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TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor

Started by MaestroUGC, January 22, 2013, 10:48:58 PM

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I can't insta anyone, I think.


I'm heading out for a campout and will be back Sunday, so don't be worried about my lack of posting.  I think that should give me enough time to vote next phase.  See everybody then.


Safety on Sheikah
Sorry but I've all of a sudden become very popular and all of my friends are playing minecraft. Time flies.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


So it looks like I'm going to be lynched.  I'm not sure there's much I can do about this.  Any suggestions?


try defending yourself and talking about how bds and yugi are both wolves/rogue
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Even if verm does get lynched, I'm reminding everyone that that doesn't mean that both social and bds are humans


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on January 25, 2013, 08:29:07 PMEven if verm does get lynched, I'm reminding everyone that that doesn't mean that both social and bds are humans
Which is pretty obvious.

And, verm, I recommend some herbal tea.


Quote from: Bird on January 25, 2013, 08:25:09 PMtry defending yourself and talking about how bds and yugi are both wolves/rogue
Then it might look like he is bashing us for the mere purpose of defending himself. ._.

Quote from: Yugi on January 25, 2013, 08:32:13 PM
Quote from: Bubbles7689 on January 25, 2013, 08:29:07 PMEven if verm does get lynched, I'm reminding everyone that that doesn't mean that both social and bds are humans
Which is pretty obvious.
Agreed... although I'd like it if you trust me/us. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 25, 2013, 08:40:20 PMAgreed... although I'd like it if you trust me/us. :P
Plot twist, we are both millers.


Before I begin, I'll say I firmly believe that these two are not wolves together.  That doesn't make sense; they were voting for each other early in the phase.  I also think it's very plausible that either is the rogue.  I initially was fairly certain it was Socialfox, but there's a lot of evidence against BDS as well.

I'll start with Social.

I think Bubbles already made the point that Socialfox was clearly not certain about whether or not the humans knew each other at the start of the game.  From the get-go, he's questioning whether or not the humans know which ones they are.  By the time he actually makes any definitive comment about it, there's more than enough time for him to have asked Maestro through PM or such.  There's also the log with TBWCW in which TBWCW fakes a seering.  Here's why it's incriminating:  Socialfox attacks TBWCW's seering claim. 

Quote09:16   Yugi-kun   And if you seered someone
09:16   Boy   I seer'd you
09:16   Yugi-kun   Why would you blantantly tell them that you're the seer?

If he isn't the rogue, Socialfox has no reason to attack Boy's claim.  If he isn't the rogue, Socialfox should have no reason to question the legitimacy of Boy's claim because he should already know that it's wrong.

And on BDS:

I think BDS is the more likely wolf of the two, though there's nothing against him being the rogue.  I think his hesitance to claim is pretty indicative of a wolf.  In a game like this, wolves have to be cautious about their claims, and they have to coordinate them lest two of them claim the same role.  For example, in this game, Dr. Bones McCoy is a really bad thing to claim because if a wolf claims it, we can just force a Kitb between the two people who claim it.  His hesitance to claim gives him time to communicate with his potential partners and work out claims.

There's also the weirdness in which BDS defends Socialfox against someone's accusation (can't remember whose it was).  This is a really odd thing for him to do especially considering the fact that that person should be confirmed to not be on his team.

And BDS is totally the type of person to fake-claim miller because he's always the miller and can make a joke about that or something.

There's also this excerpt from a log:

Quote21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Who do you think Jekyll/Hyde will vigi?
21:56   waddle   No idea
21:56   dude   wait there's a vigi
21:56   dude   what
21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Might he try and vigi Bird, somebody who already claimed?
21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Jekyll/Hyde is a type of vigi, I assume??
21:57   waddle   rogue
21:57   waddle   use the term "kill"
21:57   Boy   Best just asking Waddle
21:57   dude   oh ok
21:58   Boy   So any suspicions guys?
21:58   dude   It's night 1 so no
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   We should Guard and Seer Bird; guard to prevent attacks resulting from his claim (and to protect the information about the claims of other players), and seer to confirm he's blue/special.
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   Yeah, no suspicions currently.
21:58   waddle   No seer
21:58   Boy   No seer
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   Why not?
21:58   Boy   Not needed
21:58   waddle   ninja'd
21:58   waddle   jerk
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   If we don't seer him, he could be a wolf, for all we know...
21:58   Boy   No counterclaims means he's alright
21:58   Hunter   nobody suspecting liggy?
21:59   BlackDragonSlayer   What if the reviver is inactive.

Why is BDS focusing on only Jekyll/Hyde?  I think it's much more plausible that he's a wolf curious who he should avoid wolfing or that he's Jekyll himself looking for advice on whom to wolf than it is that he's just a human who's only curious about Jekyll.

He's also uber paranoid, to the point where he thinks we should waste a seering on an un-counterclaimed human.  When everyone else in the game has had the opportunity to claim reviver and only Bird did, it's pretty obvious that Bird's the real reviver.  The only fathomable motivation he has for this is that he doesn't want to be seered.  It's obviously not that he doesn't trust Bird, because he says later in the log that he's already claimed to Bird.  In other words, he trusts Bird's claim enough that he thinks we should seer him, but he's suspicious enough to think that we should waste a precious seering on him.  That points more towards him being the rogue than the wolf, but I think there's enough evidence of Yugi being the rogue to doubt it.



Quote21:09      *** pheleas_frog joined #twgnsm
Topic set by bird on Sun Jan 20 2013 18:52:07 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
21:09   pheleas_frog   omg bird this is the best nickname ever
21:09   pheleas_frog   i'm gonna travel around the world in 60 days
21:09   pheleas_frog   *80 days
21:10   pheleas_frog   it'll be one long journey for a frog but an even bigger step for frogkind
21:10      *** pheleas_frog is now known as Vermilionvermin


But if the reason I'm suspicious is because of a seering, wouldn't I have to prove that the seer is fake before I can defend myself.


You shouldn't have to question him about the seering to know he's lying about it.  You can make that point in the thread but it's really unnecessary to argue with him about his claim unless the seering's accurate.