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Wolfz Gaim REVEUZ!!!

Started by Wolf, February 27, 2013, 07:29:40 AM

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What do you think of my first game review?

Good! Keep it going!
It had some flaws
The worst game review I've ever seen!
I don't know.



I'm not sure if I said that I fucking HATE RPG games or not but if I didn't, then here you go: I FUCKING HATE RPG GAMES!!!!!!!
I never played Final Fantasy 1~6, never played Mother, Earthbound, and Mother 3. The only RPG game I've played back then was Legend of Zelda.(of course, only the first one) And now there's another RPG game I've played: Maplestory. One of my brother's Asian friend asked my bro to play Maplestory and he did. After that, he convinced me to play it too. Even though he knows how much I hate RPG's. But I did. To be honest, It's not that fun or addicting but just the fact that it's one of the biggest RPG games in existence is cool.
Anyway, the main thing about Maple is that there's a lot of characters to choose from. And you can make different clothing combinations too. And each character has it's own unique storyline so that's very nice. As a kid, one of my dream was to own a black market. And in this game, you can kind of do that sort of thing. But right now I'm broke, so I don't have anything to sell. But maybe later i'll ring some goodies and sell them private. And it's best to play with your friends. But good luck finding anyone in NA who plays Maple.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


if you are gonna say you hate maplestory then I just gotta tell you your opinion is a terrible one and you should be ashamed

tho I guess without the nostalgia factor it might not be quite the same :P

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on September 01, 2014, 12:21:03 PMif you are gonna say you hate maplestory then I just gotta tell you your opinion is a terrible one and you should be ashamed

tho I guess without the nostalgia factor it might not be quite the same :P
He didn't say that man.
He said he hated rpg's lol read further than the first 3 lines


me irl


Original Legend of Zelda isn't an RPG though.


Quote from: Yugi on September 01, 2014, 06:13:13 PMOriginal Legend of Zelda isn't an RPG though.
^ Technically, no zelda game in the main series has been a RPG.


I love how his first couple paragraphs(?) basically say: "I HATE RPG'S! Now here's a list of some of the best ones, none of which I have played."

A+ opinion lol
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Quote from: wolf on September 01, 2014, 03:24:52 AMIt's not that fun or addicting but just the fact that it's one of the biggest RPG games in existence is cool.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on September 01, 2014, 12:21:03 PMif you are gonna say you hate maplestory
error: does not compute


Quote from: maelstrom. on September 01, 2014, 06:26:50 PM^ Technically, no zelda game in the main series has been a RPG.
Technically, most games are RPGs because you play roles in them.  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on September 01, 2014, 07:04:29 PMTechnically, most games are RPGs because you play roles in them.  :P
nooooo really?


Quote from: blueflower999 on September 01, 2014, 07:04:29 PMTechnically, most games are RPGs because you play roles in them.  :P
and they're games too


Well I thought talking to people and going to dungeons was kind of an RPG game. But that's just my opinion.
And people have different opinions with games so don't go too serious with my opinions Kefkatic.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Super smash bros

Seems like there was another way to play Nintendo games without consoles, and thats by using hacked(more like emulaters) versions that make you play it on the computer. And yes. That's how I played this game. Went to a video game store and I asked for something old, and he showed me a CD i've never seen in my entire life. Turns out to be unofficial but I bought it anyway.
Anyway, I've seen videos of this game's gameplay and also played SSBB so I knew a lot but there are some things different. Like where in this one there's no Left/Right B skill, and some moves are different. Nowadays, this game is aged out a little bit and comparing to Melee, it sucks. But back then, it was awesome. It was like one of THE best ideas for a game. So that's my pros. And for cons, the lack of characters to choose, the lags that appear, kind of messy graphics(of course it was good a the time), and not much variety. Although they kept getting better and better, it's still not getting perfect. But that's the way games are. SOOO...... Time to play melee and 43DS&WU and finish the collection. Recommend? Not really. I would rather buy 43DS&WU. But worth playing though.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


That's... really strange.
How would you spam PK fire