TWG XLVIII: 72 Hours Remaining

Started by FSM-Reapr, February 03, 2013, 03:00:21 PM

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Bulbear! Blueflower999


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Bulbear! Blueflower999


In the chat for talking or some such nonsense.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Maestro..  BDS's move was really risky, and I doubt he would pull a stunt like that unless he had a reason to.  He wouldn't do that as HMS, and if he was wolf or human heprobably did seer him.


Guys I'm sorry I haven't been active.  Bunch of stuff has come up and this will prolly be my last TWG for a while.  I'll try to keep up the rest of the game though.

Before I make a vote:  FSM, what is the "P" in orange after a couple of players' names?


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Currently using Finale 2012


Ah.  Thanks.

rrggg, too much for tonight.  I'll post my vote tomorrow.


Right-O, so will you be joining us then, Spit?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I will. Haven't received my role yet though so don't go accusing yet :P
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Currently using Finale 2012





K. I'm playing now. You can call me *dramatic camera angle*...


I can also conveniently confirm that davy was human. After reading through 20 pages of text, 85% of which was BS, I'm going to vote for shadowkirby

HMS is the most inactive player. Shadowkirby is actually trying to be inactive this time around, and he's even offering some justification. It's definitely not his typical playing style. As davy said, shadowkirby actually tried to redirect the lynch away from himself. Most players (ex/ myself in Gotta Lynch 'em All) will actually just settle with the lynch of themselves if they are an unimportant player, to avoid a KiTB or ignorant lynch of a potentially more important player. We have no reason to believe that shadowkirby is blue, so I think he's the Salesman.

My initial thoughts running through the pages were:

1) TZP always agreed with BDS. Until he voted for BDS's lynch last day phase, I was pretty sure they were in cahoots.
2) Maestro is typically most active when he's a wolf, but I wouldn't vote on that basis.
3) Why couldn't this have confirmed either Bubbles or Boy to be Tingle? Not sure if this has already been discussed...

Why are we trying to lynch Maestro? I don't see the reasoning besides "that lynch was super close and stuff."

Social did you have Zora's mask or did someone relay that to you?

Also why is Tael a bad guy in this game...?
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Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: spitllama on February 12, 2013, 01:26:56 PMWhy are we trying to lynch Maestro? I don't see the reasoning besides "that lynch was super close and stuff."
Two different people seered him orange.  I'mma say that's pretty convincing evidence.
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