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The Confession Thread

Started by Saria, February 25, 2013, 12:54:28 PM

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I've never beaten spirit tracks

I can't keep dark link and shadow link separate even though I've looked it up umpteen times

I enjoyed playing phantom hourglass and the temple of the ocean king too

I overrate majoras mask just because it's the cool thing to do

I've never played four swords

I probably just like wind waker so much because it was a GameCube era game in an NES era household and I was an impressionable child

I'm a bit jealous of everyone here who can arrange because I can't


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 24, 2017, 05:34:29 PMI'm a bit jealous of everyone here who can arrange because I can't
Like any skill, it takes time and effort. I've put way much more time [into trying and failing] than I'm willing to admit.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Latios is right!

Also huh I never suspected that about Majora's with you. For the record, it's legitimately my favorite Zelda haha and not just because it's the cool opinion (Ocarina of Time is a close second)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

Mega Man II for the Game Boy is actually my guilty pleasure. While it's definitely one of the worst Classic Series titles, I had enjoyable fun playing it, and have played it over and over from time to time making speed running attempts. It felt like a nice break from all of those overly challenging MM games that took hours to complete. I also like the music, the fact that you can glitch your way up a ladder by not getting knocked down from damage, and its story line.

Mega Man II may be my guilty pleasure, but Dr. Wily's Revenge is still my favorite Mega Man GB game.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

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I actually liked the Bee Movie and Sharktale, and still to this day never complain if I have to watch them.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


wait what's wrong with shark tale

E. Gadd Industries


I had a confession, but I forgot it
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



It sucks. That's the problem.


I thought it was pretty good, it had Katie Couric in it

E. Gadd Industries

WAIT I remember!
I've been really interested in powered paragliding (but don't have the means to do it yet) lately, but to some degree I have a fear of heights & so there's a conflict here
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...


Trainer Ave

Confession time
I've decided that I'm never going to get married. In fact, it seems I'm more reluctant to go into a relationship now than I have ever been in my entire life. For some reason though I still have the desire for intimate companionship but I have come to accept the fact that my chances of finding a person who could meet the standards I require are about the same as my chances of accurately predicting 6 million roles of 3 12-sided dice. I'm well aware that the problem lies in my standards. I hold myself to the exact same standards and even I find myself going against it from time to time. I find myself not being able to recognize when people act without thinking even though I myself do it occasionally.
I also have a problem with how most relationships have become all about the woman in the relationship. (I am making general statements so I am aware that not all women are like this. That's fine but I'm talking about the ones that are.) The man's needs, desires, and emotions are often completely overlooked by a woman who really only cares about having a man to pay for everything she wants to do and to pay for all her needs even though she is perfectly capable of getting a job herself and is in fact more likely to be hired for a job (because of that fuckng discriminatory piece of shit called Affirmative Action). The man is always expected to be the bread winner even though the woman is capable. The man is expected to be the bread winner even if he has to take on dirty danjerous work to provide for his family. We've changed the rules for women and have given them access to everything men have always had access to but the burden still lies on the men. We have the same rules set up for men that they've always lived by. Honestly I look at this and I say it's no fuckng wonder that 4 of 5 suicides are men.
Things aren't made any better when both the man and the woman have jobs. The man's money becomes everybody's money and the woman's money becomes her money.
However if a man speaks up about these things he is labeled as a winer, a sexist, a lazy bum, a deadbeat. All he's asking is to be treated like an equal.
It's not made better when men don't realize the sexism in it and we raise men to believe that it's their responsibility always. They allow themselves to be walked on like a doormat every day in their marriages. They realize they are unhappy but don't know where it's coming from.
This kind of stuff is what really makes me hate society in general. I don't know how else to put it.
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See, your post started out relatively safe and level-headed, but then you hit paragraph two and it's clear you've got a massive problem with women. You're making some very mean-spirited, prejudiced and downright rude comments based on something I can only assume you haven't had much experience with.
Now, I have a girlfriend who I love and adore deeply, so let me try and help you understand something here. Stop thinking about your "standards". I think the problem is that you think the process always involves searching. Trust me, more often than not, you end up in a situation where a relationship just happens due to mutual closeness. Nobody's perfect, and that includes you. Be willing to make mistakes, and be willing to let other people make mistakes too. Believe it or not, the world isn't out to get you. And your whole thing about how women just want a man to do everything for them is just...god, it makes me sick. Do not say that, you're not making things any better for yourself. It's not right of you to make that accusation, because it's straight-up not true. I think if you opened your eyes a little, you'd see that people lending each other a helping hand is far more common than you think. Your post reeks of negative personal bias, and I think it would do you some good to think selflessly for once.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

Trainer Ave

Quote from: Dudeman on August 28, 2017, 11:07:50 PMit's clear you've got a massive problem with women
This is not true. I want to make it painstakingly clear that I do not have women. I hate the expectations that society places on men and women often times which benefit women at the expense of men. I can recognize areas where women face disadvantages but each inequality must be dealt with separately. I said before that I am aware that not all women are like this but I know that a good deal of them are or at the very least the one I know personally or have dated previously. I have only had one relationship that broke this mold and as I stated in another thread she died.
I do not have a hatred for women. I am not a misogynist. I am not sexist. I would like to have a long-term female companion but I would not want to marry.
As far as the rest of what you said maybe I am a bit too concerned with searching and just need to let it happen but I still feel like I need to keep my standards and make sure that I keep them as well.
At the same time I find it difficult to recognize when people aren't acting in accordance with their own personal standards. It bother me.

My post is not from personal bias and you are free to judge me however you want but have made this accusation based on my personal experiences and the experiences of the people I am able to observe.
Even if the majority of my post is flawed there are these things that remain as fact
Men are expected by society to be the primary bread winner
Stay at home father's are looked down upon by society because they are not being the provider but are rather choosing to be the caregiver
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on August 28, 2017, 11:00:26 PMThings aren't made any better when both the man and the woman have jobs. The man's money becomes everybody's money and the woman's money becomes her money.
How would you know about this? Coming from a family where both parents work and pay for everything, with most of the general payments such as groceries being paid by the mother, I find this comment very strange. Sure my family may not necessarily be the norm, but I don't believe you have stated any evidence to support such a bold claim.

Seriously, if you are just avoiding women because they expect you to be the "bread-winner" then you just simply haven't found the right partner yet. This is something that's clearly a make-or-break for a relationship so if the partners you've had haven't lived up to your beliefs on the situation then you've just been very unlucky or maybe have been taking the wrong route idk.
As if society should completely sway your thoughts on relationships. Letting it do so doesn't help solve the problem either.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.

Trainer Ave

Obviously society does not determine how I personally view a relationship but society has an influence on how we are raised and how we are raised influnces our actions.
As for being unlucky, maybe you're right. I've had loads of different people tell me that. Perhaps some of the people I have been with believed similarly to how I believe but the relationships that I would consider possible candidates for that criteria didn't last very long because of other factors.

I'm not really avoiding women as much as I am avoiding romantic relationships. I have plenty of female friends that I talk to regularly but I couldn't see myself being romantically involved with any of them.

I'm not necessarily unable to get along with somebody who doesn't share my beliefs but for a long term companion I'd want someone who does.

On taking the wrong route, maybe I have been. My tactic has been to look for a woman and I have yet to feel any attraction to anyone for almost 2 years. Maybe I should just kick back and let a relationship happen when I'm not necessarily looking for it.

As for your family maybe they are the norm and I'm just ignorant but I'm taking this from the couples and families I have observed. Obviously that number is not high enough to Garner a conclusive statistic and that's why I do not provide one. I can only conclude that at least where I live this is the norm (and I live in the middle of the Bible belt). I have seen families like yours but not many. Majority of the families I witnessed were families where the father is the only bread winner and the majority of them were unhappy.

There is a fairly recent statistic somewhere that stated that women tend to have more spending power than men even when she is unemployed and given my observations that makes sense. Take that for what you will. I don't mean any offense to you or your family and if you have taken offense I do apologise.
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