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TWG XLIX: Host Signups

Started by vermilionvermin, February 14, 2013, 04:49:55 PM

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What TWG?

Slowpokemon's The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II Link
3 (17.6%)
Vermilionvermin's Zombies Link
6 (35.3%)
Sheikah's Red vs. Blue Link
8 (47.1%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: February 18, 2013, 09:02:20 PM


Hosts who cannot submit games:

Socialfox (Can submit next time)
Davy (Can submit next time)
Maestro (Can submit next time)
BlackDragonSlayer (Can submit the time after next host signups)
Liggy (Can submit the time after next host signups)
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Can submit the time after next host signups)
FSM-Reapr (Can submit the time after next host signups)


TWG: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II

Haruhi Suzumiya is at it again, forcing the SOS Brigade to do all sorts of insane shenanigans.  This time she has the gang acting in a mystery-themed stage play she scripted, starring Itsuki Koizumi, Yuki Nagato, and Ryoko Asakura as the murderers. However, due to Haruhi's wish for a true mystery, her powers inadvertently switch up all the performers' minds the night before the play, meaning that potentially no one other than her is actually in their own body! It's up to Kyon, your host and narrator--who has also miraculously remained in his original body--and the rest of the performers to deduce in whose bodies Koizumi, Nagato, and Asakura actually are.

List of true roles with according colors:
1. Itsuki Koizumi
2. Ryoko Asakura
3. Yuki Nagato

4. Mikuru Asahina
5. Tsuruya
6. Taniguchi
7. Kunikida
8. President of the Computer Club
9. Kimidori
10. Kyon's Sister
11. Okabe
12. Shamisen

12 accounts will be made, similarly to the game in which none of us knew one another's identity. The twelve accounts will match the names of the roles listed above. No one will be told who is which account except the wolves. For instance, if Jub3r7 signed up, it might happen that his account name is the role of Kyon's Sister, so he would get the account information for that one and post in the thread using that one. However, his TRUE role would be that of Taniguchi, which he would not be informed of--he would only be told that he's a human. Mashi, similarly, might sign up and get the account of Mikuru Asahina, but his true role will be that of Ryoko Asakura. He will be informed of this, as well as the account name ONLY of the other wolf--not the true NSM user name.

Every "Act" (Night) Phase, the TRUE Koizumi, Nagato, and Asakura (not necessarily the ACCOUNT Asakura, Nagato, and Koizumi) will kill one of the humans. Every "Intermission" (Day) Phase, the remaining players will lynch one of their own, trying to discover and kill the two wolves.  After every death, there will be a cardflip revealing the deceased's true role.

A couple things to note:
1. It's possible that an account and true role will match up, given that everything will be randomized.
2. No posting in the thread with your real NSM account, only the one given to you.
3. NO ONE should reveal his or her true NSM username to anyone, even as a joke. That ruins the anonymity.
4. Players should not spend the game guessing others' true identities. Again, that ruins the point of the anonymity.

It's not overly complicated once you think about it. It would be a great deal of fun if everyone participated.

Also, I would shorten the list of players to 10 if not enough people wanted to play.

I made the wolves 3/12, I'll change it back to 2 if only 10 people sign up.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on February 14, 2013, 05:15:16 PM12 accounts will be made, similarly to the game in which none of us knew one another's identity. The twelve accounts will match the names of the roles listed above. No one will be told who is which account except the wolves. For instance, if Jub3r7 signed up, it might happen that his account name is the role of Kyon's Sister, so he would get the account information for that one and post in the thread using that one. However, his TRUE role would be that of Taniguchi, which he would not be informed of--he would only be told that he's a human. Mashi, similarly, might sign up and get the account of Mikuru Asahina, but his true role will be that of Ryoko Asakura. He will be informed of this, as well as the account name ONLY of the other wolf--not the true NSM user name.

Every "Act" (Night) Phase, the TRUE Koizumi, Nagato, and Asakura (not necessarily the ACCOUNT Asakura, Nagato, and Koizumi) will kill one of the humans. Every "Intermission" (Day) Phase, the remaining players will lynch one of their own, trying to discover and kill the two wolves.  After every death, there will be a cardflip revealing the deceased's true role.
That sounds interesting, but... very... very... confusing...

I think that, especially in a case like this, the wolves would have a CLEAR and obvious advantage, though, because the humans are extremely disoriented, unless there's something I'm not reading properly...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Nope. The best way to describe it is like this: you'll be playing TWG with a bunch of players you've never met before.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Wait, am I up to host again?

I thought I had to wait two games before hosting again?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I think you got 2nd place last time, right? That means the rule doesn't apply.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


No, I didn't put up a game because I hosted the previous game to that.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: vermilionvermin on February 14, 2013, 04:49:55 PMHosts who cannot submit games:

Socialfox (Can submit next time)
Davy (Can submit next time)
BlackDragonSlayer (Can submit the time after next host signups)
Liggy (Can submit the time after next host signups)
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Can submit the time after next host signups)
Aww yeah 8)


Yeah, I think I'm going to wait and try to host next round.

I have two games I want to do, one of which I don't think anybody noticed, and another that still needs to be built.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Sorry to both FSM and Maestro, who I forgot to include on the list of people who can't host this time around!  We'll start the poll sometime Saturday night.


Alright, then that solves that.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I will not host in a long time anyways. ::) I suck as a host and my break is over in a couple of weeks.


TWG:  Zombies

As I mentioned in my last post here, I'm designing a game in which everyone gets a death posts, except for a few people, that is.  I'm expecting it to function as a pseudo-cardflip, in which people have to weigh the benefits of confirming their humanity with waiting until late in the game to give much-needed insight or push an important suspicion.


1.  Master Wolf
2.  Wolf ShamanDoes not get a death post
3.  Wolf Totem:  Once per game, may replace the Totem Guy's Totem with a Totem of his own.  He also gets two guesses of the Totem Guy's identity per day phase.  If the Totem Guy dies or takes over the role of another Zombie, he gets to write ALL the totems.  Does not get a death post


4.  Guardian:  In order to guard the seer or vigilante, must reduce their power use by 1 each attempted guarding.  He also gets three guesses of the Totem Guy's identity on Day 1.  When he dies, he has one phase to decide who he passes his power to.  If he selects a Wolf or a Zombie, that player will gain a guardian power (with the same limitations) and the ability to choose whether or not their vote counts.  If he selects a human, that player will lose their vote but gain a Guardian ability with the same limitations as the original Guardian.
5.  Seer:  5 uses of power.  May only use one per night.
6.  Vigilante:  3 uses of power.  May only use one per night.
7.  Human:  Told he/she is a human until his/her death.  May not make deathpost until confirmation that he/she is not a miller.
8.  Human: All human roles are the same.
9.  Human:
10.  Human:
11.  Human:
12.  Human:
13.  Human:


14.  Zombie Leader:  Beginning Night 2, he may bite dead bodies. If, on any night, he bites the same player the Grave Robber resurrects, that person becomes a Zombie follower.  The Zombie leader may direct each one of his Zombie followers to kill one person per night.  May not be revived.  Does not know his partners.
15.  Grave Robber:  Beginning Night 2, he may choose one of the people who are in the graveyard each night to resurrect.  If he and the Zombie Leader choose the same person, that person will be revived and kill one person at the command of the Zombie leader PER NIGHT.  If he selects someone the Zombie Leader doesn't pick, that person can just come back to life.  Does not get a death post.  Does not know his partners.
16.  Totem Guy:  May post a Totem each night.  If, by Day 2, neither the Wolf Totem or Guardian have guessed his identity, he will learn the identities of the Zombie Leader and the Grave Robber.  If either the Zombie Leader or Grave Robber dies, he may take over for them, becoming green as well.  Does not get a death postMay not be revived.  Does not know his partners.

Important notes:
1.  Zombie followers are people resurrected by the Grave Robber and bitten by the Zombie Leader on the same night.  If the Zombie leader bites someone on Night 3 and they're resurrected Night 4 (or vice versa), that person simply comes back to life.  Zombie followers do not count toward the Zombie win condition.
2.  If a person becomes a zombie follower once and is lynched, they can't become a zombie follower once more.  They could still theoretically be revived, they just can't be controlled to kill people.
3.  Win Conditions:  The humans win when they eliminate both the wolves and the Zombies.  The wolves win when their number equals the number of humans + the number of Zombies remaining.  The Zombies win when their number equals the number of humans + the number of Wolves remaining.  The Zombies' win condition overrides the wolves' win condition.