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TWG XLVII - Relax, I'm a Doctor

Started by MaestroUGC, January 22, 2013, 10:48:58 PM

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That's 10/12 players online and I still haven't been counterclaimed. The only players who haven't posted, the_last_sheikah and TheZeldaPianist were both online today as well, pretty much solidifying my claim as accurate. If you missed it earlier, I am the reviver. It would be in the best interest of the human team if you would PM me your role. I have a handful of claims so far, but more couldn't hurt! That includes Dr. Strangelove as well.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


21:08   waddle   hello
21:08   Boy   You guys always join together
21:08   Boy   like lol
21:08   Hunter   well he said he will be here in two hours
21:08   Boy   Now you guys have same time zone
21:08   waddle   I told him I would come now. -.-
21:09   waddle   etfroxx hello
21:10   Boy   etf never talks
21:10   ETFROXX   >.>
21:10   waddle   lol
21:10   Hunter   does anybody have any suspicions about anybody now
21:10   Hunter   well liggy
21:10   waddle   Yes.

21:11   Boy   Liggy
21:11   Boy   You?
21:11   Hunter   Liggy
21:11   Hunter   of course
21:12   Hunter   but I still wonder about lynching him
21:12   Hunter   is it really smart
21:12   waddle   We should not worry about the lynching yet.
21:13   Hunter   right, nobody has died yet

21:13   Hunter   well, at least I tried
21:13   Boy   Waddle, your suspicions?
21:14   waddle   Not going to share them with you.
21:14   waddle   No offense.
21:14   Hunter   even with me?

21:14   Hunter   
21:14   waddle   Maybe later
21:14   Boy   So your ease dropping?
21:15   waddle   what does that mean
21:15   Boy   Well your
21:15   Boy   well your listening to us but not contributing
21:15   Boy   your listening to our suspicions, but won't contribute
21:16   Boy   You'll comment on ours sure, but you have no reason to hide yours from us

21:16   waddle   Tell me one good reason why I should reveal my suspicions now?
21:16   waddle   Actually I have a reason.
21:16   Hunter   waddle, everybody wants to get to day 1, yet I shared my suspicion of Liggy in the thread
21:17   Hunter   and I could get wolfed
21:17   Boy   Waddle, better not taking your info to the graph, those wise words were once spoken from your brother
21:17   waddle   I have of course discussed with Bird about my suspicions.
21:17   waddle   I have of course discussed with Bird about my suspicions.
21:18   Boy   Well you've gone up on my suspicion list
21:18   Hunter   Bird might be fake claiming, even though I claimed to him
21:19   waddle   Why? Tell me ONE good reason why I should reveal my suspicions to a possible wolf!
21:19   Boy   I claimed to him
21:19   Boy   Me and Hunter have shared ours.
21:19   Boy   Sure, give me one good reason as to why you shouldn't?
21:19   Boy   You just make yourself more suspicious
21:20   waddle   First of all, that is not a reason.
21:20   Hunter   waddle, this is just ridiculous, as bad claiming zhivago in the thread
21:20   Boy   Wolves of course don't have a suspicion list because they want everyone dead, you seem like you are trying to construct some sort of 5 page long thing and are not finished or something, idk, your confusing!

21:21   Hunter   waddle, you have already two players suspicious of you, you should share something
21:21   waddle   Second, I don't like sharing information with possible wolves.

21:22   Boy   You know what, I think Waddle's the third party role

21:22   Boy   The rogue

21:22   Hunter   why
21:23   waddle   Hunter, let's go chat just you and me.
21:23   Boy   I was about to ask the same thing
21:23   Boy   I don't like people stealing info
21:24   waddle   I could just post this log if you want
21:24   Boy   Anyway, Waddle is being very weird, suspicious, out of character and overprotective, yet, I don't think of him being with other people..
21:24   Boy   Waddle, I'm posting it anyway so lets carry on chatting
21:25   Hunter   waddle, you are already in trouble
21:26   Hunter   even if you were a wuff or the rogue, you should say something

21:26   waddle   Okay liggy is suspicious happy?
21:26   waddle   now shut up

21:26   Boy   No, drop Liggy, it's about you now.
21:26   Hunter   no
21:27   Boy   Why were you so secretive about you suspicions?
21:27   Boy   I do remember you saying suspicions, not your suspicion...
21:27   Boy   so you still haven't told us everything
21:27   Boy   Humans have nothing to hide Waddle.
21:27   waddle   I won't tell you everything, there is a PLAN happening
21:28   waddle   to bust the wolves

21:28   Boy   Better getting it out than taking it to the grave, no human can know who's dying.
21:28   Boy   What do you mean plan?
21:28   Hunter   he said something about it in the thread
21:28   Boy   Bird has his alliance already?
21:28   Boy   I did see Hunter..
21:28   Hunter   about like that
21:29   waddle   I already discussed about my suspicions with Bird(THE MOST HUMAN)
21:29   Boy   There you go, suspicion*s* again
21:29   Boy   Who's the other person?
21:29   waddle   you
21:29   Boy   Ty.
21:30   waddle   You were against the bird claim
21:30   Boy   No, I was against the Strangelove claim because of a mixup
21:30   waddle   No, you didn't want to claim to bird.
21:31   Boy   No, I was skeptical about claiming to Bird, I was planning on wanting a chat with him before I did so, but I was convinced to do so in the thread instead and afterwards had a chat with Bird, I'm fine with Bird for now.

21:32   Hunter   I haven't yet seen the chat with bird, so I don't know
21:32   Boy   It was small
21:33   Boy   Basically me reminding him I claimed, I pm'd him, went on chat and he was there, so did it in chat.
21:33   Boy   I can't show you the chat though obviously because it holds my role
21:33   Hunter   okay
21:33   Hunter   believe u
21:34   waddle   when did you have this chat?
21:34   Hunter   good question
21:35   waddle   Because when we talked couple of hours ago, you hadn't claimed yet
21:35   Boy   No, I hadn't
21:35   waddle   So, when?
21:35   Boy   I don't have the pm saved so I don't have the exact time, but it was about an hour and 20mins ago
21:36   Hunter   waddle calm down
21:36   waddle   hella sketch
21:36   Boy   I did claim in the chat
21:37   Boy   But I claimed through pm aswell
21:37   Boy   I done both
21:37   Boy   I pm'd him, went on chat, he was there, claimed in chat then chatted
21:37   Boy   It says above.
21:37   waddle   Will ask him

21:37   Boy   Also why did you post the log in thread?
21:37   Boy   We aren't finished?
21:37   waddle   Because I said I would
21:38   waddle   I'll post this too
21:38   Boy   Boy   Basically me reminding him I claimed, I pm'd him, went on chat and he was there, so did it in chat
21:38   Boy   I said that to you at 21:33 above
21:39   Boy   Ask him anyway
21:39   Boy   And I'll post the log thankyou
21:39   Boy   I want to mark out some things which make you suspicious, you know.
21:40   Hunter   let the boy do it, waddle, does it really matter
21:40   waddle   Okay
21:40   Boy   Thanks Hunter.
21:40   Boy   So Waddle, why were you secretive about your suspicions?
21:41   Hunter   also waddle why did you keep your suspicions of boy so long?
21:41   Hunter   suspicions that sucked
21:42   waddle   I don't see what can we accomplish by sharing our suspicions and I don't like a possible wolf to know who I'm suspicious of.
21:42   Hunter   no offense
21:42   waddle   *sharing our suspicions in this point of the game
21:43   Hunter   if anybody dies, he has left something to discuss about
21:43   Hunter   maybe
21:43   Hunter   i don't know
21:43   Boy   Well so much has happened and everyone has a different point of view of the game, it's good to know who everyone is suspicious of, from their point of view.
21:44   Boy   Also sure, in this far in the game we can't be too sure about our suspicions, but if our suspicions aren't strong, why not share them?
21:44   waddle   Why is it good to know?
21:44   Boy   Suspicions are also much more helpful to humans than wolves.
21:45   waddle   But we can't even lynch yet.
21:45   waddle   Daytime is usually when you make suspicion lists
21:45   Hunter   but anybody could die during the night
21:46   Hunter   so even if you die night 1, you have said something
21:46   waddle   And this is why I share my suspicions during Night to a player I trust
21:47   waddle   *that
21:47   Hunter   u don't still trust me/us
21:47   Hunter   sad
21:47   waddle   I didn't trust Boy at the time
21:47   waddle   like I said
21:48   Hunter   and like I said, your suspicion was quite bad
21:48   Hunter   again, no offense
21:48   Boy   I actually agree, it was solved in seconds
21:48   waddle   and I was going to chat PM you my suspicions but Boy started asking so much stuff
21:48   waddle   Suspicion is a suspicion
21:50   Boy   You could have still pm'd Hunter, you must have been suspicious of me for a while and you and hunter have been in this chat together alot
21:51   waddle   I started paying my focus on this but forgot that I was still PMming to hunter
21:52   waddle   *so
21:52   Boy   You said before you wouldn't tell your suspicions to Hunter before though
21:52   Boy   You could also have pm'd Hunter on NSM, he is your irl fried
21:53   waddle   23:14   waddle   Maybe later
21:54   waddle   What's the difference of PMming on chat or on NSM?
21:54   Boy   NSM the person will see it, chat , they may not
21:55   waddle   But I could always say "hey check your chat PM"

21:55   waddle   
21:55      *** dude joined #TWGNSM
21:55      *** BlackDragonSlayer joined #TWGNSM
21:55   waddle   hello
21:55   dude   hi
21:55   BlackDragonSlayer   'ello
21:56   Hunter   we have got company
21:56   dude   no he was talking to me bds
21:56   dude   jerk
21:56   Boy   Hi guys
21:56   waddle   ya
21:56   Boy   Funny you joined same time..
21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Who do you think Jekyll/Hyde will vigi?
21:56   waddle   No idea
21:56   dude   wait there's a vigi
21:56   dude   what
21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Might he try and vigi Bird, somebody who already claimed?
21:56   BlackDragonSlayer   Jekyll/Hyde is a type of vigi, I assume??
21:57   waddle   rogue
21:57   waddle   use the term "kill"
21:57   Boy   Best just asking Waddle
21:57   dude   oh ok
21:58   Boy   So any suspicions guys?
21:58   dude   It's night 1 so no
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   We should Guard and Seer Bird; guard to prevent attacks resulting from his claim (and to protect the information about the claims of other players), and seer to confirm he's blue/special.
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   Yeah, no suspicions currently.
21:58   waddle   No seer
21:58   Boy   No seer
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   Why not?
21:58   Boy   Not needed
21:58   waddle   ninja'd
21:58   waddle   jerk
21:58   BlackDragonSlayer   If we don't seer him, he could be a wolf, for all we know...
21:58   Boy   No counterclaims means he's alright
21:58   Hunter   nobody suspecting liggy?
21:59   BlackDragonSlayer   What if the reviver is inactive.
21:59   waddle   You're just being paranoid BDS
21:59   Boy   BDS, if he's a wolf, we're doomed already
21:59   BlackDragonSlayer   No, I'm being normal.
21:59   Boy   I'm suspicious of Liggy and Waddle
21:59   BlackDragonSlayer   It's better not to fall into a trap.
21:59   waddle   Why me
22:00   Boy   I'll remind you in the thread Waddle when everyone can see
22:00   Boy   Your too secretive
22:00   BlackDragonSlayer   Nobody really stands out as being possibly suspicious, yet, except for Bird.
22:00   waddle   okay
22:00   Boy   Too overprotective with your suspicions
22:00   Hunter   BDS: why no liggy?
22:00   waddle   I don't see what difference suspicions would make Night 1
22:00   BlackDragonSlayer   Because Liggy hasn't really done anything yet...
22:00   Boy   He claimed a human
22:00   Boy   He shouldn't have
22:01   Boy   He's given the wolves a better chance of killing a special now

22:01   Hunter   bds, read the two-shot kill human claim thingy
22:01   BlackDragonSlayer   "It seems like humans know who they are, and I'm not sure what's preventing us all from claiming.  If we can, we can find the wolves just by counterclaims."
22:02   BlackDragonSlayer   "My claim is probably stronger than Sauce's, because I doubt the wolves know that the humans know who they are.  I just can't be bothered to remember the name of my role."
22:02   waddle   guise have you claimed to Bird?
22:02   Hunter   yes
22:02   BlackDragonSlayer   SocialFox, I believe, said something similar about the wolves not knowing that the humans know who they are.
22:02   Boy   Socialfox said do they humans know who they are
22:03   waddle   BDS, Dude have you claimed to Bird?
22:03   Boy   I forgot about him
22:03   Boy   He's suspicious too
22:03   BlackDragonSlayer   YES

22:03   waddle   doodlee?
22:03   Boy   Wait, Liggy's post
22:03   Boy   *It seems like humans know who they are*
22:04   Boy   it SEEMS
22:04   Boy   little strange use of wording perhaps?
22:04   BlackDragonSlayer   Liggy is only one human; he couldn't know that all the humans know their specific role
22:04   waddle   I think you're overthinking this
22:04   BlackDragonSlayer   Unless SocialFox told him about it, then Liggy wouldn't know that, would he?
22:04   Boy   Meh, overthough
22:04   Boy   *over thought
22:06   waddle   dude
22:06   Hunter   dude, have you claimed to bird or not?
22:07   BlackDragonSlayer   Oh my; Norton trial only has three days left...
22:08   BlackDragonSlayer   Sooo... anything else important to discuss.....
22:08   Boy   BDS, I know the feeling
22:09   BlackDragonSlayer   
22:09   waddle   
22:09   BlackDragonSlayer   
22:10   Boy   Well
22:10   BlackDragonSlayer   Hrm... Venomoth is too slow, and vulnerable to flinching....
22:11   waddle   bds wanna battle LC
22:11   BlackDragonSlayer   I'm not on the computer I have Pokemon Showdown teams on. D:
22:11   waddle   D:
22:11   Boy   This chats turned into a chat party
22:11   Boy   I'll post the log

Yeh, well Waddle is seeming just really strange as you can see, important parts are in bold, super important are in bold and underline, super super important are bold underline and italics. All is explained in chat.


17:27   dude   wtf
17:28   dude   why is "21:56 Boy Funny you joined same time.." bolded
17:28   dude   that's just retarded




Quote from: Dude on January 23, 2013, 02:29:22 PM17:27   dude   wtf
17:28   dude   why is "21:56 Boy Funny you joined same time.." bolded
17:28   dude   that's just retarded

Yeh, I should have just underlined it or something. It's something worth mentioning though!


No, I mean it shouldn't even matter.

The fact that you brought it up makes you seem like you're trying to push attention away from yourself.

Waddle Bro

So basically, I don't see what use does it make to reveal your suspicions Night 1. also on a cranky mood
If the other kids would jump off the bridge, would you?

Sorry for making a bad defense but it's 0:44 AM and I really don't like putting effort into a stupid thing like this.
I will most likely not be counterclaimed so that should prove my humanity.


Quote from: Dude on January 23, 2013, 02:44:29 PMNo, I mean it shouldn't even matter.

The fact that you brought it up makes you seem like you're trying to push attention away from yourself.

I just thought it was strange, sorry.

Why is attention being directed at me anyway? I'm putting attention on to Waddle Bro, Liggy and Socialfox/Yugi from the log aren't I? That's the point.. :P


Yeah, I was online today.  Sorry, I didn't have time to post anything before heading off for school.

On another note, I am not comfortable at all claiming to Bird this early in the game.  Before anybody else decides to claim to him, I want a little bit more confirmation of his humanity.  How many have you received thus far Bird?


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on January 23, 2013, 02:51:30 PMYeah, I was online today.  Sorry, I didn't have time to post anything before heading off for school.

On another note, I am not comfortable at all claiming to Bird this early in the game.  Before anybody else decides to claim to him, I want a little bit more confirmation of his humanity.  How many have you received thus far Bird?
I said the same thing, but it's better to claim, I suppose... Bird should be seered either way.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Well everyone's been online, and he isn't counterclaimed, so we have to assume he's the real reviver.


TheZeldaPianist, if you look in the log, it's a random get together, there are 5 of us, all of us claimed to Bird. Is that enough? If Bird's wolf we're screwed so we don't need to think too much at this stage! :P


If we all claim to him and he turns out to be a wolf, he could run the game just like Verm did the last one.  He has so much more of an edge than any of us at this point.  I'm keeping to myself for a while longer, unless someone convinces me.