
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Get to know each other survey

Started by Sebastian, January 22, 2013, 02:35:09 PM

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Hi everyone! Just thought I'd better fill one of these out and give you insight into my seemingly normal life. I put a lot of effort into it, so I hope you enjoy reading it! :D

1. What time did you get up this morning? 9:30, and that's after going to bed at 12:30... and 1:30 for the previous few nights. Luigi's Mansion 2 is rather addictive. XD

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds! Very pretty and expensive! My grandmother gave me a diamond ring that she bought for a fortune when she lived in England. I don't really know why she gave it to my, but it's VERY pretty. Plus, I own Pokémon Diamond Version... I think it was meant to be. :P

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Oh gosh... It's been a while. Sadly, I think it's Ice Age 4. I really need to go watch another film. XD

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? In winter I eat a huge bowl of porridge, a glass of water and a Milo. Every other season I eat a huge bowl of Weetbix and muesli complimented with a glass of water and a Milo. Yes, I eat a feast in the morning. And that's all gone within 10 minutes. :P

6. What is your middle name? James. Named after my Great-Great-Uncle James Holden, who was a magician for the Queen of England. Yeah, that's right. ;)

7. What food do you dislike? Only peanuts. I'll eat EVERYTHING else but them. Horrible little suckers. They stink as bad as they taste. XD

8. What is your favourite CD/OST at the moment? Ah... Pokémon Black/White 2 OST is very favourable at the moment. I've been playing the game and I can't get over how AWESOME Team Plasma's battle theme is this time around. However, Lentimas Town is just THE BEST!! I just sit there with my headphones in listening to that EPIC song! :D Oh, and the Paper Mario Sicker Star OST is stuck in my head too. The music is just divine, and the orchestration is insane! The Blue Wizard is by far my favourite song.

9. What kind of car do you drive? I'm learning to drive a Toyota Camry, 2002 model... Something like that. I DON'T HAVE A CARE IN THE WORLD FOR CARS!

10. Favourite sandwich? Salad sandwich! Filled with tomato, cheese, lettuce, mayonnaise, beetroot, anything that's a veggie, really. My friend Torben makes mean salad sandwiches and shares them with me every so often. He's a fabulous cook!

11. What characteristic do you despise? People who think the world revolves around them. We have this one girl at school who thinks she's the ant's pants... She has as many friends as she has enemies. :P

12. Favourite item of clothing? Suits. Can't get enough of 'em. Fir my 21st birthday, I'm going to go to the finest tailors in all of Melbourne and get my very own custom-made suit!! I also really like flannelette shirts 'cause they're a smart casual and I like looking smart but not too smart at casual occasions. Plus, they have pockets! Best invention ever! :D

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Japan. I would revisit Miyajima Island, Kyoto and Nara to re-explore all the temples I visited a couple of years ago, and to go shopping and immerse myself in Japanese culture. I think I'd like to travel to Tokyo and see what that kind of city life is like! POKEMON CENTRE HERE I COME! Hahaha! I just loved all the beautiful scenery in Japan. In first place with Japan is Sydney, to meet my special someone. <3

14. Favourite brand of clothing? They have brands for clothing? Since when? XD

15. Where would you retire to? Somewhere in Japan. I'd sit on my porch everyday and gaze out at the spectacular scenery. It just seems like a fabulous place to retire, just as long as the pensions aren't too low and the taxes aren't to high. ;)

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? The one that just went by, I guess! My friends and I went down to the Fish 'n Chip shop and got $80 worth of chips! THEN my three best friends and I went out to a Thai restaurant and had plenty of food. By the end of that night, I couldn't stomach any more food, which is a rare commodity for me. My friend Torben put together a Carrot Clarinet for me! I received the most amazing drawing from Pit, too! :D

17. Favourite sport to watch? Tennis! I love watching the Australian Open. Plus, I can go and watch it live when it's on too! BUT WHY DOES IT ONLY GO FOR TWO WEEKS IN JANUARY?? WHY? D:

18. Furthest place that this will be seen? The don't call the internet the 'World-Wide Web' for nothing! Funny story about that... Last year someone told me what the 'www' at the start of a web address actually stood for. I was like: "OMG NO WAY!" XDDDDDD

19. Person you expect to answer first? Slow tends to have a habit of posting immediately after me. I'm not going to put money on it, though. ;)

20. When is your birthday? March 15th!

21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Depends! I tend to change every now and then. I'm a morning person during the school term and a night owl during the holidays. ;)

22. What is your shoe size? 11 – 12 UK, I think... Why the frick do they have different sizes for US? =_=

23. Pets? Two gorgeous cavoodles! One's an apricot colour and the other is tri-coloured. Marley is rather fat and energetic whilst Gyro is so small and SO cute!! They're both girls! Oh, we also have two chickens and my middle brother, Shea, collects stick insects... XD

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? ...I'm on holidays, I guess... And I have a ton of homework to do. Yay?

25. What did you want to be when you were little? A palaeontologist! I loved Dinosaurs so much when I was younger and I used to draw THOUSANDS of them! Mum and Dad kept all my drawings when I was young and I have this huge box in the cupboard that is filled to the brim with Dinosaur drawings. My grandmother suggested that I become one when I was a tacker too!

26. How are you today? Sore from stooping over a desk for 6 hours doing Maths and Japanese homework. The weather is good, though, so I'm not complaining. :)

27. What is your favourite candy? Liquorice! LOVE THAT STUFF! I received a 1.25 kg tub of liquorice for Christmas a couple of years ago and I ate it all in one day! XD

28. What is your favourite flower? Wouldn't have a clue 'cause heaps of them look VERY pretty. I do like the ones that have really exotic colours and smell really nice. :)

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward? May 3rd since our school band's going to the Mount Gambier Generations in Jazz Festival in South Australia! Time to have a Mario Kart seminar in the bus for 7 hours. :P

30. What is your full name? Joel James Hands-Otte. I'm the only person in the world with my name! Makes me feel rather special, actually! It's great when I forget my EB Games card and they ask for my name. I should get my friend Torben to answer this question 'cause he has HEAPS of middle names. :P

31. What are you listening to right now? Boss Blitz Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy 2... BRING IT ON!! >:D

32. What was the last thing you ate? Easter Egg! A nice big Humpty Dumpty filled with M&Ms. I smashed it open with the ruler I was using for Maths. XD

33. Do you wish on stars? Occasionally, when I have the time to stare up into the sky and actually make an effort to wear my glasses in order to see the sky... I wish when I feel I need a miracle to do something or if I just want comfort in knowing I'm doing the right thing. :)

34. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Emerald Green.

35. How is the weather right now? About 22.1 degrees Celsius. The perfect temperature for your brain to work at its optimum, according to my Physics teacher. XD

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? My best mate Torben. He's in hospital after serious surgery and I was checking up how he was going.

37. Favourite soft drink? Coke, I guess. They all taste the same to me.

38. Favourite restaurant? 'Thai by the Sea'. It has the most amazing Jungle Curry and I tell you, IT BURNS!!! XD

39. Real hair colour? Hahahaha! Good one! That'd kill some people. "Hang on, I'll have to remove the 50 layers of dye in my hair!" Anyhoo, mine's dark dark dark dark brown. Most people think it's black, but it's not. Believe me. :P

40. What was your favourite toy as a child? A rather large stuffed teddy called Backer Bear! I used to sleep on his crotch as he was my pillow. It's only now I realise how uncomfortable that would've been for him... Plus, his pants would get rather red after a blood nose... XD I still have him too! It's just that he's now in a vacuum-sealed bag on top of my cupboard!

41. Summer or winter? Winter. You can very easily make yourself warmer. It's a hell of a lot harder to make yourself cooler. Plus, I love falling asleep in thermal sheets and not wanting to wake up in the morning. XD

42. Hugs or kisses? The transaction of saliva from one's mouth to another doesn't come across as very appealing... Hahaha! I do enjoy a good heart-felt hug. :)

44. Coffee or tea? I don't drink either! They both smell great but taste awful! Then again, I'm a musician... Maybe I should start drinking coffee. XD

45. Do you want the members to answer these questions? Freedom of speech; that's what we have here in Australia. ;) 

46. When was the last time you cried? Last month, the day after going to watch a concert in Melbourne. It was Sunday evening and I passed by Hamer Hall in the train on the way back from a tiring day of orchestral rehearsals. I was reflecting on emotions from the previous night and I couldn't hold them in any longer. The feeling you get when you just want to be right next to someone you care for dearly. <3

47. What is under your bed? Nothing! I have a policy to never keep anything under my bed. Same with my floor! I'm a neat freak when it comes to my room so everything's got a spot on a shelf or in a cupboard. :P

48. What did you do last night? I was arranging the Overworld Theme from the original (yes, the first) Super Mario Bros. for a clarinet quartet. My music teacher told me that a teacher from another school would pay me to arrange it for them, so that's what I'm doing! :D

49. What are you afraid of? Heights, especially when I don't feel like I'm strapped in and safe from falling. I don't like scary-ass movies, and (worst of all), being out at night, feeling insecure and having shifty cars drive by. Scares the bejesus outta me. XD

50. Salty or sweet? Sweet. Ah huh! I do love my sweet sugary stuff. I think my pallet is changing over time, though, because I can't stomach as much as I could in one serving anymore. ;)

51. How many keys on your key ring? I don't require a key ring because I have laser vision and I just burn down doors.

52. How many years at your current job? About 2 months, I guess. Great money is made from music tuition! :D

53. Favourite day of the week? Thursday. Don't have Maths and Physics and I have a nice big fat double spare in the middle of the day. And I have band after school. Nothing feels better than honking out on a bari sax at the end of the day. ;)

54. How many towns/cities have you lived in? Only one. I'll expand my living quarters when I'm older! Depends where I go to University, I guess.

55. Do you make friends easily? Oh yeah, pretty easily! I'm very sociable in a non-flirtatious sense and people tend to like talking to me. I just strike up a conversation with basically anybody and they respond in an according manner. I'm not as good as my dad, though; he can talk to ANYONE ANYWHERE and he'll make friends... I envy his unique ability. XD

56. How many people do you think will read this? Wouldn't have a clue! It's fun to fill this out and I've put a hell of a lot of time into it, so I'm sure someone will want to read it. It gives great insight into what we all get up to other than stalk new posts on the forums. :P

57. Do you have a wrist watch? Oh yeah! Got a nice flashy Pulsar for my birthday and it's MAGNIFICENT! I wouldn't be able to cope if I didn't wear one. I literally die at school when I forget mine. XD

58. The first console game you ever played? Hmm... That was an original Gameboy, but I only touched it once or twice. I didn't really open up to video games until I was 9 and my mum bought me a Gameboy Advance SP and Pokémon LeafGreen to go along with it. That day changed my life forever. :D

59. Do you prefer studying or working? I like tutoring music, but I find it rather stressful. Plus, I feel like I'm missing out of precious time that I could be studying. Same goes with everything, actually. If I'm playing a game, I feel guilty that I'm not studying. And when I'm not doing actual note studying, I could always be practising my three instruments or doing some Japanese oral practise. It's a never-ending cycle and it seriously sucks... So I guess I prefer studying as I seem to have a need to do it. -_-

60. Favourite Pokémon? Oh gosh... Charizard: First Pokémon I ever got and it was just EPIC! I could take down the whole Elite Four with it! Just beating Brock and Misty were rather hard at the start! I named my first Charizard 'Boby' (was meant to be called 'Bobby') because I was a horrible speller up until recently. My other one tied for first place would be Milotic. It took an AGE to find a goddamn Feebas in Emerald, and after that, it took even longer to raise its Beauty level to max. Once I got the Milotic, I was so happy I decided to make it one of my team members! I named it 'Cream' after the character Cream from Sonic. :D

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? ...A Nokia. The first one that ever came out. No colour. No camera. It does have a light, though! And it can text! That's all I need. :P

62. How many forums you visit besides NSM? I used to be heavily involved in Wikidot and I used to be in charge of quite a few sites, as well as a moderator for a number of sites. I stopped using Wikidot after I found this site, though. I'm content with NSM and I'll be a loyal member to it and it only for the remainder of my years. :)

63. What is your favourite anime? I really can't stand the series anime. I find them all too childish and I can't stand a lot of the artwork and voices of characters. I absolutely HATE the Pokémon series above all others, but I don't really like any. I do, however, love movie anime. My favourite film is Spirited Away! I just love the amazing scenery in the movies and just the fact that they aren't always good guy/bad guy orientated. :D

64. What is your favourite manga? I don't mind manga! Hmmm... I don't particularly have a favourite series, I just tend to browse and read as I please. I never quite understood why people got excited about reading manga because there was some sexy woman on the front or you could see someone's panties on a certain page. DISGUSTING! I did, however, like Ranma 1/2 when I was younger. THAT was funny. And I also really enjoyed reading The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time manga series. :P

65. What anime did you last watch? I was over at my friend Chelsey's place last year and she forced me to watch Inu Yasha with her.  She kept asking me: "OMG how hot is Inu Yasha's human form?" "Chelsey, it's just a drawing." XD

66. What book did you last read? I don't have time to read for pleasure anymore. It's sad, but true. I do miss it. Hopefully I'll find time after this year. I guess the last book I read was for this year's contextual theme in English which is 'Who's Reality'. It's called Spies by Michael Frayn. I was hoping these books for English would actually be satisfactory to read, but this one is atrocious! I have to read it again within the next week, too! :(

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? Yep! Back in Grade 6, I made a deal with my friend that I'd read the whole Harry Potter series if she read the whole Deltora Quest series. She never kept her end of the deal, but I read all the books and thoroughly enjoyed them! I think they were well-designed and are much more satisfying in comparison to the movies, as are most books. ;)

68. Do you enjoy dancing? OH YEAH! Ever since we did dancing in Year 7 PE, I loved it! I've never taken it up seriously, but I can dance to save my life. ;)

69. Can you sing? I never liked singing, but I really enjoy it now! I CAN actually sing, contrary to what I always say. My friend Torben and I love singing the baritone parts and trying to go as low as we can whilst staying in tune. XD

70. Are you good public speaker? Why of course. I don't have a problem with talking to a crowd of faceless people. I really don't understand why some people fear it more than death. I fear playing my instrument(s) to a small group of people a hell of a lot more than public speaking. XD

71. What are your strengths? Well, I NEVER get angry when playing games or in any situation unless it's something really serious. My friends hate me 'cause I never get angry when I lose and I'm terribly persistent. That's why I get so good at games. Hmm... I'm very good at sussing out who people actually are, if you can call that a strength. I pick up on physical characteristics, body language, facial expressions, voice, etc and form a very accurate picture of who someone is. I can pick up how someone would act in real-life just by reading some of the things they write and their writing style. ;)

72. Does it matter what I ask here? No, not really, as long as you don't start asking questions that are as obscure/inappropriate as some of the truths I come up with when my friends play Truth-or-Dare. Then we'd all be in trouble. XD

73. Why? Asking questions isn't wrong, right? I never said there was anything wrong! Ask away! Just nothing awfully personal and no one will chop your head off. ;)

74. What do you think about that? I think 'that' is a rather nice word that can be used in many useful phrases and sentences. It's far too mainstream, though, as it contains two 't's which are in fact the most commonly used consonant in the English language. :P

75. Do you enjoy your life? Of course! I'm a super optimistic person who finds the best out of any situation! I love being the oldest out of three brothers and showing my younger siblings how they should approach life. I try to enjoy all opportunities thrown my way. I'm not a huge risk-taker, but I'm happy with the chances I do take in life as they tend to be beneficial or at least make me a better person. As I always say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. :)

76. What would you like to do now? Stop the flow of time so I could spend hours satisfying my gaming crave. AND I'd love to sit down and arrange everything on my TO DO list. Not gonna happen any time soon. Sorry guys. :'(

77. Have you been in Disneyland? I believe they have a Disneyland on the Gold Coast up in Queensland... We travelled up there back when I was in Grade 4 and we went to Movie World for my middle brother Shea's birthday. I haven't been to Disneyland there, though. XD

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? I don't have time to commence any new hobbies, let alone enough time to pursue my current ones! Then again, if studying for more than 6 hours a day counts as a hobby... :P I did however start my dad playing on a DS! I pulled out a new DS we bought a while back and I got him to play New Super Mario Bros. It was the funniest sight EVER! He's getting better, but ever so slowly. XD

79. What's your favourite TV show? I don't watch TV much 'cause I have better things to do like studying for more than 6 hours a day... When I do watch TV, it's for Big Bang Theory. That's funny and I actually understand some of the stuff they talk about. In fact, I picked up a Simpsons comic the other day and the Professor said something about 'getting out of here faster than a Higgs Boson particle.' I was like: "Hahahaha I get it..." XD

80. Do you like vampires? After seeing a trailer for Twilight, no. I did think they were cool at one point in my life. Not anymore.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? No. Never have, never will. I did watch the bad lip-reading YouTube clip for Twilight, though. Hahahaha! :D

82. What is the time right now? 10:28 PM. Sitting here on my laptop in the dark, typing this out whilst listening to Paperisation from Paper Mario Sticker Star. My brother Shea is in the bed to the left of me and he's playing on his DS. A day later and I'm re-reading this to make it even more amusing for you all and Shea's still doing the same thing. It's 10:22 PM right now! XD

83. Do you have a Twitter/Facebook account? Yes, I do have a Facebook account. It gets used even less than my phone does, which is rather sad. Plus, I don't actually have internet at home. :P

84. Do you play Facebook games? Do NOT get me started on those things people call 'games'. Worthless pieces of TRASH! I don't have time to waste my life playing some pointless Facebook game! Nintendo games take up plenty of my time already. XD

85. Do you make status updates? What're they? :P No, not really. I don't see any reason for people to know when my arse is itchy. Same with Skype. If people want to know how I feel, they will ask, or I will tell them personally. ;)

86. Do you change your profile picture often? I have a profile picture, but I don't even know or care what it is. I don't really change anything for Skype either, however, I did actually put up a picture of me holding the bari sax I played at the Spectacular last year. :D

87. Who's your favourite actor? My favourite actor is Jim Carey. I don't really have to explain why 'cause he's just AWESOME. The Mask was a fabulous movie that had me in stitches all the way through. Bruce Almighty was friggin' hilarious too. He's made me cry with laughter many a time. XD

88. Do you want kids? Gosh, well, that depends. I wouldn't mind having little ones. Maybe not too many. I think three is a good number 'cause I come from a family of three children and we all get on (most of the time) like a house on fire. I couldn't care if I had boys or girls, but I don't have a female sibling, so I don't know what it'd be like having a miniature female in the house... Plus, nowadays you really have to think about whether it's worth having kids; do you have an income that will be able to support children? Have you taken into account the genetic deformities that they could inherit from you or your partner? And it all comes down to if you and your partner really want kids. Yeah, I can't say I'll know for sure until later on in life.

89. How many video games do you have? Well, I don't have enough to conquer the whole Earth (just Japan), but I do have a rather large collection. They're mainly for Nintendo handheld consoles, particularly the DS. I have 102 DS games in total. :P

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? Nope. I'd be the last person to ever find in a fight, believe me. I'd be running away without a second thought. Unless of course some hooligans were threatening the love of my life. They'd soon regret it. ;)

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? I used to think I had the ugliest face on the planet when I was younger. I don't care anymore, though. Besides, when I look at myself in pictures now, I tend to think I don't look half-bad! I'm developing a well-defined face that's becoming more and more a man's face. *sigh* I'm growing up. If there was anything I'd change, I'd like the battlefield scars that took place all over my face when I was 15 up 'til last year to disappear. Adolescence wasn't terribly kind to me and I hate looking at my skin close in the mirror. :(

92. How tall are you in cm? 184 cm tall and still growing (slowly). :P

93. How much do you weigh? Only 60 kg. I'm quite light for my height. I do eat, I swear! If I put on how much I eat, I'd weigh more than an several elephants! XD

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Sorry folks, but I'd have to say Deku, Shadoninja and Bespinben really stand out. Shado has always had high-quality sheets as has Deku. I've watched Ben's skills as an arranger develop since he's started and I've come to admire the effort and the work he's able to put together with such perfection. I look up to you three as my arranging idols! Keep up the fabulous work, fellas! :D

95. Have you been in a car crash? Don't remind me, please. It was bucketing outside with rain and our car lost control and spun out. We slid across the road and into a ditch, taking out a pole with my door. Thankfully no one was hurt. Still, that was a traumatic experience. :(

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? I don't use my bike very often now, so I'd say walking. My friend Torben and I always go for huge walks when we catch up. Our 3DS pedometers clock up around 16,000 steps every day when we're both together. :P

97. When was the last time you were drunk? I refuse to ever drink in my entire life. I turned 18 last month and I've vowed since I was young I'd never drink. I'm sticking to that and no one's EVER changing my mind.

98. Do you smoke? NEVER. It's a disgusting habit of anti-socialism. I've vowed never to smoke, drink or gamble in my entire life.

99. Who's the most awesome person in NSM? You're all fantastic individuals, but Pit shines above the rest like no other, though. :)
100. What is your favourite game series? The Mario & Luigi RPG series. My friend Gerrad got me playing the GBA one called Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and from that moment, I was hooked. I'd never played a game like it before and it was just SOOOO much fun. I own all three games in the series and I'm now eagerly awaiting the release of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team for the 3DS later this year. SLOW, WE CAN SURVIVE THIS!!! XD

101. What is your favourite book? Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda! She is an amazing writer and the Deltora Quest series is very satisfying and quite addictive. I've also watched the amine series, read the manga series and played the game for the DS. I also really love the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. He's a master storyteller that manages to weave all these separate plots together in such a professional way. They're very humorous and heart-warming as well.

102. What is your favourite smell? I'd say petrol. Shocking, yes. The smell of car fumes at the petrol station stimulate my senses and probably would cause me to pass out if I stayed there for more than a few minutes. I also love the smell of marker pens. *sniff* Ooooooooh... XDDDDD

103. Who is your favourite television character? Sheldon Cooper's rather funny. He gets annoying occasionally, but I rather like him. Everyone at school says I look like him and act like him! DO NOT! XD

105. Who is your favourite anime character? Hmm... Then again, I think we'll settle with Chihiro from Spirited Away. I do like James from the Pokémon series, though. He's a complete idiot and the guy who does his voice is genius! :P

106. Who is your favourite literary character? Durzo Blint from the Night Angel Trilogy; a magical assassin who has lived for thousands of years, can come back to life if killed, can change his appearance at his own whim and has had sex an incomprehensible amount of women over his lifetime. Can't say I aspire to be like him, but he's definitely a character of awesomeness. XD

107. Who is your favourite game character? Don't do this to me. There's too many bad-ass characters to pick. If I had to chose, I'd say Fawful from the Mario & Luigi RPG series. His highly effective use of Engrish cannot be matched by any game character or super-shit translator, no matter how hard they try. I live to play another one of these games to hear him spew up some seriously funny line that has me holding my sides. Bowser: "What's your beef with me, pal?" Fawful: "Beef? Fawful is lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless!" XDDDDDDDDD

108. What is your favourite website? NinSheetMusic, YouTube and Serebii. NSM for obvious reasons, YouTube for anything and everything and Serebii for all my Pokémon needs. Generation VI thirst is quenched every time I go there. OH! Am I hearing correctly? A new forme for Mewtwo. I'm shocked! :O

109. What is your favourite musical instrument? Piano. Master of all instruments, just as it should be. I do like Double Basses too, actually. Any instrument that can make a crisp low sound is sexy to me. ;)

110. How many instruments do you play? I technically play three: piano, clarinet and baritone saxophone. I can, however, play bass clarinet, soprano sax, alto sax and tenor sax.

111. How many aunts and uncles do you have? Our family is a dying breed. I have one cousin, two uncles and one aunt. My aunt and one of my uncles haven't had children, so there's only one other line of family continuing apart from ours. XD

112. When was the first time you had a serious crush on someone? Serious crush! I've been horrible when it comes to stuff like this all the way up until last year. Over the years I've grown and reflected on my past self, only wanting to give him a jolly good kick in the balls! I think my first serious crush was back in Year 8 with my now best female friend Chelsey. I asked her out and she said that her parents didn't want her dating. I REALLY liked her though, so in Year 9 I asked her out again and she said she couldn't do it. In a nutshell, she did things that made me believe that she liked me (e.g. take me out to the movies, show off all the time) and in the end she still refused... She and I are best friends now, though. I'd never think of her in that way again, actually. It'd make me puke! XD

113. What is your least favourite popular movie? Twilight, I guess. If that's still popular. :P I didn't like Hunger Games either, to tell you the truth. Children killing children without remorse doesn't sit well with me. I can't bear to think of that movie. *shudder* XD

114. Do you get jealous easily? For most things, no. It's a different story when it comes to someone I like, though. I'll go to the ends of the earth to sabotage anyone's attempts to interfere with my crush! My jealousy gives me special powers to exterminate actors and anime characters as well. :P

115. Meanest thing you've ever done? When I was a lot younger, my brother Shea and I attached my youngest brother Dale's frontal area to the vacuum cleaner nozzle and turned it on... I will admit, THAT was cruel. XD

116. What is your favourite class in school? Definitely Music. We sing and do super-easy theory. Best time ever! :D I don't mind my other classes, but I don't really enjoy them in a sense. They're just business.

117. What is your favourite terrible movie? Avatar The Last Airbender... I don't understand why that was rated so badly. I really enjoyed it and the animation was really cool! :D

118. What is one thing that is really popular and you will never do? Become addicted to popular social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. I have Facebook, but I never use it much. It's just there in case someone needs to contact me and they don't really require a reply for a few years. :P

119. What is your favourite animal? Rhinoceros! I reckon my eyesight's about as great as theirs, which is rather sad. They're rather majestic creatures that have always fascinated me with their impressive horn. I loved watching documentaries with Rhinos in 'em. Good old David Attenborough! It's such a shame that poachers take their horns! YOU FOOLS! LEAVE THEM BE! -_-

120. What colour are your eyes? Dark blue. My dad actually has hazel coloured eyes, yet none of us inherited his colour. I thought blue was meant to be the recessive gene! XD

121. What is your favourite classic Disney movie? I'd have to say Mulan! It was a great movie and it had me in suspense and awe all throughout it! I really need to watch it again sometime soon...

121. What type are you? I'd say Dark/Psychic. I've got a comprehensive brain that unfortunately has quite a dark side, hidden for most of the time. It's filled with long-forgotten memories from my childhood years (yes, I wasn't the nicest little boy in the world). That sums me up quite nicely. ;)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on April 05, 2013, 07:08:11 PM5. What do you usually have for breakfast? In winter I eat a huge bowl of porridge, a glass of water and a Milo.

Um. What is Milo?
Quote from: Nakah on October 28, 2013, 11:27:22 AM
I always respect my local poison herbalist.


Milo is a kind of hot chocolate! Very nice to have in the morning. ;)

Oh! I also have to change one of Pit's answers:
Quote from: Pit0010 on January 24, 2013, 10:05:54 PM120. What color are your eyes? Brown
It should read: A beautiful shade of rich, deep chocolate brown that melt the heart of those who stare deeply into them.

She's gonna die when she reads that, but there we have it. :P
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on April 05, 2013, 07:48:36 PMMilo is a kind of hot chocolate! Very nice to have in the morning. ;)

Oh! I also have to change one of Pit's answers:It should read: A beautiful shade of rich, deep chocolate brown that melt the heart of those who stare deeply into them.

She's gonna die when she reads that, but there we have it. :P


I'm so gonna kill you when I see you again. XD
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 15, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
"Sorry to keep you waiting!'
~Pit, Kid Icarus Uprising ♥

Me youtube channel!:


Quote from: fingerz on April 05, 2013, 07:08:11 PM13.  In first place with Japan is Sydney, to meet my special someone. <3

I shall kill you again Fingerz.  ::) ;D 
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 15, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
"Sorry to keep you waiting!'
~Pit, Kid Icarus Uprising ♥

Me youtube channel!:


1. What time did you get up this morning? 8 :30

2. Diamonds or pearls? Plaitnum because just.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Dark Knight Rises.

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Bread.



6. What is your middle name? Ian, named after my grandfather.

7. What food do you dislike? Duck, I kind of like ducks (U and I are awfully close on a keyboard) For some reason, and I just can't eat them.

8. What is your favourite CD/OST at the moment? Persona 4/Final Fantasy XII. Both are orgasmic in every way.

9. What kind of car do you drive? Because 13 year olds can totally drive cars.

10. Favourite sandwich? Jam.

11. What characteristic do you despise? People who talk too much, seriously you don't have to tell me everything about your life.

12. Favourite item of clothing? Tuxedo.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Spain, there's something I like about the Spanish.

14. Favourite brand of clothing? Anything with a good caption on it.

15. Where would you retire to? My own home, I like being normal

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Uhhh...

17. Favourite sport to watch? Fencing, there's something about swordfighting that I like.

18. Furthest place that this will be seen? EVERYWHERE.

19. Person you expect to answer first? FSM most likely.

20. When is your birthday? September 16th

21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night, I'm always wasted in the morning.

22. What is your shoe size? I don't care about shoes.

23. Pets? Cats.

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I PERFORMED AT A WEDDING.

25. What did you want to be when you were little? A Doctor, I always wanted to save people back then.

26. How are you today? Bored.

27. What is your favourite candy? White Chocolate.

28. What is your favourite flower? Weed

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward? April 25th, Public holiday  8)

30. What is your full name? Jeremy Ian MacRae.

31. What are you listening to right now? LOOK PIMPIN!

32. What was the last thing you ate? STEAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

33. Do you wish on stars? No.

34. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? What.

35. How is the weather right now? Night.

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? I don't have a phone.

37. Favourite soft drink? I only drink water and milk.

38. Favourite restaurant? Not sure.

39. Real hair colour? Brown.

40. What was your favourite toy as a child? Teddy bears.

41. Summer or winter? Winter.

42. Hugs or kisses? uhhh........

44. Coffee or tea? Tea.

45. Do you want the members to answer these questions? Freedom of speech; that's what we have here in Australia. ;) 

46. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I was really tired and my body started crying for no reason.

47. What is under your bed? Schoolbag, I had an open house today.

48. What did you do last night? Arranging from Persona.

49. What are you afraid of? Darkness, or rather, what's inside it.

50. Salty or sweet? Salt.

51. How many keys on your key ring? What?

52. How many years at your current job? I have no job.

53. Favourite day of the week? Thursday.

54. How many towns/cities have you lived in? Only one.

55. Do you make friends easily? Not really, I have to know them a bit first.

56. How many people do you think will read this? Don't know and don;t care.

57. Do you have a wrist watch? No.

58. The first console game you ever played? Avatar: The Legend of Aang

59. Do you prefer studying or working? Neither

60. Favourite Pokémon? Darkrai.

61. What kind of cell phone do you have? I don't have a phone.

62. How many forums you visit besides NSM? The SSF2 Expansion forums, and I lurk LLF from time to time.

63. What is your favourite anime? One Piece.

64. What is your favourite manga? Bleach.

65. What anime did you last watch? The Melancony of Haruhi Suzimaya

66. What book did you last read? I have no mouth and I MUST SCREAM.

67. Have you read all the Harry Potter books? No.

68. Do you enjoy dancing? OH FUCK NO.

69. Can you sing? Somewhat.

70. Are you good public speaker? People call me a Stoic for good reason.

71. What are your strengths? I stay quiet, which means that I can seal my emotions inside most of the time, I can also keep secrets.

72. Does it matter what I ask here? No, not really.

73. Why? Asking questions isn't wrong, right? Is this going to end up in a convosation?

74. What do you think about that? I think 'that' is a rather nice word that can be used in many useful phrases and sentences. It's far too mainstream, though, as it contains two 't's which are in fact the most commonly used consonant in the English language.

75. Do you enjoy your life? People depress me.

76. What would you like to do now? People (hue hue hue)

77. Have you been in Disneyland? No.

78. Have you started any new hobbies lately? Not really.

79. What's your favourite TV show? Anything by the chaser and/or Will Anderson.

80. Do you like vampires? Die monster! You don't BELONG in this WORLD.

81. But you have seen the Twilight movies? Yes.


82. What is the time right now? 9.25 PM

83. Do you have a Twitter/Facebook account? No.

84. Do you play Facebook games? If I don't have facebook, why would I play the games.


86. Do you change your profile picture often? GODAMMIT

87. Who's your favourite actor? Not sure.

88. Do you want kids? Not sure yet.

89. How many video games do you have? Not sure.

90. Have you ever been in a real fight? No.

91. Is there a part in your face you'd like to change? I want a crew cut  :(

92. How tall are you in cm? Not sure.

93. How much do you weigh? Not sure.

94. Who's your favourite arranger? Maestro, his arrangments are quite fun to listen to.

95. Have you been in a car crash? No.

96. Do you prefer walking or biking? Walking.

97. When was the last time you were drunk? I'm a minor.

98. Do you smoke? I'm a minor.

99. Who's the most awesome person in NSM? Not sure

100. What is your favourite game series? Final Fantasy.

101. What is your favourite book? Misery by Stephen king.

102. What is your favourite smell? Flowers.

103. Who is your favourite television character? Wil Anderson

105. Who is your favourite anime character? Shunsui Kyoraku.

106. Who is your favourite literary character? Paul Sheildon from Misery.

107. Who is your favourite game character? Kefka.

108. What is your favourite website? Take a wild shot.

109. What is your favourite musical instrument? Piano.

110. How many instruments do you play? Piano and Violin.

111. How many aunts and uncles do you have? Many.

112. When was the first time you had a serious crush on someone? As well as being called a Stoic, people also call me a hopeless romantic.

113. What is your least favourite popular movie? Hunger Games, it's like a really bad version of Battle Royale.

114. Do you get jealous easily? Yes.

115. Meanest thing you've ever done? Not sure.

116. What is your favourite class in school? Music.

117. What is your favourite terrible movie? The Happening *shudders*

118. What is one thing that is really popular and you will never do? Join Facebook

119. What is your favourite animal? Rhinoceros!

120. What colour are your eyes? Brown.

121. What is your favourite classic Disney movie? Aladdin.

121. What type are you? I'd say Dark.

Holy shit me and fingerz are complete opposites.



Quote from: fingerz on April 05, 2013, 07:08:11 PMI really can't stand the series anime. I find them all too childish and I can't stand a lot of the artwork and voices of characters.
Saying that all anime is childish and lack quality is the exact same thing as saying all live-action is childish and lack quality.

Can you really say all Live-action lack quality? Of course you can't! You haven't watched every single Live-action work ever, both shows and movies!
Can you say all anime lack quality? Of course you can't do that either! Because you don't know if every anime, both shows and movies, are bad.
Bad anime = bad
good, but lacks some qualities anime = good, but lacks some qualities
bad live-action = bad
Brilliantly amazing anime = brilliantly amazing
It's totally basic.

I am gonna say that I don't think you have watched much anime - and don't worry, there is nothing wrong with that. But this means that your baseless "accusations" are, believe it or not, wrong. What are you basing these on? Pokémon?

Also, saying you don't mind manga is contradicting in the same way, because the same things definitely apply to manga. And definitely anime movies - they literally are anime!
You are just basing this on your experience with pokémon.
And I agree Pokémon is bad, but:
Pokémon ≠ All anime
Pokémon = One anime

Sorry, I got a bit pissed...sorry..
Bit of a touchy subject for me.. :)
Birdo for Smash


Quote from: Yugi on April 06, 2013, 03:48:45 AM19. Person you expect to answer first? FSM most likely.
Hah! Not a chanc...


Pokemon anime episodes are nothing more than 20 min commercials for little kids. Just saiyan.
In Finnish hunting culture it is common for hunters to shoot everything that moves, sometimes even themselves.

Quote from: Saria
I love you. <3
Quote from: Bubbles
I love you
Quote from: Waddle Bro
<3 u2 Gary


The Pokemon anime isn't that bad. It isn't a fantastic anime like Haruhi Suzumiya but it's bearable at least. It's just aimed at very young children.

Fingerz, I read all of your questionnaire ^^ very cute. Do you have any flaws?! XD then I read the thing about what you did to dale... Yeesh. How did he even let you get down there. Okay.

Mario & Luigi for the win!! Yours was interesting, it's fun when people put a lot of thought into them.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


The pokémon anime was good back when we were children, but have you watched any of the newer episodes? Geez, it's like they gave up. Conflict, humor, story, dedication and especially the action are just gone. And for those who cares about animation: it was actually better before, seriously.
It has been horrible since Hoenn.
Birdo for Smash


Or it's just that we've grown up and times have changed.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I used to watch the hoenn anime sometimes. It's true the original series is probably the best. I think I watched like one episode of BW when it happened to be on. Idk.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: blueflower999 on April 06, 2013, 09:52:05 AMOr it's just that we've grown up and times have changed.
We did grow up, but it's the series that changed.

But regardless, it is terrible right now
Birdo for Smash


I never even watched the original episodes (seasons 1 and 2) as a kid, so theres not too much nostalgia there for me. There has been a big change, but theyre not terrible now. I watch one or two occasionally but I have to be doing something else and not paying full attention to the show