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Wolfz Gaim REVEUZ!!!

Started by Wolf, February 27, 2013, 07:29:40 AM

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What do you think of my first game review?

Good! Keep it going!
It had some flaws
The worst game review I've ever seen!
I don't know.


Quote from: wolf on March 16, 2013, 11:16:25 PMNinja baseball batman
When I first saw the name, I thought it was this Batman.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber


Sorry to keep you all waiting.


First of all, in my country, this game is for 14 or older. But most of my friends who are good at this game, played it when they were 4 years old. But it didn't effect them. So my first complement is, this game should have erased the blood and let kids play it too.
But other than that, I say it's good. And it's pretty addicting too. And the thing I like the most is the cheats. Show me the money is my favorite. Because it gives to 10000 credits. There's more like black sheep wall and the gathering and atuff like that. But one bad thing, you can't use it when your fighting a person. When it comes to Starcraft, I think of one game, galaxy on fire for the app. There's a kind called Terran, there is a place called valkire, and a bunch of other copies.
And comes the sequel. Starcraft 2.
This one is way better than the previous one. It has advanced graphics, there is a lot of languages to choose, and best of all, the controls are better. Al least for me.
But what they should have improved, was some new kinds. But still it's fun

Do I recommend this game? Yes if you are bored. No. If your not.
Next review will be mario paint.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


What race do you prefer to be in StarCraft, Wolf?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I don't know. But I just want a new one thats all.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Oh and by the way. I will take a break for 3 days. After that a will come with more reviews.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Sorry I'm late. I had a lot of assignment to do.

Mario paint.
For a person who arranges music or paints, I think this game is just great. because you get to play games, and do your job at the same time. And yes, for a arranger like me, sometimes when I get bored at arranging and I want to rest, then I pick this game. I don't enjoy the painting, but I sure enjoy the music writing. And if there's anyone in ninsheetmusic who never played this game, a recommend it. The first reason why I like this game is because it has a lot of sound effects. A cat, a NES kind of sound, a flute a piano and it goes on and on and on.
And just because I don't really like the painting doesn't mean I never tried it in my whole life. I remember playing   
action 52 on the sega genisis and there was that painting thingy, because you had to use the Dpad, i thought it was uncomfortable. But mario paint in the other hand, had an accessory called the super nintendo mouse. Thinking about it now, every super nintendo accessory had the word super. And the NES power. Anyway, the super nintendo mouse was just perfect for games like mario paint. Another reason why I like this game. Because the control are comfortable. Thats all I have to say for this game.
Do I recommend his game? Yes if you paint, arrange, or write songs. But no if you don't.

Next review will be............ I don't know what to review so tell me what to review by posting in here.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


You forgot that epic game where you swat flies! XD
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Yeah... But I wanted to focus on those two things. So I didn't talk about it.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Ah... Finally a game review. Well I decided to review super smash bros brawl.

I'm a starfox fan. So it will be nice for me to play starfox games. But the only one I played was starfox adventures. And that was my friends house. And it was also America. So there was no way to play starfox games in my country. With the exception of when your using an emulator. (Like me) Then, I heard about a game called super smash bros brawl. And that you can pick starfox characters. So probably that game made me get a wii for Christmas. Because Nintendo was made in my country at 2004, there was no starfox games. Well at least there was starfox command but that game wasn't realesed at my country so there was none. Believe it or not, the first starfox game to be known in my country is starfox 64 3d. And I'm not kidding. Anyway, back to smash bros brawl. This game is one of my favorite games of all time. But there are some flaws too.
1: the wifi connection is horrible!
Anyone who has this game probably tried the wifi mode. I know a lot of people who tried it. But I never heard anyone who got connected. I rarely got connected once. And that was one of my luckiest day I ever had.
2: they replaced some characters from the previous game.
Even though I don't have a GameCube, I sure played some games for the GameCube. And one of then was ssbm. And I really liked mewtwo. But gone!
3: it's so hard trying to master a single character.
If you want to say you mastered a character, then you have to prove it. How? By beating a computer that's set to intense difficulty. But trying this is hard, and takes a lot of time to do.
But that's all the cons for me.
Do I recommend it? Yes. If you like fighting games and Nintendo at the same time.
No if you don't like bad wifi connection.

Next review will be castlevania.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Now please. If your going to insult me for doing this shit, then do it. But anyway, I was on a long break, and recently I was back. And I forgot that I did a game review. Until I saw this. But anyway, I was going to review Plants VS Zombies 2, but seeing that I said that I was going to do review Castlevania, well here you go!

Probably, this is my top 3 favorite side-scrolling games ever. I don't know why, but it was pretty addictive for me. Because I like games with tons of secrets, I guess this game fit perfectly to me. But it does have its flaws. First of all, why is everything and I REALLY mean everything have to be so difficult to find? Like even chickens (or pork chop) are in walls so you have to know where they are. But the only thing they do is just replenish your health. It's like we have a castle full of candles when you whip it, they drop hearts, and there's tons of em but they don't replenish your health. But pork chops that you find in walls do. But it's not AS "secretful" then Simons Quest. But still confusing. And another thing I have to point out is that some enemys keep respawning. Sure it's a good way to gain hearts to fight bosses but when your in a hurry, then your fucked. And the last thing to point out is that you get knocked back when you get hit. Especially when your on that moving platform, one hit will be death. But other than those, it's fun to play. In fact, recently I'm playing Castlevania games because the music is awesome and the gameplay itself is pretty fun. That's the reason why I came back: is to request Castlevania musics. So thats about it.
And next review will be PVZ2. Oh and one more thing, if you want me to review a game,(probably you guys aren't gonna give a shit to this fourm) let me know.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


Well, looks like nobody watches this anymore. but like what I say: The show MUST go on.

Plants VS Zombies 2
First of all, why 2 instead of one? well that's simple: cause I don't have Plants VS Zombies.
Anyway, recently, I got hooked up with mobile games. And one of em is Plants VS Zombies 2. ( i'll just call it PVZ2)
It's one of those Tower Defense type of games. like balloon tower defense or Slimes VS Mushrooms. So the basic concept of the game is just to defend your lawn from zombies. and there is a lot of variety like on the roof top or next to the swimming pool. But mostly it's the lawn.
But that's just PVZ. PVZ2 however, your defending your lawn from different time periods. right now, there is only 4 worlds. (excluding the Chinese version) Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West, and Far Future. All of these time periods have different metas and are different from one another.
and your weapon is just what the title says: Plants. But there is a lot of em. and each one has pros and cons. but sometimes, the map and the plants have a rare connection. like you wouldn't want to use fire breathing plants on ancient Egypt. because it will light up zombies torches and will instantly melt your defenses. So you really need to think hard. And one last thing I want to say is about all the nerfs and buffs Popcap does. like the time when a single sun costs 25 suns, they changed the fucking thing into 50 suns each. And halved the sun producing time. it's not a big deal, but when you have a plant that costs 75 sun, and you have 50. It's annoying to wait half more to get 50 sun. And there was a time when they got carried away with these patches, when they had people to buy lawnmowers. First of all, lawnmowers are used when your entire lane is done. they will kill all zombies in that lane. but only once per game and once per lane. but having to buy them for 2000 credits(2000 is a big amount by the way), is pretty stressing. But gladly, they patched it back. But that's not all. there's more. And some of em are more frustrating. but other then that, I think it is a very good game. it only got bad views because of all the nerfs. So do I recommend it? Yes. Because it's free, so you might as well try it.
Next review will be Super Mario U. And YES. I played the Wii-U. I don't have it though. (FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!)
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


The original Plants Vs. Zombies is a genius game, but I can't speak for the sequel. I highly recommend checking it out!
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on April 12, 2014, 07:26:04 AMThe original Plants Vs. Zombies is a genius game, but I can't speak for the sequel. I highly recommend checking it out!
Well, the thing is, PVZ costs a dollar. And I don't have the money.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


I changed my mind to just reviewing NES Remix for the Wii-U.

First of all, the title got my attention. with all of these 'modern games' today, cartoonish games like Mario or Zelda and stuff like that are not so popular. These days, it's all about the graphics more than anything else. I mean better graphics is good but the fact that better graphics made games look like real life was irritating for me. And it's probably the reason why I still play old Nintendo games rather than today games. But the fact that Nintendo is loosing marketing because Nintendo still makes cartoonish games. But I like those kinds of games better. So thats why this game was pretty fun for me. It's basically old NES games but you have to do certain things to go through. Kind of like a mission. So there's not much to say, because that's the games purpose. But if there's things that could have been there to make it better is if they had an option to play those games. Sure there's virtual console and stuff like that but it could have been awesome to put it. and one last thing is that for my knowledge, there isn't popular games such as castlevania, megaman and other stuff. Probably it was because there Konami's games and that they need to get permission but how hard could it possibly be??? And note that this game got a sequel, I would personally hope for NES remix 3 with those games.
So in contrast, if your a high NES fan, then this is for you. Give it to yourself for Christmas or your Birthday if you can. But if your a modern game fan, and if you don't know much about NES, then don't.
Next review will be a surprise. That is if you read this.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic


So, the so called "surprise" is here! Geometry dash.

It's one of those smart hone games, and for a game that an unknown company made, it's very addictive and fun. Basically what the game is, is your a square going to the end of the stage. Kind of like The impossible game. But with more things. And by more things I mean stuff like more characters to choose, a stage maker, playing online levels, a heck ton of songs. But of course games can't be made without Nerfs. But these nerfs aren't actually nerfs. There just bug fixes. But I say when those bug fixes are pissing me off then I call them nerfs. But with the exception for being a Riot Games JR, i'd say it's a good game. But I do have to admit that most Geometry dash players are asians, (mostly Koreans) are really a pain in the ass with super hard stages. But check out the impossible game too. Cause that one has good songs too. Probably the whole reason why I started coming back. To arrange Geometry dash soundtracks and post them online.
If your bored and have nothing but an iphone or an android, then spend 2 dollars and play this game. It will bring you anger and make you throw your cell phone, but it's worth throwing that electronic thingy on the wall.
The no.1 Star Fox nerd in Ninsheetmusic