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Super Update Bros - January 31st 2013

Started by EFitTrainr, January 31, 2013, 02:27:23 PM

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Problem: You want someone on the forum to go away
Solution: Make it their duty to critique sheets

Also the irony of the arrangement titled "Loading Screen"
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 31, 2013, 06:44:29 PMProblem: You want someone on the forum to go away
Solution: Make it their duty to critique sheets

Can I invite people from other forums?



Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book




Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 31, 2013, 05:24:43 PMI'm just saying, those pieces probably took like 15 minutes to critique (and the recovery one about one minute). With only fifteen minutes' worth (or even if it took like 30 minutes) of critiquing for those alone, I would think that after four weeks we'd have more than three other sheets.

Still, if we do weekly or biweekly updates, these small updates will add up. The only problem is, I haven't seen evidence of that happening.

Idk about the rest of them, but I spend over a day on each sheet when I update, but I take on at least 5 for that period. You have to count the time where you're keeping track of every arranger and trying to get them to come back and look at your revisions.



I wrote a piece about it once.

But I threw it out becuase it wasn't happening anytime soon.

It would seem that it needed more than it had.


It's a common thread I've seen in the 3+ years I've been on this forum. Reviewing an arrangement isn't just a quick scan. Just like publishing, you have to find and correct errors in the notation, and then make sure it matches the original manuscript's intent. 5 sheets in a week? Possible if one marathons the process. 5 sheets in a month? Time is working against you, get some help if you need it. Didn't we just hire more people for this very reason? It looks as if you all handle it in shifts, turn based; rather than setting aside a batch and have everybody work through them as they can. 3 people can knock out 6 sheets no problem, even if they only have one day to devote to the process.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


It's hard to arrange that. (pun intended)

To get three or more people available AND motivated? oh lord.

I mean just today I asked another updater who will go unnamed, and they were busy. Actually having another person available at the same time more than quadruples production rate, curing the "I'm alone doing a frivolous task" mindset.

Would any updater like to maybe approach another updater to create a team for more than 10 minutes? Would really help. Please thank you.


I think you should just abandon the idea of weekly/bi-weekly updates. It's obviously not working for the staff, and it's only creating let down for those looking foward to it. Sure, massive updates of 20-30 sheets are wonderful surprises; but those clearly only happen once in a while.

It took one person 4 weeks to work on 5 sheets. Assuming each sheet takes 1-3 hours to do, for each one's given length and complexity, stop grouping 10 sheets under the mind set "due by-" and just handle it as "today/this week it's-" depending on the time you have. It's more reasonable to believe that everyone on the stave has a few hours each week to work on the sheets. So just set aside 5-10 sheets at a time, and have them tackle them as they can.

Do you have some free time tonight? Look over a sheet then! Just one sheet. When you're done, you're done. If you want to do another, more power to you.
No free time tonight? That's ok, odds are soemone else does.

It makes it easier to wake up or come home to see one more sheet in the stack sorted in the "Done" pile. It gives the group a sense of accomplishment, and will make the rest want to do their part.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Question. What goes into putting a sheet on the site? Is it something like putting the links on the site and making it look fancy, or is it more than that.


Good question. I basically use a webpage that I log into on NSM's intranet and I plug in the content that would be unique to each sheet ie: sheet title, arranger, game, and series. I also have each completed filetype on my hard-drive ready for upload similar to uploading a picture to facebook.

I can do a pdf, mus, and midi in one upload batch, but never more than one "song" at a time.

For your amusement...

If you're wondering, yes I do regularly use Internet Explorer. Yes, Windows 8 has been more clean, powerful, practical, and fun than any OS I have previously used. Mostly because Linux is only efficient if you've already wasted a year of your life familiarizing yourself with the process required in making every-day applications work on the damn thing.

And yes, I am reading an article about the effects of throwing a baseball at 90% the speed of light.