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K-NiGhT's YouTube Channel: MartianMedia!

Started by K-NiGhT, January 25, 2013, 05:29:45 PM

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Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I am going to fix some quality things with this video, but I will keep it up until the other one is finished.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Hey guys. So i've been super busy with getting ready for school and everything, so I missed a chunk of this week's uploads. I'm super sorry :(
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*



School started, and finding time for Taylor and I to record is next to impossible. But fear not! We're working out a schedule, and will hopefully have something for you guys in the next few weeks or so!

Also, I've noticed that the stuff I've been recording doesn't fill the whole space in the youtube window. Any tips?
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


It depends on what the aspect ration you're recording in, and also the size of the screen of the video you're making. Older games won't take up the whole box, what with them being non-HD.

Also, this is why I personally like to have a backlog of content. This way if Axl and I can't record for a while we still have videos to put up in the meantime.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Yeah, I would have that, but whenever we've tried to have a long recording session to get a few weeks worth of episodes, something comes up and we have to cancel. It kinda sucks. We are also trying to do multiple types of series, which means more setup and desicion.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I know the feeling, that's why I had to put off doing my own until this past summer, where time and energy were in abundance.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Yeah, I wish I could've gotten the capture card sooner. I may also have to break down and start doing parts myself. That'd kinda be a last resort thing though, because I'm way funnier with someone else beside me to talk to.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Some good news though, guys! I finally found us an editor. I'll be introducing her on Wacky Wednesday, so watch out!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*



Huh, I just edit all of my videos myself.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I do too but it takes up a lot of time that i don't have.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


lol so i haven't posted here in over a year, but in said past year, I actually have been uploading content (albeit most of it was this past week) I'm currently doing an Emerald Nuzlocke run. If you guys wanna check it out, here's the first episode:

trust me they get better through time
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Dude I tried to follow, but then you started shooting out episodes like 2 or three times a day...I ain't got that kind of time. I already waste too much of it watching other YouTube videos...

Suggestion: Maybe you record a bunch of episodes every now and then but save them until you have a regular uploading schedule. I've noticed that a lot of big YouTubers have a solid schedule, which ends up being beneficial to them, and most likely will be for you.
Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on October 27, 2014, 09:51:20 AMSuggestion: Maybe you record a bunch of episodes every now and then but save them until you have a regular uploading schedule. I've noticed that a lot of big YouTubers have a solid schedule, which ends up being beneficial to them, and most likely will be for you.
lol that's what i'm doing. These first 6 episodes were recorded like last week and I'm doing daily uploads
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


A Let's Player myself, I say you do that. That is exactly what we do on my channel, meet up once a month or so to record for a whole day. That gives us about roughly 6-7 hours of content after editing which translates into roughly 20-25 episodes of content.

We then spread those out so we have a back log of stuff and gives us enough lead time to record again.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.