TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor

Started by MaestroUGC, January 22, 2013, 10:48:58 PM

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Unofficial vote count:

1. Dr. Bubbles, D. A.:  Yugi
2. Dr. Boy, O. D.:  Vermilionvermin
3. Dr. B. D. Slayer, D. C. N.:  Vermilionvermin
4. Dr. Yugi, D. D. S.:  BDS Vermilionvermin
5. Dr. Waddle, D. C.:  Vermilionvermin
6. Dr. Liggy, Psy. D.:  Vermilionvermin
8. Dr. Sheikah, D. P. A.:  Sheikah
9. Dr. Dude, D. H .S.:  Boy
10. Dr. Vermilion, Ph. D.:  Yugi Bird
11. Dr. Bird, D. V. M.:  Vermilionvermin Bubbles
12. Dr. T. Z. Pianist, Au. D.:  Yugi

Changed my vote to Bird because I needed an excuse to post the following gif and it's not gonna matter anyways.  Not for those who hate seeing birds die.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 22, 2013, 10:48:58 PMDoctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Built a time machine out of a DeLorean, presumably to travel the Space-Time Continuum in style; he can take another player of his choosing to either the future or past. Going to the past allows both players to adjust their votes from one day to a different player; going to the future will give them safe passage to the next day phase. He carries Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used powers throughout the game. The Almanac can only be used once all game, meaning the reader will only be told everything once he/she uses it.
So does he have the normal Psychic power of finding out how many wolves there are at the end of Night?

If so, then psychic use his power tonight and seer seer me to (hopefully) prove my innocence.


why would a red seering prove anyone's innocence

the wolves are red


TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a Doctor

Doctor Victor von Doom – Master Wolf
Doctor Frankenstein – Brutal Wolf
Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik – Wolf

The Doctor – Guardian
Doctor John Watson – Seer
Doctor Emmett Brown – Psychic
Doctor Gregory House – Reviver

Doctor Zhivago – Human
Doctor Strangelove – Crazy
Doctor Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy – Human
Doctor Evil – Miller

Doctor Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde – Rogue

All items can be traded. To give another Player an item, PM me the name of both the item and recipient, they will get the item at the start of the next phase. If the sender dies, the item will still be sent; if the recipient dies, the item will be returned to the sender. If the current item holder dies the item dies with them.

1. Dr. Bubbles, D. A.
2. Dr. Boy, O. D.
3. Dr. B. D. Slayer, D. C. N.
4. Dr. Yugi, D. D. S.
5. Dr. Waddle, D. C.
6. Dr. Liggy, Psy. D.
7. Dr. Hunter, D. D.
8. Dr. Sheikah, D. P. A.
9. Dr. Dude, D. H .S.
10. Dr. Vermilion, Ph. D.
11. Dr. Bird, D. V. M.
12. Dr. T. Z. Pianist, Au. D.

Drs. Bird and Vermilion contracted Chromes Disease. Everything leads to Chromes Disease.
It is now Night 2, Night 2 ends 12:00 AM CST, Sun, Jan 27.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 25, 2013, 10:09:13 PMwhy would a red seering prove anyone's innocence

the wolves are red
the miller is red.



Well shit.

I'm assuming he was killed by a vigi? Can someone explain it?

And social your argument still doesnt make any sense


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on January 25, 2013, 10:19:35 PMWell shit.

I'm assuming he was killed by a vigi? Can someone explain it?

And social your argument still doesnt make any sense
Bird was killed by verm's Brutal.

And I want myself seered to prove my innocence.

I'll explain later.

Also Seer or Delorian Guy should claim, and we all claim to that guy.


On the Merits of Reanimation:

For those who wish to bring back those departed from this world, often ponder what it takes to return souls to their mortal coil. I emplore that not only is it possible, but it must be pursued in an attempt to understand the nature of life itself. Man is the only creature in this world to understand what it means to die, but we only have a faint understanding of the creation of life. My experiments are not an affront to God, but rather a neccessary exploration of his work in the name of Science. He has the power to bestow life, but I believe we have to power to return life to the deceased.

From the desk of Victor Frankenstein.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


However, the only reason The monster went batshit crazy was because the doctor didn't like his appearence.

Looks can get you so far.

Waddle Bro

Quote from: Yugi on January 25, 2013, 10:22:18 PMAnd I want myself seered to prove my innocence.

I'll explain later.

Also Seer or Delorian Guy should claim, and we all claim to that guy.
No. You're red, you claimed red.
"omg seer me I have a plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan"

Nobody who Bird didn't tell you the claims claim. One of the people who weren't counterclaimed should claim. How are we going to prove he's not counterclaimed? Easy. He'll just PM you who did you claim. That should be enough proof. There is no reason to claim your role public.


Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 25, 2013, 09:05:40 PMI think his hesitance to claim is pretty indicative of a wolf.  In a game like this, wolves have to be cautious about their claims, and they have to coordinate them lest two of them claim the same role.  For example, in this game, Dr. Bones McCoy is a really bad thing to claim because if a wolf claims it, we can just force a Kitb between the two people who claim it.  His hesitance to claim gives him time to communicate with his potential partners and work out claims.

And BDS is totally the type of person to fake-claim miller because he's always the miller and can make a joke about that or something.

There's also this excerpt from a log:

Why is BDS focusing on only Jekyll/Hyde?  I think it's much more plausible that he's a wolf curious who he should avoid wolfing or that he's Jekyll himself looking for advice on whom to wolf than it is that he's just a human who's only curious about Jekyll.

He's also uber paranoid, to the point where he thinks we should waste a seering on an un-counterclaimed human.  When everyone else in the game has had the opportunity to claim reviver and only Bird did, it's pretty obvious that Bird's the real reviver.  The only fathomable motivation he has for this is that he doesn't want to be seered.  It's obviously not that he doesn't trust Bird, because he says later in the log that he's already claimed to Bird.  In other words, he trusts Bird's claim enough that he thinks we should seer him, but he's suspicious enough to think that we should waste a precious seering on him.  That points more towards him being the rogue than the wolf, but I think there's enough evidence of Yugi being the rogue to doubt it.
Going over everything here...
I was hesitant to claim because I didn't trust Bird; I wanted to claim to Dr. Strangelove, but Bird didn't want him to public claim either.

The reason I was asking people about Jekyll/Hyde is because I wanted to see what people would say, obviously; I've always been curious about more information to put more pieces of the puzzle into place. I am always what you may call "paranoid," and sometimes, that leads people to become paranoid of me.

Quote from: MaestroUGC on January 25, 2013, 10:09:29 PMDrs. Bird and Vermilion contracted Chromes Disease. Everything leads to Chromes Disease.
It is now Night 2, Night 2 ends 12:00 AM CST, Sun, Jan 27.

I knew he was a wolf. X_X

Quote from: Yugi on January 25, 2013, 10:22:18 PMBird was killed by verm's Brutal.

And I want myself seered to prove my innocence.

I'll explain later.

Also Seer or Delorian Guy should claim, and we all claim to that guy.
Ok, I guess I better explain myself. :-[

I WAS hesitant to claim to Bird, because I didn't trust him, as I stated, so I claimed Miller. I realized that that was extremely frivolous, so I was going to tell Bird during the night phase... that I'm the seer...
I told SocialFox in the chat that I was NOT a non-special human, a small gap of information that I had let slip, that caused a bit of trouble (it got a wolf, at least)... :S Additionally, that's why I was wondering if the seering was public (as seen in the chatlog, since I was deciding and waiting to find out who to seer).
Although I made a mistake not claiming earlier, now that Bird is dead, there's no reason not to (despite what Waddle-ninja says :P), lest we suffer from an extreme case of disorientation. D:

As mentioned above, I wanted to claim to Dr. Strangelove, because, since I could seer him, and be guaranteed of his claim (meaning that only then would it be entirely safe; call it paranoid...).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

Why nobody except the one who Bird trusted should claim:

-That means you were counterclaimed. You are not trustworthy.

Why shouldn't the player who will claim not tell his role:

-C'mon, the humans achieve nothing by knowing your role because all the decisions are made by the people who haven't been counterclaimed. The wolves can use that information for their advantage.


Quote from: Waddle Bro on January 26, 2013, 12:51:15 AMWhy nobody except the one who Bird trusted should claim:

-That means you were counterclaimed. You are not trustworthy.

Why shouldn't the player who will claim not tell his role:

-C'mon, the humans achieve nothing by knowing your role because all the decisions are made by the people who haven't been counterclaimed. The wolves can use that information for their advantage.
That's the thing: you can't know anybody who Bird trusted unless you have Bird. The wolves could easily "collapse in" on us if we followed that logic.
Since I don't know who Dr. Strangelove is, I can't seer him; if he claimed, we'd have to guard him, which would mean that the wolves would go after ME, which would destroy mostly all hope... :( A wolf could easily claim Dr. Strangelove and get us to trust him.

Oh boy 1:00 AM again...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

Bird shared everything he knew with the people who weren't counterclaimed, he told me so. And like I said, the person who claims, will send every player a PM telling who they claimed. That should be proof that Bird trusted them.



Because the real miller is red, and two wolves wouldn't claim the same role maybe?