoever translated it can kiss my ass)So at this point everyone gave up, and Star Fox Command would be the final Star Fox game there ever will be..........

It was nice to have a multiplayer mode as a Wifi connection play. Although it's closed now. And for the cons I'm pretty sure I said everything up there.

If you like reading storylines, then for god sake don't PLAY IT! It's for your brain cells. And even though you wanna play Star Fox on the go, just get a 3DS and play Star Fox 64 3D.

   Star Fox 64 3D

 Back story
Nothing to say actually. Just a 3D better graphic portable version of Star Fox 64.

It's just the same as Star Fox 64. But just with better graphics and 3D effects.

Same as Star Fox 64

If you wanna play Star Fox 64 on the go, then this is for you. But other than that, if you liked Star Fox 64, then this is a fresh way to enjoy it again. The 3D effects are pretty cool!

   Star Fox Zero

 Back story
Oh boy, the last game. After this now I can go rest or something :P. So after people gave up on a Star Fox game, this game came like a meteor, and it stroke our HEARTS! Like I said people were expecting a sequel to Star Fox Command, but what we got was ANOTHER REMAKE!!! A GOD DAMN FUCKING REMAKE! FOR THE 2ND TIME!!!

Well it feels like Star Fox 64, just what a remake would do. So nothing to say as well. Oh and this game is criticized for being expensive. 60$ for a Wii-U game and you might be thinking: why is that expensive? Well because unlike Star Fox 64 or Star Fox Assault, this game DOESN'T HAVE A MULTIPLAYER MODE! It's bad enough people were pissed off because it wasn't a sequel to Command, but at least if it's supposed to be a remake of the first game which had an awesome feature called MULTIPLAYER, then WHY NOT HAVE THIS MODE?!?!?!??!
I think I'm getting to the pros and cons so might as well just end it.

Like I said, it's expensive for a game that can be beat in 2 hours and a half. If you count all the other routes then probably about 3 hours? But it would at least have an excuse if it had a multiplayer mode, TOO BAD IT DIDN'T! But just like any other Nintendo game, it does have some AWESOME MUSIC!!! And he graphics are great too. Although I wish they would have made the silver/gold rings look like rings instead of octagons.

If you enjoyed Star Fox as a multiplayer, then please do me a favor and DON'T waste 60$! If you liked the nostalgia of other Star Fox games, then well it's not TOO bad. At least I can say it's playable.

Phew... That was a lot of work. So that's it with this big Star Fox Marathon and Star Fox Timeline. Next review will be Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


I can't wait to see your next review!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Oh yes. The game everyone was waiting for. Well ever since the Switch was released everyone's thought was "Are they going to make another Smash Bros game"? Surely since the Nintendo 64 the Super Smash Bros series was always released on every new Nintendo console. So of course we were expecting one. But what we didn't expect it was the game to be one of the biggest and the most ULTIMATE one of all. When I first saw the Inkling Smash Bros teaser, my only wish was "Please put Wolf back. And maybe some more Star Fox characters". Well I got half of what I wanted(or maybe 3/4 because Krystal is at least an assist trophy). But instead we got a heck ton of other things.....

Before I begin, I wanna point out the title. In Japan, it's Super Smash Bros. SPECIAL(well sure if you translate it it's more like "Great fay smash brothers special"). So I guess "special' wasn't big enough for this game?

 Game in General
Honestly, talking about a gameplay of something that had been done 4 times already is pointless. So I might as well talk about the game in general(now that I think of it, this is what I usually talk about :P). And I'm pretty sure you all have played this game so I hope you guys can agree on some thing I'm gonna point out.

73 characters(if you add DLC, then it's 79) is a HUGE number of character roster. Well basically they put every single character that ever showed up in this series. But one thing I don't like about this roster: Those GOD DAMN ECHO FIGHTERS! I don't have anything against echo fighters(like directly to say Dart Pit or Ken or Lucina), but just by simply model swapping doesn't necessarily make it a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER. I can prove this with characters like Bowser Jr or Olimar. Some of their pallet swaps are different characters such as Iggy, Ludwig(well the 7 Koopalings), and Alph. Well there is an option to have these echo fighters into one character but the fact that it can be viewed separate characters that's kind of lazy. Well of course making a game this big would mean less time to work which also means less time to make new characters and new special moves, but the newcomers are mostly echo fighters(5 completely new, 5 echo fighters. If you count DLC then fine there's more but DLC=Diarrhea Lava Calamity), and that's what I don't like. But to be fair, if they made a character I want into an echo fighter, I'd still welcome it. And maybe other people might think the same way as well. But it just feels stupid. I feel like Nintendo is treating people like a jackass or something. But I do have to say this: it's nice to put King K. Rool and Ridley(especially Ridley since there was a whole meme about him not making it to smash), one of the most requested characters, but greed keeps going on and they still didn't satisfy other requests like Geno for example(BTW I'm not a Geno fan). And also some requests ending up as assist figures like Bomberman, Shovel Knight, and my personal request Krystal. But seriously, no one can criticize about character rosters because it's hard to listen to every single request. And we are getting the characters we want one by one so that alone I'd say is an accomplishment.

The 2nd most important thing in Smash. It seems Nintendo brought every single popular stage and put them into one. 103 stages ain't a joke(+5 more if you buy (shivers) DL...C). And as I said with characters, you can't really blame for not having stages you like. But only 2 thing I don't like: There are only 4 new stages(Battlefield, big Battlefield, and Final Destination doesn't count)(also 5+ with (shivers again) D...L...C...), and some of the other good stages are missing. Well the new stages, I will say this. It's fair enough to put 'almost' every single stage there ever was, and also graphically enhancing them. But FOUR ONLY??? That's fucking cheap. If this is just a gimmick to make us buy DLC(which is SOOOOOO messed up, but I'm buying. But it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO messed up), then you deserve a capitalism medal. And yes, it is their job to make money but comparing to all these years Nintendo did, they got way carried away. How about just sell the game for 100$ and put everything from the start? And for the missing stages. I would CRY AND LOVE TO SEE WOLF ON TOP OF ORBITAL GATE ASSAULT! But too bad... too sad... Well I can understand stages like Sector Z, Flat Zone 1,2, Pictochat 1 gone since they all resemble the future versions and some got mixed with them(for example Flat Zone 1 and 2 and X is now one). But not stages like Orbital Gate Assault, Rainbow road, Icicle mountain! But thinking that Orbital Gate Assault itself took a year to make, I guess time was their answer again.

 Adventure mode (World of Light)
Note: For the sake of other people who didn't play this yet I will not spoil the story.
One GOOD thing I was hoping for! After Subspace emissary they finally made its sequel(?).(I mean it starts with everyone on a cliff with an ocean and a sun shining. It looks just like the ending of Subspace emissary) But the gameplay DID disappoint me. If the Subspace emissary was a side scroller adventure game, then this time it's an over head view Final Fantasy style RPG game. Seriously I was expecting it to be like Subspace emissary, but the only time it actually felt like such was the
final battle between Galeem and Dharkon.
(sorry for spoiling but I had to. Just don't look at it if you haven't played it yet)But it's a good way to rack up spirits. But I was expecting New game + to be something like Legend of Zelda 2nd quest, where the spirits are replaced with other things but that didn't happen.
BTW, I did everything and still 99.83%. Somebody HELP ME!!!

With over 876 Tracks from a shit ton of game franchises, oh man... People who enjoy music has to check the Music list! As we all are, this is our thing. So I don't have much to say cause we all know about music. All I can say is, GOD BLESS NINTENDO MUSIC and PLEASE ARRANGE STAR FOX THEMES :'( :'( :'(

I don't know about you guys but I like to play Smash Bros hard core. So I practice a lot of techniques. And if there's one thing I did best was DACUS(Dash Attack Cancel Up Smash). But they removed it. Like kabab.
Well every time techniques come and go, so not really mad or anything, but WHY THE ONE I DO BEST??? So not much to complain, just got more to learn.

These are officially substitutes for trophies. And fair enough, Sakuri did say it's hard to make every one of em, let alone work with a bunch of other things. So I'm just glad they at least made something to collect. And the fact that these do more than what a trophy used to do. Each spirit has its own ability, and by mounting one you can gain its effects, much like a sticker did back in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. So I'd say there more like substitutes of stickers but its collection factor is succeeded from trophies. And not only do they have special effects, but they are divided into 3 types. Attack, Defense, and Grab. Each one is countered by another, kind of like rock scissors paper. So if your allowing spirits in your battle, or if your playing World of Light, then you have to select carefully(At first I was like "man fuck that shit. I can go my way." and I learned the hard way). And especially if your doing Spirit board, then make sure you check twice, just like how Santa always checks his list twice.
BTW, is it just me, or I can't find a single Arwing, Landmaster, or a Great Fox spirit on the spirit board? I've been spending all my money on "All Support" items and I never saw one. Damn Murphy's Law!

I never played online yet, and you know why: THE MOTHER FUCKING ONLINE MEMBERSHIP BULLSHIT! Well I can at least get the hang of DLCs, but NOT THE ONLINE PLAY!!! It's bad enough I'm paying money for Wifi service now I have to deal with this shit??? But this is the whole Nintendo Switch problem so...

Okay, so I did buy the online membership to try out the Online mode in SSBU, and I might have already said that it sucks, but let me go deeper with this.

 First of all, it lags a lot. And I mean A SHIT TON OF A LOT! I didn't use the LAN wire yet but still people say it lags so my only guess is "IT JUST SUCKS MAJOR SHIT!" But that doesn't mean it lags all the time, it just lags when ever it wants. But to me it always lags when I'm winning. No joke! Maybe it's Murphy's law, and yes I have to admit it does also lag when I'm losing but either way it doesn't help since getting disconnected will ban you for 30 Minutes and drop your GSP. So whether I'm winning or not, it doesn't help. But it pisses me off more if it lags when I'm winning that's for SURE! Also, even if it works fine, the game itself slows down a little. I don't know if it's just me but pretty sure online matches feel more stiff than offline. If I was fighting a 9LV CPU offline I'd be moving left and right constantly to position myself but online I'm just busy dash attacking people. It changes my fighting style. And that's not good.
 But I do have to say it's WAY better than never getting connected so that alone I'd say is an accomplishment. But I already said on my Nintendo Online Service review that it's just like selecting the shiniest of 2 turds.

It's awesome to mix everything to make a big game for all Nintendo fans. Music is great, a heck ton of characters and stages to choose, adventure mode is back, and so on.

Like I said I'm disappointed with the online service, and removing stage builder was an unexpected move.

Still it's a very fun game just what a Smash Bros game would do. It's best with friends or families and makes a great game for parties. But it still has a long way to go.


I know it's a little late but since New Years is coming here's my postcard!

Next review will be Super Mario Odyssey.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


This is a very nice review. I also would have liked more stages. I also wish the fighters were arranged by series, not by order of their entrance into SSB.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 28, 2018, 06:12:36 AMThis is a very nice review. I also would have liked more stages. I also wish the fighters were arranged by series, not by order of their entrance into SSB.
Thanks :) I thought the same with the fighter sequence. It should have been Series 1st, and debut 2nd.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


You're missing a single spirit bud.
And I can't agree more with the arrangement of fighters and the menuization(?) in general


Quote from: mikey on December 28, 2018, 08:22:49 PMYou're missing a single spirit bud.
Where is it? What is it? Got no clue. I looked at reddit and all they say is Mii Brawler or the guy who comes out at the castle.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Super Mario Odyssey

Back story
As it was a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, this was my first Switch game. And a pretty good start I'll say for sure. And it just proves Nintendo is best at making Mario launch titles.

Well it's another 3D platform game, just like any other modern Super Mario games such as Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario U, and I believe Super Mario Sunshine was one of em as well. And I do have to say the first time playing it really felt like Super Mario Galaxy(except the gravity system). Oh and one thing I didn't like about Switch games is the fact that all the instructions are now in the game. Well I get it, it's more convenient this way. But I remember buying a Wii game at the store and I'd open it up in the car and read the instructions before I even play it. That's how I grew up. And I think a lot of people enjoyed reading the instructions at a place like that. Because if the instructions are in the game, then I'd rather play the game right away and figure out what to do rather than going to the instruction section and read everything when I can just do it right away. Anyway, back to the gameplay. One major element with this game is the hat. Mario gets a new LIVING hat like links "minish cap" called "Cappy". And your basic means of attack is throwing your hat towards your enemy. But not only that. If you throw it at say a Goomba, then you can be that Goomba as if you possessing it. And while "possessing", you can use their abilities. For example, if you possess a hammer bro, you can throw hammers(or if you're in Luncheon Kingdom, they throw frying pans). Just the fact that you can be Bowsers minions is something fresh. And besides that, you can also preform various tricks with Cappy, so mastering everything can take a while.

A very fresh idea for a Mario game, a good start to get you warmed up with Switch games. And if you play it for a while you can adapt to the shitty joy-cons. Overall masterpiece, and just like any Mario game would, it has KICKASS MUSIC! Even though Nintendo is pushing "Jump up! Superstar!", "Break Free!", "Steam Gardens", and a ton other soundtracks are amazing!

Even with the map it's still hard to know where the fuck I am. And as you find more "Moons"(I forgot to tell this part instead of "Stars" your finding "Moons". So I guess Stars are just to predictable now) you can be stuck unless you spend 50 coins to toad or if you happened to have an Amiibo(which I think everyone already has). But just the fact that they kind of force you to buy Amiibo is kind of cheap. And I do have to say some of the moons are tricky to find and even with amiibo help it's still confusing.

Still, it's a great game to start and if you are planning to get a Nintendo Switch, then I suggest you start with this game.


Here's my first Switch picture! That poochie is just so cute with the hat on <3
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic



Back story
Ever since League of Legends was dominating the online gaming market, Blizzard made their answer to Riot games: Overwatch. Ever since Overwatch was released, it seems a lot of people who played LOL moved to Overwatch. But a lot of people who played Overwatch moved to Fortnite as well but maybe another time.(actually, I never played Fortnite and never will so I may never talk about this)

It's a First-Person Shooter game. And unlike Call of Duty, it has more fantasy gimmicks. There's PC, Xbox, and I believe a PS version as well. I played PC until I got perma banned so I'm going to focus on the PC version. WASD is your arrow keys, and you use your mouse to move your vision. So it plays like a typical PC FPS game. There's a variety of characters(or in Overwatch "Heroes") to choose and each one has their unique elements. The heroes are divided into 3 groups. Fighter, Tank, Healer. Usually, each team would consist of 2 fighters, 2 tanks, and 2 healers. But of course if you play quick match, a bunch of kids will ignore all that shit and pick Widowmaker or Hanzo. And other than the heroes, there are also a variety of maps. And each map has its own objectives. It could be "Secure a checkpoint", or "Escort the freighter" and stuff like that. And each hero has their pros and cons depending on the map so its best to main about 5 heroes. And if you die, it ain't game over. You can revive after a few seconds. And you can't forget POTG(Play Of The Game). Every match the game will pick a MVP and show his/her highlights. And if you get your name on this for the first time, then it gives you a good feeling to yourself.

It's pretty exciting for a FPS game. Usually FPS games feel sneaky and quiet but here it's like a party. You can also voice chat with your team so you don't have to send information by typing. It has a variety of maps and heroes so it doesn't bore you much. And there's no need of spending money too. You can get skins by opening loot boxes you get and they're pretty easy to get(level up). And even if you can't get what you want to, just collect enough credits. And all the limited time skins come back every year so don't get disappointed if you missed any.

The main problem is all the kids who troll. This is a problem for most online teamwork games but the thing is, I don't mind people who suck at games. It's a large world, some are good, and some are bad. But the ones I wanna talk shit about are the people(especially kids) who purposely throw games. If they wanna have some twisted fun like that, then play with CPUs. It's annoying to players who wanna win the game. And besides, I believe Overwatch is 14 or up. So when I hear voices of non puberty kids on the voice chat, I just wanna tell their parents what the fuck their child is doing right now. And also, it might just be me who sucks at aiming but GOD DAMN IT'S SO HARD DO HIT ANYONE WITH SOMETHING LIKE MCREE! But this is just my personal opinion. Probably a lot of you are good at it, and some aren't, so I might as well go on with this one.

It's still a fun game to play. Even though a lot of people moved on to other online games, it's still less contaminated with kids. And a pretty fair challenge as well. Unless you meet hackers, if you win, it feels like a fair match. And if you lose, it feels less stressful. (that is unless your teammates are idiots)

Next review will be... Well I didn't do much these days except NES online and SSBU online so I'm just gonna talk about those.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic